Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Before I forget :dohh: Here is my 40 weeks bump pic that we took on Saterday. I couldn't post due to internet problems

Also can you guess which one is me? I mean the resemblance is just too crazy!!!!
Pam I was actually thinking about you last night and wondering if you got your 40 week bump photo!

And CLEARLY you are the gorgeous, glowing, ever so pregnant hot mama on the left! Silly lady!
Ah thanks Jyllian :blush:

I love joking and entertaining so this one went on my FB profile too :rofl: DH doesn't always laugh at my jokes but I swear he might have peed some when I showed him this one.
This cartoon was on this afternoon and I told him I feel like that one. He didn't quite understand why until I put the photos togehter haahahahahah
I got a good laugh out of it too! I think a lot of us feel like we look like that right now :laugh2: Some days I do and others I feel awesome. Today's a so-so day... My prenatal appointment is this afternoon at 3:30 (in 3.5 hours). Anxious to see how Cameron is positioned (I'm thinking head down, back to my left and feet to my right still) and how much I've gained and what my belly is measuring.
I'm sure all will go well. Just remember not to let them be crap to you about weight gain because we are all different. PLUS I've seen your photos and you look great so I would not say there is anything to worry about.
Also I forgot to mention that I also hope everything goes well with OH and his job - FX very tightly.

Interesting random fact for the day - @ 40+4 and my belly button hasn't popped yet. If I go to 49 weeks it might pop :rofl:
LOL, Pam, that cartoon is awesome! It def had me and Nahum laughing out loud too! :haha:
It looks like Matthew will be making his appearance and soon! There's not much room left in there so he just has to come! lol. I'm willing to bet that you will go into labor the way I did...with almost no signs to warn you ahead of time. Matthew is going to sneak up on us any day now! ;)
Well Jess to be honest that's what you get for being the one person in the world to circumcise their son :saywhat: circumcision is much more common than not doing it! Like I said before we are super crunchy but we are doing it. if my DH were not, we would not circumcise the LO but since he is we are! Simple as that. Plus, not gonna lie but we girls always talked about that.. Some women like it with its own little carrying case but it always came up if the guy were uncut because it's so common here. DH and I discussed that too.

Pam that's actually genius to pump before baby! That should help the nipple stimulation since DH is being uncooperative. You can also try sticking EPO capsules up there as it will help soften the cervix. If they won't induce you til 42 weeks you have pleennnnnnty of time. I would be induced at 41w3d I think but you've got tons of time still. We're already ready for Matthew though!! I keep checking bnb like MAYBE ITS NOW!!!

Mary happy 10 weeks! I can't wait for you to start feeling better and hoping cutting down on the progesterone helps :thumbup:

Thank you, Cheryl! The MS has actually calmed down a little, thankfully! We'll see if it stays this way though. Everytime I tell u all that I'm feeling better, I feel way worse the next day! lol. But like you mentioned, since I'll be on half the dose of progesterone over the next week, I think that may help :) FX!

And I know what you mean about us girls talking about circumcision...My bff and I had many convos about it when we were a bit It is pretty uncommon here not to be circumcised so I think thats where all of the girl talk comes from.

IF my feelings are wrong (which I dont think they will be!) and if we have a boy, he too will he circumcised. Aiden had it done and like your dh, mine did too, so its just a natural thing to us. If it weren't done when he's a baby, that would probably change my mind but they're so young that they dont remember..THANK GOD! We do it for both religion and health reasons.

With that said, everyone has their own opinions on the matter. I mean, plenty of the ladies on here aren't for it, whereas the other half are for it. As long as everyone respects each others decisions, all is good :thumbup: Its when people get mean, like on Jess's blog for example, that really gets to me! Just because I'm for it doesn't mean I'd EVER put down someone who isn't, so why must they be so cruel about our decisions, you know? I think you & I have similar thoughts on this matter, Cheryl.

Oh speaking of me being 10 weeks...Can I do the baking soda fizz test now or should I wait longer? I'm so anxious to see if it ends up being right for me!
I think you can do the test Mary!! I did mine early as well and it was accurate so you can do it now to get it out of your system and then you can do it again later in your pregnancy before your anatomy scan again to confirm your result.

I mean I'm all for you peeing on stuff - my hands are starting to shiver in excitement just thinking about it :rofl:
I'm not sure how early you're supposed to do the BS test.. mine did NOT fizz until I was a little later on BUT you can do the pH strip test now. I think it's best to do early on, and it was very accurate for me!
Go ahead and pee on the soda addicts need to live vicariously through someone! P.s. How is the Facebook thing coming?

Pam I don't know if this will jump start things for you but I just realized how much worse my contractions are when we go to the pool. Maybe you could submerge in the ocean or a pool for a bit and then walk around.
Go ahead and pee on the soda addicts need to live vicariously through someone! P.s. How is the Facebook thing coming?

Pam I don't know if this will jump start things for you but I just realized how much worse my contractions are when we go to the pool. Maybe you could submerge in the ocean or a pool for a bit and then walk around.

