Alli you are about 8 weeks right?? I had the same pulling pinching cramping feelings around 8 -10 weeks with dd. It's the ligaments around your uterus stretching to make room for baby. For me it felt like a pulled muscle more annoying than painful. You should gets some relief by the end of week 10-12.Im good!! Diagnosed with hypothyroid... not ideal but Im now on meds to hopefully control it all. Ive been extremely exhausted, but thats my biggest symptom. Also some pulling pains in my lower pelvis.. nothing terrible painful at all but enough for me to notice it. It doesnt feel like a cramp but like a pulling pain haha I dont know how else to describe it! It comes and goes. Every little twinge has me really anxious so of course Im paranoid!
I'm still ttc over here. Once kids are around bd and associated ttc becomes very difficult especially if your lo is all about the boobie and you bed share like us....don't get me wrong it's amazing but I confess it would be nice to have my body back. I will be 33 next week so I feel the clock ticking and the frustration of knowing I'm out sucks. Though dd is going through a language splosion and is just learning so quickly.
Baby dust to all and I'm always open to answering pregnancy questions...