Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

I'm relinquishing all shower duties as well. My girls did a fabulous job with my bridal shower so I trust them. All I need are my bump, friends, family, food ....oh and gifts!

SO great that she could take that off your hands. I absolutely love curry but DH does not. I normally make it when he's away.
Baby boy seems to be loving it too :D I swear I look 20 months pregnant while lying on the couch and he is going at it in there like my uterus has a built-in treadmill :haha:
He sure loves it... and maybe he wants more... :haha: Mine, always moves like crazy when i take a poo. I think he doesn't like the smell :haha:
Oh no please!! I don't have any more space for more food!

:rofl: your poo story makes me want to literally roll laughing!
DH finds it funny... He even said that when i don't feel adam move I should just take a poo. :rofl: :lol: :haha:
Men do not seem to understand pregnancy constipation. I tell dh my tummy aches and he will say just poo already :dohh:
Yah thanks honey, if it was as easy as that do you think I would let myself get clogged up?! Hahah
I was going to try and use the leftover chicken breast from dinner yesterday (that I did not eat) and make shredded chicken and gravy for over mashed potatoes or toast for today's dinner. My OH said it's OK if we don't use the chicken today because he wants to be sure I eat so I guess I'm making the loaded potato soup that I've been wanting to try the past few weeks instead and he wants some garlic bread sticks as well :thumbup:

And speaking of poop... I don't think I've gone yet today. Usually I have to hop outta bed and get that over with before I shower and get ready for work :shrug: Hoping I don't get all clogged up!
I've learned th in my case it doesn't matter whay I do I'm going to get days of no poo and just need to accept it.

Mmmm potato soup and garlic sticks sound yummy :D what the hell is wrong with me... I just ate and thinking of food again :rofl:
I am seriously contemplating venturing out into the set from Frozen that is our neighborhood just to get a freaking cheeseburger now.. ugh. We had some organic ground beef last night and DH was like just make one! But you literally cannot make what makes the McDonalds ones so good.. it's hardly "food" but damn, I would snatch one from the hands of a babe right now. Or an Arbys Beef and Cheddar omg. That's been my biggest craving the whole pregnancy but luckily I've managed so far without! We don't have much fast food nearby so it's always a bit of a trek and we try to eat healthy MOST of the time.. it helps to be able to walk to our Whole Foods.. we're so dorky :rofl:--but "healthy food" is like the LAST thing I want to eat right now! Blehhhh! I could destroy some Arbys mozzarella sticks right now.. like you would claim to not know me if you witnessed it. It sounds like my aversions/nausea have passed and I've tunneled directly into GIMME FOOOOOOD all the time!

I meant to share these yesterday, I think we're going to do this for the out-of-town gender reveal ($20/egg is just too much!):

Jess have you tried Kegels? They are so helpful for delivery and can strengthen your pelvic floor meanwhile. They're our required exercise in Bradley class, but I totally hate them. Bleh! We are supposed to do 200/300, holding for 2 seconds each. I just set the timer for 10 minutes and go with it. We missed the first 3 weeks of class but I think they only did 30 a day back then. I know you mentioned in your blog your pelvic floor might be weak?

Today we decided we're going to make a little hospital gown for delivery: I thought this was really cute but I'm not quite as girl as this chick.. I don't think I'll be painting my toenails to match the fabric :D BUT a comfy fabric in a cute color is good for me, and it's only like 3 yards of fabric so not very expensive

He sure loves it... and maybe he wants more... :haha: Mine, always moves like crazy when i take a poo. I think he doesn't like the smell :haha:

I just can't do much food at all. My hubby works for whole foods and literally walks the aisles looking for something I might be able to eat.

That's a really cute idea for gender reveal! Have you seen the one that's sending a pink and blue balloon and poking holes in the gender the baby isn't so when they try to blow up the balloon it pops?

As far as the kegals go, I can't do them. The problem with my pelvic floor is that all of the muscles are in a constant state of tension so they basically cannot constrict. I physically am unable to do the kegals at this point. We were working on getting the muscles to relax but the pregnancy has negated all of our progress and actually is making things worse because the ligaments and joints are too loose making the muscles have to work harder when they aren't working properly as is.

I've learned th in my case it doesn't matter whay I do I'm going to get days of no poo and just need to accept it.

