Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

I think i probably am going to go into the wait and such like that. I don't want to just "not blog", but I don't want to let the cat out of the bag either.
I had a dream last night and I had a baby girl... she wasn't a baby-baby... more like about a year old and I was still nursing I think. She had on a little black cotton printed tee with leggings, like a Garanimals outfit or something and had light brown/ash blonde fluffy hair and a binky in her mouth. She was in my lap but reached over my shoulder for something and spoke a little "babble" word for it.

Let's just all agree I'm having a girl, ok? :laugh2:
Lots of baby dreams happening! Can't wait to find out your actual genders ladies!

Afm: dr appt went well! Measuring 13 weeks today!!!! Baby had a growth spurt!! and was doing flips! Genetic measurements are normal so far. Blood work results back on Friday to confirm that. My ins wouldn't cover the gender test :/ and I'm not paying $1000! Sooo well see how next wed appt goes! Or next month.. But I swear I saw a little penis for 1/2 a second! DH says no and tech wouldn't confirm! Time will tell! :)
Tried posting a Pic but internet is being slow and won't let me. I'll try again later !
Ps. How far along did you guys start feeling the baby?? I'm so excited for that!!!
At around 14 weeks I began feeling little pops and pokes, like 'is it or isn't it?' feeling but maybe gas? Then it turned into a goldfish in my tummy feeling with pops and pokes. Since 18 weeks when I got a real jab I could feel from the outside on my hand it's been definite kicks, punches, jabs, pokes, pops and squirms I can see from the outside!
Hope you can upload the photos for us to stalk :haha:

I had to check my journal to see if i've recorded the first time i felt baby move. :D

I had quickening recorded at 16w0d. But of course like Jyllian described i was unsure if it's the baby or just gas acting up.... We did saw little movements from the outside at 20 weeks DH just have to be patient staring at my belly we ended up filming it but it's really hard to notice for anyone except you of course...
Cool! Thanks for sharing ladies!

By the way, Cheryl yes that is me on fb! :) If anyone wants to be Facebook friends my full name is Jamie Riofrio! :) or send me your full names to friend you!
I just had a long discussion about things at home with my OH during his lunch break. I am feeling down today regarding everything that still needs to be done and how I feel helpless because I can't do a lot of the things that I would normally tackle when not pregnant. And it seems when I try to do something lately either I physically can't, I feel sick/crappy, the weather doesn't cooperate or something comes up. We bought flowers for the front yard on Saturday because it was so nice out and I had put off landscaping for two years now. The yard is a mess - there's cement block and brick thrown in front along with random materials from the bedroom remodel and the grass needs cut and edged in both the front and back. I started tackling some yardwork while my OH and son opened the pool and of course I began cramping and ended up feeling nauseated and spent most of the rest of the day on the couch. I felt AWFUL that day. Sunday I felt a little better but it was considerably colder, windy and rainy so I only managed to trim the bushes out front. The downstairs room off our new bedroom is full of boxes and random stuff but I cannot move anything because of the size/amount and until that is done I can't begin to lay down the Pergo flooring :nope: My OH has to rewire the lighting and hang a piece of drywall up before any painting can be done. The baseboard still needs to be installed in our bedroom too. Then there's the nursery room. There's still items of my daughter's that need to be removed before we paint and clean the carpet in there. Today I feel good and the weather isn't terrible so I figured I could plant some flowers but forgot we had planned to take the kids to a local pizza challenge at the fairgrounds. His grandparents gave us two tickets so we only have to pay for the kids and you get to eat and vote on pizza from local places so that'll be dinner :thumbup: I guess I will tackle the nursery room with my daughter and hopefully get it cleaned out before my OH gets home from work. I just feel like we need to stay focused and motivated pretty much daily if possible in order to make major progress... the major hurdle was the bedroom remodel, now the next big hurdle is clearing out the downstairs room and finishing it. Plus, we have to plan the baby shower/diaper party among other things baby-related :wacko: My OH assured me he will do his best to stay on top of things so we make progress. I tend to overwhelm myself easily and need to take some deep breaths and stay positive!

Oh and it really irritates me that his mom apparently called my OH yesterday I guess and was asking if he got his brother's brakes on his car done. Uh... why doesn't she ask his brother (who lives with her) if he got the brakes taken care of? It's his responsibility, not my OH's. My OH is handy with vehicle mechanics, it's what he went to college for, and said he would fix his brother's brakes... but has tried more than once to schedule a day to get it done. Most recently being last weekend on Saturday morning. He had tried getting a hold of his brother, to no avail, so we went and ran some errands and did things around the house. Come to find out, his brother went to Toledo with his gf that day. My OH said his brother needs to realize that if he wants the brakes done he is going to have to cooperate and get it done when my OH can do it, not when it's convenient for his brother. As if my OH doesn't have enough obligations already!

OK sorry ladies rant over! :laugh2:
Yaaaaaaay maxed out my FRER! They never got this dark with the baby we lost
Laura I had actually planned to go in for initial fertility testing but got my BFP like two days later so i kept the appointment with my OB. I told my mom I went and had the tests and everything looked good (this was true but they were testing hcg! Haha) so when we told them our news they were SHOCKED! I don't know if you care but you could like wax poetic on the wait and frustration hahaha really build up to the reveal!

