Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

My nausea started easing at 15w3d and then soon disappeared until the third tri came around :) hope yours will be gone for good soon!!!
:hi: just checking in

41 weeks and still pregnant!! LOL

Luckily I now know that come Monday or Tuesday by the latest Matthew will be here :dance: Nothing new to report as I really don't feel like I'm going to go into labor by myself before Monday and I'm not counting on the current back ache that I have as it has deceived me too many times.

4th of July isn't a thing in South Africa so I don't quite know how it works but will say Happy 4th of July to you ladies where it is celebrated and hope you have tons of fun :hugs:
Laura, my nausea has been getting better over the past few days as well. I too get it a little when I don't eat for a while though so ive been making sure I snack alot. Happy we're both feeling a little better and hope it stays that way! :)
Ok Pam so I have another idea :rofl: you said you have clary sage right? Apparently that can really make you go into labor! I ordered some last night. I think they said a drop on the outside of your ankles or in the bath. They tell you not to use it before you're full term because it can work that effectively! I'm determined to find all the natural induction techniques :haha:
Mary your bump is so cute! How I dream of being tiny again lol.

Pam - le sigh! You must be stern with Matthew and tell his stubborn little butt to come out already! I'm sorry you went overdue. Like way overdue! I am so glad that the docs are going to jump start things on Monday to help you out though. Why won't they let you go past 41w3d?

Cheryl - I've heard that about clary sage as well, but I also read that if your body isn't ready to go into labor no amount of home induction techniques is going to work. I'm half tempted to do a bunch of that stuff starting Tuesday to get this child out of me. I feel so bad because this is what I wanted (to be having a baby) but it is so incredibly painful.

AFM: took a spill yesterday and have been cramping pretty bad. I decided not to go to l&d because it was only a tiny fall. But I think it was enough to push Luke down further. If these pains don't go away today we may be headed to l&d later though. Hopefully not with Fourth of July and all.
Ok Pam so I have another idea :rofl: you said you have clary sage right? Apparently that can really make you go into labor! I ordered some last night. I think they said a drop on the outside of your ankles or in the bath. They tell you not to use it before you're full term because it can work that effectively! I'm determined to find all the natural induction techniques :haha:

Cheryl, I have clary sage in an bath salt and have been bathing in it for some time with nothing so I doubt anything will get it started except the induction meds maybe :haha:

Mary your bump is so cute! How I dream of being tiny again lol.

Pam - le sigh! You must be stern with Matthew and tell his stubborn little butt to come out already! I'm sorry you went overdue. Like way overdue! I am so glad that the docs are going to jump start things on Monday to help you out though. Why won't they let you go past 41w3d?

Cheryl - I've heard that about clary sage as well, but I also read that if your body isn't ready to go into labor no amount of home induction techniques is going to work. I'm half tempted to do a bunch of that stuff starting Tuesday to get this child out of me. I feel so bad because this is what I wanted (to be having a baby) but it is so incredibly painful.

AFM: took a spill yesterday and have been cramping pretty bad. I decided not to go to l&d because it was only a tiny fall. But I think it was enough to push Luke down further. If these pains don't go away today we may be headed to l&d later though. Hopefully not with Fourth of July and all.

The hospital that I'm going to is very baby friendly and standard policies are immediate skin-to-skin, baby stays with mom - no nurseries, delayed cord clamping, breast feeding etc.
Part of their policy as well is that they in general do not want ladies going over 41+3 because they try and keep their c-section rates low as well. This isn't mandatory because they cannot force you but they feel it is better to rather have you go sooner than later to avoid possible complications.

The one Dr told me that she has personally done more sections on ladies who were that much more overdue because of baby's size than she has with inductions going "wrong" so I'm happy to take it now. You should have seen the list of rules I was given when I left there on Friday about filling in a kick chart, checking for bleeding, waters breaking or just feeling funny so that I can go in immediately. They really didn't like the idea of me going over more but didn't want to induce over the weekend to give me some more time.

Sorry for the essay answer :haha:

I'm sorry about your fall and the pain. I hope you feel better so that you can relax at home :hugs:
Is Luke still moving like usual to at least reassure you that all is okay?
Oh and I wanted to just mention this as I think Kirsty might be right and I would like this to go out as a warning to all of you still expecting.

She gave her birthday guess for Matthew @ 41+3 and that will be Tuesday so she will either be really really close or spot on. Depends on whether I deliver on Monday or Tuesday.

