Hi ladies, I was out of town all weekend, so just now getting a chance to post again. The thread moved pretty fast, and I did read everyone's updates, but I suppose I'll only reply to the most recent ones to keep this from being a book long! LOL
beaglemom, yes, there do seem to be some good ways for financing IVF. The seminar that my clinic required, which DH and I went to a couple weeks ago, went over that at the very end of the presentation. It doesn't apply to us since we have insurance, but I was very pleased to see it was available, in case I go down that road for a 2nd child (my fertility insurance has a lifetime max, and I don't know how much will be left after the 1st baby). They also went over the topic you mentioned once, where you can pay a certain amount for three IVFs, and if you don't go home with a baby, you get a certain percentage of the money back. Anyway, I'm glad you are feeling relaxed this cycle... I agree, its probably because you don't have all the RE visits. It will be so cool if you get a BFP this cycle since you're feeling less stressed. Then no more IUIs or IVF!
savvy, looking SO forward to hearing how your first appt went! Curious to hear what tests they were able to run and what sort of action plan they have for you. Yay! I bet you'll feel so good walking out of there. I know I've felt great after each productive step that I've made.
floridasian, glad you liked the yams. I don't think I've ever tried them before in my entire life. Maybe between that and the soy beans, your BFP is right around the corner!
Michelle, I'm so happy to hear your baseline u/s went well! GL with the femara and with the IUI! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.
MissStacy, if you just got your + OPK today, you are definitely good to go! Like you said, BD today, and then tomorrow, and even the next day. I think you have perfect timing in my opinion! I understand what you mean though... it's always nice to have a few swimmers in there even a day or two earlier since they can supposedly live up to five days. But you've still got great timing!
AFM, day10 u/s was today. I have 2 follies that they expect will release eggs. One was 21.5 mm, the other was 17.5 mm. But she said they'll both grow another 1-2 mm over the next couple days, so they expect that both will release an egg. I'm excited about that. I expected to be triggering tonight and having IUI on Thurs, but they surprised me by saying they want to give the smaller follie an extra day to grow (the bigger it is, the more chance it has of releasing an egg). I warned them yet again that I have a tendency to O early, but the nurse said they check our estradiol in the day10 blood test, and they are able to tell by that number whether a woman is about to O or not (it tells them how much estrogen the follies are producing), and she said I'm fine for a couple more days. I did an OPK a few minutes ago, and it is neg, so I do feel okay about it, I guess. And they'd know better than I would since they do this to tons of women every single month. DH and I will BD tonight and maybe one last time tomorrow morning. And I will do another OPK in the morning too. If it's pos, then I'm calling them asap because this time it won't be a false pos since I waited the right amount of days. I have my IVF consult tomorrow (spending lots of time at the clinic this week, lol). So the Dr will go over her plan with me, and they will go ahead and order all the meds tomorrow too. It's $3k worth of meds that they'll be ordering when we don't even know for sure if I'll need it (if the IUI is successful). Thank goodness my insurance pays for injectables. I'll begin the Lupron in about 10 days, but I'm asking her tomorrow to give me absolute positive reassurance that it wouldn't affect an embryo if this IUI is a success. She stressed 3 times already that it doesn't affect it at all, but I just want to hear it face to face.