Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Sorry ladies, I'm trying to get in as much quality time with my nephews as I can. I'll write more about what is going on with that later today but as far as everything goes,motherpercocet and viseril was enough to help me sleep a little bit. Rather than 3 minute incravles I was able to sleep for about 20 minutes at a time. Once the Percocet wore off I was in excruciating pain. Contractions are still frequent and intense. I feel like it's going to be no progress at my Ob appointment tomorrow and then bam I'm going to go from almost 1 to 10 in rapid fire
Congratulations Laura! That's fantastic!

Jess, I'm glad you got some sleep and hope you feel more comfortable

Cheryl, that's really awful news regarding the lady in the other group.

Jyllian, you look great. Hope the appointment went well

Mary, I can't believe you're 12 weeks. Crazy!

Dani, you sound very productive

Pam, Daphne and Kenna - I hope you're loving spending time with your LOs and things are going well

I'm sure I've missed people, but my internet is playing up a bit

I had by GTT yesterday, and have an OB appointment this morning. I suspect I'll be having my anit-D injection today. Furniture has started arriving - woohoo!
Cheryl, that was really devastating for your bump buddy.... :( such thing should never happen. Hope they recover soon. Sorry for the scare Leo is giving you. I had a couple of times when Adam did the same and there was one time when i never felt him move for like a day (maybe im just too busy at work) but still he really got me worried. Went home and my calm DH took the doppler and we listened to his heartbeat.... I know and i pray that Leo and all the other LOs here stay healthy as always.....

Laura - :wohoo: another Princess!!!!!!! Congratulations.

Ok, we're getting tons of girls now so Mary maybe you are right about your guess. I vote for girl for you now. :D

Here's Adam waking up in time for his 1st month.

And here he is today in the car while we were waiting in front of a hotel for DH friend's family to have dinner.
I cannot get over how cute Adam is!

Jyllian, thanks, I'm doing well! I had a blood test yesterday and tested negative, so all the preg hormone is out of my system. My RE was going to make me wait another cycle before giving us meds, but I got a call from my nurse this morning and he changed his mind and will do it next cycle as soon as AF arrives. Yay!

Cheryl, I have most of the vsco packs myself. I really love them for editing. I rarely use them for client photos unless they are portraits though. I mostly just use them for blog photos.

Jess, thinking of you! I'm sorry you're in so much pain.

Congrats Laura! So exciting to have another girl showing up on this thread! Now we have to wait for Mary to make her announcement. :)

Hope everyone else is doing great!
Yay for a little girl Laura!!! I know that was your first intuition so that's what I went with :D

Michelle I love them! I wish I could justify buying all of them but I hardly post anything but food on the blog. Maybe I will more with Leo coming! I'm thinking about starting to do more sessions too, maternity/newborn perhaps. But seems like the prices there are lower than I like to go! I saw a mini session the other day offered for like $125 and included several edited proofs.. I was like uh....... Not gonna compete with that!

You guys will not believe this but we had another loss in our September group :( I know it's incredible disproportionate but so devastating! And then the freaking waitress was telling us her sister was going through it right then too. I was like geez people.. Too much heartache. In hypnobabies we develop a "bubble of peace" to filter out all the negative BS people will send your way when you're pregnant and I've found its really working for me :shrug: my hearts have been breaking for these ladies but I haven't been feeling that nervous about Leo except when he had his random nap during his usual exercise time! I feel like sort of detached I guess

had my OB appt today, starting two weeks appts now! I can't believe I only have like 5-6 left.. Whoa. I've now seen 3/8 doctors at our practice and scheduled to see another at the next appt. I won't be able to see them all of course but at least odds are in my favor to see someone I know. They all seem on board with minimizing interventions and respecting my wishes to go natural! So that's good :thumbup: weirdly though the scale at the doc said I've only gained 9 pounds but I think my first measurement was off.. Too high. Because at home I've definitely gained 14.5! I ate dessert twice today just to be sure :rofl:

Jamie are you spelling it sienna or Siena?
No diabetes for me! Celebrating with chocolate.

