Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Glad your appointment went well Dani.

Cheryl, if you do drive around with the pineapple, please post pics. I also like Saywer and Leo... I do however like Saywer more if I had to choose between the two.

Jamie, I'm so sorry your Dr was a total bitch. Hey my opinion at least. Some women gain lots of weight and others don't. Everyone cannot be rated the same. If we could then I'm sure TTC and everything else about pregnancy would be so much easier to understand. You are not a bad mom hun and I'm sure you are not causing any harm to Sienna :hugs:

I've just accepted to go with the flow and not worry about this whole when will baby come becuase I don't have control over it anyway. What will be will be and I'm close to having him so whatever way he gets here will be fine with me as long as he gets here safely.
I'm having the worst af and lower back ache at the moment but no contractions. The back ache is worse than the af pain... again I pray please no back labour :haha:

Sorry if I've missed anyone's posts :hugs:
I have a lot of catching up to do! Thought I'd pop on quickly and let you all know that DH and I sat down this evening and had a looong talk. I'm 100% quitting my job at 38 weeks and staying at home to raise Luca and Alfie/Oscar/Jack/Charlie, and we've agreed on at least one more baby. I was sure this would be our last and was trying to make the most of every last second but he's talked me round :rofl:
Hi ladies- feeling like death currently with a raging sinus infection and not being able to take anything really sucks!!! No sleep the last two nights since lying down = more coughing and when I sneeze I think my chest is gonna crack open ! Ouch :/. Anyways, my appt was a complete let down! Apparently the appt I had two wks ago which I was told was for genetic testing was really my "20 week" and final scan. I'm so bummed! I opted for the testing thinking it would give me an extra scan, but they are being total cheapos and counting that as their final scan even tho I went somewhere else for it. Meh!
Also, I hadn't been seen by my OB in 6.5 weeks so my weight gain since last appt was 4 pounds, putting me at 14 total so far at 22 weeks (measuring exactly 22 today) which I really didn't think was terrible but my dr told me I'm gaining too much already and then proceeded to nitpick everything I eat and tell me that if I continue to gain too much the baby will be born with a genetic predisposition to become fat. GREAT! So not only am I so sick and miserable right now and hormonal, you're gonna tell me I'm being a bad mom already by predisposing my child to obesity! I'm so so sad. I basically balled my eyes out as soon as I walked out the door. DH felt terrible and tried to tell me I'm fine. But I seriously can't stop crying. And I'm at work now until 9 ... Just feeling sad and miserable overall today :(

That's BS with a capital B and a capital S! 14 pounds is not a lot considering the average is 30-35 pounds. You are about half way there and over halfway through the pregnancy. Let the witch (I mean doctor) stand and preach, but know that she is on a high horse. My sister gained 65 pounds with my oldest nephew and 80'with my second and neither one is anywhere near obsese. In fact they are both now on the smaller scale percentile wise. Keep doing what your doing girl. Your body knows what it needs and how much weight to keep. Besides most of your weight gain so far is probably baby related such as amniotic fluid, baby, extra blood and boob, and placenta. She can shove it.

Glad your appointment went well Dani.

Cheryl, if you do drive around with the pineapple, please post pics. I also like Saywer and Leo... I do however like Saywer more if I had to choose between the two.

Jamie, I'm so sorry your Dr was a total bitch. Hey my opinion at least. Some women gain lots of weight and others don't. Everyone cannot be rated the same. If we could then I'm sure TTC and everything else about pregnancy would be so much easier to understand. You are not a bad mom hun and I'm sure you are not causing any harm to Sienna :hugs:

I've just accepted to go with the flow and not worry about this whole when will baby come becuase I don't have control over it anyway. What will be will be and I'm close to having him so whatever way he gets here will be fine with me as long as he gets here safely.
I'm having the worst af and lower back ache at the moment but no contractions. The back ache is worse than the af pain... again I pray please no back labour :haha:

Sorry if I've missed anyone's posts :hugs:

Pam - the back ache could actually be a sign that you are in the early labor stage. Some women don't even realize the pain they are feeling is contractions because it's just a back ache. When are you to see the doctor again?

