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Sorry AF got you Twinkle!

Thanks for sharing what worked for you Loves. If this isn't my cycle then we'll bd like rabbits next month.
Sorry twinkle :/ on to the next one!!

Ash, i hope something happens soon for you.. Trust me, i know how frustrating it can be.
Thanks girls and thanks for sharing loves- I def think hubbie and I aren't bd'ing enough during my fertile time there always seems to be things in the way like illness or trips but I am soooooo determined that we are going to be like rabbits this month around my o week! Hubbie and I did it twice last night as he just "fancied it" why can't he want to do it twice a night during my fertile time!! :-/ typical! Xx
CD 20 according to ff today. I did temp and I'm still in pre-O temps but I Oed on CD 27 the last two cycles so I'm not expecting O for another week. Now that I know so much about my body's fertility its impossible to "ignore" my cycle completely, but trying not to imagine our family with another kid and just focusing on dd has helped lower my stress level alot! Plus I am going ahead with my diet and exercise plan for the new year and not worrying about "what if I'm pregnant" so I'm excited about that.

Jes- did you O yet?

Twinkle- sorry AF got you, I know what you mean about bding around fertile time. DH always wants it, I think he would be happy if we bded twice a day every day but during my fertile time I make it known that bding is for another reason and I think it puts too much pressure on him and he isn't in the mood. This cycle I'm not telling him when I'm fertile so that he can just relax. He will just be surprised when I'm the one saying "hey you want to.." LOL. Then maybe two weeks later I'll surprise him with a BFP! :happydance::happydance:

Ash- Good luck with your tests, I hope you get a BFP, but if not I agree you need to get to the dr to get your af started!
I think i o'd before the spotting, because my opks have been getting lighter?
CD 20 according to ff today. I did temp and I'm still in pre-O temps but I Oed on CD 27 the last two cycles so I'm not expecting O for another week. Now that I know so much about my body's fertility its impossible to "ignore" my cycle completely, but trying not to imagine our family with another kid and just focusing on dd has helped lower my stress level alot! Plus I am going ahead with my diet and exercise plan for the new year and not worrying about "what if I'm pregnant" so I'm excited about that.

Jes- did you O yet?

Twinkle- sorry AF got you, I know what you mean about bding around fertile time. DH always wants it, I think he would be happy if we bded twice a day every day but during my fertile time I make it known that bding is for another reason and I think it puts too much pressure on him and he isn't in the mood. This cycle I'm not telling him when I'm fertile so that he can just relax. He will just be surprised when I'm the one saying "hey you want to.." LOL. Then maybe two weeks later I'll surprise him with a BFP! :happydance::happydance:

Ash- Good luck with your tests, I hope you get a BFP, but if not I agree you need to get to the dr to get your af started!

Good idea Brit think that's a good plan best if they just think they are too hot to resist! :)

Brit you are doing really well focusing on your little one and just think what a lovely surprise a bfp will be when it comes!!

Diet and exercise plan- I'm right there with you starting properly next week.....come on!! :)

Jes- not sure about spotting but excited you might be in your TWW!!

Ok girlies very bad plan.......I am watching new series of One Born Every Minute the DAY my AF arrived!! Bad bad plan!! :-( xx
Well ladies still no test I was sick yesterday! Yuck it was awful! Well the last couple of days my breasts have been quite itchy... TMI! But this usually happens when my AF is on the way! DH and I are going to the store tomorrow before I head into work so I will test Saturday morning! That way if it is a BFN then I can add Parsley to my grocery list! I have actually found a website that has womens personal emails on it... One woman who is in the same boat as me being almost 2 months late! So I will get my AF started before monday hopefully and get to start Bding soon! I am ready to start TTC again! Plus my M-I-L is finally ok with dh and I to start our family!

The site I went to:
Funny story, When i got pregnant with the twins, (before i knew) I ovulated twice in one cycle, a week apart, and the eggs were fertilized 2 weeks apart.

My body did all that, and now i can't get one :/
jes- you could have O'd before the spotting and just noticed the spotting later as it might have taken a while to see the light :) Do you think you timed it all right?? If you can get twins.. then you can do it again!!! PMA!!

Ash- did you ever start temping or anything to confirm O or know that you're ovulating regularly so you'll know when to expect af? My twin is going through the same thing. She's just at O now.. but doesn't know for sure because she's not temping or anything. So she keeps calling all I can do is stay positive for her because I don't know. I'm praying you get a bfp as soon as you test again!

Twinkle- :hugs2: shut the tv off lol. awe.. yea I wish i could just wave a magic wand and impregnant all of you! :dust: Heres to a new cycle though!

