Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

You should have looked at him and said "whoa!" and see how he takes it. Rude RUDE RUDE RUDE

Happy 30 Jyllian
Dani, since you mentioned progesterone I figured id ask you...Im due to stop my suppositories in 7 days, at 10 weeks, but I'll have about 10 extra. Do you think it'd be ok to do 1/day for an extra 10 days? I feel like it wouldn't hurt any, plus id like to wean off a little since I have the extra ones to do so with.

What do you ladies think or what did you all do?
Dani how rude of him! I would've been like "Yeah this is a hell of a lot of gorgeous to take in at once, isn't it" :winkwink: What a jerk.

So had a little scare just a bit ago. My heart has been fluttering, like rapidly beating some over the past week. This morning at work I felt it happening, like it was beating out of my chest, in my throat and I was very hot and clammy and felt lightheaded. I sat at my desk and was fanning myself. I could see my vein pulsating like crazy on my wrist! Then it felt like a big rush of blood went to my head and I thought I was gonna pass out. I got really nervous. I had already ate two mini bagels with cream cheese and sipped some water but decided to eat a banana and drink more water. OH urged me to call the doctor's office and the nurse said it was likely due to low sugar. I've been really doing good about not drinking sugary beverages or eating and sweets. THe banana and water seemed to help as I feel ok now but I was pretty scared at one point! Eating some mac and cheese right now and going to eat some strawberries and banana at lunch.

Oh and here's my finished diaper raffle cards!

Mary I'm surprised they're stopping you at 10 weeks. I think we all went til 12, right? At least? But weaning off is definitely a good idea as a lot of people have withdrawal symptoms from stopping cold turkey. I personally didn't but I do kinda miss how they made me feel! :haha: all sleepy and chill.. Damn!

Jyllian I'll meet you at Cracker Barrel... Today at 12:30? :rofl: I majorly craved those too, and the salty biscuits!!! I'm a huge pancake snob because that sugar water + brown food coloring mixture is NOT syrup. So I pretty much don't get pancakes or waffles anywhere out unless I know they give you real syrup so I love going to Cracker Barrel! It reminds me of road trips too :D blueberry pancakes... Mmmmmmm. One day during the first tri I had such a strong craving for the biscuits that I made them myself on a whim and ate like 9 little biscuits for dinner. I really don't miss my weird appetite, that's for sure!

You sure are busy this week! I bet you'll pass your 3 hour test and I'm so excited for the baby-Q! I've been talking about ours more with my sister and it's finally feeling real and soon.. It felt like years away when we first set the date! Sounds like Cameron's room is coming together nicely :thumbup: how much more home improvement tasks do you have left? You're almost done right?

Pam you have endless plug! I swear I guessed yesterday as Matthews arrival but maybe it was Thursday? Im hoping for Thursday now since that will mean things get started very very soon today!

Mary and Laura sorry your MS is still bad :( who had MS worse than them? Besides Jess of course. It's interesting because you both feel like you're having girls and that's a typical old wives tale!! Obviously not super accurate but hey!

AFM GD test on Friday.. And planning on discussing my birth plan with my doctor. We also picked a pediatrician and need to go tour there too! They're really awesome and even talk about supporting parents who pick and choose vaccines and do scheduled etc instead of doing like FIFTEEN at once and all that so I feel like they're very natural minded. They're the most recommended by our alternamamas group for sure and looking forward to going in! They also have lactation consultants at the office at all times which is great

The great name debate... Le sigh!! DH agreed to Sawyer and said he didn't like Leo that much so I was like ok it's settled, his name is Sawyer. Then he came home yesterday saying he heard this local sports announcer we like talking about how they picked the name and he was like "we should do this!!! His wife wrote down ten names and he crossed out the ones he didn't like and she went from there" :saywhat: we did that!! But we took it even farther and rated each name on ours and each others lists from 1-10 and combined the scores and guess which name was at the top?! Oh yeah.. Sawyer!!!! He rated it an 8 which was the highest for him! Grrrrr. He now thinks he likes the name Jack better and you know why? Because we've been watching lost (because of Sawyer!) and he now thinks he likes he character Jack so much better and he'll "always think of that" another :saywhat: hahaha. And then last night when we were going to bed, we were reading and he barely whispered "jaaaaackkkkkk" and I was like WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?! Omg. I was settled on Jack too but he claimed he had a friend who named his baby that so we couldn't name ours.. Except a couple nights ago he suggested the name Dylan and I have a cousin who's 10 who I basically nannied his whole life and we see ALL THE TIME and that's not weird? Omg I am going to jail with Pam for spousicide
Names are a massive bugbear! Luckily ours have been picked out basically since we started trying and I haven't wobbled yet thankfully.

