****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Hubby has gone to work today which means I get to watch recordings of Mary poppins and American tale woohoo. Lol. What am I like. I do have housework to do and paperwork for next lot of teaching but I have the whole day to do it.

Hoping I feel better today. My tummy feels so full and we've so far to go yet ahhhh!

I caught up with one born at Christmas. Eek I felt sick for some of it. Its very different watching it when you're pregnant yourself haha. Anyone else see any of it on Christmas day?

Wanted to see if I can move over already with you ladies, I'm due July 7 and baby was measuring a bit ahead at NT on Tuesday. :)

Hi. Yes of course you can join us. I'm delighted there's now three of us due in July. I was put back 6 days from June 26th to July 2nd. I'm sure Lilly will add you to the due date list when she gets a chance.

lol, american tale and mary poppins! not seen them in yrs :)

does ur tummy feel constantly heavy? Mine does esp when i wake up :shrug:

OMG! i watched one born at xmas about 2 days ago! i managed to watch two births and absolutely bawled :cry: had to knock it off in the end as i was getting soooo emotional! My OH was laughing at me! xx
hi, just been on photoshop and made this if anyone wants it for their signature/avatar??

aaah love it!!! wish we could have more space on our tickers though, i tried to add something yesterday and couldn't!! maybe i'll add it to the first page along with all our due dates if thats ok?

Will do new updates with DD girls :flower: Great scan pics as well!

I have total brain ache from wondering what baby is... I just CAN'T wait to find out!! We only have 15 more days to wait :happydance: have booked babybond scan on 14th Jan when i'll be 16+3. Over christmas I looked at DH's baby pics and am a bit worried as he was so big and had a massive head!! eeekk

i watched one born every christmas, its lovely when the baby comes out but i feel so awkward watching the women give birth sometimes, its SO personal... you feel like you're watching their 'sex face' :haha:
^^ good idea :)

I watched all of one born at christmas. It made me soo broody, so good job I'm already pregnant or I'd be pestering the husband!!
i always cry at one born every minute! love the pic :D

i ordered my doppler yesterday!!!! cant wai for it to get here!
yeah i watched it and made my partner watch it he hates hospitals.. like really bad its just hospital equipment and needles he really hates im more worried about him than i am about me!! lol he said we should have a home brth... fair to say i soon said no!! if all goes smoothly ive asked to give birth at the birthing centre rather than the large hospital they have no drugs like epidurals on site so gues we shall hav to see how i feel nearer the time although i really want to try to avoid having an epidural :/
Yeah I'd like to avoid an epidural too if I can. I'll keep telling myself that the pain is not forever ... Hoping that will get me through. My hubby was a 10lb baby Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! His mother constantly tells me mine is gonna be huge! :( I'm only 5ft1 and can't have a huge baby!!!!!!!! Help!

Just been on to the mil for the usual hour long phone call :( she's so over bearing! Constantly telling us she wants to know the baby's sex even tho we've told her we're not sharing that news with anyone ( we think). Constantly asking about names, again we told her we're not sharing. I've just has the conversation that I think it's better that she waits till I'm home with the baby to fly over rather than what she wants.... To be At the hospital with us!!!! OMG she does my head in. She's always on that we should move back , that she won't be able to pop in and help, and on and on. My sister thinks if my hubby wasn't her son shed marry him!!! OMG she still thinks of him as a baby!!!

I want my sister to be with me after birth at home but how do I juggle my sister with the mil!?!?? :Arg rant rant rant.

I swear I have to gear myself up to taking her calls as they always leave me rattled. Breath :)
Yeah I'd like to avoid an epidural too if I can. I'll keep telling myself that the pain is not forever ... Hoping that will get me through. My hubby was a 10lb baby Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! His mother constantly tells me mine is gonna be huge! :( I'm only 5ft1 and can't have a huge baby!!!!!!!! Help!

Just been on to the mil for the usual hour long phone call :( she's so over bearing! Constantly telling us she wants to know the baby's sex even tho we've told her we're not sharing that news with anyone ( we think). Constantly asking about names, again we told her we're not sharing. I've just has the conversation that I think it's better that stevedore till I'm home wiry the baby to fly over rather than what she wants.... To be Archie hospital with us!!!! OMG she does my head in. She's always on that wevshpyks move back , that she won't be able to pop in and help, and on and on. My sister thinks if my hubby wasn't her son shed marry him!!! OMG she still thinks of him as a baby!!!

I want my sister to be with me after birth at home but how do I juggle my sister with the mil!?!?? :Arg rant rant rant.