Can't believe I'm down to fortnightly appointments, and he weighs just over 1kg already.
Jess, I hope there's progress at ur appt tomorrow, and lots! You seem to be in alot of pain without labor. I didn't have pain like that until I was IN labor so I'm praying this is it for you! I'll watch FB for an update.

Laura, CONGRATS AGAIN!! I had to say it both on here and FB :). I knew it!! I'm so excited for you & Amy! :happydance:

Daphne, I told u I'm having a girl! Lol. Seriously though, when dh and I saw Laura announcement, I was like "I KNEW IT! Now I'm even more sure we're having a girl because our pregnancies have been quite similar so far!" lol. I just have this indescribable feeling about it. We'll get the for sure answer in just a few weeks! :dance:
Happy 27 Weeks, Fi!! Already in your third trimester!!! :wohoo:

At the end of this week, ill officially be in 2nd tri! Its crazy how fast ALL of our pregnancies are going by! I love it! :)
Jess I'm hoping you get some progressive news at your appointment. I too, did not have any pain whatsoever until I was in true labor with my DS and when my water broke at home with DD. Come on Luke, help mommy out!

Yay for furniture Fi! I was so excited once we started getting ours. And congrats on passing your test!

Ugh Daphne! Adam is just SO SO CUTE and HANDSOME! I can't wait to have my lil man in our arms!

Michelle that's great news! Hoping the meds will work quickly and give you your rainbow :hugs: So exciting!

Cheryl omigawwwd I had someone in the August Facebook group post about a woman who was 38 weeks along and wasn't feeling her baby move. Went to get checked out and baby's heart had stopped. Like seriously... just, no. I wish people would keep those stories to themselves. That is just too far along in a pregnancy... and regardless, any time in a pregnancy there is a loss it's devastating but come on :cry: On a brighter note, babies are popping up throughout that group, so exciting! I signed up for a maternity/newborn photography package and it's $200 for all. Details are listed under the Belly to Baby session:

A Perfect Pixel

I'm taking that as being a good deal? :shrug:

AFM, appointment went well. I've gained 3 pouinds since my last visit two weeks ago which puts me at 175lbs currently (+40lbs). If I continue to gain 1.5lbs weekly, that'd put me right at 185 at the end of my pregnancy which is what I was estimating based off of my previous pregnancies... but I doubt I'll go to 40 weeks. Next appointment is in two weeks and will include an internal exam - yay \\:D/

There's hoo-haa and butthole by my face :rofl:

I just couldn't help myself :laugh2:

Here's video from my appointment. Cameron changed positions:
Bubble of peace sounds like a great plan! I might look into some of the hypobirthing principles.

The losses are devestating. I hope the ladies who have experienced them can heal. I can't even imagine what that must be like. We're all in this together and it's scary when someone goes through that. Makes as all remember that we're only human. fingers crossed for no more losses on the boards
Laura if you're interested I can tell you more about the hypnobirthing! I started with reading the mongan method book and it just made so much sense to me (why do women in cultures who haven't been 'told' birth hurts give birth painlessly?) and I could lend it to you I think if you use kindle. I'm never sure which qualify but if it does I can let you borrow it! Even if hypnobabies does NOTHING for me in birth (which.. I don't even think is possible) it's made the pregnancy so amazing. My doula was thrilled when I told her we were doing it, too, and she was like... You'll be surprised at how well it works. Seriously. - so that's awesome!

