Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Mary I do and think the same thing! This morning actually I knew I had to "go" cuz I had some cramping yesterday and it continued into this morning. I just knew it was a stubborn poo so I sat and sat and sat and debated on giving it a little helping push or two. Fortunately it all worked out and I didn't have to strain myself :rofl:
How is this for FUNNY!!!!!

My neighbour opposite the road stepped outside his house to have a smoke and saw an actual stork on our house's roof :rofl: He just came to tell me I'll be going into labour tonight as the stork was here.

FX that if ever there was a sign of anything going to happen that this was it
That's awesome. When we moved into out house my SIL pointed out a stork statue on a house over the road. :)
Happy Storks all round then.

I've done nipple stimulation in the form of pumping and bouncing on the ball. I've also sat flat ass on the ground brushing the dog and did the laundry. So hopefully I've done some to help it on too hahahaha
Pam that's crazy! It has to be a sign! Reading about your activities I can just picture you sitting on your ball, bouncing away, tweaking at your nips :rofl:
Hahahah Jyllian, not tweaking on the ball. I used my breast pump. I waited for DH to leave to his lecture and then put the dog outside so nobody saw me :rofl:
Lol. Wow that's cool a stork was on your roof! I seriously hope that's a sign!!!
Ok kind of freaking out a bit here at work. We are a small company of about 25-30 employees total. One of the employees, a young guy that works out in the plant has been out all week in the hospital. Word was that he received blood at the hospital and it was the wrong type. Just today, I got the real story (or more of what went with the previous) and a little unnerved as they are planning to allow him to come back to work...

Here's the article in our local newspaper:

Man slices face with machete in front of police

Basically... the dude is on drugs, unstable and many of us here are not ok with working around someone like that. We are supposed to be a "drug free workplace". Employees are to pass a drug screen as well as random screenings... but a handful of the guys in the plant (and past employees) smoke weed at least and simply buy liquid at a local shop that will make their urine appear clean come test time. We've had past employees show up to work still drunk from the night before or all hazy because they're on some kind of pill or whatever. Employees even have the balls to go sit out in their vehicles and smoke weed! I've brought this up and got threatening of losing my job due to "slander". :roll: Ok, whatever...

Anyways, back to the one guy. I guess he's supposed to return to work sometime next week, given he passes a drug test :saywhat: Uh ok since he's been in the hospital for over a week now I'm pretty sure he's clean at the moment and if anything is remaining in his system he can easily hide that, as I mentioned above. He also needs a thorough psychic evaluation. I'm kind of baffled by it all and would be lying if I said I would be comfortable working with him here. I already felt he was "off" anyways and he was one to go sit in his vehicle for extended periods of time, likely doing some sort of drug. He will have like mental breakdowns at work randomly and just acts weird like he's on something. I really think this place needs to crack down on the whole drug free aspect, not only for employee and work quality but for safety reasons as well.
Yeah... I'm just like what in the f... Like, HOW can you let someone that is clearly unstable come back to work here? And just after he is released from the hospital. He's still in there today as he called the workplace from the hospital just less than an hour ago. Granted, he hasn't outwardly done anything towards or directly to anyone or whatever or himself while on the clock that I know of but still. That's serious stuff.
He is a liability and should not be allowed back on the property. I pray he fails his next drug test so that this is not an issue for you all. We had similar issues at my work and thankfully the guy didn't pass the second drug test.
Yes, a liability... we have quite a few of those here. But this guy clearly could pose a threat to others or even himself again while here and that's very unsettling to me and others. I don't work out in the plant area but I do have to walk out there often throughout the day for random things. This guy obviously wants his job, as he's called daily since being out to give my boss and the plant manager updates. What exactly do you say to your employer? Like "Hey I won't be into work this week I kinda sorta tried to chop my face off' ?!?!?! FX he doesn't make it back in for whatever reason.
Go ahead and pee on the soda addicts need to live vicariously through someone! P.s. How is the Facebook thing coming?

Pam I don't know if this will jump start things for you but I just realized how much worse my contractions are when we go to the pool. Maybe you could submerge in the ocean or a pool for a bit and then walk around.

I literally live 5 minutes from the sea so swimming could be an option. Problem is it is Winter here so I might just get hypothermia (pardon me if the spelling is wrong) if I attempt that now. No heated pools around here either as everyone swims at the sea :D

Maybe it will create such an uncomfortable environment that Matthew will just decide to come out to warm up?

