Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Wow Kenna! That's come around quickly. Hope you enjoy the last week. Would love to see a picture of the nursery.

I've just organised the date of the baby shower, and I'm enjoying starting to put the nursery etc together. My DH is pretty excited, as apparently last night he could hear all these noises coming from my stomach, so he put his hands on my belly and enjoyed feeling the little man having a party in there. I slept through the whole thing haha.

I'm heading off interstate for a work conference tomorrow so will be pretty quiet on here. Hope everyone is going well

Aww that is so cute!!!! Glad DH is so excited :) Hope you have a good trip!
Kenna, must feel so real with the car seat base installed etc. Crazy!

Pam, clearly you are hiding the baby. Reminds me of something that happened at work recently. We run a special needs dance group, and we worked out that if we put steel bins on stage as props we could also clue the kids in to where they need to stand. My ordering went something like this:

Me: "I'd like to order 14 tin bins please"
Sales: "Sure.... 14 is a lot"
Me: "Yes, I have 14 kids"
Sales: "....right. You can get the size up for only 10 cents more"
Me: "No thanks, I need the kids to carry them and get in them, so the bigger ones will be too heavy"
Sales: "um...ok"

A few seconds later I clued in to what this conversation must sound like and had to quickly explain that I wasn't genuinely planning to walk my 14 children somewhere with a bin and then make them get in them!

:rofl: That tin story just made me laugh out loud! Haha!

Sorry I've been so quiet ladies...I haven't had much to say lately and I feel selfish complaining about MS so I've just been reading what you all are up to for the most part. Lifes been pretty boring over here, lol. Its been raining for like a week straight. Poor Aiden. Hopefully he'll be able to have some outdoor fun ASAP.

-I have my first bump pics...I just need to get them up here! Ugh. I've been trying but of course my phone won't cooperate! I'll probably have to ask someone for help.

Also, Aiden used up pretty much all of my internet data until the 7th (!!!!) so that's another reason I have been/will be a bit quiet in here. I'll be back on as much as I can as soon as I can! ;)
I'm sorry your so frustrated, Pam. I literally can feel your frustration.. I was 3 days late with Aiden and I still remember exactly how I felt. I was so stressed & wanted him to come so bad that when my bff went into labor 5 days before me, I cried and could talk to her at first, lol. You'll feel better the second Matthew comes and I hope that happens ASAP! Id be surprised if its much longer. I had almost no labor signs and then BAM, I was in labor the next a.m. Hopefully it happens over night for you too. FX!!
Mary, there is nothing wrong with complaining about ms so don't feel bad. We are all happy to be pregnant and all that but nobody likes to feek like crap all the time :hugs:

I took a looooooong bath ti unwind and decided to shave my legs and the "garden" I have to admit that I have done well and for the record some of the moves I pulled to get the job done should totally go into the Karmasutra books :rofl:

I've peed since a few times and all ok, jyst went again and noticing red blood spots. Urgh I think I'm going to clean my hands nicely and do an internal check because I have no other means of determining whether I cut myself or if I am starting a show :shrug:
Aww Pam I'm so sorry you're dealing with annoying people that are overly anxious for Matthew's arrival :hugs: I cannot imagine how you're feeling right now! You girls crack me up though, the photos are hilarious :rofl: Love that you are keeping your sense of humor through it all :thumbup:

Mary we totally plan on getting the stuff WE chose and want, regardless of what his mom thinks we should do :thumbup: As far as pitbulls, I don't dislike the breed... it's the size of the dog and also yes, the fear that either one may jump on the baby or a piece of furniture he is laying on or something and cause a terrible accident. OH had one and he jumped all the time, scratched my daughter pretty bad and not a dog I'd want around my infant. DH's brother's one dog it hyper as well, jumping on the furniture and such. I'd rather not have the stress and worry.

