Sticky Bean Dream Team Lounge

Hey guys how are we all tonight.

Mooker- really hope not stressing will be good for you and hubbie.......I know so many people who just got pregnant when they stopped actively ttc I really hope it happens for you have fun with your lovely wee family in the mean time! X

Brit- I'm not sure about PCOS but that does seem really irregular.......have you asked your doc at all about your cycles? Hopefully you get that positive in the next few days!

Loves- so good to hear from you.....exciting times with the new babies! :) so cute when they are so tiny! I am so sorry the horrible witch showed......but new cycle new hope.......2.5 years that is some exact feeling! :) I never really had an age in my head I just know we want a baba now so badly. And if you can't rant here where can you rant? Xx

Think we need some happiness and good Feeling on this thread this week to get us all ready to go with next cycle(fx still for you ash of course!)......such a fabulous bunch of girlies who deserve pretty BFPs!! Xx

Cd 7 for me starting opks tomorrow my wee niece is coming for 10 days when my sis goes to Mexico tomorrow so I am worried about being able to bd!! ;-) but will try and be creative and quickies might be the only way to go! ;-) not used to having children in the house when bd'ing is needed...... I am sure some of you who are already a mummy are pros !! ;-)

Twinkle- Yeah Bding with little ones was a huge adjustment. Its so much harder when you have to wait to bd until naptime or bedtime! I'm sure you will still get in enough to get that BFP though!

Good luck prepping those eggies ladies!

And fx for you Ash!
Thanks Brit! Will give it a good go!! ;-) really hoping for a Christmas wish for all of my girlies xx
Hope we are ok guys I know we are all feeling a wee bit down at the mo but really hope we can keep each other cd 8 smep for us hubbie is sick ! :-( I will try for cd 9 instead! Hugs to all my lovely ladies xxx
Welcome back Loves! Well ladies tomorrow I am going to go and get tampons, chocolate, a new BBT themometer, opks, and :wine:! I want to try pre seed but I have heaard a lot of people say it is more like wet cement! Ladies what are your veiws?

Also ladies I heard that folic acid was good for the man and woman... it can bump up the quality of sperm as well as bboost his chances of becoming a father... Have you ladies tried this yet?

Other than that I have not started spotting yet which is weird since I usually do a few days before. Or rather that is what has happened in my other cycles! Well maybe my bidy is just getting back into the swing of things!:happydance: Oh happy days finally! I have no regrets about quitting my job that threw my body out of whack! before I put my two weeks in I had not had AF for 3 months! Now she visits without failure!

:hugs: to the ladies who AF got and :thumbup: to the ladies who are still hanging in there!


Well other than that ladies since Thanksgiving is on Thrusday DH and I are going out this weekend and buying our first Christmas decorations!!!! Whoo hoo!!! :xmas16:
I think were just going to use the wait and see method, I'm going to keep taking my Fertilaid and Fertilcm, I paid for it why waste it lol. I feel that I'm putting to much pressure on myself at this point. SO just going to relax, enjoy the kids, and hubby, and if it happens it happens. If it doesn't it wasn't meant to kind of perspective. Not going to POAS period until I missed it for sure. Stickin pregnancy tests companies have a good portion of my pay cheque for sure. I was just so bummed out cause I thought that even if the fertiliy supplements didn't work, that hubby hanging me by my ankles would have worked for sure lmfao. Well ladies I hope your all having an amazing day and looking forward to a great work week!

