Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Ok, on three...everyone push!!! :rofl:

Thanks, Jess! Hoping you are right! Happy full term!!!! Hoping your little man comes soon as well!

Thank you! If things keep going they way they are Luke and Shelby may share a birthday :)

So much excitement on here as of late!!!

Jess, how are you feeling? Happy 37 weeks! Luke can come now whenever he likes!

Pamela thanks for sharing your birth story, how awesome! When I read about the "exploded TP roll" (both times, FB and BnB) I did a big kegal, wincing in pain. Owwwwwwch!!! But you really have been such a trooper, all the waiting is over now and Matthew is finally here! Cannot wait to see more of him!

Kenna you're next! I'm so excited for you!

Cheryl I love the name! I showed OH your bump photo last night and said "Guess what they're naming their son?" and he immediately replied "Cameron" in a sarcastic, defensive tone. I was like NOOOO :rofl: Look at her hands silly! Theeeen he got it :dohh:

AFM Cameron was pretty active yesterday and I was a bit uncomfortable with his movements throughout the day. I still love feeling him wiggle though! I managed to paint more of the walls downstairs after work and today hope to get the hinges back on all the closet bifold doors I had painted over the weekend so OH can cut then down during his next two days off work. I like his schedule - Monday-Tuesday, Friday-Sunday this week and then Wednesday-Thursday next week, alternating like that from here on out. He can't make it to my next two appointments, as they are on the Wednesdays he works but once I start going weekly he can make it to the first and third... if I make it to that. I keep thinking once Cameron is here it will be so nice for him to be home a few days in a row with us while I'm on ML and also for him to have days with his son once I'm back to work.

Starting to figure out and type up a birth plan to show my doctor as well as really figuring out what to pack in my bag for the hospital, which I'll do around 36 weeks I think. Any suggestions ladies?

Thank you. I took down my birth plan because of the trolls but I can send you a copy to see what we included in ours if you want? Hubby gets off at 2 today so it would be after that.

Omg jyllian, I didn't even notice Cheryl's name hint until you said that! Now I see it!!! Too cute!

Some things i have in my bag: a couple of black nightgowns with easy access to the boobs, several pairs of panties, heavy duty pads (and a couple adult diapers for the ride home in case I am bleeding super bad), nursing bras, nursing pads and nipple cream, a few options for my going home outfits (black bottoms for sure), my nursing pillow, items for DH, my tablet, extra phone chargers, toiletries. I have a separate diaper bag for Shelby's items including a few going home outfit options, a few receiving blankets, socks and anti scratch mittens, and some necessities for the ride home.

Sorry so long lol!

Try to get pads from the hospital if you can. They may be bulky but they work really well.

I need to finish packing the hospital bag but hubby and baby are set with their stuff. I freaked out yesterday because I have toiletries but that's i. I need to add clothes and stuff.

Yeah, when Cheryl posted the photo and said in the caption they picked a name... someone commented "What's the name?" or whatever and I laughed :dohh: She was super sly with that!

I have seen a lot of discussion about adult diapers on the August Facebook group :rofl: I just never thought of em as an option! Ugh... I'm so not looking forward to dealing with pads and pantyliners and tampons again :nope: I need to get a button down or elastic neckline gown and maybe a light robe and some rubber bottom ankle socks. Def packing snacks and drinks for OH, that's a must! Cell phone and camera and chargers, tennis ball(s) and rice pack for pain relief if needed, going home outfit for myself and baby, toiletries and other misc. items. Thanks for all the info, I'm gonna work on my list today!

I've heard dependsare the best the first few days because of all the bleeding. That's what I'm going to get. You won't be able to wear tampons for awhile. I'll share what's in my hospital bag if I get it put together.

Haha thanks kenna! I meant to share it early yesterday but I was waiting on DH to verify it was ok I shared before I put it on FB. Baby is a new size too! I'll post his veggie this week :D we are running out of fruits!!

Pamela you are a total badass! Your birth story is awesome. Can't wait to see more photos of Matthew!

Kenna woohoo for plug!! We're about to have a big rush of babies in here!

Jess any updates?

Update will be below. I love your pics! You should edit mine for me lol.

For some reason I was thinking Cheryl had already posted it on BnB... but not surprised as my brain is like permanently fried :laugh2:

So our glider and ottoman come tomorrow. I'm pretty excited BUT nervous about the cushion color, as the photos were confusing.

The cushion looks really light in this photo...

But looks darker in this one, which I'm hoping for...

Either color will work in the nursery, I'm just opposed to light fabric as it shows dirt easier.

