Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Thanks Daphne :hugs: I feel a bit silly for crying about ligament pains but reallly these are VERY VERY sore - no jokes!

I'm just going to try and keep my feet up, do the heat pad and warm bath. Not going to worry with panados at the moment as I really dont want to take any meds unless absolutely neccessary.
Not silly at all hun..... Pain + not knowing what's happening as this is your first are not a good combination and all we can do is cry....

DH said he's been watching vaginal birth and he's having a hard time seeing those women hurt as hell.. He said he's worried about me when that time comes... I always palpitate and when it happens i always have a hard time breathing... He's not sure if i can handle vaginal birth or just go ahead with the CS.
Aww Jess I feel bad that you have to take charge of your own shower because your sister is slacking. Things like this just can't be put off til the last minute!

With this being my third child and my OH's first, I feel like the shower/diaper party is really for HIM and I'm totally ok with that. He has a large family so it'll mostly be his relatives that attend and I want him to feel super special and enjoy this as much as he can since this is all a new experience for him. I still feel special since I'm the one cooking the baby, of course :winkwink: I don't think he would mind helping with things because he has shown me so far that he wants to be as involved as he possibly can and I love that.

Pam tell that boy to slow down!!! It's ok to cry, I did over the weekend when I had those horrible cramps because I was so scared and hurting.

Cheryl the pay is decent, it'll take care of his share of bills. The hours are good - 8/9am - 4/5pm with any overtime banked towards paid vacation which will come in handy for ultrasound day and delivery time :thumbup:
Sounds good to me Jyllian!

Daphne you should consider hypnobirthing! I"m serious :D Several of my friends have used it and had wonderful births. The premise is that we bring fear to labor (uh duh, we've all seen movies!) and when you have fear, your blood vessels constrict to only those organs necessary for survival so it makes it very hard for the uterus and cervix to relax and let baby out. It's like them fighting against one another. Women in "less sophisticated" areas most often birth without much fanfare, very uneventful, just pressure and a bit of discomfort, so why such pain with us? I was so fascinated by the premise! It's not like mumbo jumbo clock pendulum hypnosis stage acts but just a very deep relaxation you can put yourself in. It certainly can't hurt to listen to the meditations :) They have them on Amazon and are inexpensive, and I listen to them when going to bed. You are so capable of things you would not have thought of! It is certainly better for baby to have a vaginal birth unless medically necessary to have a surgical birth so I would definitely encourage you to find some methods that help you feel confident and relaxed about birth. I always thought I would be terrified of labor and I was quite scared of it until recently and now I feel like.. my body was made for this! You know? I don't think our reproductive systems are THAT different from other mammals' so that we are the only ones who have painful labors, you know? Anyway I'd be happy to send you that link to the Amazon page and I just downloaded a free 25-page section of this big manual the chick offers I could send you!

I am pretty passionate about this sort of thing :) The third couple from our birthing class just had their baby and it was unmedicated - our class is now 100% unmedicated which is so exciting! Hope I'm part of the statistic!

Pam I must have been writing my post when I missed your updates! I have already myself been having little pokes and prods that are uncomfortable so I cannot even imagine what you are going through! Glad that it's nothing serious but so sorry that you are in pain! I like Jess' idea of a bath or heating pad!
Thanks you ladies I really appreciate all the support from y'all and my family/friends I've been getting. I have faith that my baby can pull through and grow like he/she is suppose to! Still no pain which is so weird. I haven't even filled up a pad yet. Just a few spots here and there...about 10 spots the whole time from yesterday and today. They were dark last night but now its only when I wipe its very thin like a orange/red with the smallest clots very tiny. And if I reach in like I'm checking cm its thick squishy maroon clots that are big. Its still so confusing to me that I'm in no pain what so ever. Late last night I had very very mild AF cramps but barely noticeable so I just took tylenol. I'm still in disbelief that all this is happening to me...I had really thought this was going good. I never had a m/c before past 5 weeks just chemicals and its hitting me pretty hard :(

Edit: I'm trying to stay bedridden so my husband is helping me the best he can with my two boys. Its going to break my heart when my oldest kissing my tummy..I would ask him what is he doing and he responds "Kissing your baby mommy" :)
Cheryl I was actually moaning in so much agony from severe gas pains last night :rofl: I told my OH that I don't think I can do this (give birth) and I don't wanna do it! I am not going to be able to handle the contractions. He said that I'm kinda stuck doing it now. (Well no shit Sherlock!)