I swear I have to gear myself up to taking her calls as they always leave me rattled. Breath :)
:) i can't wait to find out the sex. I had to cancel my appointment on monday because of snow, which was when we were going to book my 20 week scan.
I'm definitely getting an epidural if i can, my sister had them with her 2 kids and she said it was the best thing ever, especially for her horrible back labor which my mom had also.
I've felt ok for the past 2 days. Maybe this means my morning sickness is starting to clear up, couple days on, couple days off. I still get the car/motion sickness though...urg...haven't lost anymore weight this week :)
I had my flu jab during my first prenatal visit at 8 weeks. I didn't have the flu at all last year so i wanted to be protected from swine flu, since i heard it was so horrible for pregnant women.
Starglow, awww i love that picture! awesome job!
FlGAL82, i can't tell, but that is a great picture :)
the person who invented epidural should get a nobel prize - that saved my labour!! AS soon as it took effect, it was a breeze!!! I'm going to try as long as i can without it but I definitely want it as an option this time around..
im not keen on it and wont have it available if hopefully i get to go where want to go.. everyone thinks im crazy but my mum had a reaction to it and ive been crap o hospital drugs before so ight not even be allowed it .. i reaaly want to go in a pool tho!
I also want a water birth if possible, my aunt is a midwife and i mentioned this to her and she said if i can i should as it really helps... only problem being if the pool is being used at the hospital when i go into labour then i cant have it! hummm will discuss with my midwife...
yeah il be gutted if i cant use the pool!! oh wants to have a home birth and have a pool here but as its our first baby i just wouldnt feel comfortable having a home birth
i had an epidural with my first and ok it was pain free but i had no end of trouble after i had it! i had a potocin drip as my contractions stopped and that made me sick! and then when it got to the pushing stage i couldnt do it properly and baby got stuck so i ended up with an episiotmy and a ventouse which was horrendous! worse then labour!!! i couldnt sit down for weeks after! my 2nd was a breeze no drugs all natural and it was fab couldnt have asked for a better birth! :)
im not keen on it and wont have it available if hopefully i get to go where want to go.. everyone thinks im crazy but my mum had a reaction to it and ive been crap o hospital drugs before so ight not even be allowed it .. i reaaly want to go in a pool tho!

your not mad at all! im looking into hypno birthing! my friend has some cds etc so im hoping i can use that in labour x
Ooohhhhhh scary stuff but it's very much on my mind at the moment. My mum had natural births and had such a fast recovery after. I'm sure the epidural has improved since the 70's. We just never know how it's going to go.

Hubby and I were talking about having a second child. He thinks we could try fairly quickly. I was thinking how an earth do you manage being pregnant and looking after a little one? There's a few of you doing it now, do you just have to get on with things and have you found second / third pregnancies easier than your first? Interested to know.
Hi ladies!

I've been trying to catch up after being 'out sick' for the past few days (I lost 5 lbs in 2 days!) but I'm finally starting to feel better :)

I think the epidural discussion is really interesting. I'm hoping to hold out and not have one, but I want the option available. I have NO idea how I'll deal with labour though, so I'm curious to see how it goes.

I know a few people who have had water births, and they've all been really positive about it. The hospital I'll be going to doesn't offer them though...

And I agree with strawberry... in NL it's really common/encouraged to have a home birth, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable to do that with a first.
Ityschic .... How awful you've been so sick. Poor you. Sending hugs.

Altho water births appeal to me I won't be opting for one. I think I'd be frustrated being all wet lol and way too much skin on show haha! It freaked me out just seeing a baby being delivered with the mum on all fours on a bed nevermind in a water pool where they may need to get you out in the final stages. Good grief tho so many options.

As for my weight I haven't a clue what I weigh. I always dieted before and watched my weight daily but I didn't want to obsess over it through pregnancy. The hospital have weighed me of course but I haven't looked. just want to be as healthy as I can and think about my shape in the summer. I can't believe if you're lucky enough to be able to breast feed that it uses up 500 kcal a day. That's pretty great! My sister reccomended I find a breast feeding support group early on and get the right help.

Ah so much to think about x
I was very lucky with the birth of my son... 12 hours from start to finish, epidural side effects were shaky and itchy legs.. but honestly it really helped. I was in the pool at first, with no pain relief whatsoever as gas and air would've made me sick (was retching after every contraction anyway!!) and I loved being in the pool, it was only when I just couldnt take the pain anymore that i had the epidural. It's changed A LOT since the 70s!! THey give you really small doses now, well they did to me, so I could still feel stuff and know when to push, I could also walk around. The only crap thing about it was the needle as it hurt like a bitch when they put it in, straight into your spine!!!

I was very very lucky though as my dad is a surgeon at the hospital i gave birth in, I got a private room and a very lovely midwife and very attentive nurses!!! this time i'm at a hospital in london so i'm hoping I have a good experience there too, worried!!

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