Still looking for our May Flowers...

I know a few of you just started Clomid, is anyone taking Femara? And are you taking either for stimulation as you already ovulate on your own? I should start Femara next week.

I had my consultation after my month workup with the RE today. I was a little excited thinking he was going to give me one of those drugs and a good pat on the back but instead I feel disheartened.

Everything was in order but low AMH.
I took clomid now taking femara. I am doing iui so it is a booster for me. I O on my own.
I know a few of you just started Clomid, is anyone taking Femara? And are you taking either for stimulation as you already ovulate on your own? I should start Femara next week.

I had my consultation after my month workup with the RE today. I was a little excited thinking he was going to give me one of those drugs and a good pat on the back but instead I feel disheartened.

Everything was in order but low AMH.

instead what is their plan?
I know a few of you just started Clomid, is anyone taking Femara? And are you taking either for stimulation as you already ovulate on your own? I should start Femara next week.

I had my consultation after my month workup with the RE today. I was a little excited thinking he was going to give me one of those drugs and a good pat on the back but instead I feel disheartened.

Everything was in order but low AMH.

instead what is their plan?

Hi Beaglemom,
He initially wanted to start me out with Clomid with a booster shot (sorry I forget which one) and frequent monitoring and IUI which he said was about $1500 a cycle. I said I'm not ready for IUI yet and asked if it was just possible to start with the clomid like gynos give to try out for a few months. He said that was okay and when we talked a little more I reminded him that I am TTC without my SO's knowing the stress of it all. He changed his mind and for some reason thought Femara was a better choice for that situation. I couldn't tell you why, maybe the side effects of Clomid are not easy to hide?
Sorry for the long winded answer. The plan is try 3 months of Femara and just the first month get an u/s when af starts and one just before ovulation to see if it looks like the eggs are appropriately sized.
I was feeling a little sorry for myself last night but enough of that. I hate the feeling of helplessness and vulnerability that comes with this. The next few days I'm going to Google Femara's successes and get myself psyched to start it next week.
I hope the femara works for you. Has your husband had a SA as well? Have you had an HSG? I am just curious because those are basic tests you may want to consider before investing too much time in clomid or femara. They won't help much if there are other issues. I did clomid unmonitored with timed intercourse 3 cycles & IUI timed with opks for 3 cycles. Now I am doing the whole deal, femara, monitoring, follistim, trigger & IUI. With meds, this cycle cost about $1500.

Also, & I am not trying to pretend I know your life or your marriage, I am curious about what you said about not telling your husband about all the stress. I know everyone works differently, but I find it a HUGE relief to have my husband with me on every single step. Some women try not to tell when they are ovulating so he doesn't get too stressed at the moment. But I def would have had way more emotional breakdowns if he wasn't right there with me knowing everything I was going through.

Anyways, I am sorry if I am butting in or being too personal. I am just letting you know my experiences. Basically the 3 months of just clomid were a waste because we had low sperm count. I don't think the other IUIs were a waste, just poorly timed. I wish you the best of luck. I know it is hard moving too I understand your hesitation with IUI.
ok ladies I need your opinions please. i have irregular cycles usually 28-36, average cycle length is 32 days. i have ovulated anywhere from cd 14-23. lutenal phase 12-16 days. i know thats a lot of information, but i would appreciate any thoughts on this month. temp spike this am i do believe my opk was positive last night both lines where equal but light. i think i had a bad stick. anyone have opinions on my ff? do you think i ovulated if my temps stay high? or do think the month was anovulatory cycle?

I'm sorry that this cycle has been confusing and frustrating for you. Keep temping and you should know whether or not you o'ed in a few days. Good luck!!
I hope the femara works for you. Has your husband had a SA as well? Have you had an HSG? I am just curious because those are basic tests you may want to consider before investing too much time in clomid or femara. They won't help much if there are other issues. I did clomid unmonitored with timed intercourse 3 cycles & IUI timed with opks for 3 cycles. Now I am doing the whole deal, femara, monitoring, follistim, trigger & IUI. With meds, this cycle cost about $1500.

Also, & I am not trying to pretend I know your life or your marriage, I am curious about what you said about not telling your husband about all the stress. I know everyone works differently, but I find it a HUGE relief to have my husband with me on every single step. Some women try not to tell when they are ovulating so he doesn't get too stressed at the moment. But I def would have had way more emotional breakdowns if he wasn't right there with me knowing everything I was going through.

