Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Ugh Jess you sound miserable, and rightfully so! With all you have going on has your caregiver suggested being induced? Not that you would want to do that but I cannot imagine they would allow you to suffer with all the pain and lack of sleep without considering it as an option :shrug: So glad you are going in for some sleep :sleep:

If I had any sort of peace bubble it likely would have popped already :laugh2: I do manage to ignore many of my mom's comments though. For whatever reason, sometime during the past couple of weeks I've had a sort of calm come over me really. Maybe it was because we got everything we needed for Cameron and I felt more at ease and prepared in that sense :shrug: And also the house is near finished, like we will be moving the furniture into the downstairs room this weekend :thumbup: All that remains is the vent fan update and accordion doors in the half bath and the correct size bifold doors to conceal the laundry area... but I'm not too concerned about those things since they are minor and won't take long at all. OH and I have to sort through a pile of crap in the back addition but that can be done throughout the week/weekend next week and then my mom will help me deep clean the house and wash baby stuff.

Kirsty you will have to post photos when you guys get everything done with the nurseries!

MAJOR back pain today, like in my upper right area just to the side of my spine :cry2: It's HORRIBLE! I was in tears this morning after trying to put on my pants. Feels like a paring knife is permanently stuck in there. Pretty sure I slept at an odd angle or something... but it could have been from sanding and painting drywall yesterday. Even though the drywall work was nothing compared to other stuff I've done I may have popped something out of place unknowingly. OWW!!!

Got it all sanded smooth and painted :thumbup: Will be putting white casing around the opening and finishing with white 6 panel bifold doors when I get the correct size.


Slow cooker chicken and dumplings was a big success!


And for those that may not have seen on Facebook, I caught Cameron's breathing movements on video yesterday! This isn't the first time he's done it and it's so amazing seeing another life perform something so vital from within your body!
Jyllian I'm not surprised you feel calmer now... Yall had so much going on with the house in addition to being super prego! Damn girl. But the house looks awesome and I'm sure all of the stress was worth it now that you have it all done!

Laura did I miss something?! Have you picked a name??

dani hypnobirthing is basically making use of the law of attraction! I love it. At this point we also spend time each week visualizing our perfect births, and I have a huge track to guide it. Haven't done the track yet but I feel like that's so important. I've been trying to attract my doctor to my birth for like 7 months now :haha: since there are so many doctors at the practice and i feel so comfortable with her. You'd love the affirmations that we do everyday!

Mary "the Secret" was a movie about the law of attraction which basically states that we attract what we think about and say. So if you think about hating bills, you attract more bills! I swear this happens with my husband.. There's a train track in a busy part of town by our house and he is a pretty negative thinker and we always get caught when we are together! But I never get stopped by the train alone.. Anyway, it sounds silly like that but there was an incredible study discussed in the film where they hooked up these marathoners or something and monitored their brain activity when they ran. Then they hooked them up again and walked them through the race in a sort of meditation, while they were all just sitting there, and they experienced the same brain activity! To me, just because we don't understand how consciousness and brain activity REALLY work (we studied this in my philosophy of mind classes in college, it's basically the question of how a synapse firing gives us an actual mental experience, called "qualia", like seeing a specific color blue..) doesn't mean that there isn't some sort of clear quality about these reactions that interact with other reactions out there.. If that makes sense? Just because we don't get it (yet) doesn't mean it isn't totally real! So many incredible figures throughout history have been followers of the law of attraction like Thomas Jefferson and Leo da Vinci :haha: I think.. Right dani? It's been a long time since I saw the movie
Oh I'm sooooo going to set my mind to think about how much I looooove bills :winkwink: I love paying bills! Love love love it!

Ugh... this is going to take some serious focus and concentration...

I've been thinking a lot about how my birth will go, how everything will be perfect and seeing OH's reaction when he sees his son for the very first time and us bonding with him and having that time together. It calms me.
Cheryl, her name has been picked out since we started TTC in 2012 :) She will be Eden Violet :)
Our boy name was Taylor Stephen
Cheryl, her name has been picked out since we started TTC in 2012 :) She will be Eden Violet :)
Our boy name was Taylor Stephen

Beautiful names!

