Sticky Bean Dream Team Lounge

Well ladies dh and bd'd and i started to hace a lot of heavy brown cm... then it changed to pink... i think that the :witch: messing with me...
Oy'Mates! I was surfing the web and came across this Lovely holistic website for Fertility! Thought some of you maybe interested, Browse it over even if you aren't overly interested, some of the input is Amazing!


LovesmyLovey Lol you'll probably be the first to have a peep at it if you haven't found this site already. My Dh has the same attitude as your OH, I think it comes with Being a " Jack of All Trades" They know so much more then the average joe, not that I'm being discriminative either, It's almost a persona that comes with the reference they own proudly lol.
Thanks for the website! If I don't get my BFP this cycle, I think I will try that Maca you ladies have been talking about! I'm surprised Royal Jelly wasn't on the list, I took that this cycle and noticed a huge increase in fertile cm when I usually don't have much.
The witch is a b!$&h. Sorry to all that got thier AF. Mine came three days early, which means my luteal phase was only 12 days. I have a doctors appt. tomorrow. Hoping for some amswers.
The witch is a b!$&h. Sorry to all that got thier AF. Mine came three days early, which means my luteal phase was only 12 days. I have a doctors appt. tomorrow. Hoping for some amswers.

I am sorry af got you. I think mine is coming early as well... :/But i hope u find some answers keep us updated!
Hey lovely ladies......ok please dont kick me out of this thread for being crazy but i have read that pineapple (the core especially) is good to eat after ovulation to help with implantation then you stop after implantatiom would have occured. I have read one pineapple cut into 5 pieces (including core) and eaten around 2-6 dpo can help the eggy stick?!?!?! Have any of you heard of this or tried it?? Again sorry if you think i am a lunatic! :-/ Xx
Well im 16 DPO and it's a BFN for me. I'm stopping the progesterone today so AF should show up in a day or two. On to the next cycle but having a glass of wine tonight!!!
Hey lovely ladies......ok please dont kick me out of this thread for being crazy but i have read that pineapple (the core especially) is good to eat after ovulation to help with implantation then you stop after implantatiom would have occured. I have read one pineapple cut into 5 pieces (including core) and eaten around 2-6 dpo can help the eggy stick?!?!?! Have any of you heard of this or tried it?? Again sorry if you think i am a lunatic! :-/ Xx
i have heard that before think I might have to try it next cycle!
Hello ladies! How are you all today?
Congrats on the new buisness Mooker!
Loves, I agree that it would be nice to vent over a cocktail..ugh!
Twinkle, I heard that about the pineapple as well. I'm allergic. Eh
Sorry about the witch Miss May and sbmack :/ onto the next cycle!
Hope she stays away brit, and ash! Fingers crossed!

I'm finally out of bed today! Almost ready to conquer my messy house. Need more coffee!! :)
So when I entered my temp this am ff redrew my o line which would make me 10 dpo instead of 11 dpo. Anyone else had this happen before and which was correct? If anyone has time take a look at my chart and see what you think. Thanks ladies!!:dust:
Brit- last cycle ff had me O'ing on cd 15.. when in fact I o'd on cd 16 like I thought. It was due to taking my temp a little later than normal and it being a little higher. So I'd say you're right and ff is wrong. Where they have you o'ing.. is the same temp as your other post O temps.. and the day after O is the where the clear temp rise happens.. so you're right and FF is wrong :D It happens every now and then. But ur right :D I'm betting on it. How long is your LP usually? That will tell ya for sure in the long run.. that's how I figured it out..

Jeslyn- I'm right there with ya on the motivation part.. Today is the last day that my grandmother is on vacation so it's my last day of doing whatever I want to.. so of course.. i'm at home on the computer :blush:

Twinkle- I have never heard of the pineapple thing before :thumbup: all thumbs it works though! How crazy if it was as simple as that lol. Makes me wonder.. if since I know I O regularly.. only having an annov once or twice a year.. if it's an implantation problem...

Sbmack- :hugs2: sorry for af... I curse her every month she comes.. :dohh: idk what a true bfp feels like :shrug: Means its cocktail time :drunk: When I get af I'll have a drink and celebrate being able to have a drink.. it's my way of PMA lol

Mooks- I'm probably the last to read it this time.. lol kept myself off the comp last night... :cloud9: It is possible lol.. OH gives me a hard time for being on the comp all the time.. whether its blogging, surfing, or doing my Farmville/Castleville on FB :blush: yes.. I'm addicted.. :D

ASH- you're about 9-10dpo right? and brown cm... do you normally have Pre-af spotting? sometimes i do.. sometimes I don't so it throws me off..