Brit- great news that you're still at pre-o temps! If you've got about a week to go.. then that's plenty of time to get some good loving in with your hunny! Have a couple drinks and relax for the evening.. sometimes the best :sex: happens then.

sbmack- I hope this is your cycle! when are you testing?!

Anyone seen Mooks lately?

Agh.. I feel twisted up inside about being pg and staying on here.. but I don't want to leave you ladies! And really want to keep this thread going even if we all get bfps.
I joined a thread in the First trimester group, but I don't really like it because there's so many girls in one thread.. and theyre so chatty that it's so hard to keep up #1 and #2.. because of that, nobody really remembers what's going on with you.. so it's a lot more enjoyable for me to stay where I'm from.. ya know!

Dont forget where ya came from! Thats what I'm saying!

Went to my first day at my new job today. It was a success! I think I'll really like it there! Plus my insurance kicks in, in three months so it'll be just in time for all those excessive appointments!
I went in for a blood test yesterday thinking they'll give me my HCG levels.. nope.. it apparently was just a positive or negative blood test.. they said the don't do the qualitive and quantitive tests unless they're high risk... which IDK yet because I've yet to see a dr.. :(
(sigh) nothing but a waiting game.... :coffee:
jes- you could have O'd before the spotting and just noticed the spotting later as it might have taken a while to see the light :) Do you think you timed it all right?? If you can get twins.. then you can do it again!!! PMA!!

Ash- did you ever start teiimping or anything to confirm O or know that you're ovulating regularly so you'll know when to expect af? My twin is going through the same thing. She's just at O now.. but doesn't know for sure because she's not temping or anything. So she keeps calling all I can do is stay positive for her because I don't know. I'm praying you get a bfp as soon as you test again!

Twinkle- :hugs2: shut the tv off lol. awe.. yea I wish i could just wave a magic wand and impregnant all of you! :dust: Heres to a new cycle though!

Brit- great news that you're still at pre-o temps! If you've got about a week to go.. then that's plenty of time to get some good loving in with your hunny! Have a couple drinks and relax for the evening.. sometimes the best :sex: happens then.

sbmack- I hope this is your cycle! when are you testing?!

Anyone seen Mooks lately?

Agh.. I feel twisted up inside about being pg and staying on here.. but I don't want to leave you ladies! And really want to keep this thread going even if we all get bfps.
I joined a thread in the First trimester group, but I don't really like it because there's so many girls in one thread.. and theyre so chatty that it's so hard to keep up #1 and #2.. because of that, nobody really remembers what's going on with you.. so it's a lot more enjoyable for me to stay where I'm from.. ya know!

Dont forget where ya came from! Thats what I'm saying!

Went to my first day at my new job today. It was a success! I think I'll really like it there! Plus my insurance kicks in, in three months so it'll be just in time for all those excessive appointments!
I went in for a blood test yesterday thinking they'll give me my HCG levels.. nope.. it apparently was jusIDK yet because I've yet to see a dr.. :(
(sigh) nothing but a waiting game.... :coffee:
well while temping my temps showed as if I had ovulated twice.... :(i and then my themometer broke.... so I can't gurantee when it was thar I ovulated...
Loves, please don't feel bad about staying here! We want to here from you. Glad to hear your new job is going well. Sorry if you've said it already, but what are you doing?
Loves don't go just wouldn't be the same in here without you!! That's really annoying about the docs but great that your new insurance kicks in at the right time!! :) goodluck with the new job I am sure it will be fab!! So how you feeling any so any sickness etc at mo?

Nope haven't heard from Mooks at all hope she's ok....never did hear from miss may again maybe she found the whole forum thing too tough

AFM I have a horrible flu thing and am in bed :-( just hope all ok again for next Thurs as we will be beginning our bd'ing marathon from CD8..... So FX!!

jes- you could have O'd before the spotting and just noticed the spotting later as it might have taken a while to see the light :) Do you think you timed it all right?? If you can get twins.. then you can do it again!!! PMA!!

Ash- did you ever start teiimping or anything to confirm O or know that you're ovulating regularly so you'll know when to expect af? My twin is going through the same thing. She's just at O now.. but doesn't know for sure because she's not temping or anything. So she keeps calling all I can do is stay positive for her because I don't know. I'm praying you get a bfp as soon as you test again!

Twinkle- :hugs2: shut the tv off lol. awe.. yea I wish i could just wave a magic wand and impregnant all of you! :dust: Heres to a new cycle though!