No diabetes for me! Celebrating with chocolate.

Can't believe I'm down to fortnightly appointments, and he weighs just over 1kg already.

Awesome-sauce!!!!! That's such good news.

Laura if you're interested I can tell you more about the hypnobirthing! I started with reading the mongan method book and it just made so much sense to me (why do women in cultures who haven't been 'told' birth hurts give birth painlessly?) and I could lend it to you I think if you use kindle. I'm never sure which qualify but if it does I can let you borrow it! Even if hypnobabies does NOTHING for me in birth (which.. I don't even think is possible) it's made the pregnancy so amazing. My doula was thrilled when I told her we were doing it, too, and she was like... You'll be surprised at how well it works. Seriously. - so that's awesome!

Yeah jyllian I totally get that we are the support group for them but I'm also like, I wasn't even considering that as an option... Luckily the actual rates are incredibly low but it really just reminds me how much I love him already and how devastated I would be! It's crazy because we've had like three girls give birth at like 25ish weeks and their babies are doing awesome! :shrug:

Mary it seems like most of our intuitions have been right so far! I referred to our LO as a boy from like 4 weeks! I bet you've got a little girl in there too :)

Jess ugh! We need some Luke in our lives! I so wish I could fix this for you and keep you from going through so much pain! But maybe your uterus is practicing really really hard so when the time comes it'll be like super easy

Fi woohoo for no GD!! I posted my results on my fridge I was so happy :D chocolate for all!

I can't remember, is anyone in this group cloth diapering? I'm trying to figure out what to do for the newborn stage. I was thinking about renting but maybe changing my mind

Let's hope so! The general consensus is that I'm going to be stuck at no progress for a bit and then bam labor is going to be quick.

I a, cloth diapering. We chose to go the dispisable route until Luke is able to fit into the diaper covers and then only use disposables when we go out of the house and at night. To rent here was like $80 and I just can't justify the cost when he is so little and the disposables would be cheaper. You can get cloth like disposables though.

Cheryl, definitely going to look more into it. Partly because I'm already getting annoyed at people giving unsolicited advice at the moment, so I think it would help with my sanity levels during pregnancy as well as possibly helping with birth. I'll have a look for the books you recommended - I don't have a kindle but I will look into them.
People do love to tell us how "horrible" late pregnancy is going to be and how horrible birth will be. Amy made a comment on Facebook yesterday about not believing we're almost half way through this crazy pregnancy journey and some guy was like "you won't think it's so amazing when all you can smell is poo and you're up to your eyes in vomit". Jee thanks dude! But yeah... It hink maybe the principles would help with shaking off that kind of negativity too.

I saw that and was like "really dude, really?" Probably one of those oops were pregnant people. Dirty diapers and vomit does suck, especially when you don't get any sleep......but it doesn't take away from the amazingness that is pregnancy either.

My husbands grandmother (someone my hubby has met all of 3 times in his life, and someone I have never met) commented on my blog post about future ttc plans that "I'm still young" and to "relax and enjoy the first one". I'm like sucker punch to the throat! I'm not naive enough to think that it's going to happen right away, don't think that preventing for 6 months before ntnp is all that bad, and a second pregnancy will not have any bearing on the love I have for my son.

Cheryl, I have looked into hypnobirth as well. I also looked into some for fertility. I'm going to order some for when we start the ivf process, and maybe even start a few weeks before. So we are heading to Atlanta Georgia next week! We will be there for about 2 years. My dh will be building the new atlanta braves stadium. I think i have already found who will be doing our ivf!

I totally saw your message about this but can't remember if I responded or not. Atlanta sounds like an awesome city and is big enough that it should have some great ivf doctors. How long are you going to be there for?

