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***Summer Cupcakes June & July 2011 Mummies***

Little late, but catching up on some of the posts...

Ailey, re: smelly cord... Bram's started to smell a bit and the mw wrapped a bit of gauze with alcohol around it and it fell off a day later. Although there's still a little bit left sticking to him! Did everyone else's cord fall off in one piece? I'm thinking of using a Q-tip to put alcohol on the remaining piece to get that off as well...

Re: belly... I still have a belly, but I had one before I was pregnant so I'm not sure how much of it is baby and how much is 'normal' (although it's covered in purple stretch marks still :wacko:). I've lost 11 kilo's though (22 lbs!)... 5 lbs to go and I'll be at my pre-pregnancy weight.

Lilly- we've been having sleeping issues on and off as well (he wouldn't sleep last night until 2am, then was up exactly 3 hours later and stayed up...) I'm hoping we have a better night tonight!

I'm still wearing maternity jeans because they're stretchy and don't rub against my stitches... I haven't been brave enough to try regular jeans yet!

And I also agree... all our cupcakes are gorgeous! :)
aww... so my mom just left a little while ago for the airport (DH is taking her there). I'm suddenly feeling very alone! It's been really great having her here... I'm really going to miss having her at home with me. :cry:
Does anyone else feel overly protective of their baby? OH's mom, dad, sister, brother, brothers girlfriend, and niece are all at the house and I locked myself in my room pretending to sleep so I dont have to deal with watching them hold her! I especially hate seeing OH's brothers' girlfriends with her. Theyre nice girls, I have nothing against them, but it makes my blood boil to see them hold my little girl! I hate having so many ppl over at once too, but its unavoidable as OH has a very large family. I literally sat in a corner of my room when they got here and started crying because I wanted them to leave already! Its odd because I love his family and always like going over to their house. I just dont want them with my baby!!
Hey everyone, had a busy few days, not enough time in the day!

Eliza's cord is still on but only just, it looks ready to fall off any time, it does not smell.

My belly has gone down and seems to be going down on a daily basis no where near flat like it used to be its very wobbly and soft, haven't attempted trying on pre-pregnancy jeans, wearing maternity ones! Let alone got on the weighing scales :wacko:
I did read it can take 8 weeks for the uterus to go back to pre-pregnancy size.
It's so hard as I want to go out walking but I'm too sore to do that :nope:

Sorry to hear your parents are going home Starglow and Itsy, must be hard. My mum was driving me mad when they stayed at ours, we do clash lol

Ashley sounds like your hormones are playing with you a little it doesn't seem that unreasonable not to want many guests though, it gets a little overwhelming doesn't it, we don't get too many visitors so I found it hard, it's all settled down for us now just an odd one or two need to visit.

Eliza is sleeping well just the odd time we have an upset moment due to wind or dirty nappy. She loves her moses basket and looks lost in her bouncer. She's getting more alert every day and seems to me like she is getting big but others are saying how small she is. Loving the smiles she does in her sleep - so sweet :cloud9:

We went to Trafford Centre yesterday, had lunch and did a few shops was a nice change from been in the house. Not many plans for rest of week maybe just go to parents tomorrow and my cousin may be visiting over weekend.
hi girls hope you are all well!

hoping to get out of the house tomorrow, im doing a trail run of the school run while lee is still here just incase i fail miserably! im so tired have been doing all the night feeds as OH is poorly with a throat infection so im keeping him away from jacob as much as i can! anyone suffering with afterpains? today i felt like i had been beaten up! my boobs are ginormous! they seem to be growing every hour! :haha: my stitches dont hurt , its just the swelling and bruising!

