Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Beautiful bump, Jess! And I agree with Kenna, your bump seems lower to me!
And I can't believe those people on your blog! I'm glad they stopped now. Its BS the way they reacted. I think your birth plan is great and not a damn thing is wrong with it! People are so negative, its sick!

Aww Pam... I'm sure your sex life will go back to normal. Dh just may be scared of hurting the baby or something, you know? I'm sure he'll be right on top of things once you get the go from the docs to do "it" again after birth. ;)
I don't really have any internet data left right now because of Aiden going YouTube crazy, lol, but ill be checking in for anything new with you! You could very well go into birth tomorrow a.m...You never know!! I'll be praying Matthew makes his appearance before the week is over! :thumbup:

Thanks, I hope so too as I really don't want to be induced. My internet is luckily back up today so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Hope your's comes soon as well :hugs:

So the comments, emails and Facebook messages did not stop. I was able to find out from one woman that my post was shared by a woman in the medical field on a secret "bodily autonomy" group for anti-circumcision. After threatening to contact Facebook and have their group shut down from harassment, bullying and copyright infringement one of the members said she posted to leave me alone and to remove all links to my social media accounts.

:saywhat: I cannot believe that this happened. What is your personal preferences or beliefs etc got to do with anyone else??? I'm just sick thinking about people abusing and taking this all out of context!!! It has nothing to do with them and it does not personally affect their lives so why in the hell do they care so much?

I mean really if they are anti-circumcision then all they have to do is NOT circumcise their own babies full stop.

I really hope they stop now!

So much fun going on in here.... You ladies made my day.....

Sorry about the a**holes comments you got. Internet is full of that... And only thing we can do is ignore or delete their trash comments.

Pam, i cannot help you on the DH SEX drive as i too have the same problem for the longest time. Our last :sex: was in March and i have no clue when our drive will be back or if it will ever be coming back? :wacko: Hope Matthew comes asap he's long overdue.. :D

Mary, happy 10 weeks!!!! Another TWW for you til you hit 2nd tri...

Jyllian, happy 31 weeks!!!

Jess, love the bump.... With all your contractions i think you may be having Luke before Pam.

Kenna, sorry pre-e got you... High BP, weight gain and protein in urine are the major signs. Rest up and hopefully you'll have Shelby naturally. Glad to hear she's doing fine though.

Sorry i haven't updated you all lately.... We are doing fine.... I just weighed myself last night and i'm down to 50 kgs. I was 57 kgs pre-pregnancy gained up to 63 kgs then down to 62 kgs before giving birth. DH lost 6 kgs already and he's happy about it and wanted to lose more :D

Here's some of Adam's picture this week. Of course, always sleeping...

Last night at DH's chest. He loves sleeping that way.... DH always falls asleep as well... :haha: Don't know why he is too quiet whenever DH is home... It's the same when he's still inside me wiggling and when i call DH to touch my belly he stops. Weird.

Ah he is sooooooooo cute and HUGE congrats on the weight loss. I hope I can loose weight as fast when I've given birth :D
Morning ladies :hi:

My internet is back up and running so I'll be better able to keep up and update on here now.

40+4 today and still nothing... I'm not even counting the huge amount of cm and plug I got when I went to the loo this morning as anything anymore as it has not brought anything on since 39+1.

DH just asked if I'm going to go into labour tomorrow when he is busy doing his snake lecture at the park with the junior rangers. I said well if he had just had sex with me last night like I asked him to we would maybe be in labour now. His response is he cannot have sex with me now because he is afraid the baby will come out while we are doing the deed :rofl: Men!?

I'm going to clean the house now and then spend the rest of the day on that damn yoga ball which bloody well better bring on something. Otherwise my appointment is tomorrow morning and we'll see what they say then.
Jess, i just saw your posts about circumcision. Whether it's based on someone's religion or health-wise it's the parent's decision to make and other people should mind their own business...

FYI, we had Adam circumcised last Wednesday. Here, it's based on religion and heath. Back home they generally don't do it early on until just few years ago. They usually do it when the boy's thingy is ready (when they can pull in the skin and expose the head) before they do the circumcision. My DH got his at the age of 11 and he remembers everything.... He doesn't want our kid to experience that so we decided to do it.
I wanted Luca circumcised but my husband point blank refused to even consider it. :shrug:

Also, it's too hot to be pregnant today. 10am and nearly 30c/86f. I don't know how some of you ladies do it.
These things are all personal choice. They don't cause harm, so why should people be judgey.

