Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

I'm so jealous of all of you who got/get scans. Two you got a cute little man there. The last time I saw my LO was around 20 weeks. I really want to try to go natural, though I'm scared of the pain from tearing. I think I can deal with the contraction pain, as long as it doesn't last 48 hours straight.

They say doing a lot of walking pre labor helps to shorten labor time, so I plan on making a lot of use of my treadmill starting this weekend. I'll probably still opt for an IV though as I'm afraid of getting dehydrated. I"m not very good at drinking enough water and when I"m cramping and such, consuming anything is the last thing on my mind.
I thought of opting for an IV too just in case things get to that point, I don't want to have to sit and wait for them to get that in and deal with the pain of labor at the same time. Just to have it in place just in case basically. I was afraid of the pain of tearing too, but I read there are certain oils, like vit E, that you can run in that area and kind of massage which is supposed to help with preventing tearing, and exercising the pelvic floor is supposed to help with preventing that. But I kind of figure pushing a human through such a small space will be pain enough that the I won't even notice the tearing...hopefully.
Just ease you guys minds a little - the class I took on Sat said that only 26% of woman tear so it's a pretty low number.

The hospital I will be going to will automatically put in an IV line for everyone - just in case. You may not use or need it but it is already there so they can get meds or whatever to you quickly if there is an emergency or whatever. I am sure they will do the same for you guys as it seems quite logical and precautionary.

Super cute pic Miss A. Jealous of your scan! I haven't seen him since Week 17. :(

30 days til DD!! Totally expecting him to be late though!!
My hospital said it's up to us, we don't have to have the IV, but I'm getting one just in case.

Snow I can't believe you think he's gonna be late. Even if I thought that I'd still be saying he's coming early, lol. I'm so ready. And this is the part I dread waiting it out cause we obviously don't know when things are gonna kick into gear. Everyday it's like "is it gonna be today?" I can wait a couple more weeks, but after that I know I'll be insane and constantly telling him to get a move on, lol.
I too think Leo is going to be late, even though I keep trying to convince him (and me) that he'll be nice and come a week early. I just don't feel any changes. Right now I"m pretty comfortable when I'm not doing much. And I get the feeling that Leo is happy right where he is, even if he's a little squished.

I can't believe tomorrow I'll be able to say he's due 'this' month. Though I'm pretty sure he'll show up on June 2nd.
omg - omg. I had my Dr.'s apt this morning and baby is fully engaged and I am 2cm dialated and my cervix is soft and ready. She told me no more walking or waterfit and to stay off my feet for 2 weeks. She wants me to come in on Thurs to meet the other Dr. bc she is going away on the weekend incase I deliver. I am not ready yet. I don't want to stay off my feet I want to clean and shop and have this baby in 35 days!
Sorry no personals...might be having a panic attack. Hopefully she stays in a while - oh boy.:wacko:
How exciting MissA! I know it would be better if she stayed in a couple more weeks, but she is far enough along now to be a happy healthy baby, even if it doesn't leave you enough time to clean! She's just to excited to meet mommy!

I'm sure if that was the result of my apt, I wouldn't be able to sit still either. The more I try to sit still the more I would probably figure out I have to do.
Yeah, I hear ya. I can't relax now. Do you think that she is going to come soon?
I don't think there's really anyway of knowing for sure. My sister was dilated for a few weeks before they tried to induce her. I think she got up to 4 cm during induction. They ended up sending her home to wait it out. She went into labor a week and a half later and wasn't dilated at all at that point and her LO had turned around into a breach position. She just didn't want to come out! And my sister being over due was out raking leaves and doing all sorts of stuff to get things moving.
When I met with our Pediatrician he said his wife was 2 cm at 36 weeks and delivered a week later. I guess everyone is different. Can you un-dialate??
Christie, have you tried kegels and perineal massage? That can do wonders as far as not tearing. I haven't worked up to courage to do the massage yet haha.

