Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

I'm gonna hafta instruct OH on how to update everyone on here when I give birth to Cameron... either that, or I'll have him or myself update via FB message and the girls on there can relay on BnB :thumbup:

I better add that to the "After Birth To-Do List" :winkwink:
Shelby was born at 8:42 PM on July 9. She weighs just over 7 lbs and is just over 20 inches long. I went in for a dr appt yesterday at 8 AM and had super high blood pressure. They decided to induce. My waters were broken at 1:50 PM, and pitocin was adminstered. I had an epidural at 4:20 PM when I was dilated to a 4. By 6 PM, I was at 9 cm but her head was not coming down. They made me push but we made no progress so they stopped until 7:30. I pushed for an hour and then she arrived! I have some second degree tearing but feel wonderful otherwise.
Wow Kenna! When I was reading about you not making progress I was expecting you to say you had a CS... but so happy she delivered just fine for you! Shelby is so beautiful! Congrats! Yay for babies!

Alright Jess, you're up... :coffee:

Cheryl I got this email today and it had an article about couvade syndrome and I immediately thought of you :laugh2:

Sympathy Pregnancy

I have wondered how OH will be once Cameron is here, with him getting A LOT of my attention and of course I have to be attentive to the other kids as well... though they are much older and independent so it's a bit different. Like, I hope OH does not feel neglected or ignored. I will have to make sure I snuggle and love on him just as much as I do with the baby :winkwink:
Kenna- she's just precious! I'm so glad you had a good labor and delivery! Your experience sounds like what I'm hoping for (labor for a few hours and then get an epidural)! Did you feel anything after the epidural was put in? I hope the tearing isn't too painful for you when you walk and use the bathroom?

I finally called the hospital where I'll be moving to and asked for birthing class info! Of course nothing is free/included.. But I kind of expected that. So I'll be signing DH and I up for childbirth classes and for me Breastfeeding classes!

It's Friday woohoo!!!!!
OH and I enjoyed our birthing classes. He will be attending the breastfeeding class with me as well, I believe. I feel like by being educated on the matter he can be a huge help to me when I'm having trouble and calm me as well. There's just so much to remember!

Because OH will be at work I will be attending Stork Express by myself, which is just where I will go fill out all the hospital paperwork beforehand to avoid the hassle of dealing with it all during my stay. Might take my kids, or at least my daughter, to take the maternity ward tour. OH and I already did a tour on the last day of birthing class but I figured it would be nice for the kids to know where I'll be and kind of what to expect.

So I brought up with my boss the topic of the coworker back here at work after his "mental episode". Obviously, she cannot disclose any personal information but is aware of the concern it causes... yet is in a position as an employer that, I'm assuming, due to it being a "medical" issue they cannot fire him for his extended absence. Which would make no sense as they fired a coworker previously who had injured his leg. The guy had major leg trauma and swelling so severe his leg looked like - sorry this is gross - Jello when he touched the area because of the fluid buildup. He was instructed to remain off his leg and off work for 3 weeks... so he lost his job. Um, is that not a medical issue?! :shrug: And to boot, the "mentally ill" coworker was out in the plant yelling "I'm still on shrooms!!!" and carrying on like a lunatic. How does the plant supervisor or manager (if he happened to be out there) not pick up on this? I can only hope this guy does something stupid (without harming anyone else) or misses enough unexcused days and loses his job...
I'm gonna hafta instruct OH on how to update everyone on here when I give birth to Cameron... either that, or I'll have him or myself update via FB message and the girls on there can relay on BnB :thumbup:

I better add that to the "After Birth To-Do List" :winkwink:

In was just thinking about this yesterday too. Hubby said he wouldn't be my social media updater (mainly because he doesn't use social media) and my mom doesn't exactly know how. I going to have to create like a little list and have my sis do it or something, or just have a text ready to go.

Shelby was born at 8:42 PM on July 9. She weighs just over 7 lbs and is just over 20 inches long. I went in for a dr appt yesterday at 8 AM and had super high blood pressure. They decided to induce. My waters were broken at 1:50 PM, and pitocin was adminstered. I had an epidural at 4:20 PM when I was dilated to a 4. By 6 PM, I was at 9 cm but her head was not coming down. They made me push but we made no progress so they stopped until 7:30. I pushed for an hour and then she arrived! I have some second degree tearing but feel wonderful otherwise.

Goodness! What an ordeal, but you have the most gorgeous baby out of the whole process. I'm glad you're both doing so well! How are you doing today? I have heard amazing things about dermoplast for numbing the area when you pee :)

OH and I enjoyed our birthing classes. He will be attending the breastfeeding class with me as well, I believe. I feel like by being educated on the matter he can be a huge help to me when I'm having trouble and calm me as well. There's just so much to remember!