So glad you're going in for the sleep Jess. I bet Mary is right and as soon as you get that rest your body will be like K HERE GOES! :haha: I just want something to *happen* for you!

Jamie I love it! Tuscany is so beautiful too :D

Jyllian damn that sounds good! We don't eat that much pork but I'd be all over that! We're testing some slow cooker and freezer recipes too! We had a chicken and stuffing thing tonight, leftovers. Pretty good, figure that will be one. Plus DH's favorite meal is Moroccan meatballs over couscous but they're such a pain in the butt to make.. But o figure I can make like a quadruple batch and freeze! Not much more work than just 1 batch! Yum! Oh and um I can believe how close you are!! Ahhhh!

Chelsea that's awesome you have your doc! and hypnosis for ivf and pregnancy too :thumbup: I love bree Taylor molyneaux I think her name is and she has ivf cd's. I think hypnobabies might too. Now that I'm using apple music I just download all the stuffs haha! I listened to Bree's affirmations and meditations during ttc though and loved them! I used to listen when I was doing my self massage stuff to break up scar tissue and encourage egg growth or.. Whatever it was.

Laura um yeah!! The negativity, like.. I get it. People sometimes don't get how to just be encouraging of something they don't understand and I know a lot of women somehow translate me answering that I'm going natural as being an attack on their decision to use pain medications but damn people! I hear it all the time, oh you'll be begging for the epidural... Sorry but.. I just don't think that's the case, and it sucks you have to say that to me! But the bubble of peace is awesome :thumbup: you just hunker down with your amazing positive ideas about birth that you get from the affirmations with hypnobabies and pretty much everything else just rolls off. It's awesome! I'm a big fan of the program and process if you couldn't tell :D I feel like it's made this pregnancy so joyful and I can even use the medical hypnoanaesthesia to reduce aches and pains when I have them already. I might look silly in the grocery closing my eyes and mentally directing my anaesthesia to my cervix but when Leo is bouncing on it.. :rofl: the first time I did it though I was shocked that it really truly worked, and already!

Btw Mary I am so happy we are FB friends now!! :D I love your 11-week bumpie!!

I can tell you from my experience so far, this shit hurts lol.

Definitely will look into it Cheryl. I hate when people tell you what you will or won't be doing. A friend of mine had an epi for boy births and was like "you're stupid to try and do it naturally. That's what the pain meds are there for. You don't HAVE to feel that pain."
No one said I have to. I had to explain in small words that her opinion is different to mine and there's likely a bazillion people with a bazillion different opinions about the same thing - none of them more "right" or valid than the others.
I don't know. People just have such funny ideas about birth and what "everyone" needs. Then we wonder why women end up with birth trauma and feeling like failures because they had to "give in" and take pain meds or have a c section. It's not giving in. It's listening to your body and doing what you need to get baby out at that moment

This is why I'm so thankful I have issues with medications. Once people grasp the concept that I cannot have an epidural they are pretty good about not telling me how bad it can be. The docs at the hospital are really on board and trying to figure out ways to help me cope.

I'm still waiting on a phone call from my REs office about my ultrasound that I'll be having within the next week. I'm so excited to see our little peach inside of me! (thats about how big our baby is this week :)) I'll update you all when I get an exact date and time set :thumbup:

Did you hear back yet?

Ugh Jess you sound miserable, and rightfully so! With all you have going on has your caregiver suggested being induced? Not that you would want to do that but I cannot imagine they would allow you to suffer with all the pain and lack of sleep without considering it as an option :shrug: So glad you are going in for some sleep :sleep:

If I had any sort of peace bubble it likely would have popped already :laugh2: I do manage to ignore many of my mom's comments though. For whatever reason, sometime during the past couple of weeks I've had a sort of calm come over me really. Maybe it was because we got everything we needed for Cameron and I felt more at ease and prepared in that sense :shrug: And also the house is near finished, like we will be moving the furniture into the downstairs room this weekend :thumbup: All that remains is the vent fan update and accordion doors in the half bath and the correct size bifold doors to conceal the laundry area... but I'm not too concerned about those things since they are minor and won't take long at all. OH and I have to sort through a pile of crap in the back addition but that can be done throughout the week/weekend next week and then my mom will help me deep clean the house and wash baby stuff.