Aww sylvia still praying baby pulls through and this scare will be a thing of the past :hugs:
Jyllian that's how I felt at the birthday party!! Like I couldn't move because my stomach was so bloated with gas and obviously I couldn't let it out so I would like dash to the bathroom, and knead on my stomach to try and get some out hahaha but yeah it didn't work!

Sylvia very glad you aren't in hardly any pain now - that is a good sign. You're going back tomorrow to check?
Not silly at all hun..... Pain + not knowing what's happening as this is your first are not a good combination and all we can do is cry....

DH said he's been watching vaginal birth and he's having a hard time seeing those women hurt as hell.. He said he's worried about me when that time comes... I always palpitate and when it happens i always have a hard time breathing... He's not sure if i can handle vaginal birth or just go ahead with the CS.

I sometimes get scared of unmedicated vaginal as well especially when current pains are feeling as they do. I just try and remind myself that my body was meant to do this and it will.
My want for a natural birht is higher so I'll just deal with the pain when it comes.

Tell DH to stop with the videos though, he is going to scare himself shitless :haha:

Aww Jess I feel bad that you have to take charge of your own shower because your sister is slacking. Things like this just can't be put off til the last minute!

With this being my third child and my OH's first, I feel like the shower/diaper party is really for HIM and I'm totally ok with that. He has a large family so it'll mostly be his relatives that attend and I want him to feel super special and enjoy this as much as he can since this is all a new experience for him. I still feel special since I'm the one cooking the baby, of course :winkwink: I don't think he would mind helping with things because he has shown me so far that he wants to be as involved as he possibly can and I love that.

Pam tell that boy to slow down!!! It's ok to cry, I did over the weekend when I had those horrible cramps because I was so scared and hurting.

Cheryl the pay is decent, it'll take care of his share of bills. The hours are good - 8/9am - 4/5pm with any overtime banked towards paid vacation which will come in handy for ultrasound day and delivery time :thumbup:

Glad things with OH are going well... and when you have the shower make them dress him up funny and eat gross things :D

Thanks you ladies I really appreciate all the support from y'all and my family/friends I've been getting. I have faith that my baby can pull through and grow like he/she is suppose to! Still no pain which is so weird. I haven't even filled up a pad yet. Just a few spots here and there...about 10 spots the whole time from yesterday and today. They were dark last night but now its only when I wipe its very thin like a orange/red with the smallest clots very tiny. And if I reach in like I'm checking cm its thick squishy maroon clots that are big. Its still so confusing to me that I'm in no pain what so ever. Late last night I had very very mild AF cramps but barely noticeable so I just took tylenol. I'm still in disbelief that all this is happening to me...I had really thought this was going good. I never had a m/c before past 5 weeks just chemicals and its hitting me pretty hard :(

Edit: I'm trying to stay bedridden so my husband is helping me the best he can with my two boys. Its going to break my heart when my oldest kissing my tummy..I would ask him what is he doing and he responds "Kissing your baby mommy" :)

Massive :hugs: I'm still keeping faith that your baby will be fine. Kirsty who is part of our thread blead with both her babies and one is here and the other snug in her belly. So there are stories of success.
Oh, Sylvia.... :hugs: Praying your baby makes it through. Aww, your oldest is the sweetest....

Cheryl, i'm not feeling any scare about birth so far which i think is odd. Only DH has express his fear for me of what might happen during birth after seeing those videos. We both wanted to make it all natural unless medical intervention is necessary. So we'll see.... Have some time to prepare for that day....
He started watching just 2 days ago... We were talking about the day when i give birth that he needs to be inside the room which of course he wanted to. I guess that's the reason why he started watching some videos trying to understand what to expect :haha: We will have to ask the doc on our next visit about it if they'll allow him (remember that one sonographer didn't allow him inside at 18 weeks scan) if not, we are going to find another place and hopefully our last hospital.
Daphne you should youtube "painless births" and show him those instead hahaha! I don't even like watching birth videos.. they always get way too close and personal when the baby comes out! Too many fluids for me! I'm glad I'm on the business end! I told DH i want him on my end too but in Bradley they also use your level of modesty as a sign of which part of labor you're in so I'm sure when I'm in the "absolutely no modesty" section I'll be like JESUS HONEY CATCH THE BABY hahaha
Sylvia- I'm praying for you and baby. I hope the bleeding is unrelated and doesn't affect baby!