I love that chair. There was a similar one at American furniture warehouse but we don't currently have room for a glider. Hopefully we can buy and move into a house in the next 4 months and I'll get one :) Can't wait to see it in the nursery.

I'm sure regardless of the color of the cushions once it arrives I'll be too excited and want OH to put it together! We saw one in store over the weekend that does have a darker cushion that we like but it's like $5-10 more which is fine... so if he would rather have that one we can always take the ordered one and exchange it in store for the darker one I suppose and have it same day.

So annoyed with work today. They are definitely allowing machete guy back to work, just have a temp replacing him for now. Many employees here aren't happy about it. He missed all of last week due to being in the hospital and will likely miss this week as well. If any of us missed that much work we'd be canned for sure! I don't see mental instability and trying to slice up one's face as being a valid excuse for a prolonged absence. Also, two guys just straight up left the building and property to "grab drinks" because they were thirsty. We are only permitted to leave on our half hour lunch break. They didn't punch out, nothing. Just left. We have a water fountain here as well as a large cooler filled with ice water and freeze pops in the break room. They should bring drinks with them in the morning or grab some on the way to work. We used to be allowed to leave on short breaks but since many of the plant guys were using that time to do drugs it's been forbidden. Things are just much too lax here imo and much is overlooked. It's a liability for the company as well as safety hazards for employees.

That's ridiculous! I'm sorry you have to deal with that cram right before you have a baby. Can you limit your contact with him?

Just saw Pam's pm on whatsapp. Thought she already updated here. They're already home for like maybe 4-5 hours ago if my calculation is correct. :haha: All is well and here's another pic of Matthew.

Thanks for the pic Kenna... Love your creativity Cheryl as always.... Leo will defo have the greatest pictures.....

Thanks you for sharing Daphne. Matthew is so stinking cute! Congrats Pam.

AFM: took the ambien at 6:30pm but it didn't kick in (or I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore) until 2am. Still having really bad contractions at the same 3 minutes for about a minute. I'm currently laying in my parents bed, but I'm going to get up here in a second and try to get the curtains for the livingroom and bedroom sewn today. I'm not losing any plug or anything yet so dilation is going super slow. Now that I'm term and baby seems to want out I'm going to try to do some walking and whatnot. While every day counts towards 40 weeks, this is incredibly painful. I may go in after my Ob appointment in Thursday for a morphine induced nap because I keep waking up through the contractions.

While there they did say that Luke is still pretty tiny and weighing roughly 5.5pounds, maybe a little more but definitely not 6 yet. At 1/2pound a week he should be around 6.5 now and 8 at birth but it's looking more like 6.5-7.5 at birth.

I'm going to try to find some relaxing music to listen to which might help. Really regretting not doing any birthing classes now though.
OMG that pic of Matthew is adorable! That tongue! Will she start a new mommy journal now? I must follow...

Side note: is anyone here in the US familiar with FMLA? Someone mentioned it in the Facebook August group and 12 weeks off after baby is born so now I'm curious...
As far as work goes... I am understanding that people make mistakes or have moments of "insanity" or whatever and are capable of wronging their rights, bettering themselves and living normally. My concern is the uncertainty of the safety of not only the coworker in question himself, but more importantly the rest of us here in the building. I do not work alongside this particular person, however, I am in some kind of contact with him daily whenever I am out in the plant. We are a small company in a relatively small building. There has been questionable behavior from this guy at work in the past, he's one to go sit in his vehicle for periods of time now that we aren't allowed to leave the property and he even told another employee that he had a "hit list" in high school but now that this particular situation has arose combined with that it's concern on a whole other level. Like, how easy would it be for him to bring a rifle to work with him and shoot up the place? Not like THAT'S unheard of... I just strongly feel that this shouldn't be taken lightly. Apparently my workplace doesn't feel they have feasible reason to fire him... yet he is not hired in full time, therefore does not have vacation time and has already missed 7 work days which for anyone else would have been reason enough for termination.
Finally, I got notification that the baby swing is being shipped! Target had some in store... until we went shopping over the weekend so we just ordered it online. It was on sale and there were other colors to choose from plus free shipping and a free $20 gift card :thumbup:

It's a swing and bouncer which eliminates the need for two separate items. I know the bouncer is a nice piece to have when you have a newborn and want to do simple things like take a shower :winkwink:
I still take Luca to the bathroom in his bouncer when I shower and he's far from a newborn now :rofl:
OMG that pic of Matthew is adorable! That tongue! Will she start a new mommy journal now? I must follow...

Side note: is anyone here in the US familiar with FMLA? Someone mentioned it in the Facebook August group and 12 weeks off after baby is born so now I'm curious...

