Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Pam he's adorable!!! Funniest little picture too with his tongue out :D

Jyllian I understand being freaked out! You don't recover from mental illness in a week, and he sounds incredibly unpredictable. That swing/bouncer is supposed to be awesome though! Lots of my friends recommended it

Chelsea love the crib!! Especially love the price :thumbup: haha. When is your help us have a baby shower?

Jess why are you wishing you'd taken a class now? I took two so maybe I can help :haha:

Laura when will you find out if chip is indeed a girl?!

The contraction experience has kind of made me aware of how unprepared I am for child birth and not knowing many coping mechanisms for the pain.

I did have some brown spotting and a bit of brownish reddish tinted shmear in my undies today. I think that I might be working on the start of losing my plug. It wasn't gooey though so not sure.
Jess, :hugs: I didn't take any classes either. Mainly bc of the cost and the times they offered them. Just try to breathe through the pain and take warm baths.
Thank you, Kenna & Daphne! :) Time has really been flying by! Its amazing we're approaching 2nd tri already! :happydance:
I gotcha Jess. I bet there are some relaxation breath techniques you could do a quick study of on YouTube. Obviously hypnobabies is intensive and you build up to the medical grade hypnoanesthesia over weeks but Bradley just teaches to totally relax all of the rest of your body. When we tense up because of pain we make it all worse! I bet there are some audio tracks out there too that would guide you through them!
Agree with Cheryl. A few tips from my class - find a focal point to focus on instead of the pain, breathe through instead of fighting/tensing up with pain. It's gonna hurt. Your focus or fighting will not help it. Release the tension in your body from head to toe and breathe! Also move around and get in a comfortable position. Obviously there's more but that's the general gust.
We don't have an HR department... such a small company. And I guess because it's so small with only about 25 employees I'm not eligible for anything :nope: It's OK though, as my boss has agreed to my 6 weeks off with a job to return to :thumbup:

Chelsea that is a beautiful crib!

Jess perhaps you will be having Luke within the next week or two?! :happydance: Maybe we should start throwing out guesses?! Steady breathing really helped me through contractions.

And thank you ladies for being understanding of my fears. The guy obviously has a mental illness, yes. In the case of anyone, mental illness or not... mistakes are made in life. We are all human. I would absolutely not equalize diabetes with mental illness such as his. It's so not on the same level. If I ended up having GD I most certainly do not pose a risk or potential life threat to coworkers :rofl: I am not going to snap at work and cut myself nor harm anyone else for that matter! Just as someone with a learning disability, someone that is gay, someone that is transgender, someone that is a different race or someone that has a deformity or something... they did not choose to be such, it's who they are and do not pose a threat to anyone else... unless their actions prove otherwise. I do feel sympathy for the guy, however, he just sliced up his own face, claimed he killed his mother, struggled with law enforcement and had to be tasered! His mental illness is serious and should not be taken lightly. I agree that he needs professional help and in no way is "better" in only a week's time. We are all on edge today as he is back to work. Nothing was said to any of us regarding the situation. We have no idea what steps have, haven't or are being made to ensure our safety is in their best interest... even the coworker in question's safety and well being. For all we know, he did what he did, spent time at the hospital, took his drug test and is back... has he had counseling or enrolled in a program? Was he given a psychiatric evaluation? Poor judgement on my boss and plant manager's part.

Anyways... In more baby news...

32 weeks today!


Nothing new here, just strong wiggles, kicks, jabs... and pretty much daily hiccups. Tying my shoes is the worst!!! Glider, ottoman, an extra changing pad cover and receiving blankies that match the crib bedding arrive today and the swing/bouncer arrives tomorrow. My next appointment is in a week. OH has today and tomorrow off work so hoping he gets a lot done at home... [-o<
If you find a comfortable position to labour in, please let me know. I was ready to beat everybody up last time :haha:
Jyllian, Also call your insurance company and find out what you're eligible for. Worth a check.