You ladies are right, I was so surprised at how small my bump looks in the photos and it looks huge in the video! Maybe it's what I put my arm across my ribs or something. Who knows. But yeah I was like huh?! Bump looks so similar to last week and I'm way bigger!

Sylvia you should tell dh my story.. I had a food blog (not very involved at this point in the story) and dh bought me an entry level dslr for our anniversary 2 1/2 years ago.... I started learning it and now I'm a food photographer, portrait photographer, and professional blogger! Hahaha see what a little camera can do?! Before that I always joked I couldn't take a photo to save my life but I was just insecure that I didn't know anything about it and the rest of my family was really big into it. But maybe that will convince dh :thumbup:

Pam i am so excited for your scan! I usually have the dirtiest mind but I didn't even think *that* from your excited champagne bottle :rofl: but I was analyzing it for technique so... Hahaha.

So excited for your scan too Jamie!! I loooove looking at ultrasound pics.

I had three crazy dreams last night and one involved Jess!! The first one we were having our scan and I told them we didn't want to know the sex but when she started with the machine she was like "well it's a boy" and I was like ?!? We told you not to tell!!!! And she was like I don't remember that. And then the second one the baby was already born and id left him at the house and it gets REALLY weird and detailed from here but like in all my dreams the baby is not a newborn but like old enough to talk to me and critique me hahaha. But it was definitely a boy!

Last one I just was seeing Jess in a pie shop (cravings from beta waves?!) and she wanted the apricot pie (??? Not my choice but ok Jess) and she was saying the girl who worked there was so unhelpful and super high :rofl: I guess because I was thinking food and Colorado?! Anyway, that was very odd. At the end of that dream I also was part of the team that won the like Canadian Emmy for production of degrassi so.. It was a very weird night

Jess I get what you mean about wanting to smother your hubby! dh is super creepy when he sleeps, he makes these really weird noises or movements so I always have to cough really loud to wake him up because it scares the crap out of me!!

10 days til our anatomy scan!! Woop woop

Your dream is hilarious!! Mostly because I hate pie. Can't stand the stuff! And I don't think I've had an apricot in my life.

My dreams about Luke he's usually older as well, but always was a boy. I recorded Ronny sleeping so he could see for himself how loud he is. The thing is, if he doesn't make any noise I freak out thinking he stopped breathing in his sleep and he gets a very rude awakening.

I think i probably am going to go into the wait and such like that. I don't want to just "not blog", but I don't want to let the cat out of the bag either.

I get it. I was kind of the same way because I am so public with my blog.

I had a dream last night and I had a baby girl... she wasn't a baby-baby... more like about a year old and I was still nursing I think. She had on a little black cotton printed tee with leggings, like a Garanimals outfit or something and had light brown/ash blonde fluffy hair and a binky in her mouth. She was in my lap but reached over my shoulder for something and spoke a little "babble" word for it.

Let's just all agree I'm having a girl, ok? :laugh2:

Ok :thumbup:

Ps. How far along did you guys start feeling the baby?? I'm so excited for that!!!

I felt movements really really early because I was so small. I started feeling the first movements at about 9 maybe 10 weeks. But I started out the pregnancy at 12" from hip to hip and 5 inches from my back to the highest part of my abdomen ......very petite. I knew right away that it was baby because it was in a completely different place than gas was.

Cool! Thanks for sharing ladies!

By the way, Cheryl yes that is me on fb! :) If anyone wants to be Facebook friends my full name is Jamie Riofrio! :) or send me your full names to friend you!

I'll send you a request in a second, I'm Jessica Reppenhagen.

I just had a long discussion about things at home with my OH during his lunch break. I am feeling down today regarding everything that still needs to be done and how I feel helpless because I can't do a lot of the things that I would normally tackle when not pregnant. And it seems when I try to do something lately either I physically can't, I feel sick/crappy, the weather doesn't cooperate or something comes up. We bought flowers for the front yard on Saturday because it was so nice out and I had put off landscaping for two years now. The yard is a mess - there's cement block and brick thrown in front along with random materials from the bedroom remodel and the grass needs cut and edged in both the front and back. I started tackling some yardwork while my OH and son opened the pool and of course I began cramping and ended up feeling nauseated and spent most of the rest of the day on the couch. I felt AWFUL that day. Sunday I felt a little better but it was considerably colder, windy and rainy so I only managed to trim the bushes out front. The downstairs room off our new bedroom is full of boxes and random stuff but I cannot move anything because of the size/amount and until that is done I can't begin to lay down the Pergo flooring :nope: My OH has to rewire the lighting and hang a piece of drywall up before any painting can be done. The baseboard still needs to be installed in our bedroom too. Then there's the nursery room. There's still items of my daughter's that need to be removed before we paint and clean the carpet in there. Today I feel good and the weather isn't terrible so I figured I could plant some flowers but forgot we had planned to take the kids to a local pizza challenge at the fairgrounds. His grandparents gave us two tickets so we only have to pay for the kids and you get to eat and vote on pizza from local places so that'll be dinner :thumbup: I guess I will tackle the nursery room with my daughter and hopefully get it cleaned out before my OH gets home from work. I just feel like we need to stay focused and motivated pretty much daily if possible in order to make major progress... the major hurdle was the bedroom remodel, now the next big hurdle is clearing out the downstairs room and finishing it. Plus, we have to plan the baby shower/diaper party among other things baby-related :wacko: My OH assured me he will do his best to stay on top of things so we make progress. I tend to overwhelm myself easily and need to take some deep breaths and stay positive!

