Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Christie - My feet have been swelling like crazy too! I spent hours in the nursery today putting up finishing touches and organizing. By the time I was done, my feet looked like balloons. They still haven't gone back down to normal yet but I blame that on the heat.

I had my weekly appointment today with my bi-weekly bio scan. Our little girl is very stubborn. She refused to move today and napped through the whole scan. They had me try coughing, walking, and wiggling my belly around but she barely did enough movements for them to measure so I had to do the non-stress test again. Everything was fine as usual and she was extremely active the rest of the day. 2 centimeters dilated today and 50% effaced - slow progress but we're still moving in the right direction!
I wonder who will go next too! I'm not opposed to it being me, lol. My feet were swollen yesterday, but the only time they swell is when it's warmer like yesterday and it was humid. I expect the same today, but luckily its not too bad during the day when I'm inside. As soon as I step outside to come home though they get puffy. Its over by the time I actually get home, lol...big ol' puff balls.

I don't know about the walking either. I've been saying I'm gonna go and actually wanted to yesterday but Knubia was so hot when I got home and I didn't want her to overheat. Then I thought about myself and the heat and that was a no go. Maybe the weekends in the mornings if it's cool out. I don't want to walk around with swollen feet all day though.

This water retention sucks though. I feel like one day in one weight then the next I've gained 5lbs. Not to mention I've become bloated lately. I'm not constipated bit sometimes going is a little hard, but I still go 2 or 3 times a day...weird.

I wish these contractions would kick in and actually stick around for all of us. I'm so ready to get this show on the road. Everytime I get a contraction ok hoping it will keep going. Tonight it lasted a bit but then if

I called the hubbs to see about him picking me up at work and he and all his staff thought this was it. When it wasn't he just said false alarm and everyone was disappointed, lol. I'm hoping I either do in the middle of the night or while I'm at work and can avoid traffic either way seeing how no ones on the road in the middle of the night and the hospital is right up the street from my job. I've been thinking about carrying a change of clothes with me just in case my water does break at work.
No Doubt - They asked me at work what the plan was if I go into labor there. They were sweet and offered to drive me home but I live really close to work and my husband works from home so I figure I'll just call him and have him pick me up if that happens.

Tonight is put everything together night hopefully. We still have a few things that need to be assembled, like the glider, and they're all sitting in boxes in the middle of our living room. I'm hoping we can get that done this weekend and then it might actually feel like we're a little prepared.
People asked me the same thing and I said I guess it would be a short trip to the hospital, lol. I'd probably go home first though if my water hadn't broken. I'll labor at home as long as possible then go in once its time.

Speaking of, even though my docs keep telling me to come in at 5-1-1 the lady in triage said not to since I'm planning on a natural birth. She said they obviously like to monitor everything which means I'll be hooked up to stuff and obviously a bit restricted by it all. So she said labor at home as much as, shower, rest, whatever. She said to come in a bit later when I'm almost at the point of feeling like I have to bear down and push. That would be ideal for me as I don't want to be there forever.
Miss A-yes, this is SO exciting! Glad you got more stuff on mothers day. A students mom at my work gave me a big box of diapers and another mom gave me a giftcard to babies r us which i will probably also use on diapers. I had braxton hicks contraction yesterday finally, hadn't had a solid one that stuck out for a while, and more gas cramps and stomach aches and diahreah I hope this little guy is comming soooon! =)
Almost - I've read diarrhea is a good sign of pending labor. Fingers crossed that your LO is getting ready to meet you.

MissA - That's so cute about your DH's nervous energy.

Well Leo has officially gotten too big for work. The only clean maternity shirt I had for work today is a bit short. I'll be constantly pulling it down today. Which means I only have 4 maternity shirts appropriate for work now. So Leo if your listening you have to come out before next Friday because mommy doesn't have enough clothes to wear!
Haha Chrisite. I feel ya. Baby Boy has gotten too big for PJ's. Last night, I had wear a pair of hubby's boxers and one of his T-Shirts for the 1st time. No more cute shorts and tank tops for me. :(

Almost - Sounds like some good progress going on over there.

MissA - Awe. Hubby sounds super cute doing all the stuff around the house for you!

No Doubt - It's been so warm here too that my feet are swelling too. Little sausage feets!

Two - I like Miss A's advice. Try the prunes and prune juice. These are some things that work for me: Dried apricots. Apple Juice. Lots of grapes or cherries too. Lots of fresh fruit and veggies. And drink lots of water! I'm backed up too but not as bad. I go only every other day to every 2 days. I am even on a high fiber diet where I use a high fiber Cereal, a fiber bar and extra fiber bread. I get >25g of Fiber every day but have been on this for over 3 years bc I have always had "bathroom" issues.

Rae - Hope you were able to get all the last finishing nursery items all done last night!