hey mook,
im so sorry to see that your bum out but i know how you feel!! i also kept buying all the fertiliy supplements opks preseed thinking that it all for sure was going to work for me too:wacko:you know reading all the succes stories that everyone was getting from using them products gave me hope that maybe just maybe they would do the same for me.
it was just no use tho month after month started to turn into a year after year thing i just couldnt take it anymore,i know ive told u this 10000times but the month i kept busy relax and only poas when i really thought i could be is when it happen!!! and you know what i actually wasnt even about to keep testing at first because i got my bfp on the 25th but i took a test on the 23rd and it was NO. we all know that ttc is very stressful and hard, you know who ever thought that the thing that woman are suppost to be able to do can be so HARD:nope: not only that but the holidays are a stressful time too!!
i really think you are making a good choice by doing this because you know what i really feel like this could work for you & im really praying with everything in me that you do get your :bfp: as well as im praying for everyone else!!
you know what i realized is that when i was using opks idk what was really going on after AF was over i would start testing about 6days after she came and you know i would have neg test but then once id get my positive the test would actually stay POSITIVE i mean i remember the day AF came i had did a opk and it came back both lines darks as the day,you know its like this we stop doing the opks when we think we are getting our positives so now its like i wonder if they'd keep showing up positive?! i mean i know mine did because i just couldnt pin point when i was "Oing" i mean its just crazy!!!
but what you should do is KEEP BDING EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!!! i mean do it every day if you can,then find something that you enjoy that can keep your mind off of everything like when what i did was i join the pta at my son school i put lots of lights up and stuff for halloween,i had even sign up for some extra classes and of course me and DH were having SEX like CRAZY i wanna say probably every single DAY!!! but i wish you the best of luck and feel free to inbox me anytime you would like im always here to LISTEN im a very good listener my friends call me their dr phil:hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies! So, I saw my dr today, and she prescribed me a pack of birth control pills to maybe get things back in order? I'm not sure how much sense it makes, but she said it can help to regulate. I'm definately out for this year :/ Kindof sad thinking of it this way. When I told my honey, he comes home from the pharmacy with the pills, a bottle of my favorite whiskey & lime juice, and an amazon card for new kindle books :) Im looking forward to Friday when kids are at my moms to make my favorite shooters!

Twinkle, im not sure how old your neice is, but we sneak away to "do laundry" sometimes for quickies :) Its fun coming up with ways to sneak away. He called me downstairs once to bring his toolbag when we had friends over. One of his friends asked if there was a leak when we went back
Hello my loves,

How are u ladies. good i hope. Well im on cd6. This ttc is getting really boring i think im a stop. Anywho im preparing for thanksgiving. Getting some cakes baked, thats my job. My mom does the major cooking. What r u ladies plans for the holiday?
Jes- your hubbie is so so sweet! And really hope the pill will regulate it all for you it must be so so annoying . Exciting about tonight and the shooters ! :) how do you make them??

How was everyone's thanks giving?! I was very jealous over here in Ireland with all that yummy food and fun going on over there!

Any news Ash?? I have started using preseed and hubbie and I both LOVE it! Feels so natural not like cement at all and not sticky at all and the applicators are so easy to use they are just like tampons (a bit weird but easy) :)

Ok so to add to the "how do you bd with kiddies in the house" ( thank you for all your tips ladies, love the laundry tip!)hubbie is sick! :-( he been off work wed thurs and today ......really wanted to start bd'ing at the LATEST tonight as I am cd11 and got my +opk last cycle at cd 13 and wanted to get a jump start this cycle but I guess it's not to be :-(

My little niece (age 3) is certainly keeping me occupied anyway! Hope we all have a lovely Friday ladies.....any plans for weekend ?? Xx
Hey ladies! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Did anyone go shopping for Black Friday? My sisters and I went to Walmart when it opened last night and we got everything we wanted, which was mostly toys for dd. I need all 3 of my sisters so we can put some moves on the other shoppers, they didn't know what hit them! :haha:

On a very positive note (literally) I got my first positive OPK late last night! We bded yesterday morning during dds nap, but I didn't lay down after or anything b/c I was busy making stuff for Thanksgiving, so I told dh we would have to bd again last night just in case I Oed today while he was at work, and luckily he didn't mind and was up for it :winkwink: So we used preseed last night, and I took some advice from you Mooker and had hubby hold me upside down for a couple seconds just to be sure! I also used Mucinex about an hour before bd bc its supposed to thin out your cm to make it more sperm friendly. I hope this is our month! This morning CD 19 and my temp is the lowest its been for 2 months, so I'm hoping that means today is O day!