Anyways, I am sorry if I am butting in or being too personal. I am just letting you know my experiences. Basically the 3 months of just clomid were a waste because we had low sperm count. I don't think the other IUIs were a waste, just poorly timed. I wish you the best of luck. I know it is hard moving too I understand your hesitation with IUI.

Well, here's where the thread gets juicy...

He doesn't know!

We're not married or engaged. We live together and are a happy, stable couple. I was never in a rush until my OB told me I better hurry up if I want kids. She scared me and now my RE scared me and pretty much said there's not much gas left in the tank. So it's kinda now or never for me I fear. I would like to be a mom so I'm doing what I can to make that happen. I know that sounds bad, this is the only secret I've ever had, but I'm doing this on my own. Only my mother knows.

I had a HSG 2 weeks ago and all is clear. And by reading above, I'm sure you can gather he's had no SA. The dr felt pretty confident by the post coital semen reaction that he very unlikely has any issues and he impregnated (abortion, don't worry he's not a baby daddy) his high school gf so he's able.
So I've been waiting for CD1 for my baseline ultra sound...I'm two days late now so I had to cancel the one I set up previously. My cycles are usually 23 days on average. The last one was 24 and before that was 21, 23,22...
I swore I was getting AF yesterday morning. Usually I wake up, have a stomach cramp, have a bowel movement, and it's there. Nothing! So I took some Advil. The cramps got a little better but I could feel them throughout the day. I felt so seasick yesterday and it only went away when I ate something.
Then this morning I woke up, no cramps at all. Had a bm. Have the sick feeling and nothing.
I took a test and it's negative. I just want something to happen NOW so I can get started! I'm not usually "late" if anything I'm early! Clearly by my cycle days you can all see that...I'm driving myself crazy. I accidentally grabbed an old cheap opk and peed on that this afternoon...apparently I'm positive for where is my brain?
Interesting tidbits you posted about fertility, beaglemom! My blood type is B+. So interesting when things like that pop up, wow! Although, of course, still varies with every woman, like anything else. But those were really interesting to read.

savvy, I hope the visitation went well... I know you guys put a lot of work into it! I'm sure it was very, very nice. I hate that the rest of your family just relies on you guys to do everything, without offering a helping hand. But hey, at least you can be proud of how you honored him. Im really sorry you're going through this. I can sense how sad you are and how much you're grieving, and I just wanted to let you know that I've said a couple of prayers for you and your family (I'm not an overly religious person at all, but I am spiritual, and I send out prayers where they are needed :flower:).

I know there's tons to respond to, because just even being away for another day or two has gotten me SO behind. This thread moves so fast! I want you all to know that I caught up with everyone and know exactly what's going on. But its time for me to leave work now, so I just wanted to check in, read everyone's latest updates, and say HI to all of you!

AFM, progesterone test was today. It came back in normal range at 21, and according to my nurse, that indicates a really good ovulation and they don't feel the need to give me progesterone supplements. She reminded me to take a HPT in seven more days (yea, like i really need THAT reminder, please, lol!). If positive, I go in for blood test to confirm. Getting SOO anxious! I doubt I'll wait the full seven days to test. :winkwink:
ok ladies I need your opinions please. i have irregular cycles usually 28-36, average cycle length is 32 days. i have ovulated anywhere from cd 14-23. lutenal phase 12-16 days. i know thats a lot of information, but i would appreciate any thoughts on this month. temp spike this am i do believe my opk was positive last night both lines where equal but light. i think i had a bad stick. anyone have opinions on my ff? do you think i ovulated if my temps stay high? or do think the month was anovulatory cycle?

I'm sorry that this cycle has been confusing and frustrating for you. Keep temping and you should know whether or not you o'ed in a few days. Good luck!!

Thay you for replying i was starting to think i would have to post somewhere else. I just dont understand why i didnt have a positive opk or high on the cbfm. i know temping is a sign of ovulation but i didnt know if you could have a temp rise in a cycle without ovulation.
FBG, I'm so sorry I missed that post. You know me, I'm always happy to analyze a chart. :winkwink:

That rise could potentially be O. I agree that you should keep temping and see if they stay in this higher range. I've had a couple of cycles where I never got a pos opk, but I got a good temp rise anyway. I assumed I missed my surge by not testing enough and that maybe it was a short surge. Maybe the same happened for you, especially if you do O late sometimes anyway. I don't use the CBFM though, so not sure whether that could miss a short surge or not. If I were you, I'd keep temping.