I have a lot of catching up to do! Thought I'd pop on quickly and let you all know that DH and I sat down this evening and had a looong talk. I'm 100% quitting my job at 38 weeks and staying at home to raise Luca and Alfie/Oscar/Jack/Charlie, and we've agreed on at least one more baby. I was sure this would be our last and was trying to make the most of every last second but he's talked me round :rofl:

If you go with either Jack or Charlie, you can match Cheryl with the lost names and between the two of you have 2 of the main characters.
Afm: had my last pelvic pain appointment until after baby comes, and my 35 week Ob appointment. Both went really well. I do have a separation of the abdominal muscles in my abdomen which can cause some problems during labor, specifically the muscle could tear and leave me with a hernia. She did an injection in my belly and the puedendal nerves to hopefully help with the lightening crotch. I have to have her paged when I go into labor so she can numb me up down there.

The Ob appointment was quick, painless and thorough. I didn't get the scan because Luke is definitely head down. She said that he is still floating a bit but is pressing on my cervix, which is at 50% effaced. I am not dilating yet though. I will not be getting another scan between now and birth unless something drastic happens, which is fine. He is close to 5.5 pounds right now and on track to be 7-7.5 pounds at birth. The general consensus is that I probably won't make it to 40 weeks but in the event that I do induction is on the fence. At first the doc said that for sure they wouldn't let me go past 40 because of my issues becoming worse the longer he is in there (more chance of hemorrhage) but then said that she spoke with a coworker and we will re evaluate at 39 weeks because induction is incredibly painful and I can't have the epidural to help me cope. I still want the induction regardless of the pain because it's going to hurt either way. Oh, she said that colostrum shouldn't burn the nips and to use a petroleum based product like aquaphor to protect the skin for a bit, and that my problematic nipple shouldn't actually be a problem when it comes to breast feeding.

I go back in 2 weeks. We had the option of coming in next week, but it's going to be such a busy week already and the only thing that could change is more effacement and/or dilation. Of course if anything happens before then I am to come into labor and delivery to be checked out.
Thank you, you girls are seriously awesome! You've made me feel a lot better!! Thanks for the support :)

Jess- you are handling everything so well!! With all your limitations and things, I give you soooo much credit. I pray the pain gods are kind to you during labor!!!!
I have a lot of catching up to do! Thought I'd pop on quickly and let you all know that DH and I sat down this evening and had a looong talk. I'm 100% quitting my job at 38 weeks and staying at home to raise Luca and Alfie/Oscar/Jack/Charlie, and we've agreed on at least one more baby. I was sure this would be our last and was trying to make the most of every last second but he's talked me round :rofl:

Yay for being a SAHM :dance: I love it.
When would you guys start trying again after Alfie/Oscar/Jack/Charlie is born?

I still remember like yesterday you describing your first time having sex after birth and it being over as soon as dh touched your cervix :rofl:

Glad your appointment went well Dani.

Cheryl, if you do drive around with the pineapple, please post pics. I also like Saywer and Leo... I do however like Saywer more if I had to choose between the two.

Jamie, I'm so sorry your Dr was a total bitch. Hey my opinion at least. Some women gain lots of weight and others don't. Everyone cannot be rated the same. If we could then I'm sure TTC and everything else about pregnancy would be so much easier to understand. You are not a bad mom hun and I'm sure you are not causing any harm to Sienna :hugs:

I've just accepted to go with the flow and not worry about this whole when will baby come becuase I don't have control over it anyway. What will be will be and I'm close to having him so whatever way he gets here will be fine with me as long as he gets here safely.
I'm having the worst af and lower back ache at the moment but no contractions. The back ache is worse than the af pain... again I pray please no back labour :haha:

Sorry if I've missed anyone's posts :hugs:

Pam - the back ache could actually be a sign that you are in the early labor stage. Some women don't even realize the pain they are feeling is contractions because it's just a back ache. When are you to see the doctor again?

Sadly the back ache ended in nothing too. It was really painful and I seeked relief in the form of warm bean bag. Sat on the couch a bit witht he bean bag on my lower back and by the time I fell asleep it was gone.

I do wake up during the night and I become semi aware (half asleep half awake) of tightenings but I'm sure they are just uncomfy BH.

Next appointment at the clinic is @ 40+5 on Thursday. Will be referred to the Dr then and if their scheduling is still the same he'll probably see me on the following Tuesday at 41+3. If there are no labour signs yet I'm sure they'll book me for an induction as they won't allow you to go over 42 weeks.

