Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Omg he is perfect!!! :cloud9: Please give Daphne all of our love and prayers, so happy for your family. Hope she gets some rest and feels better soon!

I am going to become one serious bitchy pregnant lady pretty soon!! I was so excited to be able to go on ML at 36 weeks because I would be able to rest up before Matthew comes.
This includes lying in in the mornings as well as taking naps in the afternoon etc.

This is soooo not happening and I'm losing my patience.

Almost every flipping day when I think "okay, I've cleaned the house - nap time" People rock up here or one of dh's friends comes over and then he sits for hours.... cannot get rid of him and then come dinner time I just automatically now have to cook for one more person
Now this annoys me not only because I'm not getting to rest like I would have liked too but I'm not getting alone time with dh :(

I took out a cell contract more than 12 months ago and shortly after activating te number I started getting calls for a John Maake. Turns out that the number I got was his old number that went dormant as he didn't use it and then was put back into circulation when I got it. This dooche owes a lot of companies money and I've been harassed by all of them for more than 12 months now and telling them the nr does not belong to him anymore is of no use as they all seem to have shit for brains. They phone me at all hours after the day and today has been the 2nd day in a row that they phone at 7am and then I cannot get back to sleep

I resigned my old job 2 weeks ago!!!!! Why in the bloody hell are they still calling me even when I don't answer the phone???? The voice mails are all to call them back because they need help with this or that. Get with it people I no longer work for you so LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Thanks if you did go through my whole rant :hugs: Just not feeling all chirpy today.

I'm surprisingly not tired as last night was the 2nd night in a row that I got to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee. I feel rested but just annoyed that I cannot get rid of these people!! :haha:

Oh that does sound very frustrating! I'm glad you're not feeling as tired. Tell your DH's friend that you need to go out, so he'll leave. If he comes for dinner, tell DH he needs to cook it - that should sort it out quickly! Your ex-work colleagues sound like they are being remarkably stupid.
Oh my goodness!!! Daphne, he is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I am so happy for you guys!! :hugs:

Pam, I'm sorry you haven't been able to rest as planned :-\. And the phone thing drives me nuts! Ive had the same # for 14 years and somehow bill collectors or just random people call for someone named "Mike" all the time. Its def annoying, especially before 8a.m or after 8pm. Ugh. I hope none of dhs friends show up today and you are actually able to nap! Maybe you should lock all of ur doors and pretend your sleeping from the That's def something I would do! :haha:

CONGRATS AGAIN, DAPHNE & DH!!! I am in a daze from Adams cuteness! :)

HAPPY 20 WEEKS, JAMIE!!! :dance:
Daphne and DH- your boy is just perfect!!! I love him already. I hope you get lots of rest and cuddle time with Adam! Thanks for the pics! Hope to hear from you soon!

Thanks Mary!!! Halfway!!! Woohoo!

Pam- thats so annoying! Maybe call your old work place after hours so they won't be there to answer and leave THEM a voicemail that you're no longer working for them and to please find someone knew to ask!
Congrats Daphne and DH! He is soooo adorable!!!

Mary, how is your morning sickness? Has it gotten better with the meds?

Pam, sorry that you have so many frustrating things going on. Maybe talk to DH about how this is the last time it is just going to be you and him for 18 years and you want that alone, bonding time before the baby comes. About the job thing, I like the idea of phoning them after hours reminding them that you've left and need as much rest as possible before the baby comes, so you're not taking calls.
OH MY WORDS!!! Adam is just absolutely PERFECT!!! He is so super super cute! Omigosh! *wiping tears* Congrats Daphne and DH!

Thanks so much Pam for keeping us all updated and it was super convenient via Facebook :thumbup:

Anyone that has a Facebook account and hasn't joined our secret/private group on there yet, my name is Jyllian Fraley (Braun) in Sandusky, OH so you can find and request me and I'll add you! (of course, unless you happen to find any of the other girls they can add you as well)

Halfway Jamie!!! Just four short weeks til your V-day!

Pam that makes NO sense whatsoever for your EX employer to be calling you. ANd I would sooooo be feeling the same as you regarding DH having a friend over and the constant inconvenience. And the phone... ugh. Yesterday since OH was working later I planned to come home and take a nap for a bit (ie. my photo on Facebook with the doggies in bed). Just as I was dozing off my mom calls :dohh: Then I finish with her and start to doze again and OH's dad calls :growlmad: Seriously, my phone hardly ever rings unless it's the most inconveneient time I swear. I gave up on a nap.

