Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Oh no, Jamie!!! What a crazy situation. I am glad you are feeling better about everything, even though it wasn't what you expected.
Oh Jamie that sucks!! I'd have been really emotional too. But I'm glad you guys get to pick everything now! We moved into our house when it was just DH's salary and I had just quit my job to start my own business so it's nice now having a mortgage that's not too high. I'm excited to see what you start looking at! Do you have a timeline for that?

Pam woohoo! That is a ton of weight loss, I hope I follow suit! I can't believe matthew is 1 week old.. so glad he is gaining weight well and eating great! We miss you too! :hugs:

Jyllian I always think of you as 2 weeks ahead of me :haha: that's how I keep up with you! Funny

So I did some maternity shots today and I wanted to share!! Yall don't get any self-control at all because you're my internet besties so suck it. I think we're going to do some at the beach when we go in a few days and maybe some actually clothed ones soon too :rofl:

adult image hosting
Oh and I can't decide which to share on FB with the general public. I already shared the silhouette with the heart hands and I"m really not modest at all anyway but still can't decide! Ha. Maybe I should block my clients that I'm friends with (all women though) for that post!
Sorry I've been MIA ladies! It was my moms bday yest, my sisters today plus my MS returned last week so Ive had a pretty crazy week. Mostly I just felt like crap!

I'll be back on more now, hopefully! My MS hasn't been bad the past 2 days but everytime I tell u ladies that I feel better, it comes back! Lol.

So today we heard the HB for the first time!! It was a nice strong 160bpm :thumbup: I'm waiting on the official call but our next U/S will be within the next 2 wks (before 14wks). Aiden was able to come in with us & they said he can come for the ultrasounds as well and omgosh, his face when he heard the baby's heartbeat was priceless. He was so happy, as were we! And ive gained 5lbs, which is really good for me. And its all def in my belly, well and boobies! :haha: So I will have a new u/s pic to share with you all shortly! ;)

Hope everyone is doing good and I promise I will catch up with u all when we get home in a bit!
Oh my goodness Cheryl, You look absolutely breath taking! You go girl! I really hope I'm lucky enough to stay all belly for a second time around! I wish I had done pics like that with Aiden but didn't soo I'm hoping I look good for the photos in this pregnancy, lol. You are one hot mama! ;) I love what your wearing by the way!
Oh geez, Fi!!! You made it four days before tears? I would have made it 4 minutes! Glad your parents are close and hope everything is straight soon!

Jyllian, love the nursery!!!!! So cute!

Happy 30 weeks, Cheryl!!!!!!!!

Great hearing from you, Pam! So glad all is well!

Shelby and I are doing great! Breastfeeding has been our only struggle but we have found alternatives and it is working. :)

Kenna, I'm so glad you and Shelby are doing well. Great work on the feeding! It sounds like you've done a wonderful job.

Omg Jess! Any fluid leaking?? Timing contractions??

Hi Pam!!!! So glad you're well and DH is helping!! That's wonderful about your weight loss too! Glad Matthew is weighing healthy too!! Pics and updates when you can! Miss you too!

I had a very emotional wknd. You may remember me mentioning that I am planning to move next month and we were buying DHs parents home (for a great deal) since it has two apts off the house that are rented out and that money practically pays the mortgage so it allows for me to be a stay at home mom and us live comfortably financially. Well his parents told us this wknd (after a year of us planning to buy this house) they don't want us buying it anymore, one month before we are gonna move! They think it's too much work to have tenants and it's an hour away from DHs job so he'd have a long commute until he finds a new job. They didn't want us dealing with any of that. Which is valid and I think it would've sucked to deal with but now we are stuck in the little condo and have to look for a house we can hopefully afford on just DHs income !! So I was a bit stressed with those new thoughts and changes and now all of a sudden having to come up with a new plan! After some research on houses and finding some towns that we an afford that have good schools, I feel better about the situation and actually am excited about being able to pick my own house and town! We were def settling on a lot of our "taste" and preferences when we agreed to buy his parents house in not the nicest area/town. So I'm pretty excited about getting to choose now!! Now we just have to convert DHs office into a nursery for the baby! He works from home some days so it's not ideal but thankfully he doesn't seem bothered by losing his office. Only temporary until we can sell the condo and buy a house sometime next summer. Onwards and upwards!