For the record, we wouldn't ever circumcise, but it's just not as prolific here as it is over there. Different culture, different countries, different preferences.
Aww he is adorable, Daphne!!!! Yay on weight loss for both DH and you!!!! Wonderful news :)
Holy thunder!! I just was woken up by the loudest bang ive ever heard! I love thunderstorms though so I'm kinda hoping it goes on all day :) It scared the crap out of me when I wasn't expecting it though! :haha:

So todays 10 weeks, which means I dont NEED to do my progesterone anymore :dance: But I'm still going to wean down with the remaining 10 that I have left over. Cant hurt any! I'm just so happy that its my choice from here on out! I KNOW they've been making me sickER. I hope some of my energy comes back to me this week! FX!
HAPPY 10 WEEKS MARY :dance: :dance:

I cleaned the house and sterilized the pump and pacifiers. After I finished cleaning I went to sit down in the nursery in the feeding chair and got to pump for about 5 mins then DH pulled up into the driveway. I stopped before he could see me because not in the mood for him mocking me.

Got lots of colostrum and giggles at the way the pump was pulling me nipple. I'll tell you one thing though, that pump has a great latch :rofl:
Omg, Pam! :rofl: That is TOO funny! I never tried pumping before birth...Did you get much? lol. You seriously CRACK me up!!

Kenna, I didn't even think about the fact that I'm in double digits now! That makes today even more exciting! Yay! :) I'm a quarter of the way there! :dance:
Ladies be careful about getting DH drunk for sex! Two words... liquor dick :rofl:

Jess your bump looks lower to me as well! Getting so close to meeting Luke! I cannot believe people are still going at it regarding YOUR personal choices for yourself and your son. We all have different views on things but no need to make a big deal out of it! Seriously, there was a need for people to copy your stuff onto another site and all?! Unreal...

Aww Pam I'm sure you and DH will get back into the swing of things after Matthew arrives. It can be like dating all over again and your "first time" together :winkwink: That's something I'm worried about though as well... hopefully OH will still want me in some form, even when I'm not "accessible" for weeks after Cameron arrives :blush: Your DH is funny thinking Matthew will come out while you're DTD :rofl:

Glad to hear you are all doing so well Daphne! That's so sweet Adam loves snoozing on DH's chest. I tell OH all the time that I think Cameron will love his chest for cuddles and naps. Adam is absolutely adorable, of course. He has the most beautiful complexion! And those cute lips! That's awful DH remembers his circumcision! My DS1 had his done while we were still at the hospital and preeeeetty sure he has no recollection of it :thumbup:

We will not be circumcizing Cameron. OH was set on that from day 1 but it took me a few weeks to come around. I'm kind of anxious to have a new little winky to care for that is different than what I've dealt with before :laugh2: If that makes sense? I told OH he will have to help and teach me how to properly clean it and all, which is nice it gives him another important role as a parent as I'm sure he may feel a bit distant at times if I'm exclusively nursing. I want him to be and feel as involved as possible!

31 weeks today!


Cannot believe I could give birth in 7-9 weeks :wacko:

Here is the nursery so far:


I still have to paint the closet doors and put the baseboard back down. We have to get our glider and ottoman and the cube storage and of course little odds and ends we didn't get at the shower. It's slowly starting to come along!

A mom in an August Facebook group shared this site with me:

Monkey Wall Decals

We are thinking instead of doing his name in wooden letters on the wall we are going to get one of the decals with his name and monkey(s).
Well Jess to be honest that's what you get for being the one person in the world to circumcise their son :saywhat: circumcision is much more common than not doing it! Like I said before we are super crunchy but we are doing it. if my DH were not, we would not circumcise the LO but since he is we are! Simple as that. Plus, not gonna lie but we girls always talked about that.. Some women like it with its own little carrying case but it always came up if the guy were uncut because it's so common here. DH and I discussed that too.

Pam that's actually genius to pump before baby! That should help the nipple stimulation since DH is being uncooperative. You can also try sticking EPO capsules up there as it will help soften the cervix. If they won't induce you til 42 weeks you have pleennnnnnty of time. I would be induced at 41w3d I think but you've got tons of time still. We're already ready for Matthew though!! I keep checking bnb like MAYBE ITS NOW!!!

Mary happy 10 weeks! I can't wait for you to start feeling better and hoping cutting down on the progesterone helps :thumbup:
Hahaha jyllian whiskey dick ugh. That would be the worst. You just wanna BD to get labor started but it lasts an hour because DH drank too many vodka sodas. My idea of personal hell

Those monkey decals are so cute!! Definitely a good idea

Is OH not circumcised? If he is that would surprise me! I think it's good for sons to look like their daddies, it seems like it would help them growing up you know?