As for me, I'm hoping to have a natural birth at the local midwife center. They're amazing! You labor in the comfort of your own home until 5-1-1 (contractions five minutes apart, lasting a minute each, for one hour), then go to the center to be with a midwife - all are certified nurses as well. The rooms are just like lovely, comfortable bedrooms with a bathroom attached that has a jacuzzi tub you can labor in. No IVs, so you can also move around and give birth in whatever position is comfortable, and you can eat and drink, and they have birthing balls and chairs and stools and four-poster beds to help with squatting. Anyone can be in there that you want (I think just DH and my mom for me, with my dad and the in-laws hanging out in their kitchen), and they do immediate skin to skin for an hour or two barring any problems, and nursing right away. And DH can catch the baby and cut the cord (once it stops pulsating). And after a bit of cuddle time the nurse makes you breakfast regardless of the time of day haha. And you can bring music and candles and anything else you want. It's just . . . so nice. There's a chance I'll have to birth in the hospital, but a midwife would go with me should that happen. Crossing my fingers I get to have a lovely and calm birth at the birthing center!
So exciting MissA! Hope she stays in there as long as you want her to though. Sucks that you can't do much though. Maybe send the hubbs out to do the last minute shopping?

I wish they did cervical checks here earlier than a week or two before the delivery date. I have a feeling I won't even get to have that checked. It's probably a good thing cause as soon as they said something to me I would freaking trying to hurry the process and wondering when it was gonna happen, lol. I'm such a nut.

Walker the birthing center sounds lovely. And yummy...breakfast. I love breakfast food, lol.
I looked into the massaging, but then I read that Drs and MWs weren't sure that really had any benefit and the best bet is to do spontaneous pushing, which I'm hoping to do. And have my MW guide me as to when I should stop pushing to give me time to stretch and not have anyone tell me when to push.
3 cm Dilated! 50% Effaced! All in one week! :D So excited! I bled a lot after the cervix check today :/
My hospital is the same way with the IV. Everyone gets one just in case since they need to put a whole bag of fluid in you before an epidural or spinal for a c-section and they don't want to have to go digging around in an emergency situation. I'm really not looking forward to it. I hate IVs. They're uncomfortable and I always feel like I need to pull it out because it is just wrong feeling something under my skin.

MissA and Natalie - How exciting! I don't go back in until next Thursday but I'm hoping to get some progression news like you!

I'm also walking everyday. I'm supposed to anyway because of GD so hopefully that will move things along. I felt like I would go late too but now I'm anxious not to since they'll induce me if they see anything unusual on any of my monitoring scans. I'm higher risk because of GD so I'd really like baby to get things going on her own instead of having to be induced.
We are the same with iv, its a must but they also have to you the biggest size needle needed, I had one of them put in at 24 weeks and hurt like a bitch but im sure with the labour pains we wont even notice.

I was told that first sign of a contraction ans I am to be put in hospital till baby is here as they said with such a short cervix as soon as the contractions turn to labour everything will prob happen super fast. I just hope I dont contract for hours or days.

I asked when they will check dilation and they wont till I am admitted to hospital so no internals for me.

Was allowed to go for my first walk today so went to the shops and got baby book to record everything and a yummy muffin. When I got home my oh was here for a quick stop off between jobs and said he felt like a right dick because when he got home and could not see me he thought I was hiding to give him a fright so he snuck around the whole house jumping into rooms to get me first lol he scaled the whole house till he realized I was out.. how cute haha
Two that's funny.

I had my apt today. They won't do internal check until 38 weeks BUT I got a lovely surprise that the MW scheduled me for a position/growth ultrasound for next week. I'm so excited to see my LO!

Though at first she scared me a little because she's like yep he's head down, then she got this weird look on her face and was like, your baby either has two heads's really hard here and here, but here (at the top of my uterus) isn't round like a head and head's don't move like that. Apparently my LO has a VERY bony butt! :) But just to verify his position and because they usually do 35 week growth scans for IVF, I get a scan next week.

I also lost 3lbs, likely from the swelling going down and being sick last week. So I averaged just a 4lb gain in 4 weeks, so right on track.

She aslo 'prescribed' evening primrose. She said it won't bring on labor, but will hopefully prevent me being late. So 1 500mg pill 3x day for a week, then 2 pills 3x day for a week, then 3 pills 3x day until birth. And lots of walking.
Nat your time is coming really soon it sounds like! So exciting! Can't wait to hear birth stories!

So jealous of you ladies that a. get cervical checks around this time, and b. are dialated/effaced already, lol. I think I can swing a cervical check if I play up the whining a bit...that's how I got an u/s at 9 weeks, lol. But really trying to wait it out. Plus I still don't want him hear until 37 weeks so I can definitiely wait.

I have an appt tomorrow so we'll see how things go. I'm sure it will be just like the rest of the appts, a million questions, listen to the heartbeat, see you next time.

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