Harvey can't grasp feeding himself so just having 2 purees a day, going to get him started on breakfast too in the next few days, he never leaves a scrap he's so greedy!x
My child is teething top two coming through and I am not getting any sleep lol poor child and me lol
George loves his food with have cereal or toast or eggy bread etc and started to have our food minus the salt etc he loves pasta and cheese he loves to munch things on his own will also give him fruit and yoghurt everyday
Alex is getting much better! He finally sleeps a little better, usually only once or twice a night but still wakes at 5am grrrrr. I'm back to work in 3 weeks No choice as that's the end of my SMP unless I want to go onto Income Support but I don't want to lose my job. M & A started in a lovely nursery though and I'll only be 2.5days a week x
Is he all booked up Mo, getting older kids in is easier than babies it's ruddy depressing. I'm waiting for a reply on a job i may apply for still within the NHS.
When I can bloody find a job the kids will be going to a child minder. I don't know why but i've never liked the idea of a nursery style setting for a baby. I prefer that Toby did different activities all the time, went outside to play on the park or went for a walk was taken to toddler groups and ate homecooked food every day when he was a baby and I was at college. And they are only allowed to have so many non-school age children so they get more attention as when Toby was a baby she only had 2 (including him) when the older ones were at school x
I think it really depends where you are. My friend made a last minute decision to go back to uni and got a place straight away. And another friend wasn't planning on going back to work but was offered a job she really wanted and sorted out a nursery for her son straight away. Just ring around and see who has places and then you can arrange a visit to go and see if you like it there. xx
Keep meaning to come on here and not getting time. Aw feeling for you having to put them in nursery I'm not looking for a job yet... Maybe next year. ATM were just scraping by on OH wages. Starting to consider another baby in a few years time when we hopefully have a bit more money and a bigger house. And definitely not before the wedding lol.
I've joined the gym and love it, not doing it to lose weight just to have some me time and makes me feel better.
We have some definite teething symptoms but no teeth yet so not sure if they're coming through or moving around.
Harvey is onto 3 meals a day, purreed, he still can handle BLW but he's off milk at the moment, we've had colds so maybe that's it x
Chris has been off his food from being unwell and has droppedfeeds from me he now goes through the night to so 12 hours with no feed neither of mine seem to want bed time feeds. He is sinking about a pint in formula or cows milk which seems crazy god knows how much I was feeding him. must call work and book to go in blah
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