Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Cheryl, I have looked into hypnobirth as well. I also looked into some for fertility. I'm going to order some for when we start the ivf process, and maybe even start a few weeks before. So we are heading to Atlanta Georgia next week! We will be there for about 2 years. My dh will be building the new atlanta braves stadium. I think i have already found who will be doing our ivf!
Oh Laura I get that too!! We aren't sharing baby's name either and DHs family is so not happy! They only have to wait 15 more weeks!

Cheryl- I think we are spelling it Siena like in italy. I'm italian so I kind of love that plus it looks nicer to me for some reason? It also means "from the earth"! :)

Jyllian- I'm def stealing those recipes! :)

Can't wait to hear about Jess appt!!! Please God let there be enough progress made!!!
Wow Laura, way for people to be encouraging! :roll: There are many different ways women can birth and not every way is for every person. Who is to know that you will want and epidural? I'm intrigued by natural birth, birth at home and water birth... but it's just not something I feel I could personally handle. I'm a wuss. We are all unique so different feelings and preferences :thumbup:

I would get irritated when OH's mom would tell us what not to buy because she could get it secondhand or whatever. Like "If you guys need and are getting another car seat DON'T because I have one I got from a garage sale" or "Don't buy a glider I can get one off a garage sale", also not to buy the booster chair we wanted, the diaper pail we wanted and I'm sure there's more. But we went ahead a week after the shower and got everything else we needed/wanted, mainly because I wanted to feel totally prepared in that sense and unfortunately also because then I wouldn't have to worry about his mom getting her choice things and giving them to us. I posted a photo of PeePee Teepees on OH's FB wall yesterday because I think they're funny and his mom commented "What are those even for?" and when my friend explained it (I had got her some when her son was born) his mom was like "Why in the hell would someone spend so much money on something so unnecessary?" They were $11 according to the photo but sell for less at other retailers. BIG DEAL. I was like "Yeah a wipe or washcloth or whatever works just as well but I thought they were funny". I'm almost tempted to buy some just because she said that :laugh2:

Jamie here's the recipes, however I improvised a bit with each:

Pork Chops in Slow Cooker
I used half a pork loin cut into chops, increased the water by about 1/2 cup, added a hefty teaspoon of chicken bouillon to the water and used around 2 1/2 cups of dry stuffing.

Chicken and Dumplings in Slow Cooker
Making this today using frozen carrots, then making drop biscuits out of boxed dry dough to add during the last hour of cooking.

Instead of buying cans of broth, we have bouillon cubes and granules in the pantry. I especially love using the granules, it's like 1 teaspoon of granules with 1 cup boiling water for broth and much easier to dissolve than cubes. Makes a lot of broth too without taking up much space.
If you all are ever curious, i try to keep the first post updated with due dates, births, and genders :)
Chelsey, I'm so excited for you to start IVF and thats awesome u think you've found a doctor! Sounds like DH has a cool job there, too. As much as I selfishly hoped you'd end up near NH, I'm very happy for you guys! It must be nice to finally know where your moving to! :dance: You'll have to send me some pics when you get there! My uncle lives in GA...Maybe one day we can meet up ;)
Sorry for the lack of update ladies. A lot is going on and I am not sure how much more I can take of the world right now.

OB appointment went well, but horribly at the same time. Mine and Luke's heart rates looked great, weight up to 146.6 pounds (45 pounds eek) and I am measuring spot on. BUT I lost it when they asked how I was doing. I slept for 20 minutes total last night. They wanted to admit me for the morphine sleep, but I didn't want to because we have so much to do and I don't want to waste my hubbys day off sitting at the hospital watching me sleep. I had a pretty painful contraction that the doc felt and she did an internal exam. I'm still at 50% effacement, less than 1 cm dilated and Luke is at -3 engagement. She said he's roughly 3 kilos (had to look it up, its 6.5 pounds about)......but aside from some medical assistance in the sleep department there isn't anything they can do for me aside from let me suffer through the pain until he gets here.
Ugh, Jess, I really hope he comes soon so you can both have Luke in your arms and be much more comfortable! But I am very happy to hear that everything is good with Luke. I wish you were able to sleep more though :(. Maybe your bodies preparing you for the late nights with Luke :haha: But seriously, from the sounds of it, you will be sleeping a WHOLE lot more after Luke comes! Waking up in the night will feel like nothing compared to what your going through! My guess is still Sunday. I think you'll be like me and BOOM, you'll be in full blown labor out of nowhere. FX!
Chelsey, I love Atlanta. Great city!!!

Jess, if you're this miserable and sleepy, why not opt for the sleep?! I'm sure you can't be getting much done anyway if you're tired and having contractions. I hope something shifts in your favor soon. Glad Luke is doing well.
Opt for the sleep, Jess! Anything you need you get done can wait for you to get some good rest!
I am opting for the sleep......Saturday while hubby is at work
So glad you're going in for the sleep Jess. I bet Mary is right and as soon as you get that rest your body will be like K HERE GOES! :haha: I just want something to *happen* for you!