AFM I have been in SO much pain since yesterday evening :sad2: I have had this before, on my left side, but not nearly as bad. This time just to the right of my belly button it feels like a small knife is stabbing me constantly. It started Wednesday a bit then kind of went away but came back yesterday, most severely in the late evening, and hasn't went away. I was in tears, literally, it hurt so bad. I couldn't seem to get comfortable and make it stop. OH heated up our rice pack in the microwave and I set it on the pain for a bit then tried an ice pack. It's still very very sore and painful today. The warm shower this morning felt great. I am at work now and brought my mom's grabber/pincher stick thingy (pretty sure that's not the official name lol) with me so I wouldn't have to bend over for anything I may happen to drop or whatnot. OH was pretty concerned after seeing me in so much pain last night and urged me to call my doctor this morning but I'm pretty convinced it's muscle strain or tear and if I just take things slow and easy it will slowly get better... I hope.
Daphne and DH, he is so perfect! Just adorable. Congrats you two :D can't wait to hear from mama herself

Pam oooh girl. I don't do well with that kinda stuff, I'd be so annoyed. Maybe you should change your voicemail to be like "I no longer work at X and will not be answering calls regarding X, and I have no relation to mike whoever so you are wasting your time and I am hormonal and pregnant and WILL come find you". As for DH and friends situation maybe just answer the door with smeared eye makeup looking like you JUST got up every time and they'll feel awkward for waking you up :haha:

Jyllian I want you to get it checked out!! Call at least. If it were like that weird butt pain I had I'd be like whatever it'll be fine. But on your belly! That just makes me more concerned!

So I finally heard back from that client. They didn't answer the ML question but waited a week and I basically thought they didn't want to work with me anymore then last night they were like ok so can we get you the new stuff next week? Urgh! They're kinda asking me to work on a tighter deadline so I feel like they'll be more open to what I'm asking right now. We'll see. I should hear more a little later. If I keep this client I'll definitely be working a little more than part time so PT SAHM! I was kinda looking forward to being an 85% SAHM though not gonna lie!
Michelle, my MS is still exactly the same. I haven't been try the meds yet, as the pharmacy messed up and had NONE of my scripts, well other than the b-6, which I can buy OTC anyway! Ugh. Idk why I used that pharmacy...should have known better! My nurse is calling the scripts in to a new pharm today so hopefully I'll start feeling better soon. I was so frustrated and FLIPPED on everyone at that pharmacy yest. Almost everytime I go there, there's an issue. I'm so done with that place!
How are you feeling?
Oh my goodness daphne!!! Those lips and cheeks and that cute nose! He is GORGEOUS! !! Absolutely perfect!
Having some pretty intense cramping. Not sure whether it's worth getting checked out or not. Definitely feeling guilty about missing my ultrasound now :(
Cheryl I actually did call a little while ago. I must admit, I'm even a bit concerned. I am not one to call my doc office much, or ever really, for anything. Just waiting on a callback :coffee: That's great the client responded back but stinky you will be a bit more rushed/busier.

Mary omigosh I'm about to flip out on my cable company! They sent us a bill last month for like $730!!! OH called and it was a little mistake on their end (well no sh*t people) and the lady gave him the "correct" amount due over the phone. I made the payment and all was good... until we get a yellow PAST DUE notice from the company. I called and apparently the payment I made was like $27 short (Ohhhh no, a whole $27... not like I made the payment HUNDREDS of dollars incorrect) so now there's a nice little late fee tacked onto the current bill and my account is "past due". I called and explained the whole billing fuckeroo situation from last month and the lady explained the current charges. I was like OK so I'm supposed to pay a late fee because the payment I made was inaccurate due to your inaccuracy of billing to begin with?! I got nowhere and am calling back to hopefully speak to someone that will kindly remove the late fee after I can calmly explain the situation.
J- that's so annoying about your cable! I hate cable!! Crazy overpriced already without being overbilled! Keep us updated on the dr and ur pain !

Kirsty- did you reschedule the u/s? Im sure they'd see you last minute since you are due for one plus you have pain... Call!

Cheryl- glad ur client I'd still giving you work but that does stink you have to work more!