Oh, that would have made for a stressful and emotional weekend initially! I'm glad you have a new plan and you're feeling happier. It's great having your own place (that you choose) and you can do up the way you want it

Oh and I can't decide which to share on FB with the general public. I already shared the silhouette with the heart hands and I"m really not modest at all anyway but still can't decide! Ha. Maybe I should block my clients that I'm friends with (all women though) for that post!

Great photos!

Sorry I've been MIA ladies! It was my moms bday yest, my sisters today plus my MS returned last week so Ive had a pretty crazy week. Mostly I just felt like crap!

I'll be back on more now, hopefully! My MS hasn't been bad the past 2 days but everytime I tell u ladies that I feel better, it comes back! Lol.

So today we heard the HB for the first time!! It was a nice strong 160bpm :thumbup: I'm waiting on the official call but our next U/S will be within the next 2 wks (before 14wks). Aiden was able to come in with us & they said he can come for the ultrasounds as well and omgosh, his face when he heard the baby's heartbeat was priceless. He was so happy, as were we! And ive gained 5lbs, which is really good for me. And its all def in my belly, well and boobies! :haha: So I will have a new u/s pic to share with you all shortly! ;)

Hope everyone is doing good and I promise I will catch up with u all when we get home in a bit!

Sorry to hear the MS came back, but thrilled you got to hear the HB! So exciting!
Lovely pics Cheryl! I'm going to Photoshop my head on your body and then post on facebook. I will let you know the response :rofl:

Seriously though these are lovely! If I looked this good, I would probably be posting them all! My friend list isn't filtered well so I'm limited in what I share though.

I have 5 top priority things on my before baby comes list. Pretty darn proud of that!
Omg Jess! Any fluid leaking?? Timing contractions??

Hi Pam!!!! So glad you're well and DH is helping!! That's wonderful about your weight loss too! Glad Matthew is weighing healthy too!! Pics and updates when you can! Miss you too!

I had a very emotional wknd. You may remember me mentioning that I am planning to move next month and we were buying DHs parents home (for a great deal) since it has two apts off the house that are rented out and that money practically pays the mortgage so it allows for me to be a stay at home mom and us live comfortably financially. Well his parents told us this wknd (after a year of us planning to buy this house) they don't want us buying it anymore, one month before we are gonna move! They think it's too much work to have tenants and it's an hour away from DHs job so he'd have a long commute until he finds a new job. They didn't want us dealing with any of that. Which is valid and I think it would've sucked to deal with but now we are stuck in the little condo and have to look for a house we can hopefully afford on just DHs income !! So I was a bit stressed with those new thoughts and changes and now all of a sudden having to come up with a new plan! After some research on houses and finding some towns that we an afford that have good schools, I feel better about the situation and actually am excited about being able to pick my own house and town! We were def settling on a lot of our "taste" and preferences when we agreed to buy his parents house in not the nicest area/town. So I'm pretty excited about getting to choose now!! Now we just have to convert DHs office into a nursery for the baby! He works from home some days so it's not ideal but thankfully he doesn't seem bothered by losing his office. Only temporary until we can sell the condo and buy a house sometime next summer. Onwards and upwards!

Im sorry the house deal fell through. It really sucks when you have a plan and someone else changes their double sucks when you are pregnant and relying on the move. Like you said at lease now you can find a house that you want, rather than one that was just convienient. Hopefully your hubby won't mind being relocated for a bit.

Oh Jamie that sucks!! I'd have been really emotional too. But I'm glad you guys get to pick everything now! We moved into our house when it was just DH's salary and I had just quit my job to start my own business so it's nice now having a mortgage that's not too high. I'm excited to see what you start looking at! Do you have a timeline for that?

