Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Jyllian - that's a huge clean out. Nice work! Will you get a chance to rest up now?

Pam - more photos please!

Daphne - very sweet of your DH

Jess - how are you going?

Cheryl - I can't wait to see the photos. I'm a bit the same - the furniture is set up, just waiting on the last few bits to arrive. Can't believe you're 34 weeks now

Kirsty - I'm sorry to hear about your parents, but glad they're acting if they are unhappy. Pretty cool that your brother will be with you

Laura - are you really half way? Crazy!

Mary - how are you going?
Bring it in baby! The bag is packed and by the door. Ready when you are kid!

Kirsty, very sorry to hear about your parents. Separation is never easy but sometimes our parents come out better at the end of it.
Bring it in baby! The bag is packed and by the door. Ready when you are kid!

Kirsty, very sorry to hear about your parents. Separation is never easy but sometimes our parents come out better at the end of it.

Awesome! You're so close - I'm excited about more babies on this thread soon!
Daphne, cool! Thanks for the info. I did read he's producing or has produced surfactant for his lungs at this point and he's pretty much just beefing up in there and adding finishing touches. I love knowing he's closer and closer! But not ready to even think about him coming for another 5 weeks minimum!! Be careful with the heat! But it sounds like you are :thumbup: I'm excited for ours to break soon as well. It feels like a jungle and always takes my camera 20 minutes to defog when I take it outside for a shoot. Yeck!

Pamela woohoo! Unfortunately I have and had a huge head and Leo was measuring big for the head at the anatomy scan so that's gonna be the tough part eh, getting the head out! And then ploop! I hope :haha:

Fi I know!! It seems both so close and so far away. You're so close too!! I've determined nursery is about 90% done or more, just a few unnecessary finishing touches. Can't wait to share! I wish it were easier to add pictures to bnb so I could show you the progress from my phone!

Jyllian you should! I was so interested to hear that. I'm going to try and get an ultrasound from my OB in the next couple weeks and see what that says too! I've definitely been feeling Leo's head squarely on my bladder just digging in and now have little feet jamming up my ribs so he's definitely getting taller!
So according to my calculations, based on my two previous births - DS at 9 days and DD at 8 days early - Cameron could come around the 26th. That would put him at 7 days early. That gives me a good solid 2 weeks :shock: I still have not adapted the mentality of like 'OK, I have to do this. I am going to do this. I can do this.' My IRL friend gave birth to her second child, another boy, yesterday and from what I saw seemed absolutely fine. Ronan William weighed 6lbs 9oz and was 19.5in long. I haven't spoken to her yet, but I'm just assuming she had a vaginal delivery and got an epidural. She was updating a bit on Facebook yesterday during labor and then afterwards her husband sent friends a text with photo announcing baby's arrival and posted on Facebook as well. I makes me feel a little better that she seemingly did great... but I'm fully aware that every woman and every labor and delivery is different so the nerves are still there :dohh:
My brother came over to talk and ended up watching Luca for an hour or so last night. Luca was asleep so he basically just chilled out and ate our fridge, but still. I think last night was the second time since LO was born that we've actually been out by ourselves for a drink and chat.

We're still renting our current house but DH thinks we need to get our mortgage approved before I quit my job to stay home with the boys. It'll change the amount they'll allow us to borrow if I quit my job first. Unless I'm not understanding what my husband is saying, we've got 3 months to find a house. :shrug:
Is Cameron the next baby making his escape? I'm not as good as Daphne when it comes to keeping track of this stuff. :blush:
I think it's Cameron and baby Q up next! Dani and jyllian are both really close to the same gestational age right? Then... Me?! Omg

Oh yeah.. Pam... I took your suggestion and took a stool softener last week and omg. Omg. Omg. I've been able to poo pretty normally for almost a week now!! I've been crying tears of joy when I see actual poo in the toilet :rofl:
Yup, pretty sure I'm up next unless Dani beats me to it. She's literally days behind me so it's a toss up on who's going to pop next!

I told OH that I feel there's at least a good solid 2 weeks before Cameron will appear and of course he's like "Or he could come sooner" because he's super anxious and wants him here NOW. If he did come now I would be alright, like at ease with the way things are at home now... but no no no, I need to finish cleaning up a bit around the house first! Oh, and pack my bag :dohh: I'll be considered full term tomorrow :happydance: Or he could come later and maybe I'll go overdue :coffee: I'm going to call him Cam the clam because he seem happy as a lil clam in there all snuggly and tomorrow I bet there's no change since my last doctor appointment.
Hahaha Cheryl - it's the small things.

Kirsty - hope you enjoyed your time alone. Maybe you just need mortgage approval, rather than the actual house. Prior to buying our house, we got pre-approval, which lasted for a few months. It meant that we didn't need to go through the paperwork again when we actually bought, as the bank already had our information. It might be a good way to buy you a bit of time, and get pre-approval based on your income

Jyllian - you'll be fine. One way or another, Cam will get here, and you'll be able to cuddle him in. So exciting that you're full term!

I have an OB appointment tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to seeing the little one again (they scan at each appointment). I bought him baby boardshorts yesterday - so cute!
Adam's been fussy earlier today i can't seem to make him stop crying DH woke up took him from me, put him down the bed and he massaged his legs and tummy and that settled him :dohh: He dozed to sleep after few minutes and so as DH.