Cheryl sorry you're having a difficult time with a name for maybe/maybe-not Sawyer. I do like Leo as well. A childhood friend of mine named her son Leo but that's the only one I know of I believe... You'll settle on something eventually :thumbup: So glad to hear everything else is coming together birth and career-wise! Don't you just love feeling little baby booty poking up? Cameron pushes his little rump up under my left rib and I pat it sometimes :laugh2:

Kirsty that's hilarious :rofl: My skinnies are getting pretty uncomfortable now. They have a short belly band on em and it digs just above my pubic area. There's no way I can wear anything with buttons!

Michelle I'm glad to hear you're doing well and that's amazingly kind of your boss to be so understanding :hugs:

So Saturday - the day before our shower - we had major rain, wind and flooding alllllll day. My 3 hour GD test was that morning and I woke up to find that our sump pump wasn't working and water was filling up the basin fast. OH took me and the kids to the hospital, where they were running behind and here I was tired, stressed and starving. Finally got called in for my first poke and OH took off to fix our pump issue. Luckily, his grandparents had a spare they allowed us to use. My mom came by the hospital to sit with the kids and I while OH was gone. After the pump issue was fixed OH returned for my last couple pokes (I had two on each arm total). I treated myself to a mani/pedi then we met my mom to get the rest of the shower supplies.

Sunday's weather wasn't terrible, just a bit windy, and we were able to successfully have the Baby-Q outside! Overall we definitely lucked out, considering we were originally going to have the shower on Saturday :wacko:


The best part of the day, along with sharing it with close family and friends, was seeing OH's face light up as he opened the gifts. I let him do it all, as the shower really was intended for him. We got some very nice things and Cameron's nursery is starting to slowly fill up.


Still waiting on the crib replacement part and the bedding is scheduled to arrive this week. OH and I will use money and gift cards we got from the shower to purchase additional items we still need :thumbup:
Here is an article and some photos of the weather in the downtown area where our shower was:​
Pam ugh! I wish the people in your town would leave you alone. What good does it do them asking?! Especially if they see you out.. Like "oh actually I'm 9 cm right now so I hope you can catch!!" I need Matthew to hold off just until your data refreshes so we can get lots of updates though :rofl:

Daphne can you believe Adam is over 2 weeks old now?! Not exactly a TWW but isn't that crazy how many two weeks we endured trying to get preggers and you just went through over two weeks with your son?! :cry: awwww

Kenna I can't believe how close you are either!! And Jess! Wow. Glad you got everything done for shelbys room. I was thinking of putting the car seat in our car now because there is no room for it in the house :haha:

Jyllian I'm so glad your shower went great!! Glad to hear OH had a good time too :thumbup: so exciting to be getting so close and able to finish up with everything Cameron needs. Seems like just a few more things and the nursery will be close!

Fi that story is hilarious. When I read it I actually thought you were messing with the guy and then I realized.. Hahaha. I LOL'd

So I think DH MIGHT be deciding on Leo.... We talked about Sawyer being somehow sort of "trendy" apparently and especially for girls and it has made me nervous. It seems meaningless to name him Sawyer if our intentions are lost to it just being a trendy name. Just like Harper! Bleh. But Leo would be so cute and I actually feel very comfortable calling him Leo in there, more so than Sawyer. DH just wants a "longer name" for his birth certificate even though I told him it doesn't need to be like that. Leo is a more popular name on the registrars than Leonard or Leon or anything like that anyway!

Our glider came this weekend!! I loooove it and can't wait to sit in it more. It's so comfy, and we definitely made the right decision. It's all janked up by the crib right now til we paint this week then we can finally start sort of setting up the nursery. I'm nervous about shelves and cubbies and whatnot, not having a clue what we'll need and not really being able to tell until all the big pieces are in order. We definitely need somewhere to put the cloth diapers that is easy to reach since we already have soooo many and I don't want to be bending down constantly at the dresser. I figure a shelf up above there would work, with some wire baskets for the diapers.
I wonder if Kenna will go into labor before Pam?! :shrug: And Jess is up next for the coffee emoji :coffee: I think I'm fresh out of coffee waiting on Pam :laugh2: It's so amazing how each one of our bodies works in it's own way... to conceive, how we grow and carry the baby, symptoms we have and how we go into labor and birth.

