Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Haha love the watermelon one! The constant texting would be so annoying - it's a bit like when people keep asking if you're nearly ready when you're running late....I'd be ready a lot faster if you stopped interrupting!

Pam, hopefully when he decides to make his move, it will be a quick process
Pam my friend posted this and I thought it was hysterical

I'm having such a time second-guessing the name Sawyer as that is what DH is leaning towards and some girls have told me it is "trendy!" First Harper and now Sawyer.. Le sigh. We picked both based off actual, yanno, books with pages.. Seeing as we are in the Deep South and that's why mama went to college.. But now it's "trendy"! Ugh. And there are a lot of people naming their girls Sawyer which to me does NOT compute. So it's making me nervous! The point of naming him Sawyer would not at all to be "Sawyer M."... I want to avoid that at all costs, bleh!

Speaking of the little nameless bugger he's been getting quite big or just maybe his butt is lately?! He is poking his bong booty out of my belly all the time and it's hysterical.. Once we determined it was a butt and not a head.. I like to poke it and don't want to be poking him in the eye!!

Had my GD test yesterday and met with my OB and talked about my birth plan. She is on board with all of it (!!!) and even told me she has a personal streak she keeps up with of avoiding c sections. That made me feel sooo much better. I'm starting to visit other OB's in the practice now to develop a tiny relationship with each since the odds of my doc developing our little lion cub are not in our favor!

Oh!! And finally got some answers from that client. They are working on getting me everything I need to shoot through the end of December (!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: :headspin: :wohoo: :headspin:) and soon!! I'm so incredibly stoked. If I can get all of that done somehow I will be able to really relax and just be with baby for a LONG time! Guess it was worth waiting for!
Hahaha Pam! I'm so sorry you're still pregnant and ppl are being annoying!! Come on baby, time to come out now! Mommys cooked you long enough!!

Hooray Cheryl!!! That's fantastic news! So glad for you!! And that's tough about sawyer. I don't want a popular name either, so I get it!!! I def don't think Leo is trending. Jack has been lately too so maybe Leo is the way to go!? And that's awesome about your dr!

Siena is kicking like crazy today!! So far DH hasn't been able to feel her but I think he will be able to now! Of course he's not home when she's being super active! Maybe later!
I wore skinny jeans today. We went to get some food bits that I forgot to pick up during the week and the bloody button pinged down the aisle :blush: 2hrs later and my husband is still laughing.
Awww Pam. I hope Matthew comes soon! I know you're eager to see him, but remember it is perfectly normal for babies to come after their due dates. My mom had 3 kids, and we were all late. Maybe he is just too comfy in there!

Cheryl, I know exactly what you mean with names! I will love a name, then find out everyone else out there loves it too and have to put it on the "no" list instead of the "yes" list. I want my child to have a unique name.. But not TOO unique if you know what I mean.

Haha Kirsty. No shame in that! Baby just needs more room and wanted to let you know. :)

Over here, doing well. Hoping this cycle moves along quickly so we can try again. My boss has been fantastic through this all, telling me to take time off and not count it as PTO. Sometimes it helps having a woman boss who gets it. :)
Michelle, glad you are doing ok considering.
I think I love your boss :)

I've used up my internet for the month on my laptop so I'll update on my phone. Apologies in advance if I go quiet, I just want to make sure there is enough data on my phone to update you when I go into labour
You're all very quiet today. I've come to the conclusion that Pam is the social glue that holds this thread together. What are we going to do when she coughs out a baby?! There's no Daphne left to pick up the slack :haha:
I know! I know Jyllian has her shower today. I can't wait to hear how it went!
Hi ladies! Im here! Still fighting off this sinus infection and being a complete bum all weekend!

Pam- how are you feelingggg???!!!???

J- hope you have/had a great shower!!
I'm here too, just hanging out at home getting my planner printed off. I'm almost done with it.
I'm sort of here. I've written until my fingers are sore today, so fresh out of steam
Also here. No real update for me. I had an exhausting weekend and I'm plum tired.
I am here! Pretty much finished nursery and am exhausted. Resting up for my last week of work now. Eek!!!!
Wow Kenna! That's come around quickly. Hope you enjoy the last week. Would love to see a picture of the nursery.

I've just organised the date of the baby shower, and I'm enjoying starting to put the nursery etc together. My DH is pretty excited, as apparently last night he could hear all these noises coming from my stomach, so he put his hands on my belly and enjoyed feeling the little man having a party in there. I slept through the whole thing haha.

I'm heading off interstate for a work conference tomorrow so will be pretty quiet on here. Hope everyone is going well
Kenna I can't believe you're 38 weeks!! I've been so focused on Pam, your EDD snuck up on me! Good luck with your last week! How are you feeling?

Jess- would you mind sharing ur planner? On fb or here ? I'm gonna be a SAHM too so I'm curious what organization ideas you came up with!

Pam- how are youuuu!?!?

J- how was ur shower?
I don't mind Jamie. I'll take some photos and share them with you. I plan to do a whole blog post about it too (even though the ladies in the blog world think that planning is going to go out the window when the little guy comes). It's pretty much just a monthly and weekly planners for life, blog and youtube, as well as a cheat sheet for emergency contact info and address book, and a monthly tracker of when bills are due and how much they are. I have a separate planner for baby tracking that I based off of the app I shared with you guys on facebook.
Kenna - happy 38 weeks!!!! Last TWW of this pregnancy :yipee: FX Shelby comes soon.

Cheryl - happy 28 weeks.... You really are in the last tri.... :dance:

Laura - happy 14 weeks.... FX you've got you fingers back to normal again.... Read in your journal why they got sore... Hopefully you'll get a positive response.

Pam - Really crossing my fingers that Matthew comes as soon as he's able....
Hi, sorry for being quiet. No internet at home and working sparingly with data on my phone till the 1st. I will try to check in with you ladies and promise to update you as soon as something happens.

Happy 38 weeks Kenna and enjoy the last few days at work. Glad nursery is ready :)

Fi, enjoy your trip and have fun with all the shower planning and nursery setup.

Urgh!!!! I know I'm missing posts here but struggling to remember whst I've read :blush:

AFM: I feel like glue :rofl: I am struggling to sleep now more than ever with Matthew getting bigger and turning hurts a lot.

I'm frustrated like it is nobody's business. The neighbours are constantly here asking about baby, every person that sees me in the shop asks, friends and family calling and texting... I really do understand that they mean well and are excited BUT come on people give me some rest!!! If I knew when he was coming I would update them and if he was here I would not be hiding him... sorry for the rant.
Thanks, ladies! It snuck up on me too!!!! Thank goodness we are ready! DH and I installed the carseat base as well. Feeling crampy and tons of pressure. And omg my boobs hurt so bad I want to die. They were fine until yes
Sorry my phone posted lol. Since yesterday was what i was trying to say!

Pam, I am sorry you are so frustrated! People can be so strange!!!!

Happy 28 weeks, Cheryl!

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