Mmmm potato soup and garlic sticks sound yummy :D what the hell is wrong with me... I just ate and thinking of food again :rofl:

I'm the same way Pam. Poo is gonna come when it comes and there isn't much I can do about it.
Okay so this is conversation time... I'm lying on the couch on my side and DH forces himself in on the couch behind me. So were spooning and he holds my tummy

DH: why is your tummy so fat?
ME: because there is a baby in there
DH: a fat one?
ME: possible + I've had 2 big helpings of curry
DH: Me too and 2 beers. I feel pregnant
(Pushes his tummy out so that I feel it in my back)
ME: laugh at his siliness
DH: don't shake and laugh like that, you'll break my waters

Pamela Hahahaha I laughed pretty hard at that. Dh is constantly complaining of his pregnancy symptoms but has not given me any warnings!

Dh just busted in from my glorious nap (thought I was out of the woods as yesterday was feeling great but NO!!! Yesterday's fatigue was sweetly piled on top of today's as well.. Luckily my sleepiness coincides with DH's fc barça game so that was convenient) and is like

Me: what..? Where..? It's literally ice down our entire driveway
Him: I don't care, We need *SUPPLIES*!
Me: what supplies?!
Him: water! (We drink the fancy pants high ph water from whole foods--it's so cheap!! And granted we are out but we have no reason to believe our faucet won't work..) gas! (Thought we had basically a full tank..)
Me: ok... I will go.... ONLY IF.. We can drive through McDonald's

Dh agrees and then I add

I wonder if you could buy like ten and microwave them later?

In anticipation of future cravings of course. This however is too much for dh and he decrees me "gross"

Jess that's too cool Ronnie works at WF! Will yall use their diapers? I like that they have their own chlorine free brand and they have earths own too which are great. The discounts they give their people are pretty good ive heard. I live off of the reeds ginger ale there but I know you can't do ginger :/

Just FYI we all know we are supposed to eat like a crap ton of protein in pregnancy but I have so many aversions we decided to buy some protein powder. We found some hemp protein powder that was super cheap and organic AND its like 40% fiber which I think has been helping me loads lately. I made a smoothie with it this morning and blueberry muffins last night. Yum! Might be worth a shot
Jess I'm sorry for the news about your pelvis. :( hope you get to feeling better soon. :hugs:

Yes I will be having 2 showers, one for family and one for work/friends. I posted that game to facebook and the girl hosting the work one is going to do it! :)
Pamela Hahahaha I laughed pretty hard at that. Dh is constantly complaining of his pregnancy symptoms but has not given me any warnings!

Dh just busted in from my glorious nap (thought I was out of the woods as yesterday was feeling great but NO!!! Yesterday's fatigue was sweetly piled on top of today's as well.. Luckily my sleepiness coincides with DH's fc barça game so that was convenient) and is like

Me: what..? Where..? It's literally ice down our entire driveway
Him: I don't care, We need *SUPPLIES*!
Me: what supplies?!
Him: water! (We drink the fancy pants high ph water from whole foods--it's so cheap!! And granted we are out but we have no reason to believe our faucet won't work..) gas! (Thought we had basically a full tank..)
Me: ok... I will go.... ONLY IF.. We can drive through McDonald's

Dh agrees and then I add

I wonder if you could buy like ten and microwave them later?

In anticipation of future cravings of course. This however is too much for dh and he decrees me "gross"

Jess that's too cool Ronnie works at WF! Will yall use their diapers? I like that they have their own chlorine free brand and they have earths own too which are great. The discounts they give their people are pretty good ive heard. I live off of the reeds ginger ale there but I know you can't do ginger :/

Just FYI we all know we are supposed to eat like a crap ton of protein in pregnancy but I have so many aversions we decided to buy some protein powder. We found some hemp protein powder that was super cheap and organic AND its like 40% fiber which I think has been helping me loads lately. I made a smoothie with it this morning and blueberry muffins last night. Yum! Might be worth a shot

No, we are cloth diapering for the most part because its way cheaper. He gets 20% but it could be higher if he stopped smoking.

