*STM* Single Teen Mummy

iv heard nothing from FOB since march! yes MARCH :O im happy though. im just dreading him coming crawling back at xmas or alices birthday.

i no this sounds wierd but part of me thinks omg hes gna get back in contact and the oher half thinks omg how could he not! how could he just miss her birthday!! last thing i heard from him was though a solicitor saying he had cancelled everything and didnt want to go to court. he basically gave up before anything started. hes lost his chance forever.

hope your all ok:hugs:

how could he miss her first year? :nope::shrug:
hes not worth it. if he thinks he can come crawling just cos its her bday hes tapped in the head. tell him to swivel!!!! (just wanted to use that phrase tbh)
bet you're so excited!! god im excited for noahs already and thats march :wacko: xxxxxx
iv heard nothing from FOB since march! yes MARCH :O im happy though. im just dreading him coming crawling back at xmas or alices birthday.

i no this sounds wierd but part of me thinks omg hes gna get back in contact and the oher half thinks omg how could he not! how could he just miss her birthday!! last thing i heard from him was though a solicitor saying he had cancelled everything and didnt want to go to court. he basically gave up before anything started. hes lost his chance forever.

hope your all ok:hugs:

how could he miss her first year? :nope::shrug:
hes not worth it. if he thinks he can come crawling just cos its her bday hes tapped in the head. tell him to swivel!!!! (just wanted to use that phrase tbh)
bet you're so excited!! god im excited for noahs already and thats march :wacko: xxxxxx

eurgh i no i will be telling him to 'swivel' lmao! theres no way i will be letting him anywhere near her! and yessssss im so excited! i know its gna come so quickly though. i cant believe shes 10months already, whats that about!! xx
Lyrik is meeting her dads mom for the first time tomorrow
I am scared!
OMG FOB has deleted his facebook and blocked me on twitter! o_O The t**t...

Callie- did lyrik meeting FOBs mum go well?
It went GREAT!~
way better then i though it would :)
She bought her soo much stuff it was nice
But I think she is trying i buy us off with not being there for so long~
Aw thats good callie, Lily hasnt seen fob's parents since she was in hosp! Still havent heard from him since him being a prick friday... & apparently I'll b recieveing a letter this week about his access to lily and if i refuse it it will have to go 2 court according 2 him.. On friday he told me he'll b having lily over night and I said no way, shes 4 months old, no court in this country would rule he have her overnight when he doesnt even know nething about her! GRRRRRRR I hate him :( xx
NO court will let him take her over night.
Also just say you are BFing and they wont let him.
Hope it goes well.
Is he paying you any money?

FOB has a gf with a baby,
I dont know why I am so hurt but I am.
We were together for years and to see him with someone else is going to be WEIRD
Even though I dont wanna be with him.
I know & it will cost him a fortune to take me to court so thats his fault.. his made it this way.. I've done nothing but try and help him bond with lily but his more interested in going on at me and putting me down all the time so i'll just let him get on with it! His living in dream world if he thinks anyone will rule that he can just have her.. will have to through contact centres 1st cos his never lived with her & will have to prove he can look after her! Well Ive had to go thru CSA & should be getting money soooon hopefully ! & thats another reason I dont want him seeing lily til I get money for her from him.

