Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Christie-is there a reason you think he may come early? And I also have the uncomfortable stretching and poking around in my ribs and pelvic area-not fun! A tad bit painful and most def. uncomfortable! Hope you get a better sleep tonight Christie!

AFM got to sleep in a tiny bit-going to meet my class at a field trip since it makes more sense with my commute. I co-teach so the other teacher and my director get to take the nice 45 minute bus ride. I get SO bus sick and now that I am pregnant I would like to stay away from those big bumpy rides anyway!

Have a great day all!
Nothing medical or anything making me think he's going to come early. I just figure I'd want out if all my space was running out :) At times I feel like he's going to deliver himself Alien style :haha:

I also feel like all of sudden my birth canal has decided to widen and not slowly but all at once it's been so sore the last day. I figured with the rest of the pregnancy being so easy, the fact that all the aches and pains have just come at once, something is bound be on the verge of happening.

Once we hit 36 weeks, I'm going to start the process of home remedies of bringing on labor, with the thought that it will take at least a week for anything I try to build up enough umph to get things rolling. Baby is full term at 37 and I"m too excited/impatient to meet him already.
Hopefully you'll sleep better tonight Christie! I'm still sleeping well, but I get uncomfortable pokes more in my pelvic area than anything. I think my spread is happening too. My hips have been achy for the past few days like things are moving apart. I do think this munchkin is coming early, how early I don't know. But people are commenting that I look like in carrying low. One woman even said she thought I looked lower today than I did yesterday. I feel like I've dropped a bit in the past month or so and the fact that I'm not getting the awful rib jabs only tells me he's not as high as he could be. I feel them up there sometimes, big they don't hurt, its not uncomfortable...that's all going on in my lady bits. Hopefully he won't come too early, maybe sometime next month. But with my luck he'll be stubborn like his mom and wait it out, lol.
Oh gosh . . . I'm having a great day! Pretty much pain-free since I woke up despite a couple walks, a couple car rides, a half hour meeting and now sitting at my desk. Yesterday I thought I would die after just about 10-15 minutes of sitting or riding or walking or standing. So far, knock on wood, today has been incredible after weeks of pain.

Maybe the chiropractor helped? He put me on my stomach on the pregnancy pillows and aligned my hips and did some things around my upper back, then put me on my back and cracked my neck (which was loud and scary and hurt . . . didn't like that part), then I lay on the massage machine for eight minutes, which was incredible, though I wonder what Baby O thought of the roller coaster! I go back again today at 5:00pm for a follow up, I guess. I was debating asking him not to do my neck, though, if he tries.

Anyway . . . I feel like I used to after coming out of a miserable migraine. I'm elated and it's like I've been given new life! Hahaha.
I know just how you feel christie, I dont remeber the last time I had a good night sleep with all his pocking, kicking and head banging into my groin and then there is the peeing, I am up evey hour to hour and a half and I think he kicked my hard in my stomach as I woke up with bad cramping there and hard to breath for a couple of min.

My oh and I had also talked about trying to get things going about 36 weeks and my doc said that it would be fine then to.
There is a swab test that I have had done that can tell you if you are going to give birth within the next two weeks (some type of something lol is released into your body) and is 99% accurate so if you go into labour after you try to get things started it means you would most likely have anyway.. amazing what they can do, they just can tell when or if your waters will break.
Two, did they do this swab test at the hospital, or was it something store bought?
Has anyone been able to tell if your feeling head or butt? Leo used to be head down, but I think I feel his head up now. At least there is a fairly large hard bulge at the top of my tummy now.
Christie could it be his bum? I thought my lo had fliped and was head up but he was still head right down in my groin
Ahhhh allergies and achy right calf D: anyone else experience the achy feeling? Its not really a cramp cause its been going on for a few hours now and it just feels kinda like that achiness you get when your cold? Its just in my right leg though. I went to the midwife yesterday. Mentioned my menstrual feeling, braxton and back aches. She told me not to worry as long as I don't bleed. She decided not to check for dilation because she was worried she might upset my cervix. I don't go back till 36 weeks though, which is weird I thought I was supposed to go to biweekly appointments around this time? Sigh I don't know, I really am disappointed with my midwife and if I can get a hold of a fetal Doppler I am going to try my best to have a home birth.
Virtues bum is off to the right and it feels a bit more firm than the rest of my belly. His hear is down and that feel hard too.
No, haven't had any of that may, sorry. Can you see someone else?
I have had BH since Saturday. I asked my doctor about it when I went on Tuesday and she didn't seem to worried either. I go every 2 weeks now for a while.
My energy level has definitely gone down. Back pain - swollen legs and feeling like I have to pee all of the time are also normal I guess. Third trimester is not as fun as second trimester for sure.
I definitely feel achey. Though mine feels more like a pinched nerve. When I sit for too long, I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen and like I"m on the verge of passing out. Leo must be up in my lungs somewhere. Standing eases that up though and the cold air outside seemed to help this morning.

