Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

I ak ok two, thanks. This week has been a bit stressful for so many reasons, but then when that happened I was just that much more stressed and I thought I caused it cause I was stressing. I've been trying so hard not to get stressed for any reason this while pregnancy, but as they say when it rains it pours. I'm just glad it's over and everything is ok and I can stop dressing about. I was mostly nervous cause I know everyone is different when their water breaks and considering this is number one I didn't know what to think. I guess it just so happens the wet feeling cake right when thus happened...perfect timing, not.
Sounds like you need to do some pampering for yourself and some real TLC, I think it's important through this stage in our life
My mum had a look in the attic and found some of my old baby clothes... One of the things she found was this little cardigan she knitted for me - its so cute and cuddly!!

Also, she collected the mattress and it fits the cot perfectly :thumbup: (Had to have it custom made because the cot is mine from when I was a baby and all the mattress measurements are different now)
That's so cute broody! Its wonderful that she saved some of your stuff. You can pass that down.
Hi ladies sorry for being MIA-I have been at my moms in case of power outage at my condo-luckily no power lost from thebig NEMO storm. I am very tired and weak-I got the flu-was throwing up non stop-uncontrollabley for 13 hours straight =( Nothing would stay down but my on call doctor was so nice and he told me to drink my water and gingerale anyways as some would stay down even if it didnt seem like it. I managed to have almost half a peice of toast with butter this am and I just finished half a grilled cheese-I lost 3-4lbs, so I am trying to gain the weight back slowly along with my strength! I hope none of you get this flu/stomach bug-it is horrid!! I am just glad I am in recovery mode now!
Glad you are feeling better almost. Hope you stay on the road to recovery.
You poor thing Almost! That sounds miserable... Glad you're on the road to recovery now. Relax and have dh and your mum pamper you!
thanks ladies i hope you are all feeling well! I am so sore my upper back, below my chest, my lower stomach and even my hoohaw! I think it was from all the muscle strain/pulled muscles from getting sick 12 hours or so plus the flu body aches and pains...not fun having the flu when you are pregnant-well it is never fun, but it is just harder i think!
I definitely think pregnancy with the flu is worse almost. My ob said it hits ob patients harder than it does any other demographic. Just keep pumping yourself with vitamin c it you can...oj, oranges, whatever you can stomach. Feel better hun!
Sorry to hear that you have been so sick and hope you keep getting better.

Very cute little sweater getting
Sorry to hear about some of you not feeling well - take care of yourselves!

AFM, I'm a big old bag of stress and nerves today. I have to go to court at 1:00 to contest a speeding ticket that I think I got in error back in December. No idea what to expect! And, I'm working on my registry and just overwhelmed with trying to figure out what I need. Sigh!

Oh, BUT my niece (who will be born in April) has a name now . . . and I'll share it with you since none of you know the parties involved. Lucille Marjan! So pretty!! My little Lucy!

AND, I think I'm getting the DH to warm to the name Owen. Mwahahaha.
yay walker so excited for your family's april baby coming soon-then you will be next!!! That is nice your baby and their's will be so close together in age!

afm staying home from work-good thing because although I feel much better-my body is still needing lots of strength regaining by resting and eating more food! I hope all are well today and stay away from stress! I had a very stressful past couple weeks-bit all my nails off to the core-so mad at myself as I never bite my nails anymore then boom GONE...ugh....
Yay V-day for me!

Walker I love her name! I really love the middle name! Eeek and you're an eggplant! Hope all goes well with the ticket, that can be a pain. My hubbs got one at one point that he wanted to contest and I just told him to pay it cause he's a habitual traffic offender, lol. He even said that he did it, but his excuse was that he didn't know the cop was gonna be there, lol. Hello, it's not like they call to warn you they are gonna be sitting there watching and waiting. Thank goodness he's knocked that off though.

How is everyone feeling? Hope everyone is feeling better and doing ok.
How excited nodoubt-happy vday to you!!!

walker-happy 25 weeks woohoo!
Happy v-day!

Walker your almost under 100 days! I can't wait until I'm under 100 days!

Leo has me a bit worried, but maybe he's just having a sleeping couple of days. He's been moving around, but not as much or as strongly as he was. Also since I"ve been trying to go low glycemic with my meals, I've actually lost a pound. I hope it's not hurting him. I'm still a little over the recommended max weight gain up to this point so I'm sure it's fine, but a little more movement from Leo would sure help to reassure me.
Christie-unless it goes on for more than 5 days I would not worry-I have had a very slow 5 days before then he picked right back up more than ever! I espc. wouldnt worry if you have an anterior placenta like I do-i know other ladies on here have an a placenta but i do not remember who-sorry!
I'm sure everything is fine Christie, but I know what you mean. I had a big meal the other day and that put Virtue to sleep for about 3 or 4 hours. Lately I've been feeling him move every hour and then that happened. It can be nerve wrecking, I know. But I'm sure Leo will start playing up again. I wouldn't worry about being a little over the high end either, especially since Leo was measuring on the high end. It really may just be that's how your pregnancy with him is. You look great! Try not to stress hun!
I'm not stressed about gaining so much. Just the fact that I've put the brakes on for a few weeks. I just want to make sure LO is getting all the nutrients he needs. I feel like I should eat a pizza, weird, but I'd feel better if I gained a little right now. Then I'd be able to assume so did LO.

Unless my placenta changed positions, I wasn't anterior previously. I've got another mw appointment next week so we'll see how we are both doing then.
NoDoubt - Happy V-Day!! :D

Christie - I wouldn't worry about Leo having some sleepy time (at least not yet!) Since you've changed your diet the lower sugar levels could have changed his activity levels too. I'm sure he'll be back to kicking you like crazy soon!!

Walker - good luck today, hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Almost - good idea to stay home from work. You need to recharge your batteries before heading back. You need all your energy for growing your little boy!

Afm, just sitting waiting for my 24 week apt... My aunt has decided to make us a patchwork quilt for the cot. Originally she was going to incorporate some patches from clothes we both had as babies but DH has nothing and I have only a few bits (and didn't really want to cut them up) so instead we picked out some baby photos of us, and childhood pics with our siblings, parents & grandparents and my parents got them printed onto fabric for her to use in the quilt... I'm excited to see how it turns out!
Hey girls :)
Just got home from my OB appointment. Weight and sugar are good. Heard heartbeat and she measured my bump. I sheduled another scan for 28 weeks to follow up on that cyst in baby's brain. I have to do my glucose test before then, so probably schedule that for about 3 weeks from now.

Happy V-day nodoubt! V-day tommorow for me:)

Feel better almost xoxo

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