Walker - it would be nice for a little help, after all you are doing all the hard work in this.
Me on the other hand, I'm tearing up at everything. Though I also yelled at my mom for using my pregnancy as an excuse for her to over cook this past weekend. Every time I go for a visit she feels the need to over cook and sends me home with more food than I can possibly eat in a car that is already over packed. When I told her it was ridiculous to cook so much food, just to freeze it (she didn't want me to eat it while I was visiting, she wanted to cook other stuff), she told me that I could eat whatever I wanted and she wasn't going to tell a pregnant women what she could or couldn't eat. That made me mad and I had to stop talking on that line of conversation because then I would have upset her and ruined the weekend. I just told her being pregnant doesn't make me an invalid and doesn't give me an excuse to gorge on food.
But yeah, hormones right now. I feel like I'm more senstitive and more forceful with my opinion at the same time right now. I seem to have a lot to say about things that are annoying me. I'm usually rather reserved and blazay about things.