Still looking for our May Flowers...

FRER two packs are on sale for $10.99 at Rite Aid. There is a $2 off coupon on First Response' website here - And you get $3 +UP back (good on your future purchases valid starting the next day and good for two weeks) so $5.99 for a 2 pack. Sounds pretty good to me! :)

Thanks for the coupon! I had checked the websites already, so I knew I was headed to Rite Aid. Is it a sign that they are on sale at the drug store right around the corner? ;)

Ugh! I am at computer won't let me print the coupon. No worries...I have a $1 one in my purse.

LADIES if you don't know already, do not throw out your instruction on opks & hpts...usually name brands put coupons inside! :happydance:
FRER two packs are on sale for $10.99 at Rite Aid. There is a $2 off coupon on First Response' website here - And you get $3 +UP back (good on your future purchases valid starting the next day and good for two weeks) so $5.99 for a 2 pack. Sounds pretty good to me! :)

Thanks for posting! What a great price - looking forward to seeing lots of BFPs this month!
Hi girls, first I want to say thank you to everyone who posted a message, said a prayer or just sent some positive vibes/hugs my way. I really appreciated it. It has been very difficult, especially yesterday on Mother's day when I had hoped to be preggers and visiting my Grandma and seeing my Grandfathers chair just like he left it when he went to the hospital 3 weeks ago. I miss him so much.

I tried to catch up here and I know I probably missed some posts but I am back full time and I can't wait to see some BFPs this month!

FBG, I am so sorry to hear your grandma is in the icu. Any more updates? Sending some good vibes/prayers for a speedy recovery.

Allison, I don't know how to attach a pic but I have done it before so I will try to look into it today and post some directions. So excited for you and I hope you continue to post your updates here!

Wantaminime, I am not here to judge your situation as everyone is completely different. I am here to offer support since I know how difficult this journey can be. Honestly, I didn't think my hubby wanted to have children. He always made negative comments or acted freaked out by babies. I was happy with our lives since I enjoyed travelling with him and having freedom to do whatever, plus I had major GI issues which would have made it difficult for me. About 1 1/2 - 2 years ago I started feeling different about becoming a mom and I knew I didn't have much time to waste. I waited for a few months before I had the courage to say something to him, fearing that he didn't feel the same way. I was pleasantly surprised when he felt the exact same way that I did. He did tell me only one though...I secretly hope I have twins (boy/girl), the odds are super slim but a girl can always hope, right?

Sarahok, looks like we are waiting together for our RE appointments in June. Also hugs, I can't imagine how incredibly hard it was for you to lose your Mom. Just know that you have an Angel above watching you.

Misaacs (Michelle), I am sorry you are still waiting for AF or some other sign. I feel the same way, I would tell more people but I am just embarrassed and I don't want people waiting for it to happen, it is hard enough.

Beaglemom, are you going to test today or wait for FMU tomorrow?

I know I missed some girls and I apologize!

Nothing new here, I didn't use opks this past weekend and I am on CD15 now. I took one this morning and it is super light...that usually happens a few days before a + opk so I am hoping I get one soon. We did BD last night just in case. No temp rise yet either so I am pretty sure I didn't miss O yet. I haven't taken any of my vitamins in like two weeks now so I am disappointed and unsure if I should just start taking the folic acid/B6 now or wait.
Well, the thread has picked up today I see!

Suzy, I'm hoping this no AF thing still turns out to be a good thing for you. :) BUT if not, then as for the IC HPTs and OPKs, I too have heard good things about Wondfo, although i don't think I myself have used them. The ICs I've gotten seem to just be some no-name tests (they literally just said "hcg test" or "LH test", lol. I think one was called Clinical Guard. I've had fine experiences w/ all the ICs I've used. But the cycles I used the HPTs were when I wasn't prego anyway (the month I got prego, I was only using FRERs). So the only other time I can speak to an hpt is this current cycle when I had hcg in my system from the trigger, and they did work fine. As for OPKs, I guess they've all worked fine, but when one looked pos, I still backed it up w/ my CB digital opk.

JCM, yay for the awesome increase in sperm count!! Great news! To answer your question on the scans, my experience was same as beaglemom's. Day3 to see how many follies are forming, then day10 to make sure there is at least one follie ready, and then trigger that night. I think if a woman doesn't have at least one follie the desired size, that's when they'd probably do an additional scan a couple days later to check again.

