Still looking for our May Flowers...

Does anyone know if you have to be bleeding for your baseline ultrasound? I was supposed to start AF today but it's not ultrasound is tomorrow morning. I'm a little nervous so maybe stress is keeping me from starting my cycle. I'm really crampy so I know it's coming. I just don't know if going tomorrow is a waste or not?
What Beagle said in terms of success rates - it brings us up to the normal person average which is 20%. IVF w/ICSI is a 70% chance for us I think - I'll have to go find my notes from my initial consult - I do know it was almost a for sure thing as compared to the other percentages.

Nowadays I do not think they let you put in more than 2 - so you really are just deciding between 1 and 2. The plan is to hopefully have more, freeze the rest so that if it doesn't work the first time, you have a bunch in reserve and don't have to go through the entire process again (called FET - frozen egg transfer) - cuts the cost considerably. Most people would start with 1 and if that doesn't work, the next time try 2 frozen, but we are going to start with the 2 since it has been such a long process. There is actually a higher chance of multiples with the medicated IUIs then with IVF now.

We have the money saved already - we had been saving to buy a house - so it is coming out of that. But it will be worth it!!

I think we would start with 2 unless advised not to. I thought if you were older (like closer to 40) they let you do 3...but you sound like you have done way more research than me :)

We could cash out stock or 401Ks to pay for it...but we would rather borrow. We just paid off our cars & have been working to pay down existing debt, so we are in a good position.
Does anyone know if you have to be bleeding for your baseline ultrasound? I was supposed to start AF today but it's not ultrasound is tomorrow morning. I'm a little nervous so maybe stress is keeping me from starting my cycle. I'm really crampy so I know it's coming. I just don't know if going tomorrow is a waste or not?

Hi JCM, if this is supposed to be your day3 u/s where they check your antral follical count, then you do need to have already started AF. Its not that you have to be bleeding or anything, its just that day 3 is the best day to check the things they're looking for. Are you supposed to be starting a monitored treatment cycle after AF?
Does anyone know if you have to be bleeding for your baseline ultrasound? I was supposed to start AF today but it's not ultrasound is tomorrow morning. I'm a little nervous so maybe stress is keeping me from starting my cycle. I'm really crampy so I know it's coming. I just don't know if going tomorrow is a waste or not?

Hi JCM, if this is supposed to be your day3 u/s where they check your antral follical count, then you do need to have already started AF. Its not that you have to be bleeding or anything, its just that day 3 is the best day to check the things they're looking for. Are you supposed to be starting a monitored treatment cycle after AF?

This is the first iui for me and it's going to be monitored I guess. I asked what to expect and she said they just want to make sure all is quiet in there. I was hoping I'd get it tonight but now who knows!? I'm thinking I should call and reschedule but I feel like I'm always calling them. Huge fight with husband today so I guess I'm super emotional. I wanted to do the monitored cycle immediately so I should be starting everything this week!
JCM, my office told me to call on day 1 & they would schedule it on day 1, 2, or 3. I was day 2 & my lining was thicker but they can tell what to expect on what day...they said by day 3 I would be where I need to be. They also said if you start after 12 or 1 pm, to count the next day as day 1.

I would just call & tell them what is going on. Believe me, you are not calling them anymore than anyone else...I am sure most of their calls are from crazy ladies :)
JCM, my office told me to call on day 1 & they would schedule it on day 1, 2, or 3. I was day 2 & my lining was thicker but they can tell what to expect on what day...they said by day 3 I would be where I need to be. They also said if you start after 12 or 1 pm, to count the next day as day 1.

I would just call & tell them what is going on. Believe me, you are not calling them anymore than anyone else...I am sure most of their calls are from crazy ladies :)