Yes fmla entitles eligible employees to take paid or unpaid (depending on your jobs coverage), job-protected leave. It's sometimes called short-term disability and pregnancy falls under that. We're disabled. Yay! For example my job pays 60% of my salary for 6-8 weeks depending on recovery time. Typically, 6 weeks for natural and 8 weeks for c-section but it depends on the doctor. Anyhoo, my job is protected for me to stay out for 12 weeks but the company policy is to only pay 6-8 weeks @60%. The rest is up to me to cover. I plan to stay out the full 12. Your hr dept should have that information readily available.
As far as work goes... I am understanding that people make mistakes or have moments of "insanity" or whatever and are capable of wronging their rights, bettering themselves and living normally. My concern is the uncertainty of the safety of not only the coworker in question himself, but more importantly the rest of us here in the building. I do not work alongside this particular person, however, I am in some kind of contact with him daily whenever I am out in the plant. We are a small company in a relatively small building. There has been questionable behavior from this guy at work in the past, he's one to go sit in his vehicle for periods of time now that we aren't allowed to leave the property and he even told another employee that he had a "hit list" in high school but now that this particular situation has arose combined with that it's concern on a whole other level. Like, how easy would it be for him to bring a rifle to work with him and shoot up the place? Not like THAT'S unheard of... I just strongly feel that this shouldn't be taken lightly. Apparently my workplace doesn't feel they have feasible reason to fire him... yet he is not hired in full time, therefore does not have vacation time and has already missed 7 work days which for anyone else would have been reason enough for termination.
I don't think he "made a mistake". I think he has a mental illness, which he can't help and as is much an illness as asthma of diabetes is.
Not sure I agree with firing someone because they had a period of sickness. Certainly I would do a risk assessment considering what happened, but it wouldn't be ok to fire someone with diabetes, so it shouldn't be ok to fire someone because they are suffering with a mental illness. It's not something you choose.
Just had my hair cut for the first time in 6 months! Had a good 8 inches cut off and my husband can't tell the difference. I should of married his cousin :dohh: (running family joke, I have 0 interest in marrying his cousin)
Mathew is sooooo precious pam! He definitely has your pretty eyes!! And he already has a sense of humor sticking out his tongue for his picture!
2015-07-07 16.28.44.png

We are going to pick this crib up tomorrow! And it's free! Since we won't be having a baby shower and paying a butt load for ivf, we can use that money to pay for other items. My aunt's friend has it and her daughter barely used it so it's still in perfect condition! This is the add photo because she already had it taken down, but we are super excited that it's free lol
Aww i love that crib!!!! Very cute, Chelsea!

I'm still hanging around. DH will be home from work any min and I will feel more comfortable about being more active this evening. Mom is coming tomorrow for a bit so I should be ok!
Good idea Kenna waiting when people are home!

Chelsea that crib is beautiful!

Jyllian- I'd certainly be nervous at work too and upset that there is an unpredictable person working around me that has proven to be dangerous to himself. Mental illness is no joke and it's scary for all involved. I hope he gets the help he needs before coming back to work!
Pam he's adorable!!! Funniest little picture too with his tongue out :D

Jyllian I understand being freaked out! You don't recover from mental illness in a week, and he sounds incredibly unpredictable. That swing/bouncer is supposed to be awesome though! Lots of my friends recommended it

Chelsea love the crib!! Especially love the price :thumbup: haha. When is your help us have a baby shower?

Jess why are you wishing you'd taken a class now? I took two so maybe I can help :haha:

Laura when will you find out if chip is indeed a girl?!
Finally, I got notification that the baby swing is being shipped! Target had some in store... until we went shopping over the weekend so we just ordered it online. It was on sale and there were other colors to choose from plus free shipping and a free $20 gift card :thumbup:

It's a swing and bouncer which eliminates the need for two separate items. I know the bouncer is a nice piece to have when you have a newborn and want to do simple things like take a shower :winkwink:

I love this! And the chair! Very nice! :)
Ooo Chelsey, I just saw your crib set! I love it! And that's awesome its free! You will certainly be able to relax alot more during pregnancy since your getting alot of this done now! :)

- You're getting close now..... :yipee: Love the glider and swing/bouncer you got.... Sorry about work issues. Really hard to be working with unpredictable person(s). Hope he gets the best help before working with you again.

- Hmmm.... That was really fast.... I feel it was just yesterday when i told you to have a :bfp: before i give birth and look where you are now just a week shy til 2nd tri.... :dance:
Chelsea that crib is beautiful!

Cheryl we find out next Wednesday. One week to go!

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