Sticking together until we all get prego!

Jwc I'm so happy for you! What amazing news!

Looks like Ava is off this month. It doesn't have any info to base its predictions off yet but I'm a little frustrated. I'm cd16 and have O'd then the last couple months. Ava said I O'd yesterday but my OPK (taken really late at night - my only one this cycle) was so light. Darker this am. And low temps still, though I know temps don't always rise 1dpo technically. We're still just BDing ha! Fingers crossed for this cycle. I feel resigned to it taking a few more cycles anyway. Testing progesterone in about a week!
Melewen, if you did O yesterday, you'd have missed your positive test (you'd have to have tested two or three days ago to catch the LH surge). And I do see a small rise on your chart. Mine went up quite gradually last cycle. So Ava could be right! But BDing until temps confirm it sounds wise. :D

Are you still temping separately or are those temps on your chart ones Ava is taking?
So... I ended up taking more OPKs and I got a positive today! Ugh. So we've been BDing basically every day for the last week and we're tired, ha! Hoping I get a temp rise tomorrow (cd18) but I bet I'll O tomorrow. Bleh
Mel- Wow! Do you usually O this late?

Sorsha- How many dpo are you now? Can't wait to hear an update when it's poas time :)

Jwc- How are you doing? Did the bleeding stop?
FX you O soon, melewen! I hear you on getting BD exhaustion. ;)

ArtsyLady--I'm 6 dpo now, so still way too early to test. Still aiming to hold out until Saturday when I'll be 11 dpo. All the BFNs last cycle got me down. I'll definitely update here when I start!
So if you're following my journal or the September testing thread you'll see I posted some POAS photos. 9dpo and I have zero self control. I saw a VVVVVVFL in real life (but it was there) and posted on here. Cautiously optimistic given the MC. We will see what the next few days tests show. I expect AF Saturday assuming my cycle returns to how it was pre-mc.
Alligator that's so exciting! I have everything crossed for you :)

Artsy yes! My normal O day is cd18. The last couple months I've O'd earlier but wasn't sure why. Seems I'm back to my old habits. We BD'd a ton this month though so hoping that helps
Jwc- How are you doing? Did the bleeding stop?

The bleeding finally stopped yesterday. I've been using the progesterone cream since Saturday night so hopefully that is helping. I've had good lines on my tests each day but they aren't darkening and the test from this morning appears to be slightly lighter.

I've called and left a message with my Dr to try to get an appt today for blood work so now I'm just waiting for them to call me back. I feel pretty sure that this will turn into a MC. I might be wrong but I just don't have a good feeling. Had the line on today's test been stronger, then I would feel differently. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens.
I just got back from the Dr. and they did an ultrasound to see if they could see the gestational sac but they didn't see anything. They mentioned that it is likely too early to see it as I'm only 4 weeks 2 days.

They didn't do a urine test but I did get blood work done. I am going back on Thursday to do the followup 48 hour blood work to see if my HCG levels are increasing. They also scheduled a follow up ultrasound in 2 weeks but I don't think it will be needed. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not feeling hopeful about this pregnancy. I just have a gut feeling that it will end in MC.

As sad as I am about this possibility, I am trying to focus on the positives. For one, at least we know we can get pregnant. This is the most stressful part of TTC #1- you don't know if you even can get pregnant. Also, if this ends in MC at least it will be an early one and my body will get back to normal faster so we can start trying again. Now I just have to wait at least 48 hours to know what the heck is going on....this is worse than the TWW.
Jwc- It does sound like a really early loss most likely. Buuut, hopefully it isn't. I lost my July bfp baby at 4 weeks and 2 days also and then ovulated way earlier than I expected afterwards. I usually O on cd 16 and O'd on cd 12 that following cycle. If I hadn't taken an opk due to fertile looking cm I would have missed my O window entirely.

I think using the progesterone cream after O will probably be a big help to you. Spotting or bleeding at 10dpo is a borderline luteal defect and bleeding at 9dpo is a luteal defect. So that is one problem we know causes early miscarriages and it is really easily addressed. It is much easier to correct than issues that cause you not to ovulate at all.