That's true, they are more flexible than just strictly Day3. My RE said either day 2 or 3 was their preference. The most important thing is that you have to have started a new cycle. My instructions were the same as beaglemom (we didn't have an u/s scheduled ahead of time), they told me to call on Day1 of AF and thats when they told me when to come in, which ended up being day3. I'm sure every RE has different preferences, so like beaglemom said, you should call and tell them you haven't started AF just yet, and ask them what their instructions for you are. :)
I called. I hate bothering them but then I realize it's their job! I have to reschedule. The one time I actually want my period! Ugh. I guess I'd rather go on day 3 anyway. Lighter flow. I'm sure it's still gross no matter what day though! This is such a roller coaster. I was so excited to start everything. Finally! Now the drama with my husband and a SHY AF. You know it will come in 5 mins now that I've cancelled. Lol I'm very cranky...can anyone tell?
Savvy, I was so sorry to read about your grandfather. :hugs: I know how much you loved and respected him in every way. From what you've said, he sounded like an amazing man, and it's certainly a shame when it's time for someone that great to leave this earth. But as you already know, he's in a better place now, and will no longer have to suffer w/ being sick. I bet you'll fall pregnant any day now, and perhaps your child will end up taking after him and will grow up to be as great as he was. flower:

Thank you so much, this is one of the hardest things to go through. I am just a mess.

Hope all is well with you - I can't wait to see your BFP soon!!
Beaglemom, great numbers for your IUI, congrats! I see a BFP in your future!!
I had to cancel my appointment, I don't want to complain but most of my relatives are useless. They never help out when needed and if they do they make a big show of it. My mom and I have done most, if not all, of the work for setting things up for today and tomorrow. I am completely exhausted, but it has kept me busy which I think it good too. Long story short but my poor hubby is running around crazy this morning getting a wheelchair van for my Grandmother, picking up food for us at the funeral home, picking up my cousin at the airport, etc. I have to transport all the photo boards, books, picture frames, etc. There was absolutely no way we could have an appointment today. The rest of my aunts and uncles will just show up.

Anyways, the RE office is now taking appointments in June...I burst out in tears and they told me I could call back periodically to see if they had cancellations, which happen frequently she told me. So I guess I am going to call once or twice a week and keep my fingers crossed I can get in sooner. Called a different OB office too and they are booked for new appointments until June also - I guess lots of woman are looking to have babies soon.

Okay sorry to clog up the thread, just wanted to post a quick update (turned into a long update - sorry!)
I had to cancel my appointment, I don't want to complain but most of my relatives are useless. They never help out when needed and if they do they make a big show of it. My mom and I have done most, if not all, of the work for setting things up for today and tomorrow. I am completely exhausted, but it has kept me busy which I think it good too. Long story short but my poor hubby is running around crazy this morning getting a wheelchair van for my Grandmother, picking up food for us at the funeral home, picking up my cousin at the airport, etc. I have to transport all the photo boards, books, picture frames, etc. There was absolutely no way we could have an appointment today. The rest of my aunts and uncles will just show up.

Anyways, the RE office is now taking appointments in June...I burst out in tears and they told me I could call back periodically to see if they had cancellations, which happen frequently she told me. So I guess I am going to call once or twice a week and keep my fingers crossed I can get in sooner. Called a different OB office too and they are booked for new appointments until June also - I guess lots of woman are looking to have babies soon.

Okay sorry to clog up the thread, just wanted to post a quick update (turned into a long update - sorry!)

Savvy, I know exactly how it is with family. My father in law had a stroke a few years back & he is now in assisted living. He is doing great. But my husband is the only one who takes care of him. He spends most of his days off visiting him & buying him things. Then when the whole family visits, they act like it is such a big deal they bought him things or took him out to eat. And he is in a very nice place now...he was not before because he still had a house & mortgage & couldn't afford it. Now we finally sold the house & have him a small nest egg, so he can afford the much nicer place. Now everyone just raves about it & act like oh finally he is in a good place. His place was fine before...he was not being abused or anything...just not as nice. And I didn't see any donations coming in from family to get him in a better place. It is frustrating to be the only responsible ones in your family. I totally know what you are going through. I hope the craziness dies down a little so you will have time to appropriately grieve & spend good times with your family. Funerals are never somewhere you want to be, but they are a great place to catch up with family & remember the person you are grieving...remember all the good times. I hope the next few days go well for you.

I hope a cancellation comes up for you with the RE. I think calling once or twice a week is a good plan. Is there ANY chance you can call your idiot OB & ask for a prescription for progesterone? Or clomid?
My boss just complained on why I ordered so much paper. There was actually a mix up & now I store everyone in the buildings paper. I did have a large supply before that. I am stocking up for when I get pregnant...I don't want to tell people too early, so I don't want to even have to worry about asking someone else to load the paper up on the cart & bring it to my office. People would be suspicious if my boss did it.
I had to cancel my appointment, I don't want to complain but most of my relatives are useless. They never help out when needed and if they do they make a big show of it. My mom and I have done most, if not all, of the work for setting things up for today and tomorrow. I am completely exhausted, but it has kept me busy which I think it good too. Long story short but my poor hubby is running around crazy this morning getting a wheelchair van for my Grandmother, picking up food for us at the funeral home, picking up my cousin at the airport, etc. I have to transport all the photo boards, books, picture frames, etc. There was absolutely no way we could have an appointment today. The rest of my aunts and uncles will just show up.

