Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Oh and here's my 24 week bump date!

I think I also decided to start a separate mama blog and intertwine it heavily with my existing food blog. I don't want to put off my food readers cuz I have a LOT of male readers and a lot of female readers who probably don't care about my family life! Trying to come up with a name though.. I'm pretty dern crunchy but not that that crunchy so I'd like to maybe use that in there. I don't want people to expect me to be 100% "alternative" or whatever but more like a reasonably kinda crunchy motherhood if that makes sense. Like we eat organic at home and often vegan/vegetarian but we totally went to chick fil A last week too :rofl: so maybe I should use something totally different? My food blog name is 40 Aprons so we were thinking also "40 _______" like 40 bibs or something baby-related to keep it in the same sort of family. I don't knowwww!

Forgive my ignorance (it's why I didn't comment on facebook) but what the heck is a crunchy? I know what a furry is, but I've never heard of crunchy. I do like 40 bibs.

What i really don't want is DH not being beside me during delivery, normal or caesarean. I'm so scared being there alone with people i don't know not knowing what might happen. Reason why we looked for a hospital that allows one person inside. All our hopes were lost after today's appointment. What i don't understand is that Adam was only 6.5 lbs a week ago for me that's small and if ever he gained a little i'm pretty sure he won't be over 7lbs so how can i not deliver a 7lber baby... I really thought my pelvis is on the up side... FX he is wrong and i still deliver Adam naturally even without DH in the previous hospital. Oh, and if they say the same thing we are going to ask that we have the operation on the 18th exactly on my due date unless of course i go into labour before that. :D

It doesn't sound to me like this doctor did anything more than make an offhanded comment with no actual follow through to see if what he was saying was accurate. He is no more prepared to say that 100% you will not be able to vaginally deliver Adam any more than I can say ostriches will be able to fly in 20 years. I think holding out on the c-section is a great idea. I was reading a thing earlier that was talking about elective c-sections and their outcomes when the baby is delivered before the mom goes into labor. Since Adam is head down already most of the risk of prolapse and whatnot is eliminated.

Daphne I'm sorry to hear that the possibility for you having a CS has increased. I feel so terrible that there's a possibility of DH not being with you. Hoping this isn't the case when it's truly time for Adam to come! FX!!!

Pam wow I def see it! To me, it almost looks like your belly got a bit smaller :shrug:

Dang Jess, I was really excited last night to hear that Luke worked his way head down, but I agree with others... maybe he just wasn't comfortable like that (I know you weren't!) and will work his way back into position when it's go time!

Michelle your numbers are looking good so FX your bean is just a slow starter! Anticipating your appointment Monday. Please keep us updated! :hugs:

Scan day Mary! :happydance: Can't wait to hear about it!

Cheryl I like the 40-something idea, keeping it similar. 40 Bibs is cute and fitting :thumbup:

28 weeks today!


Ultrasound appointment is at 2 o'clock and it's about 10 o'clock here now. I'm done with work at noon, heading home to change then hittin' the road with my mom and my kiddos! Hoping Cameron is a good boy for his scan. He's been really moving in there, jabbing his hard body parts outward. I can feel the hard little parts at times and it can be pretty ticklish but also uncomfortable. He was really stuck up under my ribs yesterday which wasn't too pleasant. Hoping he's still head down!

OH had a good first day at the new job and worked a 10-10.5 hour shift! I made dinner and we all did our tasks for the day. The house is staying nice, which is such a huge weight off my shoulders and a big stress relief!

You look great! I saw the ultrasound pics on Facebook! I am confused about all the different head measurements because I think they were all the same gestational week but had different measurements for weeks. I'm glad that your OH had a great day. What is it that he is doing now? Thank goodness the chore wheel is working out and you are having more time to relax. Have you found anything to occupy your time now that you have some free?

Daphne, I have a feeling that your body will do what it needs to do at the time of labor after hearing that Adam is truly not a huge baby. I'm tiny and aiden was 7lbs so I have hope for you! You may just be someone who doesn't dilate until your right about to go into labor, u know? I know how much that'd stink to not have DH there with you :(. I bet your body will stretch the way it needs to! I'll be praying it does!
My dh just said if that were him not aloud in the room, he'd find some scrubs to throw on and pretend he's a doctor :rofl: I think he's trying to give ur dh some ideas! Haha!

I told Ronny to do this if they don't let him in when I am having my c-section, but the anesthesiologist said she would make sure he was in the room before the actual delivery. I'm already going to miss the birth if he doesn't come out of my vagina so its incredibly important that Ronny be there.

I'm going crazy waiting to hear where we are being transferred! I already have everything that we don't use packed up! I think this transfer is exceptionally hard, because once we find out where we are going, we can get the ivf ball rolling!! I have already told a lot of our family and friends about the shower and go fund me account, and everyone seems very excited! They all say to let them know when we are starting the planning and send them the link. It makes my heart smile knowing that we have everyones support! I think this is a good way for everyone who loves us to show us support , since they haven't really been sure how to do that in the last five years.

I wish they would freakin tell you already. They have to know where they are sending you guys. You already said it wasn't Colorado :cry: I'm so excited for you to move so you can get the IVF ball rolling. I wonder if you made the link live now how much donations you would get, since everyone is so eager to help you out.

