Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

I know what you mean. I have to go in weekely for scans and appointments and as we sold my car for moving my hubby hasto take the time off work to get me there and it always takes over two hours. If he is going to come early then he will weather they do weekly appointments or not.
I know I'm not feeling every two weeks either. My hubbs takes me to my appts cause we carpool to work, but even if we didn't he would still take me cause he wants to be at every appt. He's even tried to come to my bw for my thyroid that gets checked on a monthly basis, lol. I try to make them when they are most convenient for him as it's really not a big deal for me to miss work as I'm the pregnant one, but obviously for him a couple hour every two weeks isn't the best look. Don't get me wrong I love that he is so in tune with my pregnancy, but I wouldn't be mad if he wanted to skip an appt or two. It's the same things every time...listen to the heart beat, measure my belly, ask the same question, see you in two weeks. Like you said Christie, if something's wrong, I'll call you and come in.

I seem to be gaining a pound every two weeks, but isn't it supposed to be like 1.5lbs every week? I'm not mad about it, trust me. I stepped on the scale this morning and think I've officially hit 20lbs, which I'm ok with, with only 2 more months to go. But my belly size increases as well. Here's a pic from today at 31 weeks.
No doubt that is a great weight gain, I was up 22lbs last week and I dont want to know how much I have vained in the last week with my eating as I am always hungry and get tied of eating the same old crap.
Love the bump pic to.
Thank Two!

Even though that sweater is stretching...A LOT... I'm in love with this pic cause I look like I still have a butt, lol. My hubbs always calls me heart booty, and in the last few weeks he's been calling me no heart booty. I'm really concerned that it's leaving and I'm scared it won't come back, lol. Vain, I know, but I don't want to lose it. He says I still have a butt, and that he's just teasing, but I think it's cause my waist is practically non-existent at this point, lol. I'm fine with taking on more hips after my munchkin gets here, just please let my waist come back and my bottom stay in tact!
Christie-I have had the sitting upright discomfort for a while now-can't stand it!

nodoubt-super cute bump-I am super tiny, so is my tush, so my belly is making me look almost tush-less! hahaha!

I have gained about 22 lbs so far-dr. mentioned I had not gained much between last apt-but I go to two dif offices which means 2 dif. scales....she may tell me to eat more (I have a feeling) if she doesnt see much weight gain again tomorrow at my apt....I agree the apts seem pointless but there must be some reasoning behind it! =) I personally dont mind leaving work to go as I love to hear babys hb and that he is doing okay!
Great news about Fia Broody!!

Congrats on being an aunt soon Walker!!

Count me in the every 2 weeks appts are lame club. I have my next one on Wed. Blah.

I am up 18 pds as of a few days ago. I know I ate a ton last night for Easter though so I am sure I gained a tiny bit more!! Baby boy sure loved that key lime pie!!

Our Breastfeeding Basics class is tomorrow night. I'm actually quite excited to learn about it. I really haven't read much about BF so it will def help us a bunch. Hubby is going to go too in case I forgot something and so he understand and I will have him for support - I have a feeling its going to be a ton of info!

P.S. Yeah for being under 60 days til Due Date!!
My appointment today showed 2.2lbs in a week:blush:
I need to be able to walk around more.
Two-you can only do so much being on strict rest for so long! I would not worry about it, those silly extra pounds should fall right off soon after baby comes!

Snow-I also am signed up for a breastfeeding class! It is a 2hour class for dh and i next monday evening...I think I am more excited for the birthing class in may though-it will mean I am only 3-4 weeks away from meeting my son and I am totally needing to learn breathing methods!!
Having a rough day today. My 3 hour glucose results came back and I failed again. So I officially have gestational diabetes. Now I'm second guessing everything I eat and my appointment with the diabetes center isn't until Friday.

As if the 2 week appointments weren't enough, now I have more to add in. Oh what we go through for these little ones!
Sno, yay for being under 60 days!

Two, I wouldn't worry about the lbs either. You're still doing wonderfully on the weight gain overall. Have you lost anymore of your mucus plug or any other changes?