The reason why I am mentioning this is so that you don't ask for her guess unless she guesses between 38 and 40 :rofl:

** Kirsty, I'm still teasing you about this :hugs: **​
Lol, Thank you, Jess :). And you WILL be tiny again very soon! You still are, other than your beautiful bump! You seem to have the same body type as I do and the moment Aiden was born, I looked like I never even had a baby! lol. I have a strong feeling that you'll be the same way as soon as Luke arrives! I'm loving that my belly is "popping" but I'm praying I'm lucky enough to get hardly any stretch marks again at the same time. I used cocoa butter religiously while pregnant with Aiden from about 12wks+ so I'm grabbing some asap and hoping it works the same miracles for me. I'm smaller then I was when I got pregnant with Aiden so I know my skin will have much more stretching to do this time around! Im happy to finally be able to post noticeable bump pics.. Ive already popped more since the 9wk pic. Its crazy how quickly our belly's grow in pregnancy! I swear, some mornings when I wake up, It looks like my belly grew over night :haha:

Also Jess, I hope everything's ok and the cramping eases up! I know Luke is okay, your uterus is certainly strong enough to protect your little guys but I hope your able to avoid going to l&d and feel good for the 4th of July!

That reminds me, HAPPY 4th EVERYONE!!!

Pam, You've been so strong this past week while waiting for Matthew to make his appearance! I'm so glad to know you'll be meeting him regardless by Monday/Tuesday but I'm still hoping your back pain is the start to labor! Oh, and my guess is that if you are induced, he will be here by Monday evening ;). Either way, I'm SO excited to see your LO! At least you know Matthews been very comfortable in your uterus since he doesn't want to come out and all! :haha: He's going to he a strong & healthy little boy!
That makes sense. I couldn't figure out if it was of medical necessity because of your heart issue or if it was doctor preference. I won't go past 39w6d because of my blood issue.

Luke is still moving like crazy. He had 2 days of lazy movements but it has picked up drastically. I'll tell ta what......once the baby has fully developed bones movement hurts!!
Omg, I know what you mean, Jess! Aiden used my uterus as a punching bag late in pregnancy! :haha: Some of the hits were quite painful but definitely reassuring!
My doc won't let me go past 41w3d because the rate of stillbirth increases dramatically then. I would like to be allowed to go to 42w but when I heard that I was like never mind!!!
My doc won't let me go past 41w3d because the rate of stillbirth increases dramatically then. I would like to be allowed to go to 42w but when I heard that I was like never mind!!!

Cheryl, I've never heard that one. My midwife monitors us to 42w and doesn't do anything before unless there are complications with me or baby.
I've never heard that either. They let you go right up to 42 weeks in the UK. Scary to think about if there's any truth to what your doctor is saying :shrug:
I was about to say that. In the UK they generally don't induce before 42w unless there's problems.
The rate of still birth begins to rise from 37w, but is still pretty low with monitoring for mum and baby
Usually here they let you go to 42 weeks before starting the induction process. Afyer 40 weeks the placenta can start to deteriorate, which for me could lead to hemorrhage with my blood disorder so if I make it to 39 weeks they will induce at 39w5d or 39w6d so that I don't have him after 40 weeks.

Just going to complain for a bit. My sister and her husband have been having marital problems and we're talking about getting a divorce when she found out she was pregnant with my nephew a year and 9 months ago. She just came in and asked my mom if she could watch the boys while her and her husband go to urgent care because she can't find the strings to her iud and has been having some pregnancy symptoms such as bloating, nausea and boob soreness. I have a feeling she is about to announce another pregnancy here in a day or two. The last time she got pregnant (Mary and Kenna may remember this) she lied to me about it and then announced the same day that I did that she was pregnant and we were due the same day. I lost my baby she went on to have hers. If she's pregnant again I am going to be so angry!
Aww Jess. That's frustrating!! It def is hard when you had such issues while others who aren't even trying, get pregnant time and time again. Life can be so unfair.
I do remember that, Jess....that is so sad they keep bringing children into this world due to their negligence. I am sorry you have to witness this and pray that they are not having another baby.
Jess blah. It sucks how it seems like the people who don't deserve it it's so easy for doesn't it? I guess we'll see what happens, she's going tomorrow right?

And yeah apparently the stillbirth rate multiplies by five from what it is at 39 weeks to then what it is at 42. It's of course still relatively low but I can't imagine anything worse. That's one study I read independently and I forget the study she cited specifically. It's pretty well accepted here locally that you won't go all the way to 42 weeks. They'll induce you before. I'm trying to prep well in advance for LO to come in a timely fashion lol. My crazy list of exercises everyday, DH is like um.... K

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