yay congrats nodoubt! wow I feel like we have had lots of C-sections or maybe I have a horrid memory. I hope you are resting up and healing well nodoubt!
Christie - So sorry about the nosebleed but hooray for progression!
We do have a lot of c sections. Our little ones just got too comfy in there. I know they said Haylee literally clawed her way back up in my uterus. She caused some trauma to my bladder. So, she was definitely trying to stay in there.
My mw and nurse seem amazed by the lenvth of my contractions. The mw actually said an epi was a good choice when she saw my read out. They want to gef me laying on my side to help him get into the birth canal. I told them he wouldnt like it. They tried both sides anyway and now im n oxygen bc his heatrate plummeted. He is doing good now though.
The rest of the stats...21 inches, born at 1:13p. I will post more when I get home Wednesday as I'm on my phone along with pics. I will keep updating in the mean time though.
Christie so glad they admitted you finally. Good luck hun!
Made it to 6cm! Glad there is progress even if i cant feel.
Looks like Leo blocked the exit with a bunch of fluid so mw is going to try poking a hole in my bag to leak the fluid out. She says breaking it out right could cause the cord to tangle, so slow and steady is better.
He is also insisting that i lay tilled to my left and only that position. Not too far left and no right side. Back on O2 since his heartrate was All over the place when we tried a right tilt.
I hope all is going well for you christie.. cant wait to here when he is here.
Rung the hospital to see if I could get the sweep today as its a public holiday and works better with my oh with work, I wias told to ring back at 6 tonight and they saw know reason to why they could not do it about 8pm but I am not going to get my hopes up as I know they have been busy and unfortunately for me its the down fall of not been able to have my own midwife..
Leo Harold was born via csect at 12:05am june 3rd.
He was not handling the close contractions well. e wasnt Recovering his heartrate fast enough, so instead of breaking my bag or usinv pitocin to get labour progressing i agreed to csect so we could both end our week long labour. Everything went well.
I cant seem to post a pic using my phone so ill do that when i get to a computer.
Sweep was not to bad just a little uncomfortable with some spotting after. I have less than half of a finger length of cervix left so its very short, soft and opening so they said the sweep should go in my favour. My lo is nice and low and is already in the right position for coming out for birth... im hoping this all helps things move along.
Two i will try to wait patiently to see if the sweep works. Leo remained pretty high, the dr had to do quite a bit of pushing to get him out of of my ribs so he could be delivered. He also had a significant bit of meconium in his water, but seems unaffected. They were concerned about his glucose level at first since he is a little porker, but his test was fine.
afm-going in today-will ask about a sweep if I have any dilation, if not, I've heard of a cream that is supposed to help move things along. I also want to get an induction date set. So excited to go in...2 hours til my ultrasound and 2.5 til my prenatal appt =)
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