I had my u/s and although we didn't get to HEAR the HB, we saw it beating beautifully! It was a perfect 134bpm :). I'll have Kenna help me with a pic as soon as she has a minute. This u/s tech wasn't as good.. She hurt me and she didn't get even close to as clear of pics as the girl did at 5w2d but we can still see where the head and arm buds are :). She was just rushing WAY too much compared to every other tech I've seen. But all went amazing! We met with our RE as well and he prescribed me safe meds for nausea, migraines, and some b-6 for the nausea as well. I am now upgrading to my regular OB :dance: I do still have to stay on the progesterone until July 1st, at 10wks. He said with IVF, this is very important. He said he just recently had a patient who didn't get her meds re-ordered on time and she miscarried :(... That was enough said to make me stay on them!

Anyway, I will get the pic up as soon as possible! ;)

I definitely wasn't texted this picture :winkwink: I'm so glad that everything went well. What did they prescribe you? Congratulations on graduating to a regular OB.

Pam, while the company that dh works for is a great company in almost every way, they drive me nuts by only giving us a few days to move. We will only have about 3 days to find a place to live, get a moving truck, turn off electric here, turn on electric there, pack everything to move, drive to...somewhere, and unpack our stuff. It's the only downfall to what he does. We love the travel, and seeing different things, but that's the sucks part. When our child is 4, we will buy a house so that they go to the same school throughout life. But the truth is, the money is just too darn good on the road. And they also educate dh so much with classes and certification for supervisor positions, so when we buy a house dh can hire in to a company as a foreman or superintendent.

That would be so incredibly stressful. Maybe you guys should invest in an RV and that way you don't have to keep packing and unpacking.....just drive to the next location. Just a thought until you can get into a permanent house.

Laura how are things going? When are you announcing?

Hey Hun. Sorry I've been super quiet. I am reading, just not much to chip in at the moment. We got a Doppler and found chip on it a couple of days ago. Was amazing (video in my journal)
We're announcing at Amy's party on Saturday to anyone who is there, and then the Facebook announcement will be happening on Sunday. It's my dad's birthday on Sunday so we are sending a card with scan pics and a "grandad" birthday card as well. :) Think he's going to be pretty chuffed!

I can't wait for your announcement!!!! Everyone is going to be so incredibly shocked!

Cheryl (or anyone) what cracker/crunchy snack type foods do you eat?? I'm trying to be healthier with my snacking but I always seem to want something crunchy/salty in the afternoon!! Suggestions? Healthy alternatives ?!

I've never actually tried them but I hear roasted chickpeas are really good for you and super easy to make. I don't really crave crunchy food (there is that word again.....) There were some kale chips that I had seen a recipe for as well that are supposedly healthy, easy to make and delicious. Sorry I'm not much help, I don't seem to eat much beyond cereal and peach smoothies.

Need your help ladies. Few hours after my internal exam i peed that looks like the end of my period i thought it might be due to IE got my vagina irritated. Tonight i was having a painful contractions i mean this midnight it was painful i thought i shit and peed myself. I went to the toilet and there's no shit but a beown spot on my undies. I felt something was inside my vagina so i put my finger and got this (picture below). A snotty mucusy with brown blood. Do you think it's a bloody show? It feels like ewcm but not too clear as ew. I appreciate all your response.

Here it is ladies! :) Baby's measuring exactly 7wks! Looks like she's growing right on track so far!

It looks like it could be part of the mucus plug. It's possible that the exam today kind of got things started for you. I would definitely say to go in as you could be in actual labor now. You said that it felt like you peed and pooped.....did you get drenched with liquid at all or have a slow leak?

Felt like supermum today. Worked 8-5, cooked dinner, cleaned the entire house, got a pile of washing done, changed the bedding, bathed Luca, got him to sleep on time. Painted my nails, showered, folded laundry. Head hit the pillow and I remembered that I forgot all about my bloody ultrasound this evening!! Grrr.

I hope you're on your way to get checked out Daphne! Spotting after an internal was normal for me but it wasn't anywhere near that amount. Come on Adam!!

You can come do all that at my house! Really I just need someone to paint my toes and fold/put away the laundry!
Daphne!! Omgosh! Did you call your dr ? Maybe they can tell you if you should go in or not? I do think you should though! Sounds/looks like labor to me!!
By the way Jess, crunchy is a term used to describe people who eat mostly organic/natural foods and also use all natural products ... I think... Lol. Correct me Cheryl if I'm not accurate!
Daphne I'm getting so excited! Keep us updated on what you find out!!!

Jess, we lived in a travel trail or for a few months. DH hated every second of it. It rocks when it's windy, there isn't room for everything we like to have on hand, and when we have an argument there is nowhere to go to get away for a minute lol. He prefers anapartment or house. It sucks, but really it's only a small amount of time that sucks. It's doable!
Chelsea- I'm envious of your traveling! DH and I plan to do a lot of US traveling when the kids are a little older. International travel will be put on hold until they are 18 but for now there's so much in the US to explore! You two sound like a sweet couple, doesn't matter where you are as long as your together :) I hope you find out soon though so you can plan and look forward to ivf!