I literally live 5 minutes from the sea so swimming could be an option. Problem is it is Winter here so I might just get hypothermia (pardon me if the spelling is wrong) if I attempt that now. No heated pools around here either as everyone swims at the sea :D
Appointment @ 40+4

BP : 103/64 which is normal for me
Engaged : Not yet fully engaged but he has moved down a bit more since last week
Weight: Total gain of... wait for it 8 grams (about 0.2 oz) :haha:
Urine : Clear
Iron : Fine

So all-in-all everything is okay. The nurse told me to come back on Tuesday at 41+3 to see the Dr if I haven't gone into labour yet. I asked her to please call and request that I come and see the Dr today at the hospital. I would rather him give me a thorough check-up and then book the induction date for next week (where we will end eventually if I don't go into natural labour) so that I can prepare myself for it. Nurse confirmed that regardless of which Dr I see at the hospital none of them will let me reach 42 weeks.

I don't like the idea of being rushed by seeing him on Tuesday and then being booked for the induction same day or the following morning etc. I mean in my opinion there is no harm in seeing him now at least then I get peace of mind of having a set plan of action instead of being in limbo some more. Plus then I can prepare myself and make sure I have my hospital bag ready as it is currently an overnight bag. Induction will mean a longer stay so I would need to repack and add more items.

Waiting for a call back from the nurse now to confirm when the Dr wants to see me................... :coffee:
Agh Pam! Matthew is such a stubborn lil guy! I hopped on BnB as quickly as I could anticipating labor for you. I'm sorry you are stillllll waiting :coffee: I would want to have some sort of clear plan of action now as well... like, are we going along with this induction or not?! Just keep your bag packed and ready and by next week maybe have a few extra items ready before your appointment in the case of an induction.

I had my 31 week appointment yesterday and all is well. I totally forgot about getting the tDap vaccine so when the nurse mentioned it I freaked :wacko: And she had to tell me right before taking my blood pressure so naturally it was elevated a bit but still fine. The shot was nothing at all! Actually, peeling off the bandage this morning hurt way worse :laugh2: I now weigh 172lbs (+37lbs so far) and Cameron is still head down :thumbup: I will begin seeing my doctor bi-weekly for this month then onto weekly appointments... "...if you make it to that" were his exact words :saywhat: Um, does he know something I don't? :shrug: This boy better not come earlier than 38 weeks.

You're making it too comfortable for him in there Pam. It's time to get the loud music going and start cutting down his food supply :haha:
I agree, Matthew is way comfortable in there, Pam! Since the docs aren't going with your request to be seen today, I'd just be prepared to go in for birth on Tuesday or Wednesday, if you think there's a strong possibility of that. Just have your bags packed and plan for DH to be around. Plan to do all of the stuff that you would do if it were set in stone already, you know? I know the waiting to find out is so incredibly hard but I also know your a strong woman and you can do this no matter when Matthew comes! I'm personally thinking he'll be here before your next appt but I guess we'll have to wait and see. He's def a stubborn one! lol. I hope you get some answers or go into labor soon!
Ugh Pam!!! This morning I was like "things are gonna be happening!" Grrrr. Maybe you should try squatting as much as possible to encourage him to fully engage. I thought of some other ways to get it going the other day that I wanted to suggest but I forgot :( I would definitely want to talk to the doctor too in advance. Going to 41 is not uncommon at all and I really doubt you'd go past 41w1-2 but you should still get to know and plan a little! I guess I'd just plan on being induced at 41w3 if you don't go naturally before then. I agree with kirsty, time to make it less comfy in there!! Get into all his least favorite positions and poke him all the time!

Jyllian dude that tdap hurt my arm so bad!!! I literally couldn't do yoga for two days. I don't think it was that common for it to hurt that long but good lord. I'm glad yours didn't hurt! Glad cam is still head down. Do you know if he's anterior or posterior?
So I cannot find the baking soda anywhere! Dh said he thinks we used the last of it the other night...of course we did! Lol. But I'll go grab some more within the next day or two and see what it has to say! ;)
NO MORE A.M PROGESTERONE FOR ME!!! :happydance: I did my usual dose yesterday. I'm excited to see if I start feeling more energetic now. I've been overly tired lately! FX for some energy! :)
Sorry ladies, TMI, but I just had to push really hard to poo. I always feel like I'm going to harm the baby when I have to push like I wont harm the baby, right? I just need to put my mind at ease over this poo/constipation thing! Hopefully that'll get a tad bit better with less progesterone too!
Cheryl so far so good {knock on wood} with the tDap :strong: I got it in my upper left arm. Cameron is anterior, I believe?

Found this chart. He would be LOA - his head is way down in my pelvic area, back runs along my left to front side area, his butt under my left boob/heart area and his legs and feet are on my right side.


So he may just turn a bit with his back outward right before birth :shrug: As long as he doesn't turn to the posterior position we're good!
Mary, I've had crying sessions on the loo due to constipation and then just deciding that pushing is my only option no matter who says what. Anyhow I don't think you'll harm the baby by pushing. Try and get yourself Lactulose syrup if you can. It is very sweet and safe to take to help your gut - a true blessing for me during pregnancy.

Jyllian, glad your appointment went well and that Cameron is being a good boy remaining head down. Don't take your Dr's words too serious just yet hun... everyone told me "early early" and look at me now :haha:

I just pumped each breast 15 mins each and didn't even get 1 contraction going :cry: So it would seem that pumping to induce labour will not be working for me either. Back on the ball now.... I feel like a ball already.

Also will be going to hospital tomorrow morning to go see the Dr and then hear what goes for what.

Here is to hoping I go into labour naturally tonight though - would just be way easier!!

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