Jacob was a wee monster last night! i really didnt want to give him a dummy but ended up doing just that as he was crying even after a feed and trying to ram his fists in his mouth and completely missing so he was getting himself worked up! now he wants it all the time! little monkey!

had to go through my wardrobe to see what fitted me in the trouser department! felt sad as i can only get 3 pairs of bloody leggings on! going to get some jeggings and tops 2moro! havent had BM yet either, i just cant bring myself to have one! its bad enough having a wee! lol

Ashley im with you about the visitors! on the sunday when i was discharged i had 20 people in my front room and all i wanted to do was tell them to naff off! today is the day i said i dont want any as i just want to sit down and chill out for a bit with my boys! you may have a touch of the baby blues too hun, take it easy x
hey everyone

Well we've had up and down days with Ivy, she is a little cutie and we're SO in love, but at evening times it can get a bit stressful with the crying. Last night was particularly bad, she just seems to be in pain! going to book with GP to check if I can get Colief on prescription. Sleeping well again though, from 11pm-5.30am, though my MW told me today that's too long for a newborn and I should be waking her up to feed!! She's not back at birth weight yet which they're a little concerned about. Have been demand feeding and eating all things to up my milk production, like good carbs and drinking plenty.
Today she's been pretty good though, it just upsets me to see her so upset! She's only consolable on the boob!!

Itsy - Re her cord - it fell off in one piece after 4 days, didnt' smell but if i sniff her belly button now there's a slight smell there so we're cleaning that and keeping an eye on it.

AShely I was the same with visitors, i had to go lie down halfway through when liam's family came saying Ivy needed a feed even when she didnt! I just wanted time on my own with her. It's too much sometimes isn't it.

Liam went back to work today, was actually nice just being with Ivy on my own! Not as scary as I thought it would be. We even walked around and did some food shopping!

I'm attaching my post preg belly pics!!! from the side I don't look too bad but i think my belly looks big and squashy especially from the front. Can you see my cellulite thighs!! Haven't lost any more weight for about a week now so i think diet and excercise will shift the rest. I have a stone to lose to get back to pre-preg weight but i really want to lose stone and a half to get back to wedding weight! lol :haha:

Foxforce love your new pic of Eliza she's a cutie-pie!!



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Hayley your brave going through your wardrobe! I'm scared to lol I hope your oh gets better soon! With you on the night feeds, it's always me unless Izzy wakes with Eliza's cry then I get him to help, he sleeps so heavy he doesn't hear her, plus I'm next to the cot.

Lilly wow you look great, I won't be putting a pic up of my tummy yet but I'm hoping more goes down, I know I'll be needing some exercise to shift and tone the majority of the bulge. But I think I'm probably holding most flab on my butt and thighs.

My feet swelling finally went down 2 days ago which is a relief was really driving me mad.

That pic of Eliza in my avatar is funny isn't it, it was what we caught of a smile. We are watching her eyes closely to see what colour they turn out to be, hoping they stay blue.
HI all!

Georgia cord came off monday night so she doesn't smell anymore. :)

Today we've had a day of doing nothing for the first time.

Emotions are all over the place. Told the midwife about it and she said it's normal. I just feel a bit empty now that pregnancy is over even though I hated being pregnant. also feel a bit sad to think that I won't experience childbirth again as we've said 2 is enough.

Georgia slept better last night, woke twice for a feed. She is very settled during the day, but we are trying to keep her awake for longer in the day so she sleeps better at night.
Last midwife visit on Saturday, bit gutted I haven't seen my midwife since having her...wanted to say thanks for everything.

My tummy has really gone down nicely, only have half a stone to lost to be back at pre-pregnancy weight.
Feeling a little less emotional today.

Yesterday I did too much. I did some gardening and cooked a roast dinner and baked a cake, then ended up in bed with a migrane. I felt awful. Feel much better today though :)
that's great you're feeling better Ailey.. I went through a real down time too and I was just in tears the whole day, I also felt 'empty' that my pregnancy had ended, and overwhelmed with 2 children to look after in the world! But it passed for me.. glad it did for you too :kiss:

hope everyone else is good! We're getting along fine, i'm getting in to the swing of things now. Ivy for the most part gives us good stretches of sleep at night. Last night she only woke up at 2.45am and then at 8am. She's getting slightly better in the day too now she is opening her eyes a bit more and being more alert. Her bad time is now where she needs to be rocked or fed to be happy.
I'm demand feeding, sometimes every hour!! She is not at her birth weight yet so I'm feeding whenever she wants to.
I plan to breastfeed for about 4/5 months - what's everyone else doing?

