Sticking together until we all get prego!

Thanks JWC! The 2ww is a nightmare isn't it! Let's hope this is the cycle we both get a bfp! We also used pressed a couple of times this month for the first time!

Sarah I am also 4/5 dpo! When are you due af? I don't mean to disappoint but since I've started symptom spotting I have noticed those exact pinching sensations at this time of month and always got bfn :( I've got them right now actually! Hopefully it is a sign for you though! :D

Thanks artsy! I hope this is my month too but I think I am put already this month! I have my usual pms symptoms already!

Are any of you ladies temping?
About to ttc #1, right now I have no idea where in my cycle I am as I haven't had AF since I had my IUD placed. After it is removed we will be on Cycle1 of trying & hoping for the best!
Artsy, thanks for helping me to not feel crazy! :) However, I am completely open to the very real possibility that it was nothing. I haven't felt any twinges or cramps since this morning. It was just so out of the ordinary for how I typically feel that it caught me by surprise. I guess I will know better if it could have been something when AF shows or not.

Toadly, nice to hear from someone on the same dpo day! AF is due Sept 1 and I have been like clockwork in the past. I am leaving that day for a camping trip, so it will be nice to have the distraction, whether from checking for AF every 30 mins or from the disappointment of cycle day 1. Fingers crossed for you this cycle!
Oh, Toadly, what pms symptoms do you have already? This is something I have been frustrated with, I don't get any AF symptoms until that very same day. I had an IUD for 14 years and removed it in October 2016. I had no period that entire time. For my first couple of cycles, my boobs got really sore and swollen for the week before AF, but that hasn't happened for several months. I wish I had some sign just so that I wouldn't get my hopes up for a BFP!
Oh That does sound frustrating artsy! I bet you are looking for symptoms because you don't usually get any and I am the opposite, looking for no symptoms because I always get loads pre af 😂😂 For the last few days I have been really sweaty and getting hot flushes (typical pms symptoms for me). Although today is the day my boobs usually start hurting and they aren't yet!? I probably just need to ignore it all until the 31st or the 1st! 🙈 Sorry if this is a stupid question but what is iud?
Toadly- I think the symptoms or lack thereof would depend on when you implant. With my second baby I had all the normal af symptoms up until 2 days before af was due. Then they suddenly disappeared. How many dpo are you? And I think your last response was meant for Sarah, lol! ;) Since I'm 6weeks today I'm mostly waiting for morning sickness to set in! Oh, and an iud is a 'intra-uterine device'. It's a method of birth control.

Chasing- Man! That stinks! But you're only on cycle 2 ttc. Soooo, maybe this month? :)

Sarah- The tww takes forever! Are you waiting to miss af to test or do you plan on testing sooner?

TtcLittle- Good luck! When will you have the iud removed?

Well, I made it to 6 weeks, 2 weeks farther than my last 2 pregnancies! I already feel some round ligament pain, which seems super early! Still no morning sickness but tons of bloating :o So far each day without any bleeding is a really good day. Praying to make it to my 10 week scan and that everything looks great. I can't shake the feeling that it could be twins, lol! As highly unlikely as that is! I always feel O on the side the egg is released from. Last cycle (12 days after my chemical) I could feel O cramps on both sides. Then I had a + test super early at 9dpo, and now I feel rlp pain at barely 6 weeks? So who knows :p
Oh sorry artsy!! I'm on my phone and the text is so small on desktop version haha! Yeah you could be right about the symptoms! I guess everyone is different and each pregnancy is different! I'm about 5dpo :) due af in about a week. Congrats on your pregnancy! I remember the morning sickness from my last of cam be such a pain can't it! Aw yeah it's always scary at the start but the first scan is always reassuring! Hope it goes well for you!
Chasing- I'm so sorry! I hope that this month is your month!

