Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Wow Kenna! How is preeclampsia diagnosed? Get lots of rest because little Shelby will be here soon!!!
:shock: Kenna, l'm glad you got diagnosed, obviously not that you got it though. Rest up and try and enjoy the last bit of pregnancy :hugs:
Also glad that Shelby is doing well under the circumstances.

At this rate you might even have Shelby before me or better yet we can go into labour together :friends:
Lol! I didn't progress at all from last week to this as far as effacement and dilation. I think that she will stay put unless they need her to come out.

Jyllian, they did a check of my urine and found some sort of protein (i think that is what they found) and then had me hooked up for monitoring. My legs and feet have been super swollen and my head has been hurting quite a bit. I have gained 5 lbs in a week.
High BP, swelling and proteins in urine are common signs of pre e

Will someone pleeeeeaaaaasssseeee have sex with me to get this show going :rofl: l am obsessively checking tp and it is driving me nuts lol
Sorry I'm super chatty today but feeling pretty good and just in a good mood!

I got the call from the doctor's office...



Ordered this today for Cameron:​

We had similar on our registry that no one purchased and I thought it was cute because it has monkeys on it which is kinda the "theme" we've been going with. Hope OH likes it because he chose a Baby Einstein one for our registry. I had this sent in his name and haven't told him :winkwink:

That's the same jumper we have on our registry. I didn't order it yet though because he won't need it until around Christmas time so it can be a Christmas present.

Dh's cousin commented on fb as well about being gay is a sin blah blah blah. He us such a negative asshole!! I have no problems with anyone and would love rainbow bottles too!!!

Jess, l think most people on here might end up going into labour before me haha. Are the contractions still going? Sorry about tge a-class moron comment on your post. Since when did you start asking their opinion anyway?

Jyllian, sorry abot the comments about OH, it seems like stink foot in mourh is becoming an epedemic and people should really mind their own business. I love the monkey theme and glad you passed your GD test :dance:

Mary and Laura, how are you ladies doing nausea wise now? Hoping you have had some relief!

My internet will be back up tomorrow and l'll be able to keep up better. For now l think l did okay with updating from pregnant memory haha.

40+3 for me today and no signs of labour.... boo. I think l had a real contraction last night as it was af ans back pain with bump tightening. Confused me though because my bump stayed hard a bit aftr the pain left. Had another one later and timed it for 1 min. Then another 78mins later. Quiet after that :shrug:

We have nice weather today so we took a nice drive along the beach on a gravel road aka "shake the baby out"
Then went for cheesecake and restaurant was on 2nd floor so l did stairs sideways - old wide tale :rofl:

Yay for interwebs!! Now don't use it all up in one place lol. Sounds like a contraction to me. I have a feeling your labor is going to start suddenly and go quickly. Did you ever reach up in there? Mine haven't slowed but they are less painful than they were the other day.

We have Tommee Tippee bottles on our registry and even got a set at the shower. I bet the rainbow colored ones are cute! If I was having a girl I'd so buy them.

*Side note* Just Googled "Tommee Tippee rainbow bottles and apparently they've had colored bottles for some time now. There's a spring color collection and Fiesta Fun Time collection as well from last year.

Jess that's exactly what I did with the stupid comment under the photo of OH and I... DELETE!

I so cannot wait for him to start work tomorrow... This whole him coming to bed super late and then sleeping in b.s. is ridiculous. Plus, he did absolutely NOTHING productive while I was at work yesterday from 8am-4pm :growlmad: When I got home he was just taping the drywall seams on the ceiling downstairs... prolly so I wouldn't b*tch. Went to the store and I got a drywall sander with vacuum attachment thingy to help keep the dust down in the house. He used it and it works wonders... so far. We don't have a lot to sand really but it needs to be done so I can paint and we can finish that room!

Like, come on dude... there's ALL the closet doors in our garage that need cut down to size, filled with wood on the bottom, glued and clamped to dry. We have the transition strips needed, one for the downstairs bathroom doorway and living room tile area that can be done. He wants to put an extra outlet in the wall downstairs which would be ideal to do during the day since the power must be off. He has everything he needs... except the ambition to do any of it.

