***Summer Cupcakes June & July 2011 Mummies***

starglow- Noah sleeps in with us too at the minute i really didnt want him too but he will just not settle in the moses basket if i put him in it asleep hel last about 5 minutes until he cries and cries until i pick him up and he just snuggles in and goes back to sleep.. really dont know what to do .

he seems a bit consipated at the minute which is horrible not alot we can do except comfort him till he poops it seems to be late at night im looking at my diet to see what can change think ive been drinking too much tea and coffee to be honest!! he also feeds more often in the afternoon and at night between 9 and 12 he feeds every 30 mins to an hour and most the time he will jut go sleep after till about 3 but weve had 3 bad nights the last week which wasnt nice :( he wont take a dummy either and i know most of it is comfort sucking but weve tried and tried even thought i didnt want him to have one he just wont take a dummy so thats that out the window.. he will rarely take a bottle of ebm either he did the other morning with oh when i was just sore and couldnt let him comfort suck but he only drank 1oz and went to sleep dunno what it is with him he wants the boob but sometimes messes about with it and wont latch on and then gets himself frustrated and goes to sleep... hoping it wont last long!!!

sorry havent been around much been busy busy now oh is back to work and visitors and what not misss you all and am glad the babies are all doing well

p.s Noah now weighs 8ib 3oz!!!! he was 6ib 4oz at birth... piggy!!
hey strawberry , jacob is also constipated so he is having 2oz of cooled boiled water with a teaspoon of concentrated apple juice in , yesterday was his first poo in 2 days so im hoping its doing the trick! i also bring him into bed with me at about 230am as he wont settle in his moses basket! tonight im going to have to let him whinge as im just so tired im scared i will let go of him!

lee is back at work today , i cant tell you how organised i have been with him not being here! i love routine! gotta shoot need to feed jacob before i leave for the school run x
ive tried letting him whinge for a bit but he wont have any of it and i feel aweful as it wakes oh up and hes exhausted from work

glad your all organised i found it weird being on my own with noah when oh went back to work!!
Lillyana has trouble sleeping on her own as well. The past few nights ive put her in her swing and shes ok in that. Even if she stays awake for a while she dont cry to come out until shes hungry. Unfortunateyits still every 2 hrs round the clock for around 30 min! So I get an hour and a half max of sleep at a time. I let her sleep with me in bed for a cpl hrs the other day, but im scared ill kill her! If shes being held she will sleep 3-4 hours, but I cant hold her 24/7!

Today is my first full day of being alone with baby. Mom went home yesterday and OH had to work. Im kind of nervous!!
am sure youl be fine hun first day alone is always a bit weird!! i had to get out the house for a bit on mine lol
i've been scared to go out of the house with the baby. it takes so long to get her fed and myself ready, and then i'm extremely limited on time because i'm scared she'll start crying, or will get hungry, or i get really sore from walking. 20 minutes and i start walking funny. more than 40 minutes and i'm in pain. i guess it would make sense for me to start taking short walks everyday to try and strengthen up.
short walks might help.. im not sore any more but that has only been a few days so hopefully youl be healed up soon i really feel for all of you that had stitches i cant image how uncomfortable that is :(
Georgia doesn't sleep well at night, but is fine during the day, but I can't sleep in the day cos I have Amber to sort out.
She feeds every 2-3 hours sometimes less. But she is still getting used to it all so I'm not too worried. I just hope it gets more settled when Paul has to go back to work. He still has 2 weeks off.

Waiting to hear from the health visitor about the hearing test. was discharged from the midwife on friday.

I don't tend to walk too far as I'm still quite achey down below. Not sore though as I didn't have stitches or tears.

Strawberry, noah is doing really well with his weight! you must be chuffed!
Hi girls, wow lots of posts for once! Have missed you all!

Well i seem to have the opposite problem to most of you... Ivy is great at night but totally unhappy, crying and grizzly in the daytimes. I just don't understand it, surely if it was colic/hunger she would be waking more at night. Most nights she wakes once around 4am for a feed then goes back to sleep. She usually falls asleep on the boob (does anyone else's LO do this?) then I put her in her cot and she stays sleeping. Of course we've had bad nights but nothing like Kai was (up every 2 hrs, wouldn't go back to sleep, crying at night)

Today,however as been a nightmare - she has only napped once and has been screaming for most of the day, even in the pram which she usually loves! It's been awful, I couldn't do anything today that I needed to. I can't even go to the toilet on my own as she screams when I'm not holding her. It's totally exhausting and I was in tears myself today... she seems to be in such pain!! It's so distressing. I really miss DH being around to help me.

