Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

what was your fluid level? If it is below a 6 they usually induce

Mine went from a 16 to a 14 so they said if not a lot comes out then just come back Tuesday. My dr will induce below an 8 I think.

What was your level?

Edit: I just back tracked and saw it is already at a 6! That's crazy. Be careful how much moving around you are doing. We're you dilated? Was baby engaged? That's when you have to be careful too with low fluid with their head in you pelvis and them bumping the bones.
Aw-well something to look back and laugh about nodoubt!

I just woke up from an almost two hour nap. My mom and her friend who I know well are coming to visit and watch magic mike with me lol. I feel so lazy but I guess at this time it is very important to relax my body.

missa-yes 6 is very low which is why I am all worried-and to top it all off-I havent got my 10 movements from baby today-if no movements in a few hours I may just have to call my dr.-weird thing is I did not have leaking of fluid that I noticed at least but I have been drinking as much as possible.
Almost I hope everything is ok and fully understand your worry. I would have made the doc do a scan the next day as it would have done my head in. Good luck with everything.

Missa sounds like you will have your lo soon.. yay

I feel like I go one step forward two steps back.. lo had dropped for all of two days and then came back up(my oh says it's coz he likes to sick his thumb and there wasn't enough room down there) then the pass two days I have had cramps, sore bump, loosing little bits of plug, tightening and back pain and then today not a thing?? I think I have a while to go and will be last.

I have never dropped drinking tea, sometimes up to three a day and it's been fine and now I'm on raspberry leaf tea to. My sister drunk tons of tea with all her pregnancy and I do buy a coffee once in a while.. can't give everything up.
I'm doing the red raspberry leaf tea too right now. I've had other tea during the pregnancy, but I've had to read the ingredients.

I haven't started nor do I plan on reading any baby books. Baby Wise was suggested to me by the adoption agency, but I didn't want to put my baby on a forced schedule. I let him keep his own schedule and I wasn't/nor am I about to let him "cry it out" just to get him to sleep through the night. He still gets up most nights at least once, but with a quick diaper change and a bottle, he goes right back to sleep. It really doesn't bother me. I mean I'm up more than that to pee now-a-days :)
I just couldn't let a baby cry it would upset me to much.. my mum keeps saying to me to just do what I feel is right and not what others think is and we will fall into our own system that works for each individual. I'm going on instinct like mums did for us.
So I had an eventful day today. I went in for my bio scan and everything went great there, baby even did her breathing motions for once. Then I had my regular appointment and my blood pressure was high and didn't come back down so they sent me to labor and delivery to be monitored and see if they needed to induce me. Ugh! Two hours on the NST, two attempts at an IV, and a blood test and then they sent me home with instructions to keep off my feet. All the tests came back negative for preeclampsia. The labor and delivery nurse said they imagine they'll start considering induction once I get to 39 weeks. I guess we'll see.
Hey girls!
No time for a long post but just wanted to let you all know that Fia is home! :dance: Will try and catch up and do personals later. Have a great day! :D
Rae hopefully your lo will come naturally for you in the mean time or at things will calm down and you won't need to be induced.

Yay broody! So glad Fia is home!

Walker is there a new addition yet!?!?
Broody-congrats on having all family home now-so exciting-your journey

rae-that does not sound like a fun visit-what is up with 3 of us ladies having high blood pressure?! I find out today if I will be induced due to my blood pressure and fluid levels-appointment is just in a little over 2 hours from now!!! I am nervous but excited-even though I want baby to come on his own terms-I wouldn't mind at all meeting him today! eeek we will see!!!
So pissed right now. The place that I was gonna use for daycare currently doesn't have any room in that glass. So when the person told me to come back in may to get in for August, that was pretty much crap. Now I don't have daycare. They put me on the waiting list and said she would call July and let me know how things look. Perfect! Just one more thing that I have to take care of.
Good luck to day almost, I hope they don't have to induce you, or if they do, then things go smoothly and you get a happy and healthy LO in your arms.

NoDoubt, that is not cool of the daycare. They should have put you on the waiting list when you first called and then told to you to call back now to confirm.

LO is still not showing any signs of wanting to come out. I haven't noticed any plug, I've had some cerival tickling, but not necessarily during contractions and nothing painful.
Good luck today almost. Still hoping lo will be able to come on their own, but if not praying for a smooth delivery for you.