:dust: :dust: :dust:

We need some :BFP:'s!!!! Come on lucky dust!! Work your magic!!

AFM- I'm bored.. been crabby with OH.. on CD 7 I believe.. and enjoying my last day of VACA.. it was almost 90 degrees F here yesterday.. and now its 60 degrees F.. HAH! Thats Kansas for you... never know what the weather is going to be.. well.. I'm going to get out and take my pups on a walk..
I know loves how good would it be if a Yummy pineapple did the trick and made Mr eggy stick!! I am def going to give it a go no harm not.going to eat 10 of them or anything just one cut into 5 pieces including core from 2-5dpo.......ok i am getting a little confused about what i am doing- B6complex, flaxseed, preseed, pineapple (1-5 dpo), digi opks,smep and temping!!! Phew!!

Good luck to all those trying the maca i think i might go cross eyed if i start that too this month but i might look into it if no bfp this cycle! The things we do.girlies!!

Found this on pineapple if anyone is interested-

Using Pineapple to Assist Implantation: Pineapple contains bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks up proteins that inhibit embryo implantation. Consuming a whole pineapple (focusing on the core as it has the highest concentration of Bromelain) during a fertility cycle can be beneficial.

For IVF*[in vitro fertilization] cycle: one pineapple, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day of your embryo transfer.

IUI*[intra-uterine insemination] cycle: one pineapple, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day of your IUI.

Timed intercourse cycle: one pineapple, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day after ovulation.

Note: Be careful not to start consuming pineapple too early in the cycle. Beginning to consume pineapple*BEFORE*the recommended days above can actually affect your vaginal and cervical mucus PH, making it more acidic.
Ash- fx its just spotting and the witch stays away!!

Fx for all the rest of the testers!! Keep us all up to date as loves said we NEED so BFPs in here!!!
Brit- last cycle ff had me O'ing on cd 15.. when in fact I o'd on cd 16 like I thought. It was due to taking my temp a little later than normal and it being a little higher. So I'd say you're right and ff is wrong. Where they have you o'ing.. is the same temp as your other post O temps.. and the day after yO is the where the clear temp rise happens.. so you're right and FF is wrong :D It happens every now and then. But ur right :D I'm betting on it. How long is your LP usually? That will tell ya for sure in the long run.. that's how I figured it out..

Jeslyn- I'm right there with ya on the motivation part.. Today is the last day that my grandmother is on vacation so it's my last day of doing whatever I want to.. so of course.. i'm at home on the computer :blush:

Twinkle- I have never heard of the pineapple thing before :thumbup: all thumbs it works though! How crazy if it was as simple as that lol. Makes me wonder.. if since I know I O regularly.. only having an annov once or twice a year.. if it's an implantation problem...

Sbmack- :hugs2: sorry for af... I curse her every month she comes.. :dohh: idk what a true bfp feels like :shrug: Means its cocktail time :drunk: When I get af I'll have a drink and celebrate being able to have a drink.. it's my way of PMA lol

Mooks- I'm probably the last to read it this time.. lol kept myself off the comp last night... :cloud9: It is possible lol.. OH gives me a hard time for being on the comp all the time.. whether its blogging, surfing, or doing my Farmville/Castleville on FB :blush: yes.. I'm addicted.. :D

ASH- you're about 9-10dpo right? and brown cm... do you normally have Pre-af spotting? sometimes i do.. sometimes I don't so it throws me off..

:dust: :dust: :dust:

We need some :BFP:'s!!!! Come on lucky dust!! Work your magic!!

AFM- I'm bored.. been crabby with OH.. on CD 7 I believe.. and enjoying my last day of VACA.. it was almost 90 degrees F here yesterday.. and now its 60 degrees F.. HAH! Thats Kansas for you... never know what the weather is going to be.. well.. I'm going to get out and take my pups on a walk..