Artsy- I love hearing about your progress! I can't wait til this thread becomes filled with all of us posting about our pregnancy updates :)

Today is either 2 or 3dpo for me. Based on OPKs I would say I'm on day 2 but according to my temps I'm on day 3. Either way I'm ready for the next week to fly by. Luckily we leave tomorrow for the beach for a mini vacation. That will definitely help to keep me distracted and pass the time.
iud is inter-uterine device, so that little t-shaped copper or hormone coated that they put in your uterus through your cervix for birthcontrol, basically it keeps your lining too thin for implantation and cm too thick for sperm to get through. I had it in for bc when me and my so first started seeing each other, but it lasts 5-10 years so now that we want to ttc its time to get it out
Jwc- Thanks! I am really looking forward to seeing those positive tests! There have to be at least a couple more :bfp: 's this month! The tww is the WORST! But a beach vacation sounds like a great way to pass the time! I hope that you have lots of fun! 💜

Is anyone testing yet?

Artsy--Yes, I am waiting until AF is late to test. This will be the first time I will have waited, and I think I need to. Seeing the negative tests just messes with my mind because I always leave room for good news in the end. I convince myself that maybe it's too early, or I should have tested with FMU, etc. This last cycle, my period was lighter than normal, so I even thought maybe it was breakthrough bleeding or implantation. I wasn't this obsessive about it in previous cycles... I think because it was still in the first few cycles and we conceived the first cycle, so now the more time passes, the more pressure I am placing on myself. However, in the past, I have been pretty good about moving on quickly within a couple of hours when AF arrives. I just focus then on setting my sights on the next cycle. And of course, the 2 weeks from AF to O go by much more quickly than the LP!

I think I will be able to relate to your comment about each day without bleeding being a good day. When I had my miscarriage, that was one thing I mourned...the loss of a sense of security while pregnant, of trust in my body that something won't go wrong. I hope when I am pregnant that I will be able to move past worrying every day that I will see bleeding. I can't wait to hear about scan!
Posting here too...

6/7 dpo and feeling very emotional for no definable reason, as if I just want to sit down and cry, and I rarely cry. I sometimes feel this way the day before AF, but not due for another week. Ugh. Anyone else having a similar experience?
Sarah I feel EXACTLY the same right now. I usually feel this way in the tww though as I'm very emotional haha!
Toadly, glad to hear I'm not alone, though I'm sorry you are feeling similarly. I felt better later in the day, but I hate the up and down feeling! If AF comes next week, hopefully my symptoms this cycle were a good thing and means my hormones are getting back on track after my miscarriage. I remember in that cycle I felt emotional, but haven't in any of the cycles since, until now.
Hey all! Back after a family vacation.

Only CD 12 so not much to report here. We're starting "official" BDing today in anticipation of O early or mid next week. :D

I also found my OvuSense waiting when I got home yesterday, so tried that out for the first time overnight. No issues having it in, and the temp it gave me for the night was in line with my previous pre-O temps, so that seems promising so far. Of course the real test will be how well it measures the shift. I'm starting OPKs now too so that I have more data to compare.

Good luck to everyone waiting to test! And yay ArtsyLady for a sticky bean so far! :)
Hey ladies ! Today I Ann At 11dpo & I have to say I have been experiencing some mild dull cramps on both sides of my uterus , as well as like twinges here and there.& I've had some gas for the past few days , Boobs Aren't Sore but last night they had like this burning sensation in my nipples. Only lasted for a few seconds , , but I can say this morning I woke up and my like hip bones are sore ? Idk why but they are . Other than that I really don't have anything to report ! Waiting for af before testing. I'm just gonna ride it out ! Good luck ladies !
Newbie, I am feeling similarly... I am about 9dpo, AF is due on Friday, 9/1. I'm struggling to not get my hopes up because I have had mild, off/on cramping since O day (I've never had that before, but I am trying to tell myself that "you never have it until you do"). I have this sensation of feeling tender down there, like my whole lower abdomen. My cervix is also still soft, so I'm wondering when it begins to harden as AF approaches...will look into the typical patterns, if there is such a thing. I am usually not a symptom spotter, so I will take some self-examination time if AF comes, while being empathic toward myself that it is very difficult to avoid over-analyzing every twinge. My thoughts are with all of you as well! I really appreciate being able to have a place to go for support. Thank you.
Sarah- It is so hard not to over analyze all those possible symptoms when you're actively ttc. I hope this will be your month ❤

It sounds like there are a handful of potential :bfp: 's this week! Super excited for all of you!

Sorsha- I hope the ovusense works well for you :) Did you have O day yet? If so, did the ovusense pick up your temp rise ok?

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