Appointment @ 40+4

BP : 103/64 which is normal for me
Engaged : Not yet fully engaged but he has moved down a bit more since last week
Weight: Total gain of... wait for it 8 grams (about 0.2 oz) :haha:
Urine : Clear
Iron : Fine

So all-in-all everything is okay. The nurse told me to come back on Tuesday at 41+3 to see the Dr if I haven't gone into labour yet. I asked her to please call and request that I come and see the Dr today at the hospital. I would rather him give me a thorough check-up and then book the induction date for next week (where we will end eventually if I don't go into natural labour) so that I can prepare myself for it. Nurse confirmed that regardless of which Dr I see at the hospital none of them will let me reach 42 weeks.

I don't like the idea of being rushed by seeing him on Tuesday and then being booked for the induction same day or the following morning etc. I mean in my opinion there is no harm in seeing him now at least then I get peace of mind of having a set plan of action instead of being in limbo some more. Plus then I can prepare myself and make sure I have my hospital bag ready as it is currently an overnight bag. Induction will mean a longer stay so I would need to repack and add more items.

Waiting for a call back from the nurse now to confirm when the Dr wants to see me................... :coffee:

It seems like he's working his way down! That's a good thing, he's just taking his sweet old time doing it. Hopefully the doctor can see you and put things into motion quickly!

Ugh Pam!!! This morning I was like "things are gonna be happening!" Grrrr. Maybe you should try squatting as much as possible to encourage him to fully engage. I thought of some other ways to get it going the other day that I wanted to suggest but I forgot :( I would definitely want to talk to the doctor too in advance. Going to 41 is not uncommon at all and I really doubt you'd go past 41w1-2 but you should still get to know and plan a little! I guess I'd just plan on being induced at 41w3 if you don't go naturally before then. I agree with kirsty, time to make it less comfy in there!! Get into all his least favorite positions and poke him all the time!

Jyllian dude that tdap hurt my arm so bad!!! I literally couldn't do yoga for two days. I don't think it was that common for it to hurt that long but good lord. I'm glad yours didn't hurt! Glad cam is still head down. Do you know if he's anterior or posterior?

My arm hurt so bad for a few days too. I think it was like 4-5 but she put the shot in my right upper arm so I was forced to use it which always makes it hurt worse lol. The first day wasn't so bad, it was the next few days that it really got bad.

Sorry ladies, TMI, but I just had to push really hard to poo. I always feel like I'm going to harm the baby when I have to push like I wont harm the baby, right? I just need to put my mind at ease over this poo/constipation thing! Hopefully that'll get a tad bit better with less progesterone too!

Don't worry Mary, pushing out a poo isn't going to harm the baby any. If it did Luke probably wouldn't be around as I have to push really hard due to the lack of abdominal muscles. Try to get more fiber into your diet and hold your belly when pushing so that you can give some extra stability to your core.

Cheryl so far so good {knock on wood} with the tDap :strong: I got it in my upper left arm. Cameron is anterior, I believe?

Found this chart. He would be LOA - his head is way down in my pelvic area, back runs along my left to front side area, his butt under my left boob/heart area and his legs and feet are on my right side.


So he may just turn a bit with his back outward right before birth :shrug: As long as he doesn't turn to the posterior position we're good!

Thats a great picture. I've come across a few just like it. Luke flops back and forth between ROT and LOT because of the instability in my core. It still isn't ideal but better than it has been. I have heard though that many babies in subsequent pregnancies don't fully get into the right position until right before delivery (like during second stage of active labor).

Mary, I've had crying sessions on the loo due to constipation and then just deciding that pushing is my only option no matter who says what. Anyhow I don't think you'll harm the baby by pushing. Try and get yourself Lactulose syrup if you can. It is very sweet and safe to take to help your gut - a true blessing for me during pregnancy.

Jyllian, glad your appointment went well and that Cameron is being a good boy remaining head down. Don't take your Dr's words too serious just yet hun... everyone told me "early early" and look at me now :haha:

I just pumped each breast 15 mins each and didn't even get 1 contraction going :cry: So it would seem that pumping to induce labour will not be working for me either. Back on the ball now.... I feel like a ball already.

Also will be going to hospital tomorrow morning to go see the Dr and then hear what goes for what.

Here is to hoping I go into labour naturally tonight though - would just be way easier!!

I'm glad the doctor has agreed to meet with you tomorrow. Seems like they should have been meeting with you last week instead of next week. I will send everything I have over to you to go into labor tonight!

