Still looking for our May Flowers...

Somehow I'm messed up for this cycle. First of all, I overslept - didn't set the alarm because 99.9% of the time I wake up when DH gets up to get ready for work. Not today - slept straight through until my cat woke me up. It was 9:38!! So my temp was way high.

Then I took my first OPK for the cycle. It was almost positive already!!!! WTF!!?? At CD7?? Are you kidding me?? We obviously haven't BD'ed at all this cycle. Was going to start today now I'm wondering if I should even bother. An early egg is probably not mature enough to be fertilized even if does get fertilized it probably won't be a sticky one anyway.

Is it possible that the follicles still started to develop at 13/14DPO last cycle after the end of my normal LP even though the progesterone held off AF for two extra days? Even so I would only be CD9 and it's still way too early too.

Praying that it's a false positive and that I'm not going into menopause.
I must also point out that AF was different this cycle. TMI alert: for the first time in probably close to 20 years, the color was bright red. In the past 20 years or so my AF has been darker red from the 1st day till the last. This cycle the color was bright red, almost light red, from the 1st day till the spotting the last day (it was almost pink on the last day). Google says dark color blood is old stagnant blood and bright red is healthy fresh blood so I took it as a good sign that my lining is now healthy enough to properly build up with fresh blood after the scar tissue was removed from the hysteroscopy.

But now I get a almost positive OPK at CD7 and I wonder if the change in AF has anything to do with it.
Hey all - took the weekend off so just catching up.

Savvy - glad the appointment went well. Erin - FXed for you this cycle. Beagle - glad things are moving along for you as well.

I also am hoping to lose a little wait during this "down time" - I have gained about 10 lbs since starting the fertility treatments.

Anyways, AF arrived over the weekend. Had day 3 scan and labs and the cysts are still there. The left one is slightly reduced but the right one increased. Doc wants to do another set of scan/labs on June 9th. Good thing I wasn't set on starting the IVF cycle this month - so I am not too upset. Just hoping they disappear before July!!
Foridian - hopefully it is just from oversleeping...
Floridasian, any chance you are using a different brand of opks this time? A few months ago I thought I had a positive opk but then I realized when I got my positive that the first one wasn't really positive. Maybe just more dye in the strip? Are you able to test again this afternoon?

Are you taking any new meds that would cause you to O early? Fx'd it was a false positive. I was extremely tired too this morning, I went back to sleep after my husband left for work, I never do that unless I am sick.

Moni, sorry AF showed up and you need another scan. Hopefully everything can get resolved before July.
Somehow I'm messed up for this cycle. First of all, I overslept - didn't set the alarm because 99.9% of the time I wake up when DH gets up to get ready for work. Not today - slept straight through until my cat woke me up. It was 9:38!! So my temp was way high.

Then I took my first OPK for the cycle. It was almost positive already!!!! WTF!!?? At CD7?? Are you kidding me?? We obviously haven't BD'ed at all this cycle. Was going to start today now I'm wondering if I should even bother. An early egg is probably not mature enough to be fertilized even if does get fertilized it probably won't be a sticky one anyway.

Is it possible that the follicles still started to develop at 13/14DPO last cycle after the end of my normal LP even though the progesterone held off AF for two extra days? Even so I would only be CD9 and it's still way too early too.

Praying that it's a false positive and that I'm not going into menopause.

Floridasian, are you the one that has the super high AMH that could mean PCOS? If so, I know PCOS can cause false positives on OPKs. Don't worry yet.... take another one later this afternoon after a long hold and see what happens. Remind me, is this an unmedicated cycle?
Hey all - took the weekend off so just catching up.

Savvy - glad the appointment went well. Erin - FXed for you this cycle. Beagle - glad things are moving along for you as well.

I also am hoping to lose a little wait during this "down time" - I have gained about 10 lbs since starting the fertility treatments.

Anyways, AF arrived over the weekend. Had day 3 scan and labs and the cysts are still there. The left one is slightly reduced but the right one increased. Doc wants to do another set of scan/labs on June 9th. Good thing I wasn't set on starting the IVF cycle this month - so I am not too upset. Just hoping they disappear before July!!

Well sorry about AF, Moni! And sorry about the cysts still being there, ugh. It is def good you were holding off on the IVF until July/Aug then, or you would've been a little disappointed. Everything certainly happens for a reason, huh? GL with your scans/labs on June 9th!
I'm not on any new meds other than the Progesterone suppositories last cycle. The only thing I added this cycle was the yam, which didn't seem to affect O for Suzy. I'm still using the 100 pk Wondfo OPK I bought two cycles ago so that's not it either. Yes I'll be testing again later this afternoon and tonight although I don't ever get a positive OPK in the afternoon even when I really am ovulating. The dye is sort of missing in the middle of the strip though. (First picture is this morning's test. Second picture is with last cycle's OPK's). Edit: Just realized I marked it wrong on the picture for the OPK. Today is CD7, not CD8.

OPK Single.jpg OPk large.jpg

Anyway, I'm glad your appointment went well. Sounds like they have a plan for you. It's probably too early to talk about meds before any testing. I've been seeing mine for 6 months and the only meds he's giving me is progesterone. Your temps are still high. Maybe you'll get your BFP without any testing!
Floridasian, are you the one that has the super high AMH that could mean PCOS? If so, I know PCOS can cause false positives on OPKs. Don't worry yet.... take another one later this afternoon after a long hold and see what happens. Remind me, is this an unmedicated cycle?