Almost, I still haven't signed up for the BF class, I keep forgetting. I will have to do that tomorrow for sure, but I can't do an evening class. I'm back to not being able to stay awake in the evenings and hubbs is a student and he does homework in the evenings. If all they have is evening I'll ask my doc to recommend some reading. I should look into breathing techniques as well, but I really think being able to change birthing positions will help which I've already checked with a few different docs at my office and they're all fine with it.
Gosh are, I'm sorry. A girl at my job is dealing that and she hates it, although they are managing it with diet. She's 38 weeks now so she's about ready to go anyway. Hopefully you won't have to make hugely drastic changes and it is something they can manage with diet for you as well.
Even though I haven't gained any weight in the last 2 weeks, my MW said that's ok because I had gained 8 lbs in the prior 4 week period, so I'm evening out. I think I've still gained the most here, I'm sitting at about 28lbs. I feel better knowing that I"m not continually gaining 2lbs a week though.

That sucks about the GD. I know the MW had scared me into changing my diet early to avoid it. That lasted about 2 weeks for me.

I'm having issues finding a nanny. I thought I had two good prospects, but they have stopped responding to me. So I checked out a home daycare yesterday. The lady was nice enough and had all her credentials in order, but I don't know if she'll still have her two openings after Leo is ready for daycare and I don't want to put my son in daycare now and then have to pay for the daycare spot while I"m on maternity leave just to keep the spot open for him. So I"m taking a chance that come the end of June both spots will still be open.
Became an auntie at 10:30pm last night! No foolin! :)

Back pain has become intolerable, though. I thought I was going to be physically sick on my walk to work and had to keep finding excuses to double over (like looking for something in my purse which I set down on the sidewalk). Oooh, I hope a chiropractor will help and that one can see me ASAP!
Congrats Walker! And I hope you can find some relief soon. I walked into my sister's house this morning carrying my son and told her that carrying him made my whooha hurt. Come to find out, it wasn't just lifting him. I practically limped from the car to my office this morning. I've given up taking the stairs. I'm just too sore and out of breath anymore.

I think the whole ligament loosening and such has begun. Bring on the pregnancy waddle!
Congrats walker!

Christie hope those spots work out.

I hurt my own feelings yesterday when I caught a glimpse of myself in a storefront window and saw that even though I thought I was walking perfectly normal, I was waddling, lol. Someone told me I had started to waddle and I dismissed if but I guess it's true, lol.
Congrats walker that is great.

No doubt- I was wondering yesterday if I was waddeling to and when ever I say anything to my oh he gives me a side ways look ans says I love you lol also got the same yesterday when I said my legs look like there thicker.

As for some of the show coming out the doc is not worried and said that most likely it would have reformed as scan looks great and lo seems very content in there. I think I will get between 36 to 38 weeks as I can stop the pergesterone and can start back all bedroom activitie.

My first tri morning sickness has come back and I have to get up extra early for breakfast or I end up dry reaching, I also cant eat anything sweet as that makes me sick to, no more take outs witch is a good thing to.

Christie - I also went five weeks with know weight gain and put on 2lbs this week an 2 the week before. I was told can be normal to have sudden or no weight gain I just hope my sudden gain does not continue on to the end lol.
Two, sounds like your check up went fabulous! So glad to hear they're expecting you to go longer!
Chiropractor can see me at 5:00 . . . can't wait. This day has been torturous!
rae-sorry to hear about your GD =(

walker-congrats auntie!!

ladies-it is super late and I need rest-will do more personals later!!!! <3
OMG, I'm such an achy cranky mess right now. I couldn't sleep last night, I just couldn't get comfortable. Laying on my right side seemed to pinch a nerve that made it hard to breath, laying on my left, left my hip numb, this morning I feel like that nerve is still pinched making it hard to breath. Walking is painful.

I have to keep reminding myself only 8 more weeks (hopefully a tad less). Leo keeps stretching in ways where I jump because he pinches or pokes too hard. I think we are both just uncomfy right now.

Come Friday when we hit 32 weeks there's no going back if Leo decides to make his debut. I'm hoping he doesn't come any sooner than 36 weeks, but I was told they won't try to stop labor after 32.

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