We've bought Colief so hoping that works, have given it to her the last 2 feeds with no difference yet but i'll give it a while.

Going to take her to the weigh clinic on Weds, I'm sure she's put on weight now - she's getting big for her tiny baby babygro's and vests. She's SO long, she was 56cm when born, 99th percentile!

Ah she's just woken up now I can hear her on the baby monitor :-( I have a feeling my good nights are coming to an end :cry: !
Really good to hear from you all and that everyone's doing ok though... chat soon xxx
lilly have you tried her in a sling/carrier so she is close to you and you can get on with stuff then xx
thought id share with you what i did last night...

i was feeding lillyana and then i woke up. after frantically searching for her under the covers of my bed, i remembered that i had called OH in from the living room to take her. i then started looking for my nursing pad to put back on my breast so i could go back to sleep. couldn't find it, so i dragged myself out of bed, looked for one in the living room but i was out. so i stumbled to the nursery, grabbed the entire box, took it to the living room and emptied it onto the couch. i grabbed one and took it back to bed with me and tried to put it on. only then did i realize why i couldn't find the old one - i was already wearing it! i didn't even realize that i had my bra on! :dohh:
Ailey - I have a babasling, have tried it once but feel like i am squashing LO inside!! I need to try again as that's a great idea. At least i'll have my hands free then.

Ashley, lol that's hilarious! Zombie mommy.. :haha: ps nursing pads, I can't live without them!!
Ailey - I have a babasling, have tried it once but feel like i am squashing LO inside!! I need to try again as that's a great idea. At least i'll have my hands free then.

Ashley, lol that's hilarious! Zombie mommy.. :haha: ps nursing pads, I can't live without them!!
lol Ashley! the stuff we do when half asleep!

Lilly, I know it sounds gross but a tip I had from when I had Amber was to put a used breast pad at the top of their cot/crib/moses basket so that it smells like you. It lets them know that you are nearby and they settle well then. It worked with Amber and now I've done it again with Georgia. :thumbup:

Better night sleep last night. Went to bed at 10, fed Georgia and she slept till 3, fed then slept til 6! Feel a bit more awake today for it!
Ailey, Im jealous you get so much sleep! I sleep in hour and a half increments. Interesting tip about the nursing pad, I might give it a try!
yeah im pleased with Noahs weight gain its great :) he fits in his cloth nappies now so we are using them and theyre great he doesnt get a sore bum in them and he was getting a bit red in sposies!! need to buy some more though!!

Lol ashley im awful with breast pads im always losing them and find them in stupid places especially at night .. silly us!

i slept well last night i went to bed with noah at 11 for a feed and then he slept till half 3 :D longet bit of sleep ive had he didnt get up till 6 then and then again at 9 so lots of sleep for us

off to oh's mums tonight as his aunt is down to see noah :)
ooh interesting tip re the breast pads! I'll try that one.. would really help in the daytimes.
Strawbs - ha me too.. DH was just saying last night that he keeps finding breast pads in weird places all over the house! I bought those Lily pad ones - the silicone ones you wash.. they're brilliant especially when you're out and about. Although I have the regular disposable ones too which I use at night.
I'm feeling more confident now about getting out and about with Ivy.. Feels good to have some exercise at least! Although I ran to the cash point the other day and OMG felt a serious heaviness down there and like I couldn't run properly! No more running until 6 week check, horrible feeling.
Soooo DH is now pestering me (in a sweet way, bless him..) re :sex: ... I know they say after 6 weeks it's ok, but that's only 3 weeks away, i'm petrified!! Is anyone else thinking of that yet? I just think it would be too early for me, I'm scared! :haha: lol
Lilly, I'm not letting Paul anywhere near me until 6 weeks at least! and I didn't have any stitches or tears either. Just want to make sure everything is healed well. Luckily he is understanding enough not to put pressure on me. We waited 12 weeks after I had Amber as I had a 2nd degree tear and no stitches.

Lilly, how do those lily pads work? xx

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