Yeah jyllian I totally get that we are the support group for them but I'm also like, I wasn't even considering that as an option... Luckily the actual rates are incredibly low but it really just reminds me how much I love him already and how devastated I would be! It's crazy because we've had like three girls give birth at like 25ish weeks and their babies are doing awesome! :shrug:

Mary it seems like most of our intuitions have been right so far! I referred to our LO as a boy from like 4 weeks! I bet you've got a little girl in there too :)

Jess ugh! We need some Luke in our lives! I so wish I could fix this for you and keep you from going through so much pain! But maybe your uterus is practicing really really hard so when the time comes it'll be like super easy

Fi woohoo for no GD!! I posted my results on my fridge I was so happy :D chocolate for all!

I can't remember, is anyone in this group cloth diapering? I'm trying to figure out what to do for the newborn stage. I was thinking about renting but maybe changing my mind
Cheryl I believe Jess is cloth diapering as well, right? Poor thing is dealing with a lot right now...

Yes the losses are a reminder that anything could happen at any time. I just wish it wouldn't happen to anyone :nope:

Made dinner in the slow cooker yesterday and it turned out great, to my surprise. Super easy, too! We always buy a large pork loin and either freeze it all or cut it in half and freeze part. I put a can of cream of mushroom soup (I hate mushrooms but could not tell they were in there), 1 1/2 cups water, a hefty teaspoon of chicken boullion granules and 2 or so cups of stuffing into the pot, mixed it up, cut one half of the pork loin into chops and put that in to cook for 5-6 hours. I was afraid it would burn at the bottom and/or dry out but it didn't whatsoever! Today I am making chicken and biscuits in the slow cooker. Another super easy recipe. Can definitely foresee myself cooking this way once Cameron is here.

I got amazing sleep last night! :happydance: I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow. It's been like that the past two nights falling asleep. I just have been waking up like clockwork right around 2:30-3am :growlmad: But last night I was able to quickly fall back asleep.

I need a recap. So far we've had Kirsty with #1, Daphne, Pamela ad Kenna... Who is next in line after Jess for birth? Cannot wait for yet another wave of babies!
Cheryl, definitely going to look more into it. Partly because I'm already getting annoyed at people giving unsolicited advice at the moment, so I think it would help with my sanity levels during pregnancy as well as possibly helping with birth. I'll have a look for the books you recommended - I don't have a kindle but I will look into them.
People do love to tell us how "horrible" late pregnancy is going to be and how horrible birth will be. Amy made a comment on Facebook yesterday about not believing we're almost half way through this crazy pregnancy journey and some guy was like "you won't think it's so amazing when all you can smell is poo and you're up to your eyes in vomit". Jee thanks dude! But yeah... It hink maybe the principles would help with shaking off that kind of negativity too.
I'd love to tell you all the advice stops when you're pregnant with your second but that'd be a huuuuge lie. I loved giving birth though :blush:
Ugh, my mom tends to be like that... though she hasn't really been lately, fingers crossed. All she could mention was the "downsides" to me being pregnant and having another child, a baby, the cost, time, etc.

There's downsides to nearly everything, but there's also a selflessness when choosing to become a parent. It's a very rewarding job and we all took the "negatives" into consideration when TTC so people not need to throw that out there.
I posted this on Facebook and thought it was funny. Then the other day my mom randomly brought up the question if I was afraid with the lifting and raising my arms to drywall and such that'd the cord would get wrapped around the baby's neck :dohh: I died laughing because I thought of this video :rofl:
I'm glad I'm not the last any more. I can't believe we're almost 17 weeks! CRAZY!

Yeah the advice and stuff is annoying when not asked for. Especially if it's useless stuff. Tell me useful things, but all means. But don't tell me bullcrap. I'm not interested. I say I want a waterbirth and there's always someone who goes "HAH! You'll be begging for the epidural before long!" Erm... how do we know this? I may do just fine. Or I may need an epidural. Or it may be an emergency C sec. Who knows? Either way I'll be birthing our baby. Preference is a preference...

Oh don't start me on the advice rants. I will go on about it all day.

I have an aunt who is desperate to know what baby's name is. Rather than just taking what I say "we aren't telling people yet", she just keeps taking guesses. I've started ignoring her now. It's just rude.

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