Oh and it really irritates me that his mom apparently called my OH yesterday I guess and was asking if he got his brother's brakes on his car done. Uh... why doesn't she ask his brother (who lives with her) if he got the brakes taken care of? It's his responsibility, not my OH's. My OH is handy with vehicle mechanics, it's what he went to college for, and said he would fix his brother's brakes... but has tried more than once to schedule a day to get it done. Most recently being last weekend on Saturday morning. He had tried getting a hold of his brother, to no avail, so we went and ran some errands and did things around the house. Come to find out, his brother went to Toledo with his gf that day. My OH said his brother needs to realize that if he wants the brakes done he is going to have to cooperate and get it done when my OH can do it, not when it's convenient for his brother. As if my OH doesn't have enough obligations already!

OK sorry ladies rant over! :laugh2:

I'm sorry. Guys just don't seem to get it, and the fatigue is no joke. I work for like 5 minutes and I'm ready for a nap lol.

Yaaaaaaay maxed out my FRER! They never got this dark with the baby we lost

Awesome progression!
We had loadshedding again so I'm a bit behind with the posts. I've gone through and hopefully I remember to mention everyone...

Jamie, I'm so happy that everything went well and that your baby is doing great. Especially after the rough time you've had :hugs:
I think I felt my 1st pop at around 16 or 17 weeks but wasn't sure because it happened once and nothing clear to confirm. From 18 weeks or so it became more and then I knew it was baby moving :D

Jyllian, sorry about the ass at work and troubles at home with getting things done. I don't have much energy for everything to be done either and I don't have much time left so I get that feeling :hugs:

Laura, thanks for the pre-bump pic :D and absolutely awesome lines!!!

AFM: Met with the boss of the other agency after work today where I called to get a job :D
They seem really keen on appointing me at half day 08h00 to 13h00 or from 09h00 to 14h00 at GET THIS..... THE SAME SALARY I'M CURRENTLY EARNING :shock:

That was the best news ever!!!! I'll be doing 1 person's job, work half day and be with Matthew more and still get the same salary :dance:

The boss just wants to discuss times etc with the other agents tomorrow and will get back to me. I dont 100% have the job yet but it seems like everyone is keen on having me work there and they just need to confirm the times. FX that if all goes well they confirm this for me tomorrow.

If I get this I am going to be sooooooooo OVER THE FREAKING MOON!!!!!
That's awesome news Pam! Fingers crossed the other agents are on board!

Just tried out a diaper cover that I made and it didn't leak at all and held a ton of water! I just ran it under the faucet until there was a standing pool.
Sent you a friend request Jess!

Forgot to mention - my OH decided he would like to try to get our close family together in person to reveal the gender Monday evening. So he asked his mom, dad and both grandparents and I asked my mom and invited my sister as well (though I doubt she'll come... if you ever caught me mentioning that my dad passed away nearly 6 years ago and my brother did last year. I have no grandparents) out to our favorite local pizza joint for dinner. My OH used to work there and thinks he can ask them to arrange the toppings (likely pepperoni) to announce the surprise. It's nothing too extravagant but will be fun!

As for everyone else, we may just use photos from the dinner to make a slideshow video to announce to the public... who knows :shrug:
Will you tell us before or after the family Jyllian? We won't tell them before your reveal, promise :haha:

Jess, that is cool about the diaper cover!

AND finally at 30+3 dh finally felt Matthew kick!! :dance: I made dh sit on the couch with his hand on my belly and he was not allowed to move until Matthew kicked :D
What do you ladies think? Also what dpo do you think I am since FF gives me 3 different one with each setting lol. Sorry for my horrible quality phone.... I tried to tweak so you can see the pink


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Yaaaaaaay maxed out my FRER! They never got this dark with the baby we lost

Laura- Yaaaaaaaay!!!! I'm so happy for you girl! :) awesome lines hopefully I can join you in a few days if mine get darker

Cheryl- I will tell him later on today and hopefully he changes his mind lol.... Could you possibly send me a link of a cheap but good camera to start off with?
Pamela BnB totally skipped me right by your post above Jess's :dohh: That's amazing news! I wish I could find a job with those hours and the same pay as I currently receive! So happy for you :hugs:

I don't want my OH sharing the news to anyone before close family so I am going to have to be tight lipped at work and on BnB and FB for the day until we surprise our parents and grandparents. I will post SOMETHING on BnB that evening though before we make it FB official!

Sylvia I'm not good with those kind of test strips and I don't see much :shrug: Sorry.

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