Jyllian that does sound blood sugar related. If you're used to having lots of sugary things then it might take your body a little while to adjust to no sugar. Watch out for how much fruit you're eating as well, as some fruit is VERY high in sugar. Best things are wholemal rice, grains, bread etc etc. Generally wholemeal has much less complex sugars than white when it comes to everything indluding pasta. I've been trying to avoid sugar too due to high risk for GD and it's an absolute nightmare!

I'm staying on progesterone until 16 weeks. That's how long they supplied it for me and I paid for it. Stubbornness more than anything. The consultant said I could stop ehenver, but I'm kind of like "I PAID SO I WILL CONTINUE" haha.
Yeah, my RE said by 10 weeks the placenta can take over but especially after hearing that you ladies stayed on it longer, I'm def going to do the extra 10. That'll put me at 11w3d...? That'll just make me feel better, mentally, not physically. Lol. Those things are def increasing my MS so I'm super excited to be able to stop them...Just want to make sure I do it safely! ;) Thanks ladies!
You're more than welcome to kill me once you've finished disposing of your husband, but I LOVE the name Jack :haha:

Edit: Luca was also a Leo for a little while.
We have to cut down, paint (with my new handy dandy sprayer :winkwink:) and install six sets of bifold doors - the one in the nursery and two each in the older kids' rooms and one downstairs for the laundry area - as well as two six panel slab closet doors. Accordion door needs to be purchased, cut and hung in the half bath to hide the water tank and furnace. Small bit of drywall seaming downstairs needs to be finished smooth before painting, baseboard and casing installed and ceiling finished... then DONE! I already had a finish nailer and air compressor as well as my dad's miter saw then recently bought the table saw and paint sprayer and we have all the materials needed at home (minus the accordion door) so just a matter of making time to do it. I haven't had a chance yet this week to even spray the doors :nope: and won't be able to today because of class :growlmad: Hoping OH is motivated today to get as much done with the closet doors as possible...

Guess I better "treat" myself to a little sugar each day so I don't bottom out. Like, a semi sweet drink or more fruit or something :shrug: I really don't want to fail my test Saturday :sad1:
Jyllian, I really like your diaper raffle cards! :) They're so cute and a great idea! I forgot to add that in my last post ;).
Mary, I went over my 12 weeks. I went to 13 which was my next appointment so I could be sure everything was ok. They tell you that you don't have to ween off, I didn't. But I did have some pretty bad withdrawal headaches so not a bad issues. Another girl on here stopped at 10w and was fine, but I think your plan is good.

Cheryl, I feel your pain. We could not agree on a girl name but boy name was set. Maybe hold the names until you see baby? I couldn't but just a thought.
Jyllian, maybe you could have a mid morning glass of oj every day?
Chelsea I've been craving OJ! That's been my morning beverage like every single day since I was a kid and we haven't had any for weeks now so I'm dying! Whenever we go to the store I always forget to buy some :dohh: OH and my DS are bringing me lunch to work today - Subway with a large Gatorade and ONE cookie per request :winkwink: They already made a trip to the dump to empty out another trailer full of scrap, are dropping off the motor scooter to Cancer Services (a place that provides supplies and such to those battling cancer, my dad was given the scooter by a patient of my ex MIL and used it when he was so ill he could not walk) then grabbing lunch. I'm glad I don't have to rush out on my half hour break and drive anywhere since I'm feeling a bit crappy and excited to see my boys.
I found the Dad-to-Be edition of How Big Is Baby:

How Big Is Baby - Dad-to-Be Edition

I've got a loaf of bread in my belly. Seems legit.
Happy 9 Weeks!!!
So happy that things are going great for you except for the ms. I hope it eases off soon and then like I said to Laura - you will enjoy eating sooooo much :dance:

Happy 30 weeks and loving your bump! Sorry about the scare you had and glad you are feeling better now. Maybe it could be sugar related.

Love the raffle cards - did I miss the part of what the prize will be for the winner?

Sorry about the assface at work. If you remember then try and do something like that to him next time when you see him before he says something to you. At least you know in a bit Baby Q will be here and what will his excuse be for remaining and ass? :hugs:

I'm starting to believe that I will never be unplugged lol :haha:

Good luck with your GD test, sure it will go well.