I didn't have anything exciting happen last night. Oh well. So excited for them to check on Tuesday although I wouldn't be surprised if I am still Nada!! It will at least give me an idea of anything is going on. My mom has plane tickets booked to come down next Saturday the 25th - so I have to tell her to come or to cancel the tickets. I guess this will give us an idea on what to do.
If you don't like prunes, plums and plum juice is a different option. Does the same thing.
Sounds like ye're all making good progress girls!! :thumbup:

For those of you who are worried about "going" during delivery I can honestly tell ye that I wouldn't even have noticed if I did!! (And maybe I did, who knows!! :haha:) Believe me, any sense of embarassment vanishes once everything starts!

One thing I was not prepared at all for was the night sweats afterwards! Woke up absolutely drenched every night & went on for weeks!! That was obviously in the section of the pregnancy book that I didn't get to!!! :dohh:
Never would have thought of that...or even thought that it was a possibility. I haven't heard anyone tell me anything about that.
Thanks ladies :hugs: I am on all of that as well as 3 apples a day 12 glasses of water and that don't include the 3 I drink at night I'm constantly peeing and drinking lol. The doc I talked to yesterday thinks baby has given me an obstruction of the bowels and said to try a couple.of things today and if that does not work then I will have to go back to the ward. I find all this embarrassing :blush: but what can I do:shrug:
Nothing you really can do hun. Sucks, but hopefully if you do have to go back to the ward, they will be able to do something about it then.

Newest update for me. I went to my regular appt today and he did a check for me. He said he didn't feel much of cervix there. He said 50-60% effaced at this point which is up from 40% just a few days ago. So I'm hoping this means things are going to progress quickly. Definitely going walking tomorrow morning and Sunday morning before it gets hot and gonna continue on the ball and with bd as often as I can. He said I'm still not dialated any but is hoping the dilation begins soon. Come on Virtue...mama is so ready!
My feet and ankles have definitely been turning into puffballs the past couple days!

My plan for if I go into labor at work is to call my husband (who also works downtown) to come and meet me and then walk with me to the car - I figured I'd rather walk with him at that point then wait for him to pick me up. Then, we'll go home and I'll labor there till I'm ready to go to the hospital. If he doesn't pick up, I call again. Then text. Then call his work phone. Then start calling his coworkers. :)
Haha walker that's definitely the route I'm taking if hubbs doesn't answer his phone!
My belly has dropped today :happydance::happydance: and been getting period like cramps and has one painful bh in the night.
Come on baby :baby:
yay two!!! Sounds like what I have been experiencing for the past 3 days if I count today, come on babys!!!! =)
Yay for progress two!
Can't wait for these babies to get here. Hubbs thinks Virtue will be here by next weeks cause I'm thinning so fast. I hope he's right. He asked the doctor what he though about him coming soon and the doc said possibly, you never know. I hope so. I hope I dilate as quickly as I thin out...quicker even, lol. Bout to go for a walk before it starts warming up.
Two - keeping my fingers crossed for you that your LO is starting his arrival effort.

I was up more than usual last night to pee. I'm also sore this morning (back, belly, etc), making me wonder if I slept through some strong BHs or if I just slept hard last night.

I took my 38 week bump pic and you can definitely see that Leo has dropped in the last 4 weeks. I can't believe he's gotten so much bigger in the last 4 weeks.


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nodoubt & christie-sounds like things are starting to move for you both too! christie-you def. dropped I would say!!!
I said the same thing Christie. I can't believe how much bigger Virtue's gotten either...and how heavy. Sometimes I wonder if he's dropping because he's heavy, lol.

I sure hope things keep moving along Almost. I want to meet my little man. There is a girl at my job whose pregnant...a few day behind me...with her second and she's so relaxed about it. I wonder if this is because it's her second so she's been here already. I feel so anxious. I can't wait for him to get here. I mean, I'm waiting cause I don't have a choice, but I just keep wondering when it's officially gonna happen...when am I gonna have solid consistent contractions and actually end up in labor and delivery?!?!?

My walk this morning was so nice. It was only about 60 degrees and Knubia and I enjoyed ourselves. Luckily my belly wasn't hurting like it was the last time either. We'll get up and do it again tomorrow. There was this one spot though where there was a little bit of a hill and I thought I was gonna suffocate half way through it, lol, but other than that it was good.

Gonna clear out the foyer by the kitchen today...that's where all the stuff we won't need right away is currently...the gates, feeding stuff and baby bullet items, as well as the high chair and swing. I think I'll leave the swing out though, that can be used fairly soon...right? And I'll clear off the table which is where all the new items we've gotten from people just doesn't stop, lol. And then sweep and mop the floor and wipe down the counter tops. Just have to stay busy in the hopes of continuing to move things along. If I have anything to say about it, hubbs will be right and we'll be holding Virtue next weekend!

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