L.Ann, sorry about AF. :( Oh, and I'm turning 38 in July, so I'm right behind ya, and I feel your pain. :flower: I'm getting more and more anxious all the time, to make this happen. As for the clomid, it did make me O later, but for me that was the whole point... I was O'ing on cd10 sometimes before meds, so my OB wanted to push it out a few days. But I think I've read that it can also make women O early, as it's sorta supposed to just regulate cycles in general. My longest LP on clomid was 17 days. Not sure what to expect this cycle from the Femara.

Floridasian, nice temps! :) I think that extra 100mg might make the difference, as I don't recall it making my chart look any different. Thanks for the link for the coupons! Too bad I don't have a Rite-Aid around here... We seem to have more cvs and walgreens as drugstores, and FRERs are never cheap there. I did get a couple of 2-packs for $7.99 at Target the other day though, which wasn't too bad.

Beaglemom, soo excited that you're gonna start testing. :) I broke down this morning at 12dpiui, and used my IC and FRER both. Both were bfn. I shouldn't let that get me down since I know it can still be too early for some, but it did upset me a bit.
Erin, I am sorry you got a bfn this morning but I think 12dpo is still too early to test. Didn't you get your bfp on like CD14 back in December? Fx'd for you!
I'm actually feeling a tad discouraged today. I'm not losing hope completely, but my temps are dropping now. Between that, some very light cramping, and this morning's bfn, I found myself feeling truly upset this morning. If this doesn't work, I'm thinking about changing my original plan from doing three IUIs before IVF, and instead just moving straight into IVF. I'm not rushing into that decision out of discouragement or anything like that, I'm really not. I always put lots of thought into big decisions like that, and there are a few things that got me to this. First off, I started thinking about timeframes... If I do another IUI next cycle and it fails, I won't be able to do another until august. The last couple weeks of June are end-of-qtr at work for me again, and it's an understanding that we aren't supposed to be taking off work during those weeks. Then my family is coming to visit for two weeks in July, and we'll be out of town for a week of that with them in Sarasota, then back to my house w/ them the other week. I wouldn't mind that break too terribly much, but I'm turning 38 in July, and just not willing to do it if I can help it. Also, and one of the biggest things, is that when I asked DH his opinion on what he'd like to do if this IUI fails, and while he's normally like "Whatever you think is best, I'm totally fine with", this time, he only thought about it for a second before saying he'd love it if we went on to IVF. Since he's normally very laid back about this whole thing, the fact that he expressed this opinion, really meant a lot and made me realize just how ready he is. He made the comment that we've put 17 months and one loss into this, and he's seen me hopeful and then in tears so many times, and he feels like our next step should just be what we know has the highest percentage of working. Anyway, I think we've probably settled on that, BUT I want to talk to my RE about it first (if AF comes), and see what her professional opinion is as well.
Well, the thread has picked up today I see!

Suzy, I'm hoping this no AF thing still turns out to be a good thing for you. :) BUT if not, then as for the IC HPTs and OPKs, I too have heard good things about Wondfo, although i don't think I myself have used them. The ICs I've gotten seem to just be some no-name tests (they literally just said "hcg test" or "LH test", lol. I think one was called Clinical Guard. I've had fine experiences w/ all the ICs I've used. But the cycles I used the HPTs were when I wasn't prego anyway (the month I got prego, I was only using FRERs). So the only other time I can speak to an hpt is this current cycle when I had hcg in my system from the trigger, and they did work fine. As for OPKs, I guess they've all worked fine, but when one looked pos, I still backed it up w/ my CB digital opk.

JCM, yay for the awesome increase in sperm count!! Great news! To answer your question on the scans, my experience was same as beaglemom's. Day3 to see how many follies are forming, then day10 to make sure there is at least one follie ready, and then trigger that night. I think if a woman doesn't have at least one follie the desired size, that's when they'd probably do an additional scan a couple days later to check again.

L.Ann, sorry about AF. :( Oh, and I'm turning 38 in July, so I'm right behind ya, and I feel your pain. :flower: I'm getting more and more anxious all the time, to make this happen. As for the clomid, it did make me O later, but for me that was the whole point... I was O'ing on cd10 sometimes before meds, so my OB wanted to push it out a few days. But I think I've read that it can also make women O early, as it's sorta supposed to just regulate cycles in general. My longest LP on clomid was 17 days. Not sure what to expect this cycle from the Femara.

Floridasian, nice temps! :) I think that extra 100mg might make the difference, as I don't recall it making my chart look any different. Thanks for the link for the coupons! Too bad I don't have a Rite-Aid around here... We seem to have more cvs and walgreens as drugstores, and FRERs are never cheap there. I did get a couple of 2-packs for $7.99 at Target the other day though, which wasn't too bad.