Jamie I love it! Tuscany is so beautiful too :D

Jyllian damn that sounds good! We don't eat that much pork but I'd be all over that! We're testing some slow cooker and freezer recipes too! We had a chicken and stuffing thing tonight, leftovers. Pretty good, figure that will be one. Plus DH's favorite meal is Moroccan meatballs over couscous but they're such a pain in the butt to make.. But o figure I can make like a quadruple batch and freeze! Not much more work than just 1 batch! Yum! Oh and um I can believe how close you are!! Ahhhh!

Chelsea that's awesome you have your doc! and hypnosis for ivf and pregnancy too :thumbup: I love bree Taylor molyneaux I think her name is and she has ivf cd's. I think hypnobabies might too. Now that I'm using apple music I just download all the stuffs haha! I listened to Bree's affirmations and meditations during ttc though and loved them! I used to listen when I was doing my self massage stuff to break up scar tissue and encourage egg growth or.. Whatever it was.

Laura um yeah!! The negativity, like.. I get it. People sometimes don't get how to just be encouraging of something they don't understand and I know a lot of women somehow translate me answering that I'm going natural as being an attack on their decision to use pain medications but damn people! I hear it all the time, oh you'll be begging for the epidural... Sorry but.. I just don't think that's the case, and it sucks you have to say that to me! But the bubble of peace is awesome :thumbup: you just hunker down with your amazing positive ideas about birth that you get from the affirmations with hypnobabies and pretty much everything else just rolls off. It's awesome! I'm a big fan of the program and process if you couldn't tell :D I feel like it's made this pregnancy so joyful and I can even use the medical hypnoanaesthesia to reduce aches and pains when I have them already. I might look silly in the grocery closing my eyes and mentally directing my anaesthesia to my cervix but when Leo is bouncing on it.. :rofl: the first time I did it though I was shocked that it really truly worked, and already!

Btw Mary I am so happy we are FB friends now!! :D I love your 11-week bumpie!!
Definitely will look into it Cheryl. I hate when people tell you what you will or won't be doing. A friend of mine had an epi for boy births and was like "you're stupid to try and do it naturally. That's what the pain meds are there for. You don't HAVE to feel that pain."
No one said I have to. I had to explain in small words that her opinion is different to mine and there's likely a bazillion people with a bazillion different opinions about the same thing - none of them more "right" or valid than the others.
I don't know. People just have such funny ideas about birth and what "everyone" needs. Then we wonder why women end up with birth trauma and feeling like failures because they had to "give in" and take pain meds or have a c section. It's not giving in. It's listening to your body and doing what you need to get baby out at that moment
Your 100% right Laura, its not giving in. Nurses will even tell you, if you really need the epidural, GET IT! And DO NOT feel like a failure. (I got that whole pep talk with aiden because I was all upset that I was giving in but now I KNOW it wasn't "giving in" & I learned I want the epidural for this baby ahead of time, lol.) Everyone is definitely entitled to their own opinions/birth plans when its their turn. You'll do an amazing job when its time for you to give birth to Eden and YOU will know what's best. ;)

Cheryl, I love being friends on FB, too! I mainly only started going back on FB so I could be friends with all of you ladies :)
Jess, I'm so happy your opting for sleep! You need it, thats for sure.
I'm still waiting on a phone call from my REs office about my ultrasound that I'll be having within the next week. I'm so excited to see our little peach inside of me! (thats about how big our baby is this week :)) I'll update you all when I get an exact date and time set :thumbup:
I'm a big follower of The Secret so I keep a positive bubble of some sort at all times. All about affirmations and mental control! By that same vein, it allows me to be unphased by other people that could annoy me lol. They're entitled to think or feel it say what they want, I can't waste my time controlling that or caring. I'm putting way too much energy getting their crap thoughts out of my head lol. Much like the choices we make for our babies, those we make for how we get them here are ours too. Misery loves company and I think some of those people would rather you "give in" so they feel better about their decisions. Not that anything should be considered giving in but you get the point.
Dani, I'm pretty much the same way, I am on autopilot of blocking out anything bad. I did the same while TTC as well. Negativity can quickly bring a person down if you let it and your right, misery loves company and there's so many people out there who try to knock others down to make themselves feel better. Thats a big reason I stopped going on FB until recently. Now I just pay attention to what my bnb ladies post and a few others.
What's "The Secret", btw?
Today is the day we order our double buggy and buy paint for the nurseries. We're sticking with grey and white for Luca's room (same as the old house). Jacob's room is currently a dark cream colour which I'm tempted to leave...

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