****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Morning all

Great news Lolley that must be a weight off!

On the dark pj's great tip :thumbup: - I have got light coloured ones for after labour :dohh: and my cheap nightie for giving birth is light blue and white check

Oooh Ashley your lo must be getting low for how your feeling, maybe you will be first to pop out of all of us? Does it seem like she has dropped low?

MW at 11am . . . so plodding round work until I go for that

Hope you al lhave a good day xx

EEww i woke up this morning with dried blood around my mouth and blood on my pregnancy pillow!!! Obviously from my gums.. horrible! Whenever I floss my gums bleed but I don't want to stop flossing and brushing properly. Anyone else had this?

Ashley I have exact same feelings as you... sharp shooting pains, it takes my breath away too - and I feel sore and swollen, standing, sitting on toilet - I hear you honey!! Maybe you will be early!! 4th June is pretty damn early though...

Although, one of my friends who was due in a week's time has already had her baby, she had him at 35 weeks!! That's where we are! Seems crazy LO can come at any time from now.
I'm hoping my LO will not come too early now, because of this job I have next month. I also really really want to go to my son's school's summer fair which is on the 25th June, it's always amazing and I know if I have the baby before I won't go!

My little girl has calmed right down in my belly now - i even whipped out my doppler this morning to check she's ok - she's fine heart beating away but she's pretty quiet. I guess she must have no room anymore.
When she does move though,the shooting pains in my cervix area do get a lot worse.

Anyway hope everyone has a good day :kiss:
Hmm I have just had another short of breath episode so I have gone to one of the ambulances to do a bp and heart rate check, as I wondered if I was having palpitations and my bp is up and so is my heart rate :( 124/93 and hr is 113, I've printed it out to show mw later and probably do another check before I go. Wonder what is going on there :shrug: I don't feel anxious with it so can't put it down to that think it must be palpiatations on reading up.

Lilly maybe your lil girl is having a rest day, mine is quieter too so far...oh spoke to soon wiggling now lol.
Lilly, get some corsodyl mouthwash. It was reccommended by my dentist for bleeding gums x

Foxforce, hope you are ok, that bp isn't too high, try not to worry x
my gums bleed every now and then but i had a massive nose bleed last night.... well 3 o ckick this morning .... i had a lay in till 10 today... feel loads bette for it... i think Lo is trying to move lower last day or so he keeps pushing himself lower hasnt started to hurt yet though.... it is strange to think they could be here any time now .. gonna finish packing hospital bags this weekend get paid on friday so will go get dark nightie vest tops and bigpants!! lol
Mw appoint went well, she said I need to see dr about my shortness of breath, didn't think I looked anaemic although they have taken more blood to check as I am due another hb check at 36 weeks.
Haven't said anything about my hips/back/groin pain so will see how I get on.

Baby is happy, measuring 35 weeks, had mrsa swab, checked when I should go into hospital with me having strep b, she said as soon as contractions are 5-10 mins and regular. Was weighed for if I need anaesthetic shock at 11 stone!! so I have put on over 2 stone :shock: What was nice was that when she was feeling for baby she said I had good muscle tone, that has to be good right :huh:

Ailey/Strawberry my bp was high for me compared to how it is normally, with the mw just now it was 106/65 (normal for me) so for it to go upto 93 diastolic wasn't good but main thing was it came down pretty quick and hasn't stayed up.

Strange how both Lilly and Strawbs have had bleeds at the head end last night :wacko:
glad everyones mw appointments went well! :D

lilly this happened to me a couple a weeks ago! such attractive look in the morning!

had some bloods done this morning and the lady who took them was really rough with me and when i came out i told lee that my arm was really hurting and this is what it looked like


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its a huge lump! it bloody kills! i know my veins dont like to come and play when i give blood but everyone else is really gentle with me! but this lady literally just jabbed me! :(
nevermind! it will go down it just hurts!

foxforce i have been told that my muscles are also quite toned for someone who has already had children ! i worked damn hard to get my tummy looking good after i had jack! she also commented on having no stretchmarks! but i did have a lot from first child but that was 10 years ago! but you can barely see them! hope you dont get any shortness of breath again , must be quite scary x
Chatty bunch today!