I know Christie. I was so pissed. I just stood in the shower and cried. I feel like I have to take care of everything...partially because I am so OCD and need everything to be perfect for lo, but also because hubbs just doesn't do stuff like this. He offered to look tonight online, but I'd already taken a vacation day today and this needs to be taken care of now, so I told him I'd just handle it...not how I planned on spending my mini vaca. This is the whole point of me looking when I was only 4 months along...I didn't feel like dealing with this now, nor did I think I would be able to find a place now. And then the lady said she would call me in July and see what it's looking like...REALLY?!?!? By then I'll have to be going back to work almost. I can't wait that long. But everything happens for a reason and I called a daycare that I was supposed to look at but didn't cause I liked this place. They will have room and they got me in for a tour today. So if I like it, I'm putting my deposit down today. I'm also going to call my mil and see if she will come stay for the last couple weeks or so of August to watch Virtue. Hubbs thinks she will just in case we need her too, so hopefully things will work out. I wouldn't even want to go to that place though now knowing this is how they do business.
Yay for Fia being home!

Best of luck today Almost! Thinking of you!

Total bummer deal No Doubt. I hope they can get their crap together in time for you! I had one daycare center said that "if they didn't have room for me the month I needed them than I would just have to have grandparents watch the baby for me or for me to stay out of work an extra month!!!" I was pissed! 1st of all grandparents live 11 hours away and I highly doubt work would not let me stay out an extra month!! How rude of them!!

Sounds like your next MissA! Any new progression?

I have a feeling Walker had her baby as she been MIA for a day or 2!! Hope she checks in soon!

I hear you girls on the cry it out method - pretty dang sure I could never do it. The book was recommended to me and I really have no idea what type of parenting style techniques it uses but I can assure you I can't and won't do CIO. But it's worth a shot to at least read it and see what it says - ya know? I am the type of person that likes too much information rather than too little!
I think walker had her baby too and I also think missA is next!

I am not opposed to cry it out depending. If there is a legitimate need im obviously not gonna let him sit there. But at the same time I don't want him to get used to someone picking him up all the time as soon as he cries. In the beginning I most likely will go to his every beck and call, at least until I learn his cries. Then as o get more comfortable I will let him wait it out a little bit, but if he goes on for too long I'll go to him. I believe in self soothing, but I don't believe in being cruel.

I don't think I would even go back there honestly after that. Better I found out now than after he was there and they pulled some crap like that. Plus mil said she would come up, which I knew she would. She so in love with him already, lol.

So the other day my undoes were soaked st one point...sorry tmi. It wasn't fluid, just discharge which they said happens now as things thin out. I had on a panty liner but that was practically pointless so I've started carrying a change of undoes and more panty liners. I've also been having more cramps and I feel like every time I get up to pee in the middle of the night a bh follows. Maybe its the bh that's waking me up and not really having to go pee. He feels so heavy on everything down there. Even my walls and the outside of my lady have been aching.
Snow - all yesterday I stayed in bed I had a ton of pressure and bh in my back and front. I thought I lost a lot of my plug already it was like thick brown mucus chunks but last night I lost the plug for sure it was huge and gross and thick fleshy looking thing in the toilet. Sorry tmi it's gross but if you see if now maybe you won't be as freaked as I was. I have been having my bloody show since then. Bright red streaked clear mucus. I'm feeling better today so I don't really know when this could happen. According to the dr it could be anytime now or two weeks from now - nobody knows. I'm worried because I am already 4cm and I read that bloody show is a sign of dilation so I'm anxious now because my hospital is an hour away and what if I don't contract or lose more fluid but dilate more? Y friends water broke a d only some came out and the rest came out at the hospital during her big contractions so what if I don't get a clear ' go to the hospital ' sign?
I've been noticing a tenderness down there. I've moved on from wearing liners to a light flow pad. I'm just so paranoid about my water breaking at work. I know if it gushes a pad will be useless, but if I just get some extra leaking, like my mom did, then I hope I'll be ok.

I too get a BH every time I get up to pee at night, or any time I stand up really.

On a side note, that maybe might help one of you in the future. The stroller I bought my son broke before he could use it without the carseat (the back of the seat folded so won't support him sitting in it). I wrote to the maker (Safety 1st) to see if they have a replacement part and they don't for that particular piece so they are sending me a whole new stroller for free! All I had to do was send them a 5" piece of strap, the model sticker off it, and a 5"x5" piece of fabric. The stroller I have now is still useful with the carseat, but now I'll have another brand new stroller. So if something breaks check with the company before just tossing it. Some times they'll just send a free replacement part or a whole new item.
MissA hopefully you'll have contractions that tell you its time to get a move on. I remember Nat feeling the same way and she was a bit far out from the hospital, but it all worked out for her. Hopefully you won't have to wait as long as she did though. Your progress seems to be coming along steadily.

Christie I bought some depends for after delivery and I packed on of those just in case my water breaks at work. I know they are gush proof, but if it does happen I figure afterwards that would be good for the leaking if they are supposed to be leak proof. That's one reason I've been wearing dresses lately...even if they are getting stuck up in my undies, lol.

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