Pam woohoo! That is a ton of weight loss, I hope I follow suit! I can't believe matthew is 1 week old.. so glad he is gaining weight well and eating great! We miss you too! :hugs:

Jyllian I always think of you as 2 weeks ahead of me :haha: that's how I keep up with you! Funny

So I did some maternity shots today and I wanted to share!! Yall don't get any self-control at all because you're my internet besties so suck it. I think we're going to do some at the beach when we go in a few days and maybe some actually clothed ones soon too :rofl:

I love love love your pictures. I want to take some like that if I have time. Trying to get hubby to do it has been challenging. Y looks amazing!!

Sorry I've been MIA ladies! It was my moms bday yest, my sisters today plus my MS returned last week so Ive had a pretty crazy week. Mostly I just felt like crap!

I'll be back on more now, hopefully! My MS hasn't been bad the past 2 days but everytime I tell u ladies that I feel better, it comes back! Lol.

So today we heard the HB for the first time!! It was a nice strong 160bpm :thumbup: I'm waiting on the official call but our next U/S will be within the next 2 wks (before 14wks). Aiden was able to come in with us & they said he can come for the ultrasounds as well and omgosh, his face when he heard the baby's heartbeat was priceless. He was so happy, as were we! And ive gained 5lbs, which is really good for me. And its all def in my belly, well and boobies! :haha: So I will have a new u/s pic to share with you all shortly! ;)

Hope everyone is doing good and I promise I will catch up with u all when we get home in a bit!

I, sorry your morning sickness is still sticking around at times, hopefully it's almost gone, have you noticed if anything makes it worse? I'm so glad you got to hear the heartbeat and that Aiden was with you. I saw the post on Facebook.

AFM: still having the contractions. They are 3 minutes apart and lasting about a minute and a half each. I'm still refusing to go to the hospital because I don't want them to turn me a way again. It was so weird because I had a loud and painful pop above my cervix at 8:45am and then the contractions started picking up in intensity. My back is killing me, my entire abdomen feels like it got put in a vacuum sealer and Lukes movements have drastically decreased. I don't know if this is it, or if he just got a bit further down. I wish there was a way to know for sure.
Jess, I'm just perplexed at them letting you sit at home with 3 minute apart contractions. It contradicts everything I've ever been told. Have they told you how close they have to get before you do go to the doctor?
Haha thanks ladies! And dani I won't tell if you don't :thumbup:

Mary :yipee: for heartbeat and for Aiden getting to hear! When will your anatomy scan be?

Jess :shrug: sounds like labor to me but I'd have thought that's what has been going on for at least a week now! I can't believe your contractions are so long and close together.. Are they increasing in frequency or duration? I mean I know since a few days ago but like over today? And I swear that must have been your bag of waters! Better hurry up and do those scandalous bump pictures now, there's not much time! :haha:

Dani I can't believe you only have 5 priority items left! I feel like we still have a million things to get, bleh. But I don't really want to get them just yet because the shower is in 3 weeks and I have no idea what to do!
To clarify I'm cheating the list system a bit. 1 of my to do items is finish shopping. So within bullet point I have way more than 5 things to buy. I just umbrella'd all the shopping as one to do item. Also, finish nursery, which entails a lot lol. Each category has a sub-category.

We have 2 more showers plus a diaper daddy party so I'm not doing any shopping until about the 2nd week in August.
Jess, I'm just perplexed at them letting you sit at home with 3 minute apart contractions. It contradicts everything I've ever been told. Have they told you how close they have to get before you do go to the doctor?

I feel the same way. Unfortunately the way it was described to me is that my contractions aren't the issue even at 3 minutes apart. My cervix is not (or wasn't) dilated enough to admit me as there was only 1/2 centimeter dilation last Monday and the same dilation on literally contractions that aren't changing my cervix. There isn't a consensus as to when to go in because of the trick contractions.

To clarify I'm cheating the list system a bit. 1 of my to do items is finish shopping. So within bullet point I have way more than 5 things to buy. I just umbrella'd all the shopping as one to do item. Also, finish nursery, which entails a lot lol. Each category has a sub-category.

We have 2 more showers plus a diaper daddy party so I'm not doing any shopping until about the 2nd week in August.