Afm: had my last pelvic pain appointment until after baby comes, and my 35 week Ob appointment. Both went really well. I do have a separation of the abdominal muscles in my abdomen which can cause some problems during labor, specifically the muscle could tear and leave me with a hernia. She did an injection in my belly and the puedendal nerves to hopefully help with the lightening crotch. I have to have her paged when I go into labor so she can numb me up down there.

The Ob appointment was quick, painless and thorough. I didn't get the scan because Luke is definitely head down. She said that he is still floating a bit but is pressing on my cervix, which is at 50% effaced. I am not dilating yet though. I will not be getting another scan between now and birth unless something drastic happens, which is fine. He is close to 5.5 pounds right now and on track to be 7-7.5 pounds at birth. The general consensus is that I probably won't make it to 40 weeks but in the event that I do induction is on the fence. At first the doc said that for sure they wouldn't let me go past 40 because of my issues becoming worse the longer he is in there (more chance of hemorrhage) but then said that she spoke with a coworker and we will re evaluate at 39 weeks because induction is incredibly painful and I can't have the epidural to help me cope. I still want the induction regardless of the pain because it's going to hurt either way. Oh, she said that colostrum shouldn't burn the nips and to use a petroleum based product like aquaphor to protect the skin for a bit, and that my problematic nipple shouldn't actually be a problem when it comes to breast feeding.

I go back in 2 weeks. We had the option of coming in next week, but it's going to be such a busy week already and the only thing that could change is more effacement and/or dilation. Of course if anything happens before then I am to come into labor and delivery to be checked out.

I'm glad your appointments went well and I agree with Jamie, I really do admire you with all the limitations and pains you've gone through so far you have always taken it in your stride.

Hoping your deliver will go smooth when the time comes.
Can't keep up with everyone, so hope everyone is feeling as healthy, comfortable and rested as possible.

Kirsty, it sounds like it was a productive chat, and lovely that you'll be able to spend that time with your kids

Jess, you're getting close! Need to leave some of it to the hands of fate now

Pam - don't feel embarrassed. It must be excruciating having lost the plug, and just waiting for labour to start. You're holding up well. Sounds like he's a nice stubborn wee one, who'll do things when he's ready! I hope it starts for you soon. You must be very ready to just give him a cuddle and have the birth over
Pam - I think it'll be at least a year before we can realistically decide when we're going to start trying for another. DH wants to startstraight away but says he understands that my body needs a break.

I'm putting DH on a sex ban from birth-3 months pp. I don't know how women physically do it after 2 weeks of giving birth! :haha:
Can't keep up with everyone, so hope everyone is feeling as healthy, comfortable and rested as possible.

Kirsty, it sounds like it was a productive chat, and lovely that you'll be able to spend that time with your kids

Jess, you're getting close! Need to leave some of it to the hands of fate now

Pam - don't feel embarrassed. It must be excruciating having lost the plug, and just waiting for labour to start. You're holding up well. Sounds like he's a nice stubborn wee one, who'll do things when he's ready! I hope it starts for you soon. You must be very ready to just give him a cuddle and have the birth over

I am ready for cuddles but I think he is as stubborn as his dad and you are right... If he is anything like his dad he will do it when he wants. I'm in for a lifetime of torture with these two :rofl:

Pam - I think it'll be at least a year before we can realistically decide when we're going to start trying for another. DH wants to startstraight away but says he understands that my body needs a break.

I'm putting DH on a sex ban from birth-3 months pp. I don't know how women physically do it after 2 weeks of giving birth! :haha:

Your poor DH will probably not last that long :haha: At least you know you are super fertile so whenever you guys are ready it will happen quickly :D

Your probably going to have to look into smep etc to get him a girl you know or he might be convincing you after each boy to try some more haha
Sat with my husband now. He's said I need to take your advice or he's going to start buying Luca dresses :haha:
I agree, Jess is amazing continuing to press on with everything she has to face :bodyb: I'm over here whining because my cankles ache :dohh:

Pam I think I'm with ya on the 'what happens will happen' mindset :thumbup: I was super duper anxious for Matthew to arrive (and still am!) but realize that everyone is different with pregnancy - which is really cool to see on here amongst us all - and your body will do what it wants when it's ready.