Regarding breathing through pain.
Poo talk (no pics)
Yesterday I had the absolute worst constipation. Literally took me 7 hours to complete a poop and there was a lot of crying and straining and pain. DH and I couldn't help but laugh as I started to use breathing techniques and focal points to get me through the pain and push. Needless to say, it was painful but it worked :thumbup: I told him if this is worse than labor, there's no way I can do it. He was actually pretty proud of me using my skills. I swear it was like labor practice!
If you find a comfortable position to labour in, please let me know. I was ready to beat everybody up last time :haha:

I obviously haven't done it before but I think the object is that there are some positions that are more comfortable than others? If anyone finds the "comfortable" one they would be a millionaire lol! They showed us very different things like squatting, on your knees, on a ball, standing etc that would relieve the pain depending on how the baby is positioned. I think back to my heartburn. Sitting up or sleeping with my heartburn isn't comfortable but it feels a heck of a lot better than laying down!
Hi ladies, just a quick update. I'm sorry for being quiet and not catching up properly but will be back as soon as we have a more stable routine going.

QuHope you are all doing well and thank you again for your support and well wishes!!

Jess and Kenna, labour is welcome to start now I've been the "plug" and now that it is gone your turn :D

I got discharged yesterday afternoon and was home at about 15h00. I feel like Warrior Woman as I was able to get discharged less than 24hrs after birth and I feel like I am totally kicking ass.

We are both doing well at home. I'm so much more comfy here and at 2 days pp my bleeding looks like normal medium period and I can sit and stand up better. Swelling is down A LOT and with my check up this morning it looks so much better than it did. I still don't sit while peeing though as I feel some pressure still so I kind of hover in a squat and that helps too when I squirt myself with salt water.

I cannot do the sitting and getting up out of bath now so great tip for you ladies is to take squeeze bottle with salt water and then every time you pee you can squirt yourself after.

Between Matthew and myself we have managed an amazing latch and he is feeding so well! When looking inside his mouth after feeds the colostrum is starting to change to a whiter colour too so looks like my milk should be here very soon. He has had nice poop diapers too.
He is a little farter just like his mom and dad :D
Dani I've done that same thing when dropping a deuce! The breathing really helps me. I've also told OH that if labor is any worse than some of the gnarly poo pains I've experienced, then I don't think I'm gonna make it through! :rofl:
Cheryl is going to be Oct 24th! And we will start ivf end of November/December

I'm stalking for jess and kennas progression!

Happy 32 weeks jyllian!

Mary I can't believe your so far, it's blowing my mind how fast this pregnancy is going!
Pamela that is absolutely wonderful news! You are most def a warrior woman! :bodyb: Sounds like everything is going wonderfully and I'm just so happy for you! :hugs:

Don't forget to post more photos of Matthew whenever you get a chance :winkwink:
Still here....just went for a walk and omg my back and hips are in excruitating pain!!!! Going to go bring DH some lunch at work to get out of the house for a bit (and satisfy my McDonalds craving lol). I want to cautiously say I am in early labor but I'm not a DR so I can't say with certainty. Had some spotting a few mins ago so maybe.....agh! The not knowing is killing me.
Yea!!!!!! Come on baby! Also thank you for deciding what I will have for lunch. Cheeseburger, here I come!
Dani, that is exactly what I am going after! :rofl:

Thank you ladies, pray she comes soon!!!!
Pam, I'm so proud of you! And I'm so happy your home! Yay! Also, I did the same after birth with the salt water. The hospital supplied me with a little spray bottle to use. I didn't use it all that much though because it burned so badly but all still healed just fine. Thats def a good tip for everyone. Again, I love your birth story and I'm so happy for you all! Is the baby latching good during feeding and everything? Sorry if you already told us this...My MS has returned so I haven't been keeping up very well! I had alot of trouble getting Aiden to latch so I ended up having to bottle feed him for the most part. I'm going to try even harder with this LO though and hopefully s/he is a BFing pro! :) Matthew is so handsome! Did you get enough rest at the hospital? I'm glad your healing good, too. You'll be back to normal in no time! :thumbup: Congrats again!!!

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