Cheryl I cannot wait to go purchase our glider. I see it every time we go to the store... just staring at me. Now OH and I can do some shopping for Cameron and I know how much he loves that! He's too excited.

I went through our registry and the items we currently have or are waiting on delivery of to determine what we will still need:

crib mattress pad
receiving blankets*
changing pad
diaper bag
boppy cover*
bottles - munchkin latch, playtex ventaire, nuby*
petroleum jelly
rash cream
diaper pail
pail liners
scratch mittens
burp cloths
white onsies*
cube storage
laundry detergent
baby dish liquid
soothie pacifier*
bath thermometer
extra crib sheets
crib mattress
glider and ottoman
safety swabs
health and grooming kit
pack n play changing pads
pack n play pad cover

The * items are ones we have but I'd like extra as backup :wacko:
Ugh! Rant...

SO I had posted a nice photo of OH and I standing outside the shower venue and some asshat had the nerve to comment "Is he pregnant too?".


OH dealt with being overweight and teased throughout his school years then lost the weight in recent years and put a lot back on after we met. He struggles with it and makes comments to me here and there. I always assure him that I love him the way he was and is, but even more so now as he's really grown into a wonderful man and will be an amazing daddy to Cameron. His weight means nothing to me, however if he really wants to adjust his lifestyle for health reasons I will support and encourage him but never push him to do so. He's already quit smoking cigarettes and using chewing tobacco for over a month now which has been amazing! Some people just have no common sense or filter. Regardless of man or women, pregnant or not, super skinny or larger... some things just don't need to be said. OH has dealt with comments before and seems to even more now that I'm pregnant, as people like to address his weight in conjunction with the pregnancy.

His buddies say stuff, my mom has made comments and I see people on Facebook make comments. I nearly made a super hormonal, defensive remarks back at the guy but instead just deleted his stupid comment.

Have you tested just to check? At my first u/s, they showed me a pool of blood in my uterus which was from implantation ans they said its VERY common. I'd see what the test has to say. Good luck!
I have tested with my strips and they are negative. I'm still having sore breasts, now I'm having metalic like blood taste in my mouth and my cervix is so high I can't reach it with lots of cm. I'm so confused right now...
Can't believe somebody would say that about your DH! Okay, maybe a close friend could get away with making a joke like that but a random Facebook person?! Rude!
Sorry I'm super chatty today but feeling pretty good and just in a good mood!

I got the call from the doctor's office...



Ordered this today for Cameron:​

We had similar on our registry that no one purchased and I thought it was cute because it has monkeys on it which is kinda the "theme" we've been going with. Hope OH likes it because he chose a Baby Einstein one for our registry. I had this sent in his name and haven't told him :winkwink:
If Matthew doesn't hurry up and if my body doesn't slow down, Luke might just make it out first lol! I've been having tons of contractions today and constant lightening crotch. I have more to say but can't think right now
Jyllian - I'm so glad the shower went well! Congrats on no GD, and the monkeys are very cute

Mary - I hope the MS is easing. Don't worry about complaining - it is rubbish!

Cheryl - I'm glad you're feeling more settled on the name. Leo is very cute.

Pam - nice work on the gardening!

Jess - I hope you feel more comfortable today

I'm so hungry.....
Did you guys see the big uproar on Tommee Tippee bottles because they came out with a rainbow colored bottle set? All these people are like "I'm never buying Tommee Tippee again." I'm like who cares, I would love a set of rainbow colored bottles. It would thrill me to no end because I like rainbows.
Jess I didn't heR that but I love rainbows too! People are too much!!! I can't stand stuff like that, if it doesn't affect you, why do you care so much?! Sheesh.
Damn, intolerant people having babies! Just what the world needs more of. Smh!

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