Anyways, the RE office is now taking appointments in June...I burst out in tears and they told me I could call back periodically to see if they had cancellations, which happen frequently she told me. So I guess I am going to call once or twice a week and keep my fingers crossed I can get in sooner. Called a different OB office too and they are booked for new appointments until June also - I guess lots of woman are looking to have babies soon.

Okay sorry to clog up the thread, just wanted to post a quick update (turned into a long update - sorry!)

Savvy - I'm sorry that your family is stressing you out at a time when everyone should be sticking together and helping out.

Fingers crossed that you will be able to get an appointment before June. I'm sure there will be cancellations before then. Have you asked if they can call you if an opening comes up instead of you having to call them every other day?
Savvy, I know exactly how it is with family. My father in law had a stroke a few years back & he is now in assisted living. He is doing great. But my husband is the only one who takes care of him. He spends most of his days off visiting him & buying him things. Then when the whole family visits, they act like it is such a big deal they bought him things or took him out to eat. And he is in a very nice place now...he was not before because he still had a house & mortgage & couldn't afford it. Now we finally sold the house & have him a small nest egg, so he can afford the much nicer place. Now everyone just raves about it & act like oh finally he is in a good place. His place was fine before...he was not being abused or anything...just not as nice. And I didn't see any donations coming in from family to get him in a better place. It is frustrating to be the only responsible ones in your family. I totally know what you are going through. I hope the craziness dies down a little so you will have time to appropriately grieve & spend good times with your family. Funerals are never somewhere you want to be, but they are a great place to catch up with family & remember the person you are grieving...remember all the good times. I hope the next few days go well for you.

I hope a cancellation comes up for you with the RE. I think calling once or twice a week is a good plan. Is there ANY chance you can call your idiot OB & ask for a prescription for progesterone? Or clomid?

Beaglemom, family makes me crazy sometimes! You and your hubby are good people that genuinely care about your father-in-law and his well being. Honestly, I am extremely lucky in the past 4 or so years since I started my own business and work out of my home I was able to spend so much time with my Grandparents. They used to live almost full time in Arizona and I was able to go visit for a month or so at a time. I have no regrets that I didn't spend time with my Grandpa and I am so glad I have so many good memories of my time with him. My Grandma is doing okay, she has alzheimers and we don't think she really understands what happened. I am also grateful that I still had all 3 of my Grandparents until the beginning of this year (My other Grandmother passed away in Feb).

btw, thanks for making me laugh...I needed that...I read your suggestion about my 'idiot' OB! :haha: Ugh, I don't think he will change his mind about the progesterone but I am going to try a bit more cream this time and maybe up the B6...I want to take it daily but I forget so I am going to set an alarm on my phone.
Savvy - I'm sorry that your family is stressing you out at a time when everyone should be sticking together and helping out.

Fingers crossed that you will be able to get an appointment before June. I'm sure there will be cancellations before then. Have you asked if they can call you if an opening comes up instead of you having to call them every other day?

I asked if they had a wait list, especially if they do get some cancellations and she said no. I figured I would call back later this week and see if I speak with someone else, I called first thing when they opened on Monday so it might have been crazy there. I guess I will get to be good friends with the receptionist if I am calling daily!

I feel like I did what I needed to do to honor my Grandfather, I am glad I put the work in and I feel like everyone who comes today and tomorrow will see what a great man he was and how proud my mom and I are to be his daughter/granddaughter.

How have you been doing this cycle?
I asked if they had a wait list, especially if they do get some cancellations and she said no. I figured I would call back later this week and see if I speak with someone else, I called first thing when they opened on Monday so it might have been crazy there. I guess I will get to be good friends with the receptionist if I am calling daily!