Lilly- my gums have also been a lot more sensitive and bleed when I floss as well...
Strawberry- I hope your nose bleed doesn't come back! boo!

Good tip on dark pj's... unfortunately I bought light coloured pj pants (trouwsers) but a dark purple top that goes over the top to the middle of my thigh, so hopefully it will cover any potential leaks :blush: I think I'm just going to wear a spaghetti-strap tank top during labour, so baby can either be on my stomach or chest (then I'll still have SOME dignity and not just be naked on the bed!) but also plenty of skin-to-skin options...

also, our hospitals provide maternity pads so I am just bringing 2 just in case (here it's normal that you get dismissed from the hospital 2 hours after birth if everything goes normally). How long do you guys plan on staying in hospital?

Foxforce- glad your bp is back to normal... mine has been getting steadily higher at every appointment in the past month but still 'low' enough not to cause concern. I hope yours doesn't shoot up again!

hch- ouch :( I hope the lump in your arm gets better soon... last time they took blood I had a bruise for more than a week as well! Normally people find my veins pretty easily but maybe it's a pregnancy thing that makes it harder? Sorry she was so rough with you!

I'm also waiting for that energy boost at 35 weeks... I'm finding it harder and harder to even walk for long periods without getting winded! And my feet/ankles have started swelling more often...

And I agree with those who haven't been sleeping well. I'm also waking up 3 - 5 times a night, just to turn around (with painful hips!). Although I agree that it's getting REALLY exciting that we're getting so close! Soon we'll be symptom/sign counting/searching... :)
hch ouch! they must have blown your vein or even the artery! (can't see the pic as on work pc) Nice of them :( Not a good vampire at all! Only had the one shortness of breath today so far thankfully.

Itsy sorry to hear your struggling with aches and pains too, seems we are all suffering in some way, hopefully your bp will stay down fx'd!
I can't believe how soon our due dates are. I know it's going to fly too!

So much for a rest day. Worked and then did housework! I actually slept well last night. I've discovered sometimes removing my pregnancy pillow from the usual place and putting it behind my back and head really helps. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz = bliss!

I also had a really good sleep last night, I didn't get up to wee ONCE!!! A-MAZING.

Hch your vein looks so painful! I hate it when you get people who are rubbish at taking bloods - you can really tell as it's painful when they do it too then you get a giant bruise.

Fox -glad your mw app went well and everything seems good. Good muscle tone is a great sign! They said that to me my last pregnancy and my tummy went down after the birth after 4 days (still squishy a little but no 'belly') They haven't said anything to me this time i'm going to ask them at my appointment next week.
Still no stretchies for me either, cross fingers they don't appear after the birth..I've got bigger this time, esp in my hips so i feel really lucky so far (touch wood!)
Although I do have to put up with veins, varicose and thread - which i'm hoping will fade after the birth or i'm straight off to harley street to have them zapped off!

My LO seems to move whenever I have a bath and eat dinner. Rest of the time she's pretty quiet.

I'm just feeling SO close to birth now, it's crazy how far we've come. I can't WAIT to see pics of all our summer cupcake bambinos!
I'll never see a cupcake in the same way again ! It'll always remind me of this thread x
had an appointment today, they did a non-stress test to record baby's heartbeat and kicks for about 15 minutes. had to push a little button every time she moved, but she was sleeping! the tech was like "you have a lazy baby". for some reason it offended me! i told her no, she's usually bouncing around all day. she just happens to be sleeping right now. so the tech took this hand-held device that makes a loud noise and vibrates and pressed it to my belly a few times to wake her up. i felt so bad for her! the whole time baby kept trying to go back to sleep and her heart rate would go down so OH and I kept poking her to keep her awake and moving lol after we left the baby spent the ENTIRE day dancing around and making me sore. figures.

have another ultrasound on friday to check growth again. i'm assuming it will be the last ultrasound we have, so six scans for the entire pregnancy! i've started my weekly appointments, and they're going to start checking me for dilation next week.

foxforce - does your shortness of breath come with bh contractions? i went to the ER what seems like forever ago because of shortness of breath and the feeling of pressure on my chest. i didn't realize then, but it came with this weird movement like if the baby was doing a long, slow roll. i didn't realize that was a contraction until just a few days ago when OH's mom asked me if i was having a contraction because of how my belly looked. now i realize that i'm having contractions every day and they have been getting worse. not enough to make me think i'm in labor by any means, but def enough to make me anxious!
Hope your arm is better hch and awwwwww Ashley your poor little one wanting to sleep! 6 scans is amazing xcompared to the 2 we get here. Have to pay for the others. Them maybe you pay for yours anyway.