Beaglemom, soo excited that you're gonna start testing. :) I broke down this morning at 12dpiui, and used my IC and FRER both. Both were bfn. I shouldn't let that get me down since I know it can still be too early for some, but it did upset me a bit.

My wondfos also just say lh & hcg...but the pack says wondfo.

Do not even worry about the neg. You first pos test was on 15 dpo, right?
Erin, I am sorry you got a bfn this morning but I think 12dpo is still too early to test. Didn't you get your bfp on like CD14 back in December? Fx'd for you!

Hi savvy, it's great to see you back!!! :flower: I hope you're feeling a bit better Hun. Yes, my bfp was 14-15dpo last time, but it was also super faint, and although it did get darker for a few days, I think that little bean had an uphill battle to begin with. But I do agree w/ you. It's still too early for lots of women...most girls I know in real life didn't get their BFPs until 13-15 dpo (and one never got one on an hpt, she had to get bloodwork!). I just see SO many early ones on these forums, that it's hard to not get discouraged sometimes, ugh. BUT still holding out hope. :)
I'm actually feeling a tad discouraged today. I'm not losing hope completely, but my temps are dropping now. Between that, some very light cramping, and this morning's bfn, I found myself feeling truly upset this morning. If this doesn't work, I'm thinking about changing my original plan from doing three IUIs before IVF, and instead just moving straight into IVF. I'm not rushing into that decision out of discouragement or anything like that, I'm really not. I always put lots of thought into big decisions like that, and there are a few things that got me to this. First off, I started thinking about timeframes... If I do another IUI next cycle and it fails, I won't be able to do another until august. The last couple weeks of June are end-of-qtr at work for me again, and it's an understanding that we aren't supposed to be taking off work during those weeks. Then my family is coming to visit for two weeks in July, and we'll be out of town for a week of that with them in Sarasota, then back to my house w/ them the other week. I wouldn't mind that break too terribly much, but I'm turning 38 in July, and just not willing to do it if I can help it. Also, and one of the biggest things, is that when I asked DH his opinion on what he'd like to do if this IUI fails, and while he's normally like "Whatever you think is best, I'm totally fine with", this time, he only thought about it for a second before saying he'd love it if we went on to IVF. Since he's normally very laid back about this whole thing, the fact that he expressed this opinion, really meant a lot and made me realize just how ready he is. He made the comment that we've put 17 months and one loss into this, and he's seen me hopeful and then in tears so many times, and he feels like our next step should just be what we know has the highest percentage of working. Anyway, I think we've probably settled on that, BUT I want to talk to my RE about it first (if AF comes), and see what her professional opinion is as well.

Erin, I totally understand your frustration & discouragement. I feel the same way. You have the age thing & I am having the count thing. Even though IUI is supposed to help out a lot for count, each time it fails I feel so upset. But I am also crossing off all 3 IUIs with my dr before because of poor timing. I have often thought of going straight to IVF. Personally, I think you have a great shot with IUI. But I also understand moving on. It is a personal choice only you can make. It is really awesome you & your husband are on the same page.

But I seem to remember a lot of discouragement the month you got a pos test....well right before you got the positive. Any spotting yet? Normally that is a sign for you AF is coming, right?
I took a test this weekend and it was -. So I called in my pills for provera. Going to pick them up today after work and begin to take them before bed of the next 10days. She said it could come while I am on the meds. In which case I will stop taking them. So I am estimating that the next IUI will be around June 5th.
Erin - don't you normally have a pretty long LP? If so, 12 DPO is plenty early still. Hang in there and sending positive vibes!!!
Savvy...I think I forgot to answer...I will probably use another cheap test tonight & maybe tomorrow morning...then use the frer starting Wed morning.
Erin, I totally understand your frustration & discouragement. I feel the same way. You have the age thing & I am having the count thing. Even though IUI is supposed to help out a lot for count, each time it fails I feel so upset. But I am also crossing off all 3 IUIs with my dr before because of poor timing. I have often thought of going straight to IVF. Personally, I think you have a great shot with IUI. But I also understand moving on. It is a personal choice only you can make. It is really awesome you & your husband are on the same page.

But I seem to remember a lot of discouragement the month you got a pos test....well right before you got the positive. Any spotting yet? Normally that is a sign for you AF is coming, right?