Well the night before af shows i do. But not a week before! See i have been sleeping like crazy and had a blood taste in my mouth pn and off... then today i am having af like cramps on and off... But the test i took at noon yesterday was a BFN. So i guess i will wait intil halloween if af does not show and test with an ept... :/
Brit- last cycle ff had me O'ing on cd 15.. when in fact I o'd on cd 16 like I thought. It was due to taking my temp a little later than normal and it being a little higher. So I'd say you're right and ff is wrong. Where they have you o'ing.. is the same temp as your other post O temps.. and the day after yO is the where the clear temp rise happens.. so you're right and FF is wrong :D It happens every now and then. But ur right :D I'm betting on it. How long is your LP usually? That will tell ya for sure in the long run.. that's how I figured it out..

Jeslyn- I'm right there with ya on the motivation part.. Today is the last day that my grandmother is on vacation so it's my last day of doing whatever I want to.. so of course.. i'm at home on the computer :blush:

Twinkle- I have never heard of the pineapple thing before :thumbup: all thumbs it works though! How crazy if it was as simple as that lol. Makes me wonder.. if since I know I O regularly.. only having an annov once or twice a year.. if it's an implantation problem...

Sbmack- :hugs2: sorry for af... I curse her every month she comes.. :dohh: idk what a true bfp feels like :shrug: Means its cocktail time :drunk: When I get af I'll have a drink and celebrate being able to have a drink.. it's my way of PMA lol

Mooks- I'm probably the last to read it this time.. lol kept myself off the comp last night... :cloud9: It is possible lol.. OH gives me a hard time for being on the comp all the time.. whether its blogging, surfing, or doing my Farmville/Castleville on FB :blush: yes.. I'm addicted.. :D

ASH- you're about 9-10dpo right? and brown cm... do you normally have Pre-af spotting? sometimes i do.. sometimes I don't so it throws me off..

:dust: :dust: :dust:

We need some :BFP:'s!!!! Come on lucky dust!! Work your magic!!

AFM- I'm bored.. been crabby with OH.. on CD 7 I believe.. and enjoying my last day of VACA.. it was almost 90 degrees F here yesterday.. and now its 60 degrees F.. HAH! Thats Kansas for you... never know what the weather is going to be.. well.. I'm going to get out and take my pups on a walk..

Well the night before af shows i do. But not a week before! See i have been sleeping like crazy and had a blood taste in my mouth pn and off... then today i am having af like cramps on and off... But the test i took at noon yesterday was a BFN. So i guess i will wait intil halloween if af does not show and test with an ept... :/

Ash, I had a blood taste in my mouth a week before AF this time too. I thought it was because I was getting over a cold, but I didn't really have many lingering side effects. I also spotted what I thought was a week before AF, but mine came 3 days early this month.

Loves, I also reward myself with cocktails or wine or both.
Loves-Thanks, I think I'm right too, I actually think I oed really early sunday morning before I took my temp which is why it started to rise that morning and went all the way up on Monday.

So does anyone know if you o overnight are you 1dpo the next morning or 24 hrs after you o? I'm probably over thinking this, but my temp was up even higher this morning, I had horrible pains for an hour last night on the right side of my uterus and it radiated into my back, but I took a test this morning and it was :bfn: so if I'm only 10 dpo today instead of 11 maybe I implanted yesterday and am still in the game? I read that if you implant later than 10dpo that your chances of mc are like 60% and it goes up from there. ARRGGG I'm so frustrated with myself for obsessing about this, why can't I just go on with my life unaware I'm pregnant until I realize "where was my period?" and test BFP like I did with dd! That was so much easier than this whole ttc thing. I don't know how you ladies can do it month after month and keep such a positive attitude! I'm really glad I found this group :hugs:

I think I am going to try Maca and pineapple next cycle though! Thanks for the tip Twinkle!

Oh yeah Loves, I live in KS too!!!

Well the night before af shows i do. But not a week before! See i have been sleeping like crazy and had a blood taste in my mouth pn and off... then today i am having af like cramps on and off... But the test i took at noon yesterday was a BFN. So i guess i will wait intil halloween if af does not show and test with an ept... :/[/QUOTE]
Ash- brown cm sounds very promising! Hope AF stays away from me and you!!
Ok, so i have a ff question also.. I registered yesterday (forgot to temp) and I'm supposed to be on cd 54, but it started at one even though i put info in from September. Will it reset once AF starts?
Jesyln ff will reset to CD 1 as soon as you record a light flow. It won't reset if you record spotting though. That confused me at first when I registered as well.

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