Brit- great news that you're still at pre-o temps! If you've got about a week to go.. then that's plenty of time to get some good loving in with your hunny! Have a couple drinks and relax for the evening.. sometimes the best :sex: happens then.

sbmack- I hope this is your cycle! when are you testing?!

Anyone seen Mooks lately?

Agh.. I feel twisted up inside about being pg and staying on here.. but I don't want to leave you ladies! And really want to keep this thread going even if we all get bfps.
I joined a thread in the First trimester group, but I don't really like it because there's so many girls in one thread.. and theyre so chatty that it's so hard to keep up #1 and #2.. because of that, nobody really remembers what's going on with you.. so it's a lot more enjoyable for me to stay where I'm from.. ya know!

Dont forget where ya came from! Thats what I'm saying!

Went to my first day at my new job today. It was a success! I think I'll really like it there! Plus my insurance kicks in, in three months so it'll be just in time for all those excessive appointments!
I went in for a blood test yesterday thinking they'll give me my HCG levels.. nope.. it apparently was jusIDK yet because I've yet to see a dr.. :(
(sigh) nothing but a waiting game.... :coffee:
well while temping my temps showed as if I had ovulated twice.... :(i and then my themometer broke.... so I can't gurantee whenovulated...

Loves please don't go!!! We would all miss you! Plus we need the inside scoop!
Im not going anywhere.. Lol i just didn't want anyone to feel hopeless and be the the pregnant girl on here babbling. :sigh:

I hope everyone has a good Friday.. Mine sucks.. Morning sickness has started to kick in and i feel less than good today. I ate an apple on my break this morning.. And immediately wanted to throw up afterwards.. Sick.. My mouth wot stop watering.. :sick:
Loves- No one wants you to go anywhere, and your being pregnant only keeps all of us positive :happydance:

As for the morning sickness....Uhg...I remember that. Try drinking chocolate milk/or regular milk when you don't feel well. It actually helps. Morning sickness is worse on an empty stomach. I used to wake up around 4am and drink a cup of milk and it helped alot! I didn't throw up once during my pregnancy with dd. Good luck, every pregnancy is different so I am looking forward to hearing what your symptoms are!

AFM: As usual CD 23ish today and no O or any sign yet....:growlmad:
Loves I know when I was pregnant with my m/c I had morning sicknees so bad I could not eat or drink anything without wanting to throw up... It was awful!

My Dh loves to hear about you ladies that have gotten your BFP's! It gives us hope that there is still a chance!!!!

Well, ladies I think for thee first time in a very long time I was okay with my BFN. I mean it would have been awesome for a BFP but I think I need to focus on losing weight before I get pregnant! I checked my BMI today and my jaw almost hit the floor!!! I had not realized tat in just 2 years I had gained over 150 pounds..... So as of today I am cutting out all fast food and soda pop... I am sad to see it go but I want a baby more than a cheese burger! Like they say money can not buy happiness! So DH and I are going to hold off for a few months or at least until I lose 50 pounds and then start trying again! However if you ladies don't mind I would like to stay on this journey with you!!
Of course ash! And that is such a great thing that you are doing.......and you never know when you are "not trying" that might just be when you will get that little surprise bfp!! :) you hear that all the time but please stay with us!!and good luck with the healthy eating!! Jan is a good time to start as everyone around you seems to be doing the same thing too! X
Loves- sorry you are feeling yuck , and sorry I have no tips for you as I have never had a baba but I have read the same thing as Brit said that it helps to have at least something small in your tummy ......little and often!!

Brit- that is so annoying hun.......hopefully will happen really soon....the worst bit I think is the time between AF beginning and when you are fertile as you just want to get the show on the road......well fx your will be on the road soon!!

AFM I am just waiting for AF to disappear so I can start bd'ing next Thurs on cd8......also want this horrible bug to go away I have been in bed for 3 days now :-(

Twinkle, Feel better soon! I'm sure whatever it is will be gone by Thursday.

Loves, you must stay! We wanna hear about everything!! Brit is right, keeping something in will help tremendously!

Ash, thanks for hangin around as well, cutting soda, I lost 20 lbs last year doing just that. Keep working at it!

Brit, i hope o comes soon!

So, last night i had these weird twingy cramps only on my right side. I ran out of opks, but we BD twice yesterday afternoon, so if that was o, we had to have hit the mark per Today is cd 17, so that would make sense. OMG! 2 week wait! I feel the anxiety now! Holy cow. Cmon something! Lol

Have a great weekend ladies!
Thanks ladies! Plus before I even used parsley my discharge is becoming a pinky color! Yay! Hope my AF comes naturally!

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