Kirsty you will have to post photos when you guys get everything done with the nurseries!

MAJOR back pain today, like in my upper right area just to the side of my spine :cry2: It's HORRIBLE! I was in tears this morning after trying to put on my pants. Feels like a paring knife is permanently stuck in there. Pretty sure I slept at an odd angle or something... but it could have been from sanding and painting drywall yesterday. Even though the drywall work was nothing compared to other stuff I've done I may have popped something out of place unknowingly. OWW!!!

Got it all sanded smooth and painted :thumbup: Will be putting white casing around the opening and finishing with white 6 panel bifold doors when I get the correct size.


Slow cooker chicken and dumplings was a big success!


And for those that may not have seen on Facebook, I caught Cameron's breathing movements on video yesterday! This isn't the first time he's done it and it's so amazing seeing another life perform something so vital from within your body!

Nope, no induction thoughts yet. This is actually the frustrating part because I don't want an induction if possible at this stage. Luke still has some final touches before his arrival. That being said, I cannot go over my due date like this...... There is still mass confusion about inducing at 40 weeks too because of the lack of pain meds I have available to me. I personally don't see how bad it can be. My sister was induced on a Thursday with my first nephew, wasnt dilating so they sent her home where she continued to labor without cervical change for 3 days naturally before a nurse "helped" her dilate and ended up with an emergency c-section due to malpositioning. If she could do it for 3 days I am sure I could handle a few hours drug free.

The other issue too is that the hospital doesn't typically like to perform unnecessary procedures if they don't have to such as induction and planned c-section. At this point aside from a lack of sleep and some pain, Luke and I are both doing well. Luke more so than I am. He's such a strong and healthy little bugger that they probably won't do any considerations of anything until I have gone overdue.
Eden Violet is a beautiful name! We talked about girl names before we knew what we were having both times around and Violet was on our list :)
So the other thing going on in my life that has got me totally off is somewhat two fold.

My sister and her douche of a husband have decided to pack up and move to Oklahoma at the end of July because the husband wants to "follow his dream of becoming a pilot". I am so incredibly angry and hurt and just really depressed. He made my sister move to Oklahoma in 2005 to be with him while he attended flight school. He then supposedly got a job in Arizona and drug my sister out there with him, only to turn up on my parents porch with nothing more than a few bags of clothes a week later because the job fell through. He sat at my parents house playing video games for a year while my sister worked 2 jobs and went to school to become an architect. They had some issues a year and a half ago, almost got divorced and are still having marital problems to this day. Now he is uprooting my sister and my nephews so he can go get flying time in to become a commercial pilot. Something that he could be doing here in Colorado. My 4 year old nephew refuses to go. I literally had to pick him up and carry him out of my bedroom the other day when we were watching him. It broke my heart to hear him screaming he doesn't want to go, he wants to stay with auntie. Neither my sister or her husband have spent more than the weekend with the boys ever. In fact my mom and I have spent the more time with the boys than they have. I don't think my sister can handle watching both of the boys all day every day. Her husband has basically forbidden her from getting a job. The whole thing is incredibly crappy.

I'm really upset too because they didn't have to do this now. I'm less than 2 weeks from having my baby (hopefully). They could have waited a few months. My sister has literally stollen every big event from me in my life and I feel like the last two weeks of my pregnancy are ruined because of them. All anyone talks about is my sister moving and crying because we are all going to miss the boys. My son is going to go a full year only seeing his cousins a few times and I don't want him to miss out. My nephew is so looking forward to being a cousin and getting to play with "his Luke"