Oh my gosh 38 days to go till my due date weekend....... So much to do lol. It's going so fast.

Slept well again although woke up very tired.

Hugs everyone, have a great day xxx

I haven't had a chance to listen to the hypo birthing stuff yet. Each day is just packed!
Good morning ladies!

Ashley- your poor LO! Kind of ironic that they call it a non-stress test and then spend all that time poking/scaring baby to keep her awake! Did you get the results at least?

I've also had 6 scans so far (plus 2 3D ones, but we had to pay for those :)). I think we'll get another one around 36 - 38 weeks. The "standard" at my mw practice is 5 scans (at 8, 12, 20, 30, and 36 weeks) but I know plenty of other people at other practices that just had 2 as well. I'm really glad we've had more though! Otherwise they never would have caught that LO is so big...

How many of you have had a test for Strep B? In one of my weekly pregnancy e-mails, they mentioned that this test is generally done between 35 - 37 weeks... I've heard of it before but have no idea if they test for that here. What is the test, and how do they check?
hch, that's one hell of a bruise. I always come up like that after blood tests. hope it's not too sore.

Ashley, your poor LO hope all goes well for the growth scan. We don't get checks for dilation here, only when you are overdue and they do a sweep.

Itsy, I don't know about where you are but they don't routinely test for strep b here. I don't know why...

Feeling so tired all the time now although I didn't sleep too bad last night but woke at 6 and got up then. Already had a nap this morning! Good job Amber is a good sleeper, I had to wake her up at 9.45!!
Going to see a friend today, she says she has a load of baby stuff to give me :)

How do you all feel about visitors after baby? I loved the visitors after I had Amber. We don't have much family that live round here so it wasn't too overwhemling. But I'm kinda dreading some of friends coming with their kids as they can get a bit out of had. One in particular just lets her kids run riot around my house and I'm not sure I can cope with that...
Hi all

Ashley that is a good point but Iam not feeling any pains or discomfort but I suppose it something that could be happening. I don't really have many braxton hicks or ones that I notice. See what the dr says tomorrow, I'm not too optimistic as the dr I see is not a very good one!

Starglow glad you slept well, I went home to clean also yesterday, which I never normally feel like doing.
Itsy I am positive for Group Strep B, they don't routinely test for it here in UK, I found out from when I was under a Gynaecologist last summer. They found out for me by a internal vaginal swab although you can be tested via mid-stream urine sample also.
It could be that I don't have it any more but they are not re testing me and taking it that I am still positive. A little bonus about having to have the antibiotics 2 hours before established labour is that they can't send me home like they seem to until contractions get more frequent, I have to go in once they are every 10 mins or my waters have broke.

Ailey have a good day seeing your friend and getting baby goodies, we don't have too much family and friends who live so close so we shouldn't find it too bad I think, to be honest I'm not sure how I'll feel suppose it depends on if I am feeling confident with our routine, I won't mind parents being there helping as I know mum will cook and tidy and very dependable.

Don't know about you ladies but I'm getting terrible wet patches under my arms even when I don't feel particulary warm, I'm getting quite paranoid about it showing :(

Hope you all have a good day......5 more days to work!!! :dance:
heya ladies hope everyone is well .. glad some of you are sleeping better!

im not sure how i feel about visitors yet supose it depends how we feel at the time!! im hoping not to have to stay in hospital for very long! my in laws are going to the south of france from the 17th to the 23rd of june... so close to our due date we recon they have jinxed it now and he will come when they are away!! lol.. mil and my sil seem to think im going to have an easy and straightforward birth and be home in no time... fingers crossed i hope they are right!!

started wearing towels again :/ LO keeps pressing down down and i keep leaking... soooo embarrasing

i brought some nursing bras yesterday ... lol ... oh thinks they are funny looking with the strap that you can unclip to feed bubba... but then my oh is quite childish in a funny way

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