Pam that's crazy! It has to be a sign! Reading about your activities I can just picture you sitting on your ball, bouncing away, tweaking at your nips :rofl:

I must be going crazy because I read twerking LOL

Ok kind of freaking out a bit here at work. We are a small company of about 25-30 employees total. One of the employees, a young guy that works out in the plant has been out all week in the hospital. Word was that he received blood at the hospital and it was the wrong type. Just today, I got the real story (or more of what went with the previous) and a little unnerved as they are planning to allow him to come back to work...

Here's the article in our local newspaper:

Man slices face with machete in front of police

Basically... the dude is on drugs, unstable and many of us here are not ok with working around someone like that. We are supposed to be a "drug free workplace". Employees are to pass a drug screen as well as random screenings... but a handful of the guys in the plant (and past employees) smoke weed at least and simply buy liquid at a local shop that will make their urine appear clean come test time. We've had past employees show up to work still drunk from the night before or all hazy because they're on some kind of pill or whatever. Employees even have the balls to go sit out in their vehicles and smoke weed! I've brought this up and got threatening of losing my job due to "slander". :roll: Ok, whatever...

Anyways, back to the one guy. I guess he's supposed to return to work sometime next week, given he passes a drug test :saywhat: Uh ok since he's been in the hospital for over a week now I'm pretty sure he's clean at the moment and if anything is remaining in his system he can easily hide that, as I mentioned above. He also needs a thorough psychic evaluation. I'm kind of baffled by it all and would be lying if I said I would be comfortable working with him here. I already felt he was "off" anyways and he was one to go sit in his vehicle for extended periods of time, likely doing some sort of drug. He will have like mental breakdowns at work randomly and just acts weird like he's on something. I really think this place needs to crack down on the whole drug free aspect, not only for employee and work quality but for safety reasons as well.

That is a crazy story and I would be terrified to work at the same place as a lunatic like that as well. Can you bring your concerns to the higher ups and see what they have to say? I bet if enough employees said that they do not feel comfortable working with him after all of this, they probably wouldn't hire him back. Hopefully he doesn't pass the psych eval!
AFM: I got some pretty great news today regarding the settlement on my slip and fall case. We were able to come to a settlement offer that was right where we thought it would be and the settlement check will be in the mail to us Monday. I am so excited because it takes off the stress of trying to find a lawyer days before I am supposed to deliver and eases the financial stress of me not working. Plus my hubby and I are going to trade in his car and buy 2 SUV's which are going to be much more practical than the 2 door we have now.

Luke has been pretty mellow the past few days, but is kicking and moving up a storm today. I keep getting this hard triangular body part (I'm thinking knee or foot) on my right side and hard lumps all around. I'm trying to take it easy but its hard! I have been getting quite crampy if I lay on one side too long and then it is painful to turn to the other side. Did any of you have that yet?
Holy crap that's so scary jyllian!! I hope he doesn't pass!!!

Jess- that is amazing news!!! I saw ur fb post and was so curious! Happy for you!

Pam- how are you?!

Kenna- How are you?!
Jyllian that's totally insane. Slicing his face off with a machete?!?! :saywhat: I wouldn't want to work around that at all!!

Jess that's awesome news! I know that will help you relax a lot. I can't figure what position ours is in at all. The doc and doula said he's head down but I feel his butt to my right side in the lower half but more towards the middle. Then I feel little jumbly moves down low to the left which I assume are hands and big moves above his butt on the right or to the side. Sometimes then they come at my belly button! I cannot picture his position for the life of me!

Paaaammmmmmmmm omg come onnnnnn baby matthewwww we are waiting for you little baby!!

Mary I had to eat fiber gummies up until fairly recently! And Jyllian will make fun of me but I got a squatty potty and it is AMAZING. Like you have no idea. Just no idea. I always hated when I would push to go and I could like feel the baby.. It was when he was bigger like 15 weeks but still super small and j wasn't showing much. I didn't even like peeing then because it felt so weird!!
I am doing ok, Jamie! Bored to death and just ready for this sweet little girl to be in my arms. :)

How are you doing?!

I took fiber gummies as well, probably right until 3rd tri started. Now, I can't stay out of reach of a bathroom. Lol.
Morning. Will be honest that l have not read the last 2 pages, sorry.

I am on the road and dont know how to copy a post from my phone. I did an update on my journal (link in my signature) that l cannot copy onto here....

You guys can read it there if you want and respond here or somebody can copy it on here maybe? Not that clued up on new phone yet :blush:

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