Thats why I am getting anxious, because of the risks...and I REALLY do not want to have to go through a c-section again
Midwife has been.......she examined me and said it was the same as last time, very soft & low and 1cm dilated and stretchy.......she never done the sweep, she told me to have sex as its much more effective
she could have just gave a quick poke around while down there anyway?!
she also booked my induction for Monday 8.30am .... GULP!! so scared!!
because I am a previous c-section they will only give me 1 pessary before sending me to theathe for a c-section - my biggest fear.....but I guess this baby has to come out!
she did say she really does not think I will still be waiting on Monday though, but I have heard that before, so we shall see