Not only that but my mom is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She cries all day every day. These boys are essentially her little children. She spends all day every day with them and they are being ripped away from her. The stress of my sister moving and my grandma staying with her every other month has raised her blood pressure to extremely high levels, and she is not in a good way with that. She has a severe bladder infection. The stress is literally going to kill her if she can't get it under control. It's so incredibly hard to sit by and watch everything happening around you, knowing there isn't anything that you can do to change any of it. Between the stress and heartbreak of my sister and the boys moving away again, and watching my moms health deteriorate, along with the stress of being so close yet so far from meeting my own little man........I just don't know how much more I can handle.
Oh no, Jess...that is terrible :( he really sounds like a class act. Totally unfair to uproot his family for something he could have done anywhere. I am really sorry for you and your mom, I know this must be horrible. Maybe they will change their minds.
Wow Jess, seems totally legit... your sister going to school only to be forbidden to get a job :roll: This guy seems very unstable location-wise, moving her and now the kids frequently. I can understand your mom feeling upset and stressed about the kids leaving... my mom absolutely loves spending time with my kids and watching them for me while I'm at work. I'm glad it's only a couple days a week now that OH has weekdays off, but it gives her something to do as she is retired but isn't overwhelming for her because I don't want that. And yes, that's upsetting that part of your family will be moving like right when you are to be giving birth. So much going on for you right now, no wonder you can't sleep! :hugs:
There bag are packed and ready to go. They will be pulling out July 30th
How convenient... right when you are to have Luke. Hopefully you will go into labor within the next week but still sucks the drama of her moving and all takes away from your special time.
I know, the timing sucks! Doesn't she want to at least stay and see Luke born!? If I were her I'd just tell my husband he can move without me and I'll meet him there in another week if two! Maybe she and the boys can stay with ur mom for a short while? Your poor nephews, I feel so sad for them! I'm surprised ur sister is going a long with all her husbands demands! Isn't marriage a partnership? Decide things together not be told what to do! Ugh!

Mary-I love seeing everyone on fb too! Glad u joined us!

Jyllian- that dinner looks so good! Glad ur feeling calmer too! It def helps to focus on positive stuff like seeing OH with his son for the first time and bonding as a family

Laura- love the name Eden, so pretty :)
Gah! So much for peace and calmness! I am so on edge today... in so much pain, annoyed and just miserable. My back is just not letting up. Sitting here at my desk rummaging through bills and paperwork with OH's Father's Day massager running up and down my back hoping for some relief. I had to stop and get gas in my vehicle during my lunch break because I forgot I was on E. My break is so short to begin with I had to rush home to grab a bite (and the massager) and of course on the way back got sudden cramping and nearly shit my pants... good grief. And I always get stuck behind drivers that are moving so far under the speed limit, it never fails. Noticed while I was home on break that nothing had been done that I could tell - nothing towards reno stuff and the sink was full of dirty dishes. OH has today and the weekend off work so the plan was to finish up the room. Him and the kids were running an errand when I stopped home but I got to see them a few minutes before I had to head back to work. OH could tell I was irritated but I didn't say anything about the house though... He wants to go downtown to a car show this evening (yay...) so will likely be messing with his truck today and nothing else. He stopped at the auto parts store and didn't get a plug for my tire that's been leaking air for a week now that he said he would fix. And I'm just so over being behind financially because he was out of work for weeks and has yet to start helping me again with utilities and such. It's put me way behind. Thank goodness my mom has been willing to help me out but she shouldn't have to. I know everything will get better it's just overall I'm not feeling much of anything good today :nope:
She says that she and my 4 year old nephew will be here for the birth, even if she has to turn the car around. She succumbs to whatever he tells her to do. Its ridiculous. Whatever. I can't make them stay and its really crappy that they are doing this right now.

I agree, if I looked that good at 25 weeks (and if it were possible to get pregnant while pregnant) I'm sure I would be carrying twins LOL. You look amazing.
Thank you ladies!!!:hugs: I'm sure I'll still be told next week that I'm "gaining too much weight" -- :dohh:--- I don't think I'll allow it to bother me this time tho if she says that, I know I'm fine!

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