No I have low AMH (1.38 as of last October) and that's why I'm worried about menopause. I'm not on any meds other than the Progesterone in the LP last cycle. I'll definitely take another one later this afternoon if I can get a good hold but I usually drink a lot of liquids in the follicular phase and I don't normally get a positive OPK during the day.
Floridasian, are you the one that has the super high AMH that could mean PCOS? If so, I know PCOS can cause false positives on OPKs. Don't worry yet.... take another one later this afternoon after a long hold and see what happens. Remind me, is this an unmedicated cycle?

No I have low AMH (1.38 as of last October) and that's why I'm worried about menopause. I'm not on any meds other than the Progesterone in the LP last cycle. I'll definitely take another one later this afternoon if I can get a good hold but I usually drink a lot of liquids in the follicular phase and I don't normally get a positive OPK during the day.

Ok, gotcha... I must've gotten you confused with someone else with the AMH. Well, I looked at your pic of today's OPK, and it doesn't look quite pos to me yet... I know it's dark, so you probably feel like its just way too early for it to be that dark. But I've had them look dark, and then get lighter, and then finally a few days later they are true positives. Hang in there, Hun.
The fertility clinic left me a message today. I had IUI on Saturday, so my doctor just reviewed my chart today. The nurse said if this cycle doesn't result in a pregnancy, then the doctor is switching me from Clomid to ?Butrisol? I listened to the message a couple times and tried to look up variations of the spelling online, but can't find a darn thing. Anybody heard of (or taking) something that sounds similar? Thanks!

Its probably Letrozole :)
Floridasian, I am going to agree with Erin and say that the opk is not positive yet. Mine often look like that and then get lighter and the test line goes almost blank and then I get a blazing positive. I took a picture last week of my wondfo + opk...I can try to figure out how to post it here.
Floridasian I think from the research I have done says that women always have LH in their system and in the morning it is more concentrated. Resulting in a test that looks almost positive when in fact they have not O yet. Test later in the day after limiting fluids and holding it for about 3 hours and see what it says. I hope its a false +. But maybe BD just in case...ya never know since our bodies are strange things lol
Thanks Moni, Erin, Savvy & Michelle! Yes I know it's not positive yet but it just looks way too dark for CD7.

So I went through my OPK's for the previous cycles (I saved them all) and there was one cycle that I got one similar to today's test at CD9 but then faded to light/almost non-existent for the next two days, then finally turned positive at CD11 and eventually I O'ed on CD12 or CD13. I've just never gotten one so dark at CD7 it totally freaked me out.

Thanks girls for calming me down! What I am going to do without you? :flower:
Hi ladies...just catching up a bit...this thread does move fast!

I totally identify with you guys on the weight thing. I'm definitely not way overweight either, but it's nice to have your skinny jeans fit (or even your regular jeans). I carry my weight around my midsection and feel like I'm more okay with my body before O but during the TWW, I start getting bloated and feeling chunky. :/

It's so nice to read all your experiences with the RE, as I have my first appt in about a month..I feel like I'm getting a sneak preview! Erin and Beaglemom, crossing my fingers for you ladies!! I think the next few months will bring great things for you as you become more aggressive! I'm sooo right there with you...ready to do whatever it takes!

Savvy...I'm glad you mentioned your progesterone #. I have always felt like mine might be low, and it's an 8. My OBGYN said she they prefer it to be over 10 but did not want to prescribe me anything. When I pressed her, she said she would put me on progesterone after I got a BFP if I wanted. But we have been trying for 18 months now, and I feel like I may have had a fertilized egg a few times (I felt symptoms but never a BFP) that didn't implant because of low Progesterone. It's so frustrating. So I ordered some Progesterone cream from Amazon. All the reviews are from people using it for menopause, but I don't think it can hurt, right? Anyone had experience with it?

Floridasian, sorry I can't be of help with your question, I just use the Clear Blue OPK's so not sure how to interpret that. But good luck and it never hurts to BD.

AFM, I'm feeling good about this cycle for the first time in a long time. I ovulated on Friday and we got in BD Tues, Wed, Thurs, & Fri!!! Yay!! I haven't been temping consistently just to avoid stress, but I did temp that week to confirm ovulation
and my temps rose beautifully! I have been feeling a little off yesterday and today, just a little tummy upset. But I don't want to symptom spot. I think this cycle I've just given myself permission to be hopeful because we have the RE coming up, so it doesn't feel like it will be so heartbreaking if I'm not preggers.

Hugs to all of you...sorry I didn't respond to everyone, but thinking about you all!
Floridasian It is very weird that it turned that dark this early. Maybe it means that O will be a little early.
Floridasian...Here is my wondfo + opk


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Yes, it was Letrozole (which is a generic version of Femara). Thanks ladies. No wonder I couldn't find it online. I was way off. Ha-ha!
Floridasian, I agree with everyone else...try to test again later. Even with the extra fluids, you may get a good test. Usually when I start using opks, I do not worry too much about how long & how much fluid...I just use when on my first morning bathroom break around 10 & afternoon break around 2 or 3. Erin is also right about the almost positive thing. Sometimes they can look so close but still take their sweet time in becoming positive. I would still put in an effort this never know. Also wonder if the progesterone could be affecting any of this. I have not done any opks yet this cycle...planned to start this evening when I got home from work.

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