Where is everyone in their cycles? Twinkle, you need to tell dh to just suck it up whether he feels like bding or not (haha just kidding) I hope he feels better soon! Jes- I hope the bc works for you, I think bc helped regulate me as well, I conceived dd right off of bc. Ash- did you test yet?
Didn't test yet! I am holding out this month until test day! I am on CD30 today and 14dpo! I spotted a little after bding yesteday but it stopped shortly after. No spotting since! Which is strange because I usually start a couple of days before AF! No signs of my AF yet either! I have done so well on not symptom spotting or stressing over my AF showing up! I am excited to test this month and have my fingers crossed! I have 2 more days until I can test and I plan to hold out!
hey ladies,

how was everyones thanksgiving?! mine was good i have alot to be thankful for this year!!
i was so worn out by the time i was done cooking tho that i didnt even want to eat i just wanted to get a shower & go to bed plus i wasnt feeling so good yesterday and all of the smells mixed together didnt help neither even thou the food was so0o0 yummy:) i think ive ate more today then yesterday for sure but now im not feeling so hot again:wacko:.
DH. Dh dad & he oldest son went off Hunting for the weekend,i really miss him especially since i dont feel good but its nice having some peace & quit around here my son is at my grandmothers for the weekend too which is good for me but i still gotta take him to bowling tomorrow..which im fine with because i love watching him and not only that but its back to MEE-MAWS afterward YAY!!
You all know that Dh ex actually ask me if the other kids could come stay with me this weekend?!?! because she WANTS TO GO TO THE BAR,i normal would because the kids tell me all the time how much they hate being with her:-/ kinda sad that her own kids don't even wanna live with her but she won't let them move in with us:-/ probably because then she wouldnt get her CHECK every month its very very sad but i need a break this weekend & with dh not here to help its just not good for me....maybe i'll pick them up for alittle while sunday and take them to the park then they can stay the night because dh comes home sunday!! sorri ladies i get carry away
i went for my first scan last week the teach was so rude and STUPID she didnt let me see the scan once or hear the heartbeat or nothing but i did mangent to get this one picture

jelly is measuring alittle behind but im sure when i go for the 12week baby will have caught up by then had the same thing happen with my son so im not to worried as long as everything is A ok by july!
Didn't test yet! I am holding out this month until test day! I am on CD30 today and 14dpo! I spotted a little after bding yesteday but it stopped shortly after. No spotting since! Which is strange because I usually start a couple of days before AF! No signs of my AF yet either! I have done so well on not symptom spotting or stressing over my AF showing up! I am excited to test this month and have my fingers crossed! I have 2 more days until I can test and I plan to hold out!

sending u lots and lots of :dust: hoping that u get ur :bfp:!!!!
Thanks! CD31! 15dpo! The last 3 days my temp has not dropped below 97.5! Plus still no spotting! And I have 1 day until testing! So I don't know if I should test tomorrow or wait until I am 18dpo which would be CD 35... Well I think I will have DH take me to go get a test later and I will give it a shot in the morning tomorrow! I am not holding my breath though! Keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP but telling my brain that it is going to be a BFN... lol Well here is to the last day of my TWW!

However if I do get a BFP it would be a great early Christmas present! hint hint mr. stork and santa! :) Ladies which would be a better test to get a First Response or a Clear blue?
Thanks! CD31! 15dpo! The last 3 days my temp has not dropped below 97.5! Plus still no spotting! And I have 1 day until testing! So I don't know if I should test tomorrow or wait until I am 18dpo which would be CD 35... Well I think I will have DH take me to go get a test later and I will give it a shot in the morning tomorrow! I am not holding my breath though! Keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP but telling my brain that it is going to be a BFN... lol Well here is to the last day of my TWW!