Oh yeah we met with our pediatrician last night and loved them!! They're really really close and everyone was soooooo nice. They really focus on breastfeeding and one of the pediatricians is a LC and they have a LC who works there as well. They have specific BF'ing rooms where they can watch you feed and help and stuff and they can weigh the baby on a digital scale to see if he's getting enough. They also gave us a BF'ing book, and a "your baby's first year" guide for DH "so he didn't feel left out" hahaha. The lab ladies even wrote a sweet note on their whiteboard for us. We were just so thrilled with them! I'm not surprised, they were by far and away the most recommended to us but it was great to go there and see that it will be a great fit
Well Jess to be honest that's what you get for being the one person in the world to circumcise their son :saywhat: circumcision is much more common than not doing it! Like I said before we are super crunchy but we are doing it. if my DH were not, we would not circumcise the LO but since he is we are! Simple as that. Plus, not gonna lie but we girls always talked about that.. Some women like it with its own little carrying case but it always came up if the guy were uncut because it's so common here. DH and I discussed that too.

Pam that's actually genius to pump before baby! That should help the nipple stimulation since DH is being uncooperative. You can also try sticking EPO capsules up there as it will help soften the cervix. If they won't induce you til 42 weeks you have pleennnnnnty of time. I would be induced at 41w3d I think but you've got tons of time still. We're already ready for Matthew though!! I keep checking bnb like MAYBE ITS NOW!!!

Mary happy 10 weeks! I can't wait for you to start feeling better and hoping cutting down on the progesterone helps :thumbup:

Cheryl, we're kinda one in the same here. I told DH I saw one in real life and wasn't too fond of it (not meant to offend anyone). Also DH is circumcised and was pretty adamant we do the same for the baby. But you see that, individual reasons! Internet people can be such bozos!! And to bully someone? Yuck!

I thought about you all in the shower this morning. Not in the biblical sense :rofl: but I was just doing my daily recal of who is next. I realized that after this July wave, I'm in the next bunch to deliver. Eek!!!!
Happy 31 weeks Jyllian! As always you look great and pregnancy really suits you :)

Mary, l only managed to pump 5 mins and was doing it as nipple stimulation to unduce labour. I managed to get lots of colostrum :thumbup:

Not sure if you guys remember the kady/doula/midwife that l sw a while ago. Anyway she sent me a msg out of the blue saying she predicts a 4th of July baby for me. That will be this Saterday @ 41 weeks.
Happy 31 weeks Jyllian! As always you look great and pregnancy really suits you :)

Mary, l only managed to pump 5 mins and was doing it as nipple stimulation to unduce labour. I managed to get lots of colostrum :thumbup:

Not sure if you guys remember the kady/doula/midwife that l sw a while ago. Anyway she sent me a msg out of the blue saying she predicts a 4th of July baby for me. That will be this Saterday @ 41 weeks.

Ooh I like it! I predicted last Saturday but I can push it out a week.
Cheryl nope, OH is not circumcised... hence his - and now my - reason for leaving Cameron "intact". My older son is circumcised, however, but I don't see it being a "thing" between the boys as there's such a big age gap. I want Cameron to identify with his daddy in that area :thumbup: It's gonna be a whole new experience for me this time with a newborn son.

OH started the new job today (FINALLLLLY). He works a 12 hour shift 7am-7pm today and tomorrow then has Friday and Saturday off. Then he will work his three day/12 hour shift week starting Sunday. Hoping he has a good first day and this works out [-o<
Jess- that's beyond ridiculous that it went that far with the circumcision comments. Geez why do women judge and shame and bash so much!!!? Aren't we supposed to be supportive of each other no matter what own preference or beliefs we have!? Awful!!!

Pam- that's a good idea about pumping pre baby!!

Jyllian- GL to oh today! Fx this job sticks!!!

Daphne- hi!!! Adam is so precious and beautiful! I always feel weird calling a boy beautiful but he just is! Those lips!!! Glad you're dong well and holy cow the weight sure came off fast!!! Congrats! I really hope I have the same reaction! But if it it's ok, hopefully over a few months at least!

I've never actually seen an un-curcumscized penis in person but friends that have always talked about it as looking like an anteater?? Not sure if that's true! But anyways it is more common and I don't really know why, I guess health reasons makes sense since it can get bacteria growth if not taken care of properly.

Afm- horrible headache today, but sinus infection is gone! Worked until 10:30 last night and back at it by 8 this morning. Is it 5 yet?! So not in the mood to be an adult today. I wanna be a kid again and have everything done for me lol now those were the days!

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