Miss you girls and our daily chatter!! :flower:
I'm breastfeeding for however long I manage to.

I'm also feeding on demand, I could dictate to her when to feed cos she gets so angry when she is hungry. So that sometimes means every half hour, especially this time of the evening. It's tough. She is also pretty rubbish at sleping at night time. But hoping she sorts that out soon x
hey girls :)

hugs Ailey hope your ok , i have a feeling the baby blues are creeping up on me too, i felt a bit empty today, i cant explain it , just feeling a bit miserable! it took me from 530 til 830 to get all 3 boys ready for school! im just so tired i couldnt get my head around getting them all ready! and after that i wanted to come straight back home!!!

i have the mw 2moro and she wants a nosy at my stitches as i wouldnt let her look on monday! she told me to have a look myself but i cant face looking at it just yet!

im just waiting for Jacob to wake up so i can feed him and then im off to bed! i will get out of the house 2moro and go shopping!!!!

miss you all x
Im planning on breastfeeding for at least 6 months, will go more if I can. Were still having some trouble latching on properly to the left breast, it still hasnt fully healed yet from being cracked. Im feeding on demand, and she nurses about every 2 hours for about 30 min! She has passed her birth weight, were now at 9 lbs 8 oz!! She is in about the 87th percentile. Im planning on introducing a bottle in about 2 more weeks (4 weeks old) so oh can feed her ebm. Just gotta read up on when to pump so I dont mess with my supply.
I'm seeing the midwife today for the last time. That makes me sad...I've loved the care I've had from them.

Georgia slept better last night. Woke twice for a feed so not bad.

Hugs Hayley, hope you are ok xx
2 weeks, 2 days pp. gotta get toned up as soon as my stitches feel better


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looking good Ashley!

Georgia was weighed today! She is now over her birth weight, she is 7lb 13.5oz
Feel great knowing that it's my milk that's filling her up! :thumbup:
Great figure already Ashley! You're so slim everywhere else too.. lucky! I feel a bit rounded everywhere still.

Ailey great that Georgia is past her birth weight! Ivy isn't yet :-( but MW isn't that concerned yet as some babies can take up to 3 weeks.

Went to BF clinic today, they were sooo helpful and nice. They've advised me to feed Ivy whenever she wants, even if its every half hour, as she may be feeding little and often. The fact that she usually sleeps long stretches during the night means I have to feed her more in the day.
I'm going to start expressing next week so DH can feed her too, otherwise i'm glued to the sofa most of the time.

Last night she was up a lot though so we are shattered today, had quite a time leaving the house today as I was so tired and Ivy kept doing a poo/being sick just before we needed to leave and I kept having to change her!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Here's my latest pic of Ivy.. my mom LOVES taking 'arty' pics, I reckon she should go into the baby photography business!!



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Just done my birth story :)
My goodness. I can't get on here. I barely have time to talk to anyone. Trying to get Lara to keep her her feeds down as she gets really sick after most feeds. She is putting weight on tho. I feed her every 3-4 hours when she wants it. I'm loving all this but I'm like a zombie. Over night she sleeps 3 hours , feed and another 3 hours which is great. Then after morning feed she'll snooze again.

At the moment she sleeps over night between us on a snug memory foam pillow. She can't move off it as it has raised sides and swaddling keeps her calm. We really want her in her Moses basket but she's only managed 2 naps in it.

You all seem to be doing well. I can't get my birth story finished.

Mil arriving 2moro. I hope it's ok here with her.

Can't keep eyes open. Hugs to all x

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