However if I do get a BFP it would be a great early Christmas present! hint hint mr. stork and santa! :) Ladies which would be a better test to get a First Response or a Clear blue?

you never know it just might be them 2lines that you have been waiting for:) but i know what you mean when u dont wanna get ur hopes up!!
if i were u id get first response or if u get clear blue get the digital because ive had false positives with the +- clear blue!! i personally dont trust blue dye test or believe it or not the dollar store test work pretty darn good too and there only a BUCK so you can rack up on them:) ive never had them give me a false positive good luck i really hope u get ur early gift:hugs:
Thanks! CD31! 15dpo! The last 3 days my temp has not dropped below 97.5! Plus still no spotting! And I have 1 day until testing! So I don't know if I should test tomorrow or wait until I am 18dpo which would be CD 35... Well I think I will have DH take me to go get a test later and I will give it a shot in the morning tomorrow! I am not holding my breath though! Keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP but telling my brain that it is going to be a BFN... lol Well here is to the last day of my TWW!

However if I do get a BFP it would be a great early Christmas present! hint hint mr. stork and santa! :) Ladies which would be a better test to get a First Response or a Clear blue?

you never know it just might be them 2lines that you have been waiting for:) but i know what you mean when u dont wanna get ur hopes up!!
if i were u id get first response or if u get clear blue get the digital because ive had false positives with the +- clear blue!! i personally dont trust blue dye test or believe it or not the dollar store test work pretty darn good too and there only a BUCK so you can rack up on them:) ive never had them give me a false positive good luck i really hope u get ur early gift:hugs:

Me too! I have done so well with not symptom obsessing and I have not been obsessing over wanting to test either! I have really tried to keep a level head as far as ttc goes! Dh has already invested in a mini van! He is ready for a family and so am I! But I will definately pick up a first response and then the dollar store one and take them with my first pee of the day! Going to keep busy all day today and hope for the best tomorrow!
Thanks! CD31! 15dpo! The last 3 days my temp has not dropped below 97.5! Plus still no spotting! And I have 1 day until testing! So I don't know if I should test tomorrow or wait until I am 18dpo which would be CD 35... Well I think I will have DH take me to go get a test later and I will give it a shot in the morning tomorrow! I am not holding my breath though! Keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP but telling my brain that it is going to be a BFN... lol Well here is to the last day of my TWW!

However if I do get a BFP it would be a great early Christmas present! hint hint mr. stork and santa! :) Ladies which would be a better test to get a First Response or a Clear blue?

you never know it just might be them 2lines that you have been waiting for:) but i know what you mean when u dont wanna get ur hopes up!!
if i were u id get first response or if u get clear blue get the digital because ive had false positives with the +- clear blue!! i personally dont trust blue dye test or believe it or not the dollar store test work pretty darn good too and there only a BUCK so you can rack up on them:) ive never had them give me a false positive good luck i really hope u get ur early gift:hugs:

Me too! I have done so well with not symptom obsessing and I have not been obsessing over wanting to test either! I have really tried to keep a level head as far as ttc goes! Dh has already invested in a mini van! He is ready for a family and so am I! But I will definately pick up a first response and then the dollar store one and take them with my first pee of the day! Going to keep busy all day today and hope for the best tomorrow!

That sounds like a good idea keep BUSY BUSY BUSY!!
you know the month i actually kept busy didnt do no symptom spotting or use no opk preseed or none of that is when i got my :bfp: alls me and DH did was have alot and lots of sex:).
I stayed busy plus was just so laid back and relax from not stressing about when i was Oing and to make sure we BD enough around that time:wacko: and all of thee above...ya know?!?!?
and you know don't even give up right away if u get a bfn because you could have O later then you thought!! you know since i never really knew when i O even when i did use opk because after i got my first positive opk they were all positive even up to the day AF came,then plus the month of october like i said i wasnt doing nething so i didnt even have a clue and i had test october 23rd got a :bfn: then i told myself i wasnt going to test nemore because i couldnt take seeing ONE LINE anymore but something told me to take a test on the 25th and i just couldnt believe it:dance: so i really think staying busy and relax is the KEY but you know after i did add everything up right i fig out that i probably O on october 15 and just barely got my :bfp: on the 25th so i think i was 10dpo if i wouldve been tracking it!! so i really think your good to go i really HOPE this is IT for YOU especailly with it being your first :) MY FINGERS & TOES ARE DOUBLE CROSSED for you and ur also in my prays :dust: :dust: :dust:dust: :dust: come on get that :bfp: lets SEE THEM 2 BEAUTIFUL LINES<3 :HUGS:
Thanks! CD31! 15dpo! The last 3 days my temp has not dropped below 97.5! Plus still no spotting! And I have 1 day until testing! So I don't know if I should test tomorrow or wait until I am 18dpo which would be CD 35... Well I think I will have DH take me to go get a test later and I will give it a shot in the morning tomorrow! I am not holding my breath though! Keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP but telling my brain that it is going to be a BFN... lol Well here is to the last day of my TWW!