Picking a name for us was also such a nightmare. It felt like DH wasn't taking me serious and/or just not agreeing to any of the names I liked. Then when he put names out there they were all really joky names so I knew he wasn't serious. Eventually he came around and now we have one. Good Luck is all I can say... I think the naming part was most difficult for us.
Got my hair cut this morning, and it's wayyyy shorter than I am used to, but I like it! It's so much lighter! So dh still has not been told where we are going, but that check is still direct deposited, so we are just enjoying our time together! We have decided instead of paying rent next month, we are going to move into my parents house since nobody lives there atm. We won't need to pay anything to live there, and my mom is happy that someone will be there for a little while. Michelle, we will be close by! I'll be in schulenburg! We are actually driving through Austin to get there, I'm in love with that loop! The speed limit is 80 mph!!!
Pam, the prize is going to be a gift card... not sure what OH's mom is getting - either for dinner or gas I think :shrug: We aren't doing games so she wanted to at least do that, then I decided to print up the advice/wishes cards as well :thumbup:
Geez our chatty ladies! Lol!

I read that today, about there being no was an article published in june this year. It was saying that continuing prenatal vitamins Has more benefit. It's the iron. I saw a commercial with vitamins from first response. they carry a ttc, pre natal and post natal vitamin. I wonder what all is in the post natal

the difference between pre and post natal vitamins is just the level of various vitamins. Apparently you need more of some vitamins when pregnant and more of other vitamins when you are breast feeding. Although I only took prenatals the first 9 weeks or so of this pregnancy and haven't taken any since.

Beautiful bumps ladies.... And Jess, your bump is huge.

Pam - sorry about DH making you upset I would be too. Hope you feeling better today... FX for more plug and contractions.

Jyllian - Happy 30 Weeks.... :dance:

Mary - 9 Weeks already????? That was fast..... FX MS is treating you nicely...

Thank you. The general consensus must be that I look ready to pop as every time we go to a store and I take a rest someone undoubtably thinks I'm in labor. It's so awkward and when I tell people end of July they are like wow.

Jess your bump looks great!!!!! Wowee :D

Kenna, I mentioned on your journal but I think your bump is getting a bit lower now. Still look great!

As for the placenta, I haven't even looked into any of it as it grosses me out. That is just me personally and I won't judge anyone drinking theirs in a capsule or having it in a stew etc.

placenta stew?? Ewwwwww

When I woke up this morning at 11am I went to loo and got plug everywhere except in my damn liner :growlmad: Why am I being tortured???????? :haha:
Nothing else to report so far. I hate the wait and I hate it more that I'm keeping everyone waiting too hahah

It is freezing outside today and raining + I'm almost 40 weeks pregnant. The fact that I got out of bed should be more than enough... meaning I WILL NOT BE TAKING MY PJ's OFF unless it is to get dressed to go to hospital for labour :D

What color is the plug? Is it getting bloody at all yet? I would say leave the pjs on even when you go to the hospital. At least you'll be comfy.

I think a PJ day is allowed!
I feel the same about the placenta. Apparently here they can be donated so I think we will be doing that.

Nausea is still very much here. Eating salt and vinegar pringles like they are going out of fashion

I'm sorry you are still feeling sick. Are you constantky nauseous or throwing up? Is it all day or just the mornings?

No placenta pills, beverages or stews for this gal :laugh2: Once Cameron's here, I'll continue taking my prenatals as I plan to BF and focus on a healthy diet and getting enough fluid intake :thumbup: But omigosh I was so craving Cracker Barrel pancakes with maple syrup just the other day!!! No excess sugar for me this week tho :nope: We went to Menchies yesterday evening and I got frozen sorbet thinking it'd be ok and come to find out it actually has tons of sugar :dohh: Oh well... I've been doing good avoiding sugared drinks and junk food so far...

Kenna omigosh your bump is sooo cute! Once Pam puts us all out of our anticipation here then you're next followed by Jess, am I right ladies?

Happy 9 weeks Mary!

Cheryl did you post your bumpdate on BnB for this week? I don't think I saw it :shrug:

30 flippin' weeks today... holy crap!