Hoping for the best for you! Please keep us updated on the blood test results! :hugs:

Mel- Does 'crossing everything' include your eyes? :tease: just kidding ☺

Alli- Did you test again today?
I just took another FRER just now and it is almost completely blank. Yesterday's was strong line, this morning it was a weak line and right now it is almost blank. Definitely looking like a loss. The only odd thing is that I also took an IC (Wondfo) and the line is as dark as it was yesterday. I'm going to assume that the FRER is more accurate here and go with those results.
Jwc- I'm so sorry :( The frer is probably more accurate but I would keep using the cream unless both tests are becoming lighter, just in case. More :hugs:
Jwc- I'm so sorry :( The frer is probably more accurate but I would keep using the cream unless both tests are becoming lighter, just in case. More :hugs:

Assuming this does end in CP as it appears, when do you suggest I continue with the cream next cycle? Once ovulation is confirmed or do you use it all cycle?
You should start using the cream after O is confirmed. Earlier use can cause you not to ovulate (your body is tricked into thinking it already ovulated because your progesterone levels are high). I start using the cream about 2dpo, just so I can be 100% sure O has happened. That method seemed to work pretty well. And then you use 20mg in the AM and again in the PM. I do it at 10am and 10pm so I don't go more than 12 hours between doses. If af starts, you stop using the cream until after O again. If af doesn't start but you don't get a bfp, don't quit using it if there is even a chance that you might be pregnant. The cream shouldn't cause af not to show up.
I'm so sorry JWC. Loss is never easy no matter how early, but I do hope you get your cycle back and that next month (well, still this month I guess!) is your month!

ArtsyLady - I did test again and photos on my hard to take a good test photo at 5:30am BUT I think it's a bit darker than yesterday...a TINY bit and it's still VVVVVFL. I'm only 10DPO. I am super anxious it's just leftover HCG (despite numerous negatives) or a chemical. The MC has just made me a mess. I'm trying to not get excited. I had a tiny bit of pink'ish spotting in CM this morning and my boobs are achier and getting a little sore to the touch. That was never a PMS symptom for me. I'll test again tomorrow or Thursday and will hopefully have a darker line!
Hey Ladies , JWC, I'm soo sorry for your loss ! �� It never matters how early or far along you are ! A baby is a blessing ! �� Now just be expecting that Rainbow Babh To Come ���� I'm praying for ALL you ladies !

I am Currently 5 days Late , but I'm not getting my hopes up because my period always starts like 4-6 days after the predicted date , idk why but it does . So with that being said I'm waiting for this week to pass & if I don't receive AF I will DEFF be testing on MONDAY ! ������ super excited ! I REALLY think me & Hubby did the duty this month ! We were soooo determined !( NOT SAYING any of you aren't ) but this is Baby #1 & im SOOOO ready to start my family ! I'm super ready to become a mom & to finally experience the joys of motherhood ! Fingers crossed for us still waiting for AF , hope we all get a sticky bean !
Hey Ladies , so yesterday would mark me 5 days late , today (6) and last night before I went to bed I went to the restroom because I kept feeling like I was wet like I was
Gonna start my period , and when I came to the restroom & wiped , there was a little bit of blood , so I stuck a tampon in for safety lol & went to sleep . Woke up this morning and I didn't feel super wet like I probs Would on my period , so I went to the restroom to check the tampon & when I took it out , it barely had any blood on it , LIKE BARELY , and the little bit it did have looked a little old , so I'm thinking this may be spotting ? I've never been pregnant so I wouldn't know what implantation/spotting looks like ! What do you ladies think ? FX for all of us ! I will keep y'all updated !
So I Tested Today & BFN , I am just super confused, today would mark day 2 with spotting / light period thingy , & usually my first 2 days of my Period are my WORST, I bleed & cramp like crazy, & I haven't had any cramps or anything , and if I had a cramp it was VERY minor & didn't last long , idk I'll just accept that I'm out the month , I have an extra test left & if I stop spotting etc then I'll deff take the other one as well , but for now idk not too hopeful as I was .

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