However if I do get a BFP it would be a great early Christmas present! hint hint mr. stork and santa! :) Ladies which would be a better test to get a First Response or a Clear blue?

you never know it just might be them 2lines that you have been waiting for:) but i know what you mean when u dont wanna get ur hopes up!!
if i were u id get first response or if u get clear blue get the digital because ive had false positives with the +- clear blue!! i personally dont trust blue dye test or believe it or not the dollar store test work pretty darn good too and there only a BUCK so you can rack up on them:) ive never had them give me a false positive good luck i really hope u get ur early gift:hugs:

Me too! I have done so well with not symptom obsessing and I have not been obsessing over wanting to test either! I have really tried to keep a level head as far as ttc goes! Dh has already invested in a mini van! He is ready for a family and so am I! But I will definately pick up a first response and then the dollar store one and take them with my first pee of the day! Going to keep busy all day today and hope for the best tomorrow!

That sounds like a good idea keep BUSY BUSY BUSY!!
you know the month i actually kept busy didnt do no symptom spotting or use no opk preseed or none of that is when i got my :bfp: alls me and DH did was have alot and lots of sex:).
I stayed busy plus was just so laid back and relax from not stressing about when i was Oing and to make sure we BD enough around that time:wacko: and all of thee above...ya know?!?!?
and you know don't even give up right away if u get a bfn because you could have O later then you thought!! you know since i never really knew when i O even when i did use opk because after i got my first positive opk they were all positive even up to the day AF came,then plus the month of october like i said i wasnt doing nething so i didnt even have a clue and i had test october 23rd got a :bfn: then i told myself i wasnt going to test nemore because i couldnt take seeing ONE LINE anymore but something told me to take a test on the 25th and i just couldnt believe it:dance: so i really think staying busy and relax is the KEY but you know after i did add everything up right i fig out that i probably O on october 15 and just barely got my :bfp: on the 25th so i think i was 10dpo if i wouldve been tracking it!! so i really think your good to go i really HOPE this is IT for YOU especailly with it being your first :) MY FINGERS & TOES ARE DOUBLE CROSSED for you and ur also in my prays :dust: :dust: :dust:dust: :dust: come on get that :bfp: lets SEE THEM 2 BEAUTIFUL LINES<3 :HUGS:

Thanks! I know I MC in February of of 2010 but I was only a few weeks along and I wasn't TTC then!!!! But me and my DH have been obsessing since August every month was the same and my af would be late because I was stressing about it. Well last month my AF came when expected and was a normal flow because I didnt stress! I was sad but still my af was on time! This month I o'd on the 9th according to my fertility friend I also had a 16 day luteal phase! So at least I know that that is not an issue with me! Before I started my last job (I worked for the Philip's TV and DVD company) my af was on time and lasted 4-5 days every month! Now that I am getting back on track every month since I quit the stressful job I know I have a better chance of concieving!
Ash-fx for you keeping an eye out to hear about your test!! Really hope this is your month! :)

How are all my lovely ladies today? Well I got my +opk yesterday and my hubbie wasn't feeling well enough for bd'ing :-( so sad..... Really hope he might be able to muster up the energy for a bit of bd'ing this morning really don't want to miss out completely! Grrrrr! Not his fault but really don't want to be out for the month :-(

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