I feel like I did what I needed to do to honor my Grandfather, I am glad I put the work in and I feel like everyone who comes today and tomorrow will see what a great man he was and how proud my mom and I are to be his daughter/granddaughter.

How have you been doing this cycle?

Yeah..make friends with the receptionist will probably help. The receptionist at my RE's office also works at my local CVS so I've known her for quite a while before going to the RE. The first time I called to make an appointment I immediately recognized her voice and when she said her name. We both laughed when I walked in.

I've been busy with my parents staying with me. We've been able to "disappear" for an hour or so at night for our SMEP schedule. I didn't get my first positive OPK until 11 PM on CD12 this cycle and I don't believe I've O'ed yet either although I did feel some twinges about an hour ago so I'm probably O'ing today. Either the antibiotics or the excessive amount of soy I've been eating is delaying my O I think.

I'm not sure if DH will be up for another BD session tonight since we've already BD'ed three nights in a row starting Saturday. This will be the 4th night in a row if we do.
Interesting info a friend sent me.

1. Being Too Fit Can Hurt Fertility (Just Ask Norwegians).
In all medical matters, physical fitness is king. You can't be too overweight to conceive and you can't be too underweight to conceive. So the fitter the better, right? Well, not exactly. According to researchers at the Norwegian University Of Science And Technology, 7 percent of all Norwegian women have fertility issues. They conducted a study involving 3,000 women and found that having an exhaustive workout regimen was decreasing their fertility.

2. Uh-Oh For Having A Blood Type O.
Scientists from Yale University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine discovered that among female fertility patients in their 30s, those with type O were twice as likely as other blood types to have a hormone profile that made their ovaries seem older than their age.

3. Your Fertility Problems Can Bring You Closer Together.
If you worry that the stress of trying to conceive will take a toll on your relationship, we have some promising research to allay your fears: Infertility problems can actually bring you closer together. Findings in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, a journal published by Wiley on behalf of the Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology, indicate that after 12 years of follow-up, couples who were able to overcome their fertility problems were more intimately bonded through a perception of joint hardship — a concept known as "marital benefit."

4. Stronger Bones, Weaker Ovaries?
Women are encouraged to drink milk for stronger bones, but do we sacrifice our ovaries in the process? One Harvard-affiliated study found that women who eat lots of low-fat dairy products face an 85 percent higher risk of ovulatory infertility than women who consume little or no low-fat dairy products.

5. A Lack Of Sunlight Can Affect Your Fertility.
There must be something to the summer being the "season of love" after all. Scientists at Austria's University of Graz conducted a study and found that women have been found to ovulate less and their eggs have a reduced chance of implanting in the womb — in the winter months. Vitamin D helps boost levels of the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogen by 13 percent and 21 percent respectively, regulating menstrual cycles and making conception more likely.

6. Here's A Serious Reason To Floss.
No one likes the dentist, but you'd never realize how keeping your pearly whites clean can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Periodontal (gum) disease delays a positive pregnancy test by two months or more, found an Australian study. They found that women with gum disease took an average of just over seven months to become pregnant — two months longer than the average of five months that it took women without gum disease to conceive. Swollen gums and deep pockets around the teeth breed bacteria, which enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammation — potentially reducing an embryo's chances of implantation.

7. Cut Back On The Popcorn.
Your late night snacking habit could be hurting your chances for kids in the long run. A study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that the chemicals in the bag lining accumulate in your bloodstream through the popcorn. And it's not just microwaveable popcorn — it's hiding in Teflon and other stain- and stick-resistant materials. What's even scarier is that the chemical is detectable in the blood of 95 percent of Americans. So pop your own kernels!
2. So that explains my low AMH and aging ovaries - I'm in my 30's with type O blood!
2. So that explains my low AMH and aging ovaries - I'm in my 30's with type O blood!

I have type O as well...but my AMH was high.

I just edited my post to create spacing...sorry about it all being bunched together...I copied & pasted from facebook using my phone.
ok ladies I need your opinions please. i have irregular cycles usually 28-36, average cycle length is 32 days. i have ovulated anywhere from cd 14-23. lutenal phase 12-16 days. i know thats a lot of information, but i would appreciate any thoughts on this month. temp spike this am i do believe my opk was positive last night both lines where equal but light. i think i had a bad stick. anyone have opinions on my ff? do you think i ovulated if my temps stay high? or do think the month was anovulatory cycle?

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