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Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

I do the bottle mostly but will do bf in the morning when I haven't pumped yet. I have to he honest though, I'm not really a fan of bfing. I'm fine with pumping so he can get the breast milk, but I'm just not getting that bonding experience. Plus it is nice to have a break when hubbs feeds him and hubbs loves it and he can experience the binding too that way.
That's the thing though is Allie isn't in her crib yet but she hates her bassinet so I've been falling asleep with her so I need to find another solution. Maybe she would hate it in there anyway because she's never slept in that room? I'm not sure if I'm ready for her to be in another room. Ugh I don't know what to do.

I haven't gotten my pump yet. My insurance told me they covered a pump but turns out they only cover a rental. That would still cost me $35 a month which isn't worth it because I'm not going back to work so won't be pumping that much. I haven't pumped yet but it would be nice to get a break.
Nicholas started sleeping in his crib when he was a month old. He was fine with it, but of course I was in there checking on him and making sure he was breathing several times a night.

I've given Leo a bottle a few times. I don't think he drinks as much from a bottle as he does when he breast feeds. I could probably try a faster nipple since he's used to the faster let down, but I'd rather he drink slower to avoid the reflux when using a bottle. I actually considered going exclusively bottle so I could use the slower nipple to see if that helps his reflux, but I find bf'ing more convenient right now than pumping, especially since he feeds so irregularly and often during his awake times and the longest he'll go is 2.5 hours.
We've been using a bottle in the morning so hubby can take the early feeding. I've been pumping at least once a day to try and build a supply. Haylee has been cluster feeding pretty much all day today and I can't keep up with the every 30 min feedings so we're going through my supply pretty quickly today. You'd think she'd be tired...I know I am!
Walker mine finally arrived a few days ago! Did you try it out yet? I got the same one =)

Hope all are well-liam is doing fantastic-sleeping 4.5/5 hour stretches at night! He is sleeping in my lap now as I was getting homework done and he was originally awake lol.
I'm still lucky if I get a stretch of 3 hours at night. During the day Leo is up for most of the morning, taking 20-30 minute cat naps. He naps in the afternoons for maybe an hour and half at a time, then I get 2.5-3 hour stretches at night. And in between that Nick may get up once or twice. Some how, my body has adjusted over the last 8 months between having Nick and getting up to pee at night during the pregnancy, to where I can actually function quite normally off of whatever amount of sleep I'm able to gather at night.

Anyone else missing being pregnant? I'm missing feeling Leo's little kicks and movements, though I'm happy to be able to hold him now.
I pumped for the first time today! Went pretty well (got about 2 oz). I thought my insurance only did rental too but the company I got the pump through treats if as a purchase as a pump shouldn't be used by more than one person.
Christie - Do you have a sling or wrap so you could do baby wearing? My wrap reminds me of how it felt when pregnant since she's right up against my body. It also helps to soothe Haylee (sometimes).

We're still working on the whole bedtime sleep thing too. The night Haylee screamed her head off and would not settle down for hours I ended up sleeping on the couch since she finally fell asleep in her pack and play downstairs. She ended up sleeping 5 hours that night. Wish she would sleep that long all the time without the screaming beforehand. Last night she was up about every 1.5 hours but I think we're going through a growth spurt. Most nights we get about 2-3 hours

My breastpump was also covered in full by insurance. I love it because this way hubby can bottle feed her in the morning so he gets some baby bonding time and I get a little sleep. Then when I wake I pump both sides and have been filling two playtex drop-ins to the 3oz mark. I've started freezing them to build up a supply for when I go back to work and for these growth spurt times when she wants to feed every 1.5 hours and my boobs can't take it.
I haven't bothered checking with my insurance to see if a breast pump is covered. I'm doing OK with the single pump my sister gave me (for now at least). With my overactive let down I get my 4-6 oz in less than 5 mins and I usually just pump once in the morning. I found that's when I'm fullest since he doesn't eat as often at night as he does during the day.

I don't have sling, or wait, I think I might somewhere. I actually bought it for my sister when she was pregnant 2 years ago, I'm just not sure what I did with it, but great idea.

Leo actually slept for 4 hours last night. Or at least I think he did. It's either that or I was too tired to record a feeding last night. But during that 4 hours Nick got up, so I still haven't had a solid 4 hours of continuous sleep. We may be getting there though fxd.