Because OH will be at work I will be attending Stork Express by myself, which is just where I will go fill out all the hospital paperwork beforehand to avoid the hassle of dealing with it all during my stay. Might take my kids, or at least my daughter, to take the maternity ward tour. OH and I already did a tour on the last day of birthing class but I figured it would be nice for the kids to know where I'll be and kind of what to expect.

So I brought up with my boss the topic of the coworker back here at work after his "mental episode". Obviously, she cannot disclose any personal information but is aware of the concern it causes... yet is in a position as an employer that, I'm assuming, due to it being a "medical" issue they cannot fire him for his extended absence. Which would make no sense as they fired a coworker previously who had injured his leg. The guy had major leg trauma and swelling so severe his leg looked like - sorry this is gross - Jello when he touched the area because of the fluid buildup. He was instructed to remain off his leg and off work for 3 weeks... so he lost his job. Um, is that not a medical issue?! :shrug: And to boot, the "mentally ill" coworker was out in the plant yelling "I'm still on shrooms!!!" and carrying on like a lunatic. How does the plant supervisor or manager (if he happened to be out there) not pick up on this? I can only hope this guy does something stupid (without harming anyone else) or misses enough unexcused days and loses his job...

I don't quite get the logic either, unless because it is a mental disability rather than a physical one he would be protected under equal opportunity employment. It's just crazy all around.

AFM: got another hour of sleep last night, but it took me 7 hours to get that one hour in. I'm going to talk to the hubs about going to get help sleeping tomorrow while he is at work and having my mom drop me off at the hospital. He is somewhat against it just because of our recent experiences with hospitals in general and knowing that I have weird reactions to things.
I just realized I'm 24 weeks officially! It makes me so happy to know that baby girl could survive outside the womb if anything were to happen. Just knowing that is a huge relief!! Even though I don't want her coming any time soon so she grows bigger and stronger!!!
I just realized I'm 24 weeks officially! It makes me so happy to know that baby girl could survive outside the womb if anything were to happen. Just knowing that is a huge relief!! Even though I don't want her coming any time soon so she grows bigger and stronger!!!

Awesome, awesome news. What a milestone!!!
Oh wow Jamie, I totally missed that! Happy V-Day! I think I'm about spent trying to keep up with everyone's fast moving weekly milestones... Daphne is the professional at that :winkwink:

Now that OH is back to work we can slooooowly start getting back on track financially. Things are a bit tight at the moment, more so for him than myself. We desperately need food so my DD and I will be running to the grocery store after I'm off work today. I really would like to get on a budget-friendly weekly meal plan. Even though we've been shopping at a much more price savvy grocer, we tend to impulse shop many times and get a bunch of extras instead of what we really need. And then we also tend to cook more meals than we eat, leaving untouched leftovers. The past few days we've been scrounging and scraping, eating the last bits of things which has really cleared out space in the fridge and pantry. Cooked our last legit meal yesterday of stuffed chicken cordon bleu and steamed veggies. There's still bags of leftover sloppy joe from the shower in the freezer but after eating that earlier this week I'm a little over it for awhile.

I Googled "budget-friendly weekly meal plan" but only seemed to get "light and healthy" plans... which we aren't opposed to but honestly a lot of the meals sounded disgusting or not an actual "meal" in my eyes. Like, who eats deviled eggs as lunch? To me, that's more of a side :shrug: I do know that I'd prefer slow cooker meals on the weekdays OH and I are both working. The last thing I wanna do when I get off work is come home and make a big mess in the kitchen cooking a meal, only to have to turn around and clean everything up :wacko: On the weekends when OH works (like this weekend) I can easily prepare dinner and everything yet have most of the day to be productive elsewhere.
Twinsie - congrats on reaching V day!
Jyllian - you sound like you've been really productive. We meal plan (largely so that I actually use what we buy) and it's great. Makes it less stressful too, and it means we can start cooking if the other one is late home. We do a bit in the slow cooker too, and my husband eats a lot (he's 6'3" and exercises twice a day) so I bulk a lot of our meals out with veges and some carbs (he is a very expensive meat eater otherwise - he's been known to eat over a kilo of mince in lasagne in one sitting without realising)
Happy V day Jamie!!

Jyllian I used to post meal plans on my blog but some of the recipes were kinda complicated. Not too many slow cooker. Maybe you should try one of those "month of freezer meals for $150" or whatever that you make all on one Sunday and have to throw in the slow cooker the rest of the month! There's tons on Pinterest

Congrats again kenna! She is just adorable!
Kenna congratulations.... Shelby's so perfect and beautiful..... Nice to hear you made it normally....

Happy V-day Jamie..... :dance:

Kirsty - thanks.... It was fast and tomorrow he'll be officially 1 month old.... I want things to slow down.. But quick on you ladies' pregnancy... :D
Currently seeking a volunteer to keep you guys in the loop if Luke ever decides to be born. I am having my sister send texts out and update on Facebook so I need someone willing to receive texts regardless of time to relay information for me here. Any takers?

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