I have been pretty miserable all week with backache, feet and ankles swollen and aching, being tired and my little sugar drop scare. I took an hour nap as soon as I got home yesterday which seemed to help a lot. I wore black leggings and layered two maternity tanks today for work. Super comfy! My maternity jeans and top were uncomfortable and annoying yesterday. It's Friday, payday and our shower is in two days :yippee: The dresser my mom ordered for us arrived yesterday and OH's mom dropped off the travel set :happydance:


The changing topper piece for the dresser is supposed to come today. Hoping the replacement piece to the crib arrives before the bedding set next week so we can set everything up! OH is at orientation for the new job this morning. Cannot wait for him to start working again...
Love the travel set, Jyllian! :)
I feel your backache pain (literally!) and leggings are def a good pick for comfy clothes! I have been living in leggings! Well, when I go out that is. While I'm at home, I'm always wearing sweats. Something about the way my jeans rub my belly makes me feel sick. Its strange.
And yay for your shower!! :dance: Can't wait to see pics!!
Sorry ive been MIA ladies! We have a chatty bunch here & its been hard to keep up with everything through the MS. I feel like I've missed so much! I'll have to go back about 15 pages to catch up some :haha:
Thanks ladies! And Mary omigosh isn't this a fast moving thread sometimes?! I was surprised I only had like a page and a half to read since yesterday afternoon and I didn't get on BnB til later in the morning today :wacko:

Just putting my thoughts out here... not really a rant but... ok it is I guess! OH's mother has been saying stuff to us in regards to items we need for the baby/nursery. Like, earlier this week she told us NOT to go buy the glider/ottoman set we want (and have on our registry) because she can get us one used for cheap. OH even made a disappointed noise when she said that. He picked out the glider and we both really like it. And earlier on in the pregnancy she told us NOT to buy a diaper pail because she either has a used one already or can get a used one. She also recently told us not to get another car seat if we needed one because she got a used one of those too - and added that it's not recalled or anything like that. I was like, no we don't need one but will buy an extra base for the new one we get. And when she was looking through our registry lists earlier this week she was like "Ugh, can't I just get all this stuff from garage sales?!" She did get the travel set we wanted, *new* off our registry, and even got like 25% off with a coupon. It's just like seriously? :saywhat: Telling us what not to buy... I understand where she's coming from and appreciate the gesture but there's certain items OH and I chose that we want to have. I think Jess told me awhile back that whatever isn't purchased off our registry at Target we get a discount on so that will help, plus I'm sure we will get a few gift cards at the shower.

I'm not sure what all she has at her house but when OH and I were in bed the other night he brought up how hectic my mornings will be taking both kids to school and dropping Cameron off with a sitter. I said that it won't be too bad considering either my mom or his can just come over to our house to watch the baby. He said that his mom would most likely take Cameron to her house, as she won't want to sit around at ours. So then I brought up how I wasn't too comfortable with that, being there's two pit bulls at her house. He said she wouldn't let the dogs around the baby and I added that I'm also not OK with our baby being there due to his brother and sister smoking weed inside. He said that I'd have to take all that up with his mom. Uh, there's nothing to "take up" really. Guess we will cross that bridge when the times comes...
Uhm... no not the dresses for Luca :haha:

It is so much fun when the nursery things start to come together. I cannot wait for pics of when everything is done. The items you have so far is awesome. Also cannot wait for that shower :dance:

Regarding OH's mom... I would be annoyed by it too. Some things are okay 2nd hand or used but come on man allow the baby a few NEW things too.
I also agree, there is nothing to take up with her regarding Cameron going to her house. It is NOT suitable for a baby to be supervised in a house where she cannot even control fully grown adults and stop them from smoking weed. So in my opinion how can you trust her not to let the dogs near him etc. Plus why should you take it up with her? His mom so he can put his foot down and tell her what is best for HIS son
She is totally OK with them smoking weed (or whatever else) in the house, so yeah I trust her at our house but not so much with what could happen at hers... Oh and I also forgot to include that she told us NOT to buy the reclining booster chair/highchair we have on our registry as she can get one used :growlmad: Ugh...

Omigawwwwwd I can so relate to this! :rofl:

(Don't worry, it's not PORN :dohh: Not sure why it's titled that... it's from a funny movie - Knocked Up)​
Hahah that's a funny video! I've seen that movie and didn't remember that scene. Hilarious. DH is the same way! And I am not even that big yet lol.

I agree, let the baby have new things! At least for safety reasons on the car seat.. Other things can be used. And I also think OH should be the one to tell his mom.. But if he doesn't agree with you then I dont know.

Pam- glad you're still able to sleep! I'm sure your patience is thin! It's gotta be soon! Has to be!!!!

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