Oh dear I'd be extremely hurt at that too, does he see lyrik and make the effort with her still? & Yeh I understand that feeling of not wanting them but dont want neoone else having them either.. Will get easier thou :) U need to find urself a nice man xx
Hi, I am new to the forum but I go belong in this thread! FOB never wanted me to have our son so decided he would just ignore us, very mature. He was at the birth and spend quite a bit of time with Ollie during the summer. He has now gone off to the otherside of the country to uni and it is just us. Tbh I do wish he would just go away for good :S
hiya your situation is fairly similar to mine, FOB spent time with noah but has now gone to uni and now i wish he'd stay away :p
hope you can find some support here :D
whats your little boys name? how old is he? xxx
FOB came over the other day and apparently WE were to young to have a baby and WE weren't ready! I made it very clear that it is only him that isn't ready and I haven't for one second wished I had been older. I can't believe he would even dare say that tbh I look after her 24/7 with no complaints and she is doing soo well even the HV was impressed at how well she is.
THEN to his mum and my mum they somehow got onto the subject of batteries (don't ask me why) and they were saying about C batteries being the big round ones and he insisted they were the rectangle ones even after my mum showed him one and his response..."you don't know you're a woman". How f*cking sexist can you get, he had already said LO was strong...for a girl.
I kept telling me about all these really expensive things he had bought (for himself) whle I'm stood there with my cardi falling apart. To be fair to him he did buy 2 teddies for Ella when she was born :haha:
Oh and the other month he asked if there was any chance of us getting back together :rofl:
FOB turned up tonight, ex girlfriend in tow demanding his things back.. i have been telling him to get them for weeks and the other day he came to collect them but i was out so he rang me demanding me to come home from the shop (i need to feed us all for fuck sake!) so he can get them and i 'can go out when hes got them' :shrug: excuse me?!

Oh and after tonight.. i shouted and slammed the door in his face he has the decency to tell me im an attention seeker and that his ex doesnt like me :dohh: well duh!
wtf does his ex have to do with it! dickhead! burn all his stuff!!!!
Because shes a dick lol! Long story with her i wont go into it ;)

yeah i fucking wish i did. I told my friend i should have pissed on it :rofl: harsh but hes a nobbbb

ETA Sorry about the swearing :blush: im just so angry tonight! :(
i know its small in comparison to your story but FOB is pissing me off as well. he finishes uni for the xmas hols on the 17th december (a friday) but is staying til the 19th because 'someone in his house [he lives with 5 other people] is going to be on their own so hes staying with them' :saywhat: im not sure whether or not to believe him. at first i did and was outraged because he would rather spend 2 extra days with someone he sees every day than come home and see his son 2 days earlier. but now im starting to think why would someone not be able to go home until the 19th?? thats a sunday so surely they could go home at some point over the weekend. so i think hes staying for special xmas nights out or parties or something. if they finish on the 17th they are bound to have some xmas nights over the weekend.
he just does my head in. he doesnt care about noah at all and it breaks my heart for him, he has no idea at the moment but he is going to get older, he is going to realise.... :nope: he deserves more!!! :( xxxx
^ i feel exactly the same, i couldnt give 2 hoots if were not together it just really upsets me that he's turned his back on morgan, why stay 3 months why not just leave at the beggining. Urghhhhh! I wish i'd had a baby with someone half decent but then i might not have had such a beautiful baby so you know, eveything happens for a reason eyy!
i feel the same ladies!

we are currently in a battle with lawyers about access with the kids :dohh::nope: sick of him making a twat of me! x
I hate BOYS :( On a + side I havent herd from FOB since fireworks night yay. Im so much better wen I dont hear from him. Must b hard having 2 LO's with a loser sarah... Least we're all doing a good job thou girls and have gorgeous babies :) xx
I am in the same situation with FOB. He finishes on the 17th December but for some reason is not coming home until the 20th and then is leaving on the 10th Jan when I am sure it all starts again on the 20th Jan :nope: He came back a month ago, never told me and then turned up on my front door saying he had "come to see his son". He said that he was only back for a few days and he really missed Ollie and wanted to see him. I later found out he was here for a week and went out loads with old school friends getting drunk! What a waste of space?!

hiya your situation is fairly similar to mine, FOB spent time with noah but has now gone to uni and now i wish he'd stay away :p
hope you can find some support here :D
whats your little boys name? how old is he? xxx

My little guy is called Oliver Jacob Mitchell (not FOB's surname!) and he is 4 months and 6 days :) He was born on the 10th July, 4 days late!

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