Mary- oh man, I hope you get yoir Meds soon !!
Wow jyllian, I would be flipping out too! We actually recently had a similar issue with billing and our cable company! Is it really that hard to get their billing correctly?! Geesh.

And yay! I just go a call and my meds will be at the pharmacy closest to me in an hr or so...BUT they found they couldn't fax my anti-nausea meds but the nurse mailed it to me--same day--this a.m and so I will have that by tomorrow at the latest. At least ill have the migraine meds in the meantime! My nurse said it was actually the RE who messed up and faxed 2 scripts to each pharm, LOL. She said "this is why I dont let the doctors do prescriptions!" :rofl: SOO I flipped out on the pharm for no reason! Hah! I always have issues with them tho and usually it IS their fault so I dont feel too bad. :haha: Omg, I am so excited to get those meds!! :dance:
How are you doing? I hope our work load has become less now

How are you doing? Not too long till Monday, hope you are okay :flower:

I hope the meds works it magic with you. I know how sucky it is when you feel soooo sick

Happy halfway!!!!!!!! :yipee: Now you can start counting down till birth which IMO is more fun that counting up to halfway

Please keep us updated hun, I know we've said round ligament pains and hoping it is as simple as that and that you and Cameron are okay

Did you have similiar pains with Luca? Maybe you overdid it a bit yesterday and you are paying for it today? I get sore if I overdo it. Hoping you are okay

Glad that the client responded back and hoping that they won't be putting added stress on you by wanting the work earlier.

I managed to rest some today after my morning started off rocky. I thought I was turning into the pregnant version of bridezilla :rofl: I even got a nap in with dh like I wanted!!!

38 Weeks tomorrow and so excited! Many people including the sonographer said that they think Matthew will arrive earlier and from now on. Let's see if they are right.

For those not on my journal what do you guys think about EPO? I have vitamin capsules and was just wondering if it would make me such a bad person if I did take some. They are natural herbs so they cannot be harmful and said to help ripen the cervix. But how do I know if Matthew is ready yet. I don't mean to be impatient but I'm actually really struggling with my anxiety lately too.

I use to be on meds before falling pregnant and now I'm getting more and more anxious about when he will arrive. I feel so out of control with this, how the birth will go, when I'll go into labour etc etc. My brain is a mess and I know the EPO wont bring on labour but maybe it would make me feel like I have some "control" in getting things going?
I don't know much about epo but I do know he's not going to come until he's ready. People walk, eat pineapple, bounce on balls to try to help labor along. I don't think this is any different. If it makes you feel better, give it a go. You're 38w, you won't be rushing him out before he's ready.
Thanks Dani
Someone on my journal used it as well and said that it won't make him come earlier just prepare my cervix. I should probably just sleep on it as I'm overly anxious at the moment and then I get things into my head. Tomorrow might be different :D
For those who haven't seen on Facebook... I got a callback from my doctor's office and he wanted me to come in right away, mainly because he has a patient in labor that's 5cm dilated which would prevent him from seeing me later, but nonetheless he wanted to see me today. If I couldn't make it he wanted me to go to the ER. I went in right away and as soon as he walked into the room said "Whaaaaat did you do?" :laugh2: I was like "Me? Nothing!" :winkwink: But of course the pain very well could have been from all the strenuous work I had previously done at home, most recently scrubbing the entire bathroom (I had forgot about that one). After externally examining me and asking some questions he determined that I tore the muscle that runs vertically along my abdomen :thumbup: He told me to try wrapping my belly with an Ace bandage and a washcloth placed underneath on the area of pain for pressure/support to help ease things and take extra strength Tylenol. I went and got the bandage and washcloth but forgot pain reliever :dohh: Seems to be helping a bit now and I'm most definitely taking it super easy for a bit. Cameron seems to be happy as a clam in there, wiggling about as usual. Glad he's OK! I've only gained a half a pound since my last appointment a little over two weeks ago and I believe I heard one of the nurses say my glucose test was negative. Met OH for lunch and back at work trying to get everything done for the day now.
Hello ladies. Thank you all. DH let me read all your posts and i can't thank you enough for all the support and prayers.... Im feeling a bit ok and already gaining strength. Me and DH are taking turns watching Adam as each of us need some sleep as we are too tired and didnt have a sleep for more than 24 hours. Here's some photos of him with me. Thanks Pam.


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