I think target has a huge baby sale in August due to all the holiday babies about to be born. Perhaps you can look into that for Q!

Cheryl- the contractions have stayed the same length apart but doubled in duration and double to tripled in intensity. I'm going to call in the morning if we don't end up going to the hospital tonight. Oven been told to go home so many times now that I really don't want to do it all again today when I am obviously not doing so well.
Jess if his movements have decreased "drastically" then I would go and checked out 100%
Cheryl - those pictures were amazeballs.... :D Happy 30 weeks......

Jess - happy 38 weeks..... FX you dilate enough to be admitted.....

Jyllian - Can't believe 1 month went by so fast......
Yeah Jess I'd definitely go in and see if the bag of waters broke and if Luke is doing well. Things have happened since your last visit

:D thanks daphne. We miss you!!
My mom is taking me in to Ob screening in a few minutes to see what is going on. I did do a quick Bump pic before we went just in case. My belly is a bit bigger this week.


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Jess you poor thing! Hoping you don't have to suffer through much more of this and Luke will decide to make his way out soon :hugs: Holy crap is that your last week bump alongside this week's?! Because wow, Luke definitely had a growth spurt or changed positions!

Fi omigosh I would be so upset without gas! No hot water for showers? Ugh, the worst!

Kenna so glad to hear you and Shelby are doing well! What alternatives have you been using for breastfeeding, if you don't mind sharing your tricks? I like to hear everyone's tips, advice and gimmicks regarding nursing and want options in case things don't go so well in the beginning.

Oh Jamie I'm so sorry to hear about the sudden change of plans regarding a house... but seems it worked out anyways! I do think you and DH will be happier choosing a home yourselves and am excited for you!

Side note: OMG will this dumb lad Gain scnet ad GO AWAY already?! :growlmad:

Loooooove your photos Cheryl!!! I love them all, but am partial to the black and whites. I have NO idea what we will do at our maternity photos early next month... they are being taken outside at an arbortum, which is like a nice garden area with trees and such I believe :shrug: I need ideas on what to wear?! And OH and the kids will be in some photos as well so would like us to coordinate. So glad this is the last thing I really need to stress over... Wish I could just do some nice ones myself.

Blah on the MS Mary! Hoping it doesn't stick around for long. And yay for hearing the heartbeat! :happydance: Cannot wait to see photos!

AFM, felt very bloated, gassy and full of shit - literally - yesterday even though I managed to go twice. Then at about 3am last night/this morning I was woken up by major cramping and pain. My first thought was omigosh that can't be contractions?! But I knew it was just another episode of explosive diarrhea... ugh, so annoying to have in the middle of a good sleep but I feel better now though! :thumbup: :laugh2:

Was able to upload video of our lil monkey squirming around this past Saturday morning:

Cheryl, first off, HAPPY 30 WEEKS!! :) -- As for the anatomy scan, its not scheduled yet but it'll be within the next 3-6 weeks. We have a scan in less than 2 weeks though! We'll know the exact date for that within the next couple of days. It was so amazing hearing our LO, I can't wait to see her again, especially now that she really looks like a baby! :dance:

Jess, Happy 38 Weeks!!! I'm praying your cervix starts cooperating more and you get to meet Luke any day now. I am guessing it'll happen on or before Sunday ;). (I said that on FB too but figured id post on here too lol) Can't wait to 'meet' you, Luke!!
Also Jess, your bump has most def grown and u look beautiful! Luke won't have much room left soon, lol. I really don't think it'll be much longer!

AFM, Ive been super tired and still haven't caught up on here. Hopefully I didn't miss too much!
So apparently I'm a high risk pregnancy because of IVF. The doctor said she just labeled ne as high risk because as I already knew, there can be more complications with IVF pregnancies (the percentage isn't much higher at all though) and she said its mostly just for extra monitoring. She said my insurance MAY need that label for extra u/s so I'm ok with the label now that ive had it explained to me. When I first noticed it on my paperwork last night, I kinda freaked a little bit. All better now though :thumbup:

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