I'm getting a bit uncomfortable, like overall. My back is aching more, my feet and ankles swell, I have a hard time getting comfortable in bed, I get random aches and pains in my midsection, I've been burning up during the day and night and I lose energy quickly. But... I love feeling Cameron's little limbs poking out more and more, feeling him twist and turn and responding to my touch! I stuck my bare belly against OH's bare side this morning in bed and Cameron was kicking and punching away on his dad :laugh2: And it's awesome because he can definitely feel it now. He always wraps his arm around me from behind when we lay in bed and holds his hand over my belly to feel for kicks... and usually always gets some. My mom ordered all of our bedding/accessories yesterday as well as the dresser and changer topper. It should all arrive to us next Thursday :happydance: Hopefully we will have the crib piece by then and can put everything together! Final birthing class this eve and we get to tour the hospital maternity/postpartum wings. Baby-Q in four days and my next prenatal appointment is in a week. My 3 hour GD test is this Saturday at 7:30am then I'm getting my nails done and a pedi to pamper myself a bit before the shower. Ahhhh so much going on! :wacko:

The advice I was given was to not change your diet before the test. Cutting out the sugars will actually be worse than leaving them in because you bottom out and then introduce a ton back in at once.

Dani, since you mentioned progesterone I figured id ask you...Im due to stop my suppositories in 7 days, at 10 weeks, but I'll have about 10 extra. Do you think it'd be ok to do 1/day for an extra 10 days? I feel like it wouldn't hurt any, plus id like to wean off a little since I have the extra ones to do so with.

What do you ladies think or what did you all do?

I was on it until 13 weeks but just because the placenta took a might bit longer to form and I had the suppositories so they said to go ahead and finish the bottle. I definitely don't think it would hurt to do the extra days.

Dani how rude of him! I would've been like "Yeah this is a hell of a lot of gorgeous to take in at once, isn't it" :winkwink: What a jerk.

So had a little scare just a bit ago. My heart has been fluttering, like rapidly beating some over the past week. This morning at work I felt it happening, like it was beating out of my chest, in my throat and I was very hot and clammy and felt lightheaded. I sat at my desk and was fanning myself. I could see my vein pulsating like crazy on my wrist! Then it felt like a big rush of blood went to my head and I thought I was gonna pass out. I got really nervous. I had already ate two mini bagels with cream cheese and sipped some water but decided to eat a banana and drink more water. OH urged me to call the doctor's office and the nurse said it was likely due to low sugar. I've been really doing good about not drinking sugary beverages or eating and sweets. THe banana and water seemed to help as I feel ok now but I was pretty scared at one point! Eating some mac and cheese right now and going to eat some strawberries and banana at lunch.

Oh and here's my finished diaper raffle cards!


Diaper raffle cards look great! It sounds like low blood sugar. Make sure to drink a ton of water and get something in you!

Names are a massive bugbear! Luckily ours have been picked out basically since we started trying and I haven't wobbled yet thankfully.

Jyllian that does sound blood sugar related. If you're used to having lots of sugary things then it might take your body a little while to adjust to no sugar. Watch out for how much fruit you're eating as well, as some fruit is VERY high in sugar. Best things are wholemal rice, grains, bread etc etc. Generally wholemeal has much less complex sugars than white when it comes to everything indluding pasta. I've been trying to avoid sugar too due to high risk for GD and it's an absolute nightmare!

I'm staying on progesterone until 16 weeks. That's how long they supplied it for me and I paid for it. Stubbornness more than anything. The consultant said I could stop ehenver, but I'm kind of like "I PAID SO I WILL CONTINUE" haha.

From what I hear carbs are also something to avoid because they turn into complex sugars that last longer in the body than simple sugars do. In that respect its almost better to eat a bag of skittles than a sandwich.

Got my hair cut this morning, and it's wayyyy shorter than I am used to, but I like it! It's so much lighter! So dh still has not been told where we are going, but that check is still direct deposited, so we are just enjoying our time together! We have decided instead of paying rent next month, we are going to move into my parents house since nobody lives there atm. We won't need to pay anything to live there, and my mom is happy that someone will be there for a little while. Michelle, we will be close by! I'll be in schulenburg! We are actually driving through Austin to get there, I'm in love with that loop! The speed limit is 80 mph!!!

Pic or it didn't happen! I'm so annoyed you don't know where you are going yet!
Ok, my phone is acting cray cray every time I try to post a picture, so I'm doing it off my tablet


It's sideways! I'd much about this tablet lol
Love the cut, Chelsea! I'm wanting to get my hair trimmed and touched up before maternity photos. Told OH he should prooooobably get his hair cut and trim up his face before the Baby-Q so he doesn't look too much like a caveman :laugh2:

My boys have been busy today! They took another trailer to the dump today, brought me lunch and are heading to the hardware store for some final things needed for the house (downspouts and the accordion door). It helps me feel a bit more at ease when I know OH is being productive. The garage has been cleaned, shed is cleaned out and soon the reno will be DONE. I think OH has a bit of daddy-to-be "nesting" going on as of late :shrug: I love it!
Jess I haven't vomited. It's just all day nausea, which is very tiring

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