Jess I'm sorry for the news about your pelvis. :( hope you get to feeling better soon. :hugs:

Yes I will be having 2 showers, one for family and one for work/friends. I posted that game to facebook and the girl hosting the work one is going to do it! :)

It's alright. We all pretty much knew something was going to happen. Your showers are going to be freaking awesome
Oh yeah, week 17 bump on bottom and last weeks bump and my nephews bump on top


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Jess we are doing cloth too. Have you picked a style/brand?

We ventured out and got our McDonald's!!! I was also craving watermelon and shockingly they had some at whole foods so I was a very happy girl. Except I got a pretty awful headache tonight so Bleh

I know you all have been dying of curiosity BUT I tried a ring test experiment tonight.. I read some pretty third-eye-y stuff about how the ring will pick up on male/female energy so I tried it over dh, our dog (girl!), my heart (girl.... Clarification, just in case..), and my belly. Three times each. And each time the ring went back and forth for dh and in a circle for me and pup. And for the belly? Back and forth every time! Pretty weird. Probably about as accurate as cold feet or whatever but still, I have a "feeling" it's a boy.... I read a study that said the intuitions educated women (vs I guess.... cavewomen?) are 71% accurate! Crazy no?

I don't know why, after my tww obsessions, that anyone is surprised I'm obsessed with uncovering the sex :rofl: I always felt like there was an *answer* I could find in my charts... And now I'm doing the same with wives tales! Yall need to commit me, on the double :D
Jess, your bump is looking great. It seems to have lifted? or is it my imagination? Your nephew is super cute too!!!

Cheryl, I'm happy you got McDonalds but super jealous as well! I could do with 1 (or 10 :haha: ) burgers right now!!!!!

Old wives tales are lots of fun and majority was right for me. My strongest one though was my own intuition. I just had a feeling that it was a boy :D
Love love love your bump jess!!!!!!!!!! And I agree with Daphne, your nephew is super cute! :)

Cheryl, it's before 5 in the morning and I'm starving and wanted McDonald's! Lol :)
Jess we are doing cloth too. Have you picked a style/brand?

We ventured out and got our McDonald's!!! I was also craving watermelon and shockingly they had some at whole foods so I was a very happy girl. Except I got a pretty awful headache tonight so Bleh

I know you all have been dying of curiosity BUT I tried a ring test experiment tonight.. I read some pretty third-eye-y stuff about how the ring will pick up on male/female energy so I tried it over dh, our dog (girl!), my heart (girl.... Clarification, just in case..), and my belly. Three times each. And each time the ring went back and forth for dh and in a circle for me and pup. And for the belly? Back and forth every time! Pretty weird. Probably about as accurate as cold feet or whatever but still, I have a "feeling" it's a boy.... I read a study that said the intuitions educated women (vs I guess.... cavewomen?) are 71% accurate! Crazy no?

I don't know why, after my tww obsessions, that anyone is surprised I'm obsessed with uncovering the sex :rofl: I always felt like there was an *answer* I could find in my charts... And now I'm doing the same with wives tales! Yall need to commit me, on the double :D

I am making my own flip style diaper. It seems like a tiny amount of work to put the insert in, but you can reuse the liner so it's a bit more cost effective. By buying the material and sewing our own, we will only be spending $60 to cloth diaper baby 1 for 30 months. Have you picked which ones you like? My ring test swayed back and forth multiple times too. How many burgers did you get?

Jess, your bump is looking great. It seems to have lifted? or is it my imagination? Your nephew is super cute too!!!

Cheryl, I'm happy you got McDonalds but super jealous as well! I could do with 1 (or 10 :haha: ) burgers right now!!!!!

Old wives tales are lots of fun and majority was right for me. My strongest one though was my own intuition. I just had a feeling that it was a boy :D

I don't know Pam. My uterus is above my belly button now and baby was hanging out pretty high yesterday.....could be because I had the pelvic binder on and s/he didn't like being squished up. Being as high as baby was, hubby got to feel and see movement from the outside.

Love love love your bump jess!!!!!!!!!! And I agree with Daphne, your nephew is super cute! :)

Cheryl, it's before 5 in the morning and I'm starving and wanted McDonald's! Lol :)

Why are you up so early? Lol did you get mcdonalds?
Happy 12 Weeks Jyllian.. You look amazing... And :wohoo: bump pic....

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