Pam- yikes, ligament stretching that you can feel! That sounds creepy lol. I guess growing pains are better than pains that affect baby though, I hope it gets better for you soon!

Cheryl- that's nice DH threw you a surprise party! Sorry you couldn't fully enjoy it because you had such gas pains! That is def not fun!!

I am pretty sure I'll be getting an epidural or some sort of pain relief. I know natural is the best way to go but my anxiety won't let me I'm pretty sure. If/when contractions get to be too painful I'll probably freak out and demand some relief! At least that's how I imagine it going. CS actually makes me more nervous than a medicated vaginal birth. Obv if it's necessary than it is what it is! Safety is priority !
Will try to let him search for it, maybe he'll have peace of mind :haha: Oh, that's cool if your DH agrees with it 100%... I don't think DH can because the smell of blood makes him puke... Poor guy.... Plus, i don't want him to be traumatized and have nightmare seeing my vag make all the stretching it can and all those fluid coming out :rofl:
Pam I had told my OH last night that he can be the star of the shower and we will play the toilet paper game on him - everyone can guess his belly size with sections of TP then we will measure him by wrapping the TP around his tummy :haha: And he can be the one to open all the gifts while we play baby shower bingo. Parhaps he should have a special shirt or something :laugh2: I just want him to feel very much included and involved and make it more so about him that day!

Daphne I do remember you mentioning that your DH couldn't be in the room during that ultrasound. I just don't get it :shrug: He helped create baby Adam and should be allowed wherever you are and right by your side!

Jamie I'm with ya, I am def not opposed to an epidural. I always wonder if I could've gone au naturale with my first, my DS... I was doing amazingly with the contractions, they weren't bad at all. But the doctor or nurse said if I wanted an epi I would need to get it while the "epi dude" was making rounds and available or I might be forced to go without so I panicked and got it then and there even though I definitely could have waited it out longer. With my DD there was no question I desperately wanted that epidural! Back labor is NO JOKE. My OH is hoping I go without (probably because his mom did with all three of hers... pfffft) but if I'm in a great deal of pain I'm going for it.

I envision delivery day and my OH next to me while I'm giving birth and seeing my vajayjay all deformed and stretched to the max and all the fluids and... passing out :laugh2: I don't think he will but I warned him he will never look at my lady bits the same ever again :nope:
Sorry if I freak anyone out but this just came out of my urine...I peed in a cup so I can poas like a crazy person and I put the urine in the dropper and this was in there. Its really freaking me out! It wasn't squishy either.


  • PicsArt_1427136706664.jpg
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Oh wow I was Googling "7 week fetus" to see similarity, if any but I remembered you mentioned it was measuring behind what your ticker says you are, right? I would think if it was the embryo it would have tissues with it or parts of if not the entire amniotic sac with it? Totally throwing out guesses here. Basically what I'm getting at is I'm not sure that's what you're thinking it could be... but I'm no expert on this whatsoever :shrug: Perhaps something else is going on?
So now I Googled 5 week embryo and I can see why you're thinking it could be that... but I'm just not sure :shrug: Are you having any pain? Any more bleeding? Did you have to clean anything off or away from the mysterious urine object?
I can see the freak out too but seems like odd coincidence. I feel like a fetus would have more tissue or redness.
Jyllian I love the shower idea for OH! I can just imagine it being tons of fun.

Cheryl, sorry you couldn't enjoy the party to the full :hugs: I'm sure you'll join the unmedicated births with ease!

I also told Dh to remain by my side and not look down there, I don't want him seeing that. If he insists then okay but I'd rather him not hahaha

Sylvia, is the pink pics on the left for reference and the big one on the right what you got? I hope your bean is safely nestled and not what you found. I'm so sorry you have this stress and uncertainty hun :hugs:
I've actually expelled something close to what I'd describe and a mushy Cheerio when I urinated in the past but I believe I had a UTI at the time. I def remember feeling it pass but it didn't cause any pain. After I felt that I looked and there it was in the potty water :shrug:

You said this wasn't smushy tho? I agree with Dani and would think there'd be more tissue or pink or something. Ugh this is horrible :cry:

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