Hehe, yes, I recall losing hope at around 13dpo when I got a bfn that cycle. I had completely written it off, even though the no-spotting thing had really got me thinking I was prego. I allowed that neg at 13dpo to crush my hopes, and then bam, next think I knew I was posting about my BFP, lol. How funny would that be if the same thing happened this cycle. My usual spotting hasn't started yet, no. It has started as early as cd23 before, and I'm currently cd24. But it has also started as late as cd27 in some of my longer cycles, so I'm not outta the woods yet. Honestly, the thing that has me feeling not so optimistic though, is the fact that my temp has started dropping, exactly like it does every cycle right before AF. That's always a pretty clear indicator. In my BFP cycle, my temps didn't drop until after my m/c. BUT, I'm holding onto that last shred of hope that maybe it's late implantation. I think it would be unusual for temps to be down for two days, but I suppose anything is possible.
Erin, I totally understand your frustration & discouragement. I feel the same way. You have the age thing & I am having the count thing. Even though IUI is supposed to help out a lot for count, each time it fails I feel so upset. But I am also crossing off all 3 IUIs with my dr before because of poor timing. I have often thought of going straight to IVF. Personally, I think you have a great shot with IUI. But I also understand moving on. It is a personal choice only you can make. It is really awesome you & your husband are on the same page.

But I seem to remember a lot of discouragement the month you got a pos test....well right before you got the positive. Any spotting yet? Normally that is a sign for you AF is coming, right?

Hehe, yes, I recall losing hope at around 13dpo when I got a bfn that cycle. I had completely written it off, even though the no-spotting thing had really got me thinking I was prego. I allowed that neg at 13dpo to crush my hopes, and then bam, next think I knew I was posting about my BFP, lol. How funny would that be if the same thing happened this cycle. My usual spotting hasn't started yet, no. It has started as early as cd23 before, and I'm currently cd24. But it has also started as late as cd27 in some of my longer cycles, so I'm not outta the woods yet. Honestly, the thing that has me feeling not so optimistic though, is the fact that my temp has started dropping, exactly like it does every cycle right before AF. That's always a pretty clear indicator. In my BFP cycle, my temps didn't drop until after my m/c. BUT, I'm holding onto that last shred of hope that maybe it's late implantation. I think it would be unusual for temps to be down for two days, but I suppose anything is possible.

Well whatever happens, I know everything will work out the way it was meant to. :) After my cycle of all those meds, IVF does not scare me anymore...except the pricetag. :)
Oh ladies, I think I forgot to IUI was on May for those of you who may be Star Wars fans, it would be pretty awesome if this cycle worked for us! For those of you not Star Wars fans, May the 4th is the geek holiday of May the 4th be with you (may the force be with you). My husband is a Star Wars fan :) I bought a Star Wars onsie for him.
Erin - don't you normally have a pretty long LP? If so, 12 DPO is plenty early still. Hang in there and sending positive vibes!!!

Thanks for your supprt. :) Yes I guess my LP has always been between 14-17 days (except during the cyst fiasco). The only chart that I have where my LP was longer than 17 days was obviously my pregnancy chart when I had the CP. I don't really have a clue what femara will do with my cycle, since this is my first. I know the average cycle length for clomid is usually 31-32 days (although different for every girl, including myself when I was on clomid). Anyone ever heard an average cycle length for femara?
Erin - don't you normally have a pretty long LP? If so, 12 DPO is plenty early still. Hang in there and sending positive vibes!!!

Thanks for your supprt. :) Yes I guess my LP has always been between 14-17 days (except during the cyst fiasco). The only chart that I have where my LP was longer than 17 days was obviously my pregnancy chart when I had the CP. I don't really have a clue what femara will do with my cycle, since this is my first. I know the average cycle length for clomid is usually 31-32 days (although different for every girl, including myself when I was on clomid). Anyone ever heard an average cycle length for femara?

Def something to research. I have not looked in to it. But the other factor this cycle, is you had an early, forced O. I am curious what will happen with me as well. An early O, all those meds, plus progesterone.
Erin, I know I have read implantation usually happens between CD6-12 so that makes me hopeful that the temp dip has been implantation. Fx'd for you.

This question is for Erin, Beaglemom or anyone who had a monitored IUI cycle...I know you girls had ultrasounds, labs, etc before the they do anything after the IUI, like progesterone labs?
Oh ladies, I think I forgot to IUI was on May for those of you who may be Star Wars fans, it would be pretty awesome if this cycle worked for us! For those of you not Star Wars fans, May the 4th is the geek holiday of May the 4th be with you (may the force be with you). My husband is a Star Wars fan :) I bought a Star Wars onsie for him.

That would be so awesome!!
Erin I am sorry that your feeling so down. But anything can happen until AF shows :) as for the IVF I think maybe you are right about the time frame. Maybe it will work best for you.

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