How have you been? Good, I hope!!
Thay you for replying i was starting to think i would have to post somewhere else. I just dont understand why i didnt have a positive opk or high on the cbfm. i know temping is a sign of ovulation but i didnt know if you could have a temp rise in a cycle without ovulation.

I've never used the fertility monitor before so I can't comment on that. I only use internet cheapies and two cycles ago I never got a definite positive OPK but I clearly ovulated based on my temps. I would say I trust temps more than the monitor since sometimes your body will gear up to o but fail. But then again, the human body is an amazing creature and anything is possible!
I hope nobody was offended by my (maybe)shocking response.

Lol, sorry wantaminime! I was a little surprised, lol. I guess my only question would be, why don't you feel you can tell him? I know you don't want him to know the stress of it all, but in general, why don't you want him to know that you're trying to have his baby? Has he indicated that he doesn't want kids or just isn't ready? Or do you think he's fine having one, but you just don't want him knowing about any fertility issues? I would highly recommend you talk to him about it....not necessarily the fertility issues if you don't want to stress him out... But trying to have a baby in general seems like something you should share w/ him. But, that said, it is SO NOT my business! Do you think he'd reject the idea altogether?
FBG, I'm so sorry I missed that post. You know me, I'm always happy to analyze a chart. :winkwink:

That rise could potentially be O. I agree that you should keep temping and see if they stay in this higher range. I've had a couple of cycles where I never got a pos opk, but I got a good temp rise anyway. I assumed I missed my surge by not testing enough and that maybe it was a short surge. Maybe the same happened for you, especially if you do O late sometimes anyway. I don't use the CBFM though, so not sure whether that could miss a short surge or not. If I were you, I'd keep temping.

How have you been? Good, I hope!!

I have been good. Been busy with work, family, and the house. Work is changing our documentation software and so i have to work my normal hours plus go to training. Not to thrilled with the extra hours, but i am blessed to have a job so i will just be thankful. tonight i got a call that my grandmother is in icu. my grandparents never go to the hospital and just stay on a regular floor its always an icu stay. last time they had blood clots and yes they both of them. they dont know whats wrong with my grandmother this time she was fine all day then went to eat and passed out in the bathroom. luckily my grandpa realized she was taking a long time and sent someone in to check on her. then today i was also contacted by the lady we were getting our puppy from and she told me her dog had miscarried so no puppies this week. so now we are adjusting our schedules for july puppies
FBG, sorry for all the craziness life is throwing at you! And I hope your grandmother is alright.

I have had cycles where the monitor did not peak. But I don't temp. I would trust the temps more.
I hope nobody was offended by my (maybe)shocking response.

I am not offended...just confused. Me & my husband tried for 4 years with no help. Then we stopped trying & just decided our life was fine without kids & we lived 6 years happy & childless. I never took birth control this whole time. Then I decided I wanted kids...I wanted adoption or to get fertility help. I brought it up to him & he was not thrilled. He was happy with our life. So every few months I brought it up...I didn't push it, just said I really wanted it. I knew I was changing the rules we agreed on. Then one day after about 18 months I brought up again while at lunch. I had looked in more to adoption. And he said (surprising to me) let's do it. I was hesitant. I did not want to get in to this with him only saying yes to make me happy. I would rather have no children than raise children with a resentful man. I think he was hesitant, too. But as we moved steps...he got excited. And now after about 8 months of going this route, he is more excited than I am most days.

I guess I just think he has a right to know. And it isn't fair if you have never talked about it. And it is also not good for you or your body to try to go through all this alone. You have just started...I don't think you realize how stressful & emotional this is going to be. You are really going to need someone to support you through this. I know you have your mom. But as the years go by with my husband, I realize my mom is wonderful & I need her...but I really need him. He is always here...he is in the bed with me while I sleep...he is my rock.

I really hope you will consider talking to him.
I tested again this morning & got a neg...seems the trigger is out of my system. So now if I get 2 lines, it is the real deal!

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