I've accepted for the most part that I can't do a lot of things now. I can help out when needed and I can handle the household stuff (with help from the kids) but I just am not confident in my renovation project skills plus I tire easily. My son helped me take the glass panel out of our front door yesterday and put the screen in it's place. I can prepare the nursery as far as washing everything, putting things away and cleaning. I feel bad I have to tap out of most of the reno stuff but that's what it's come to at this point.

Tommee Tippee has tons of colored bottles. I'll share the post via Facebook so you guys can see what I'm talking about. They are adorable. Sorry your oh is being lazy and not getting anything done. Too bad he can't seem to get motivated. I'm proud of you though for slowing down and realizing you can't do everything yourself :)

Dh doesn't want to have sex.... so my question is if l find someone in town who would do the old pregnant hag would it be seen as cheating or induction :shrug: :rofl:

All you really need is the sperm and an orgasm......see if he'll do his business in a cup so you can squirt it up there and then give yourself a happy ending. I'm sure if you put it like that he would just inject you himself lol

I know easier said than done but tell yourself that it will be alright! I try to keep telling myself that because I'm scared TO DEATH the closer I get to the end and the unknown of how it will all go down...

I mean, it IS going to be alright! We will all do just fine :thumbup: But still... scared sh*tless!!! I hope I can pull myself together and not go into panic mode when it's time. With my DD I was like OK my water broke, LET'S DO THIS :strong: I can just see with this one I'm gonna starting shrieking and crying and OH will have to drag me to the hospital and force me in, sobbing and nervous as can be... "I DONT WANNA DO IT!!! :brat: :laugh2:

I did a blog post on this exact matter. I'm scared to death about the outcome of all of this.

Quick update for me: on bedrest until Shelby arrives. Preeclampsia has struck! Another appt Thursday, DH is going to take me. Sad but Shelby is doing great and I am having tons of contractions. Said goodbye to my coworkers and now I am resting.

That sucks Kenna. Did they give you anything to lower your bp? At least now you can lounge in bed all day guilt free. I will admit all the get your sleep before the baby comes comments on your blog have me all agitated. Lol. Guess I'm in a mood today.

Lol! I didn't progress at all from last week to this as far as effacement and dilation. I think that she will stay put unless they need her to come out.

Jyllian, they did a check of my urine and found some sort of protein (i think that is what they found) and then had me hooked up for monitoring. My legs and feet have been super swollen and my head has been hurting quite a bit. I have gained 5 lbs in a week.

What were your dilation and effacement at?

So instead of going back to bed this morning my iPad and phone went nuts with whackos commenting on my birth plan and choice to have Luke circumsized. I finally changed the settings to having to have a previously approved comment in order to comment without moderation but they took to sending me messages via the contact form. So far I have deleted/spammed 83 comments on the one post. I'm like leave me alone! Your comments aren't going to make me change my mind, nor do I really care what you think. I am proud of myself for just deleting rather than commenting back. But seriously it's no ones decision but mine, my husband and our doctor.
Quick update for me: on bedrest until Shelby arrives. Preeclampsia has struck! Another appt Thursday, DH is going to take me. Sad but Shelby is doing great and I am having tons of contractions. Said goodbye to my coworkers and now I am resting.

Feel better, Kenna! :hugs: I'm going to text you in a minute ;)
High BP, swelling and proteins in urine are common signs of pre e

Will someone pleeeeeaaaaasssseeee have sex with me to get this show going :rofl: l am obsessively checking tp and it is driving me nuts lol

Like Kristy, I'm willing to take one for the team, too! :rofl:
lol you girls crack me up! Pam- i hope you get sex soon! Or more labor signs!

Jess- i read your blog- can't believe ppl are actually commenting so much negativity!! I'm sorry :/. Hope it stops soon. I'm freaked out about labor too. And I don't even have any limitations. I feel for you!
Thanks ladies for the info :thumbup:

Jess I thought about that with the jumperoo like right after I ordered it :dohh: I figured we can just keep it put away until later but at least we have it when it's time I suppose. There's a Snugamonkey Kick n' Crawl gym I'd like to get for Cam ASAP, however. It's a play mat he can use early on for back and tummy time then converts into a little tunnel for later when he is crawling.

