Christie, have you tried kegels and perineal massage? That can do wonders as far as not tearing. I haven't worked up to courage to do the massage yet haha.
As for me, I'm hoping to have a natural birth at the local midwife center. They're amazing! You labor in the comfort of your own home until 5-1-1 (contractions five minutes apart, lasting a minute each, for one hour), then go to the center to be with a midwife - all are certified nurses as well. The rooms are just like lovely, comfortable bedrooms with a bathroom attached that has a jacuzzi tub you can labor in. No IVs, so you can also move around and give birth in whatever position is comfortable, and you can eat and drink, and they have birthing balls and chairs and stools and four-poster beds to help with squatting. Anyone can be in there that you want (I think just DH and my mom for me, with my dad and the in-laws hanging out in their kitchen), and they do immediate skin to skin for an hour or two barring any problems, and nursing right away. And DH can catch the baby and cut the cord (once it stops pulsating). And after a bit of cuddle time the nurse makes you breakfast regardless of the time of day haha. And you can bring music and candles and anything else you want. It's just . . . so nice. There's a chance I'll have to birth in the hospital, but a midwife would go with me should that happen. Crossing my fingers I get to have a lovely and calm birth at the birthing center!