Here's Adam at 2 months old. :D He's face's skin is peeling because the smallish acne he got were healing thank God because for the last couple of weeks he face was like a sandpaper :rofl:.

Time is flyin... :cry:
I'm sorry ladies. I'm still working on adjusting to life with a newborn and pretty much crap when it comes to any type of social media beyond the quick Facebook update. Luke is doing so much better than he was last week. He's almost back to birth weight so we can stop supplementing, I'm having a hard time with pumping via the electric pump but able to get about an ounce with the manual pump.

I've lost slightly more than 20 pounds since delivery! My nips are getting used to being constantly used but I do get burning pain in one after I feed the little guy.


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Startd - We already know how much we can borrow but we're not sure if the chunk of money we've saved makes any difference. He knows more about it than me, I'm clueless with this stuff. :blush:

Daphne - Happy 2 months Adam! Time flies. I can't get my head around Luca being nearly 8 months old. He's such a handsome boy!

Jess - Understandable. Glad Luke is doing well. How are you both getting on with breastfeeding?
Excited to hear about your appointment Fi!

Omigosh Daphne I cannot believe Adam is 2 months old already!

Jess, don't feel bad about not being more "social". I don't plan on being able to keep up with BnB or even Facebook much after Cameron arrives, but will try to check in regularly... no promises. Glad Luke's weight is back up and that you're getting more accustomed to the nipple strain. I applaud you for continuing to stick with everything :thumbup: Keep it up mama!


Full term at 37 weeks today :happydance:


Been feeling pretty decent lately, aside from pain in my central upper abdomen. I believe I tore muscle again over the weekend while cleaning out the back room. It's feeling better and I'm done with any strenuous work for good now thankfully! I have a doctor appointment this afternoon. Not really sure how I feel either way, if he says I'm starting to progress or there's been no change :shrug: I'm excited to have our baby, but also still pretty nervous about birth as well as having a newborn at home.

I visited my friend yesterday at the hospital. Her son is so teeny! I was like, omigosh I have no idea what I'm gonna do when mine gets here or how I'm gonna handle it :wacko:


I have no idea how she managed, but I can totally see how a baby can fit inside my belly. I look like I have enough room for two of hers :rofl: Cameron had been snoozing for most of the evening, but once I held Ronan he suddenly gave a big kick to the baby's butt and began moving all over. I was pretty much drilling her with questions regarding her birth experience, breastfeeding, etc. Unlike with her first son, this time around she has been able to nurse right away without any issues. Ronan has already made at least three poopy diapers in the two days he's been out and Jackie said he pooped as soon as he was delivered :laugh2:

Our hospital literally just finished up the maternity remodel. All new delivery and postpartum rooms. Jackie was the first one to stay in her room and it had a double bed. Super nice. She told me that the staff is really good about allowing you tons of time with the baby and keeping any need to whisk baby away for checks, procedures, etc. to a minimum :thumbup:

Will let you ladies know if I have any news to report after my appointment...
Just popping in to say congrats to all the new mamas and babies! Great job, and I can honestly say no baby fever for me yet ;)

I haven't been commenting, but I've been trying to keep everything together and read updates when I can!

Jyllian, good luck today! This whole time of lurking, I didn't realize Cameron was your first!! I thought the 2 listed in your signature were yours - your OH is probably telling you to relax because he's been through it twice already :haha: Happy 37wks!

Jess - Don't feel bad if you have to supplement again. It's about baby thriving and growing. Formula isn't poison! I had such an awful time trying to breastfeed and I pumped and put her to breast when I could so she could get at least a little bit of BM, but she mainly had formula. She's absolutely perfect and growing like a weed and we stopped breastfeeding at 3 months. I would pump upwards to 10 times a day and get less than 2 oz the entire day. It was far too much stress on me. You're doing good!

To the few ladies with new babies - they are SO cute!!! Congrats and enjoy it - it goes way to quick!

Kirsty - I can't believe you're almost 30 weeks pregnant already! I had my LO a few days after you had Luca, and she's 33wks old. I couldn't imagine being pregnant again lol glad everything seems to be going well for you!
Jennuuh, this isn't my first rodeo... the two kiddos listed in my siggy are mine! (I suppose I'll claim 'em hehe) This is OH's very first and he is nervous as well, but does a pretty good job at hiding it most of the time. It's just been such a long time since my last birth - a little over 10 years - and I have bad anxiety anyways so have a difficult time not being super nervous :wacko:
Good to hear from you Jenna :thumbup: How is Riot doing? :) do you have a journal? I'm going to stalk you for it in a little while if so!

I know, it's crazy. Things have been so busy with work and Luca that I actually forget I'm pregnant sometimes. I'm sure I've had a few "OI! I'm in here" boots to the bladder recently x
I didn't notice until today that I must look like a mad woman taking all of the kids back and forth to toddler groups, school and ect. I have a giant bump, Luca and a toddler in a double stroller, a 4.5 y/o on a buggy board, and 2 grumpy teenagers waddling behind or in front of me. Surprised nobody has offered to buy me a tv yet :rofl:

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