Ps. I told DH about you daphne that you're almost in labor bcuz I was so excited!! He thinks it's cute how we all have become bonded online.
Jess, I sooo thought I sent it to you!! I'm sorry!!
And I will let u know the names of the meds as soon as I pick them up from the pharm tomorrow a.m. I can't remember the names off of the top of my head. It sounded like so many new meds! Lol. But they'll def be helpful and im so thankful he was able to give me something for both the nausea & migraines.. Yay! :)
Jamie I agree, we have all became so incredibly I don't see myself ever leaving this site, unless I have another way to talk to all of you! lol. We've made a little online family! I love it! :)
31 days and ill be off if the progesterone AND have less than 200 days to go! It seems like only a few days ago that I had 252 days to go. Time is already starting to go by quite quickly!

Daphne, ill be randomly checking in to check on your progress! I cannot wait!!! could always join us on facebook
Daphne this might be it!! Update us!! :D

Jess haha yes crunchy is like alternative.. Like cloth diapers, hypnobirthing, essential oil diffusing, doulas, all that. Basically all the stuff I do! I think I'm going with 40 bibs though to keep it more open

Jamie I like veggie straws! And pop chips are good too. I've actually been eating like wheat thins with brie because it's a combo high in fiber + protein!

Mary love seeing your little one!!
Here it is ladies! :) Baby's measuring exactly 7wks! Looks like she's growing right on track so far!

Wohoo!!! Hi girl bubble

I cannot believe that you are already half way through your 1st tri!

Felt like supermum today. Worked 8-5, cooked dinner, cleaned the entire house, got a pile of washing done, changed the bedding, bathed Luca, got him to sleep on time. Painted my nails, showered, folded laundry. Head hit the pillow and I remembered that I forgot all about my bloody ultrasound this evening!! Grrr.

I hope you're on your way to get checked out Daphne! Spotting after an internal was normal for me but it wasn't anywhere near that amount. Come on Adam!!

You are super mum!!! If you want to clean stuff you can come here and I'll go to u/s for you next time :haha:

You can come do all that at my house! Really I just need someone to paint my toes and fold/put away the laundry!

I asked DH to put cream on my feet the other night and he gave me a little bit of a massage - like 5 minutes. It was HEAVEN!!! I totally almost cried when he went back to painting and did not cave to me begging.

I totally get you on just wanting someone to do my feet for me!

Chelsea- I'm envious of your traveling! DH and I plan to do a lot of US traveling when the kids are a little older. International travel will be put on hold until they are 18 but for now there's so much in the US to explore! You two sound like a sweet couple, doesn't matter where you are as long as your together :) I hope you find out soon though so you can plan and look forward to ivf!

Ps. I told DH about you daphne that you're almost in labor bcuz I was so excited!! He thinks it's cute how we all have become bonded online.

I totally also told dh about Daphne last night and how close we all are... he still doesn't really get it though :dohh:

Only forums he goes on is about marine fish and snakes... and I don't think the guys on those forums bond over mucus etc. They kind of talk snake poop :rofl:
38 Week (37+5) Check-up at the clinic today

BP: 105/66
Urine: clear
Weight: no gain - in fact I've lost 200grams
Iron: slowly climbing again
Fundal Height: 40cm
Position: ENGAGED!!!

So after 2 hours on the ball the other night because I lost track of time I noticed that my bump seemed smaller and lower. I was right and I've managed to bounce Matthew down :D He is now fully engaged.

All throughout my pregnancy people has told me that they are of the impression that Matthew will be coming early and now even the new nurse at the clinic has jumped on that wagon and told me to be on labour watch :coffee:
If only I could now start getting some contractions etc.
I timed my contractions from past midnight for one and a half hour got a total of 17 very strong contractions radiating from back to sides to top of belly to down 9 of which were from 2-5 minutes apart and the others in between range from 6-7 minutes apart..... I fell asleep so as hubby after it stopped thought we're rushing to hospital earlier. I woke up with much more brown stuff not spot anymore and some mucusy stuff on my undies. My pee was stained with brown and saw some mucus hanging/dripping from my vagina. I think my cervix opened after the IE. We are going to the other hospital in about 3/4 hours and and see what's going on... Pictures below for the contractions and this mornings stain (sorry TMI).

Contraction - sorry it's very long picture.

Stained Undies - I'm wearing pad now after getting those.

Bump Photos to follow still waiting for DH to send it.
I think Adam is going to really be here soon... now off to the hospital sooner than 3/4 hours! :dance:
I must admit I'm getting anxious now because Daphne and I have been so similiar throughout and now it seems like her labour is really starting and I'm still waiting...

Silly I know but I want to have my baby too :haha:
39 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate:

28 and 39 Weeks Barebump Comparison.

28 and 39 Weeks Bump Comparison.

Baby's Growing Hands from 8-39 Weeks.

And he waited for your husband's day off. Such a good baby :haha:

I really hope this is the DAY.... So DH can ask for a leave on Saturday so he can join us for 3 days... I really can't get over the 1 day paternity leave here....

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