I feel like I get a contraction whenever I stand up though, which I find weird. They don't worry me though since I don't get them sitting down. I figure if they actually meant anything then I'd get them no matter what.

Edit: I just noticed Leo has dropped, there is a lot of space between my belly and my bbs where there didn't used to be much. Maybe this means breathing will get easier.
No BH yet, as far as I know! I have gotten some calf charlie horses in the night that I remedy by flexing my foot.

I can feel little and bigger hard spots (hands, feet, bum, head) but I never know what I'm feeling! The midwife said he was head down at my appointment on Monday.

I've been getting physically tired more easily lately for sure. I had to keep sitting down on the toilet seat while doing my makeup because I just felt too tired to keep standing!
Oh - and after a chiropractor visit on Tuesday, I felt great yesterday until the evening . . . but today, the pain is back! I'm so focused on trying to get comfortable and relieve the pain that I can't even get anything done off my to-do list. Grrrr.
Had my checkup today. Everything is still going well. HB was 150 which is what it's been the last I don't know how many checkups. He's still head down and although he seems to favor my right side, she felt is bottom right in the middle of my belly. But I was laying flat on my back, so I don't know if that has something to do with it or not. Luckily she said he doesn't feel low, I was a little concerned cause he feels so low to me, but he's in there nice and snug.

I asked a few random amazes me how I keep coming up with questions every appt, lol. But I asked what to bring to the hospital for him and she said a blanket, an outfit for pics, and of course the car seat. He gets to stay with me the entire time, unless something goes wrong, but I'm not thinking that way. She said that he would be delivered to my chest and stay there for a few minutes then be taken to the warmer that's in the room with me to be weighed, measured, cleaned, etc. then given back to me to breastfeed. But he never leaves the room if I don't want him to...and I don't want him to! She said that after 36 weeks they won't stop active labor. They said they would stop until then as long as my water hasn't broken. If it breaks in between now and 36 weeks they'll have to decide which road to go depending on the situation. Weekly appts start at 36 weeks.

I seem to have gained 4lbs according to their scales, but according to mine I've gained 2. In my defense I had on heavier clothes today than I normally do, lol. Plus, tmi moment, I've been going to the bathroom twice a day everyday. I'm really not even sure how to be honest. But she said my weight gain is still ok, so whatever. Told her that I was having BHs and she said if I have 4 or more in an hour that I need to call.

So all in all everything is still going well!
sounds like everyone is doing fairly well! i am also easily tired...and now have to let dh give me my vitamin b-12 shot...relaxing right? Then off to take my iron supplement for my anemia. P.S does anyone notice "leaking"....I have had two times where I thought I was just super sweaty down there, but then today i really felt a flow almost like I peed myself-it leeks right through yoga pants and leggings and is super embarrassing...for a second i thought my water broke i leaked so much today-and I had just peed-so not sure if its leaking urine or just super liquidy discharge...hoping it is normal...
Almost I don't have any leaking. Are you sure it's urine? If not you should call your ob. You don't want to be leaking amniotic fluid. They say you can test it with the squeeze test, so when your leaking squeeze, like you would to stop urine flow, and if it stops then it's urine. If not it may be amniotic fluid. I will sometimes get a glob of creamy cervical mucus, but that's been happening since pregnancy and its maybe once or twice a month.

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