Seriously why do people care what YOU (and DH) have decided is best and what you want for your birth and your baby? Like, everyone is entitled to their own preference when it comes to their body and child. And I like seeing and hearing how we all envision our births to go, what we have planned and prefer... and how it unfolds.

:rofl: Omigawwwd Pam, Dani and Kenna you girls are cracking me up!!! I get some action at leat once - maybe twice, if I'm super lucky - a week. But like I said before, I get bad cramping/contractions afterward so I'm totally OK with focusing on taking care of OH for the most part :thumbup:

Our bedding came today and I looove it!!! And just got word from OH that the replacement crib piece has been delivered! Pretty sure he's dying to get that put together. I can't wait to see it! He's been working on getting the nursery closet installed today, thank goodness!
I am going to jump DH this evening, this baby needs to get out!!!!! We have been doing mutual fun stuff the past few weeks but no sex. Tonight will end that, even if i have to get him drunk first! Bahaha!

Pam, maybe you should liquor up DH and then take it from him! :D

Jess, people are so annoying with their comments. I am glad I am not the only one who is getting irritated with people's opinions. As for your situation, people need to butt out! You do as you wish.
Bwahahahahahahahaha you guys crack me up! I can't say how awful it would be as Ronny and I still do "it" at least twice a week lol. If he didn't want to I think I would go bonkers.

The comments seem to have stopped when I emailed one of them back and told them to mind their own business and stop harassing me.....and tell their goons the same thing.

Here is my bump pic. The ones in the skirt are from today, the jeans are last week.


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Great bump Jess and glad you aren't letting other people's unwanted opinions affect you. Screw them.

Thanks ladies who are willing to take one for the team :yipee: you guys really had me laughing out loud and now l need to make up a fake story to explain to dh. I can't be telling him how pregnant ladies are willing to do me when he doesn't hahaha.

I'm scared we might never have sex again... he has not had any drive at all for a long time now and worried it won't pick up once l'm a mom :(
Beautiful bump, Jess! And I agree with Kenna, your bump seems lower to me!
And I can't believe those people on your blog! I'm glad they stopped now. Its BS the way they reacted. I think your birth plan is great and not a damn thing is wrong with it! People are so negative, its sick!

Aww Pam... I'm sure your sex life will go back to normal. Dh just may be scared of hurting the baby or something, you know? I'm sure he'll be right on top of things once you get the go from the docs to do "it" again after birth. ;)
I don't really have any internet data left right now because of Aiden going YouTube crazy, lol, but ill be checking in for anything new with you! You could very well go into birth tomorrow a.m...You never know!! I'll be praying Matthew makes his appearance before the week is over! :thumbup:
So the comments, emails and Facebook messages did not stop. I was able to find out from one woman that my post was shared by a woman in the medical field on a secret "bodily autonomy" group for anti-circumcision. After threatening to contact Facebook and have their group shut down from harassment, bullying and copyright infringement one of the members said she posted to leave me alone and to remove all links to my social media accounts.
So much fun going on in here.... You ladies made my day.....

Sorry about the a**holes comments you got. Internet is full of that... And only thing we can do is ignore or delete their trash comments.

Pam, i cannot help you on the DH SEX drive as i too have the same problem for the longest time. Our last :sex: was in March and i have no clue when our drive will be back or if it will ever be coming back? :wacko: Hope Matthew comes asap he's long overdue.. :D

Mary, happy 10 weeks!!!! Another TWW for you til you hit 2nd tri...

Jyllian, happy 31 weeks!!!

Jess, love the bump.... With all your contractions i think you may be having Luke before Pam.

Kenna, sorry pre-e got you... High BP, weight gain and protein in urine are the major signs. Rest up and hopefully you'll have Shelby naturally. Glad to hear she's doing fine though.

Sorry i haven't updated you all lately.... We are doing fine.... I just weighed myself last night and i'm down to 50 kgs. I was 57 kgs pre-pregnancy gained up to 63 kgs then down to 62 kgs before giving birth. DH lost 6 kgs already and he's happy about it and wanted to lose more :D

Here's some of Adam's picture this week. Of course, always sleeping...

Last night at DH's chest. He loves sleeping that way.... DH always falls asleep as well... :haha: Don't know why he is too quiet whenever DH is home... It's the same when he's still inside me wiggling and when i call DH to touch my belly he stops. Weird.


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