We did the Baltimore's Womens Classic 5k this morning. The boys were excellent. Nick was his charming self. The double stroller I used the front seat where Nick was sitting, doesn't have sides and he leans when he sits, so he was pretty much leaning out the side of the stroller the whole time. People kept commenting on his 'gangsta' lean. Tried to prop him up with blankets but he found a way to lean anyway. Leo just nursed on a bottle the whole time. I was just surprised that neither lost their minds during the 50 mins it took me to walk it. This is the 6th year my sister and I have done the race. It's so much fun. Lots of random people lining the route cheering on all the 'mommies', 'aunties', and friends. I even got a shout out crossing the finishing line! My mom ran the race with us one year for her 50th birthday. Totally recommend the race to anyone who does 5ks.
I miss regular sleep! Haylee really isn't too bad but I'd love a regular sleep routine again. Also, no poppy diapers today so of course I was worrying. I read breastfed babies can start going days in between poops at 4-6weeks and she still has plenty of wet diapers. Called my mom freaking out though.

How is everyone doing? This newborn thing is a lot tougher than I expected.
I really missed my bump & being pregnant when Fia was born. Felt cheated of 3 months of kicks etc. Kept resting my hand on my belly and then remembering there was no baby in there anymore!

Rae - Fia only has a dirty nappy about once a week. She started that from the week she came home from hospital. I was worried the first time too - every time I changed her I was praying she'd be dirty! Now I appreciate it for one of the advantages of bf'ing!! When it does happen its a serious explosion though!!!! :shock:

We've started having trouble getting Fia to fall asleep in her basket. Usually she falls asleep lying on her stomach on myself or dh's chest & then we move her. If she's in a really deep sleep then it's fine but usually asa soon as we place her on her back she wakes up. Then she starts moving and squirming and making little noises. Sometimes she settles but more often than not she either starts crying or she spits up and then we have to change the sheets etc etc Usually ends up with her back on one of our chests, sound asleep as soon as she puts her head on our heartbeats lol! On Tuesday night she fed at two hour intervals - first time she's ever done that!! Maybe she's having a growth spurt... Usually it's 4-6 hours at night time. Hats off to any of you that have los up every 2 hours :howdy: - it's exhausting!! Last night I decided I needed a good nights sleep so just kept her on my chest after the first feed at 2, didn't have the energy for putting her down, picking her up, settling her, putting her down, picking her up again...! To be honest I don't really mind all this too much - she'll be big before we know it and we were waiting long enough for her! When she's older it'll be different but right now I'm just going to enjoy the fact that she prefers me to the basket and treasure every cuddle!!!! :blush: I have to say though that I'd be lost without my wrap for when she doesn't want to go in the basket during the day!!! I'd get nothing done without it! (except a lot of tv watching :D)

Wow, that was a long ramble...! How's everyone else doing?

Edit - you know what I really miss?! Just being able to pop to the shop for a litre of milk or something... Everything is such a big production now!!!
Virtue got constipated twice recently when we switched his formula. I still pump and give what I can but obviously use formula for the rest. The doc said to give Karo syrup. The first time he went on his own but the second time needed a bit of help so I gave him a little. Worked within hours and holy poopy diaper! I really don't think he would have been able to pass that without some help or a lot of strain.

I miss being able to just pop in somewhere too. I usually wait for hubbs to get home when I have to run somewhere.
I miss going out for nice a lunch or dinner with my sister. I've taken Leo out to lunch with her once and breakfast once, but it was an ordeal both times. I haven't been out with Nick in a while, but I think he'd be ok now. If you give him something to gnaw on (he's teething) and/or a bottle he's pretty content.

Leo still has issues with reflux. I can't lay him flat at all it seems. I try to change his diaper just before he's ready to eat or an hour after he eats. If I wait until after he eats (even if I wait an hour) he seems to spit up. I'm pretty sure my production has decreased, as I can't get 6oz from one side at one time anymore, so I was hoping that would mean he would over eat less, but I still can't figure out what the key is to be able to lay him flat on his back. He's still sleeping/napping in the rock 'n play which keeps him at an incline and even then he still some times spits up. He'll spit up while being burped as well. I just hope it's not going to cause any permanent harm to him and that he'll out grow it fairly quickly.
Christie my lo has silent reflux and I have put a couple of empty pillow case under his bed to elevate his head, it does help some.
Jasper has spent most of his week awake and crying when he is not feeding, I was so tied and fed up last night I fed him formula after a breast fed and spent the next hour trying to stop him crying, he finally feel asleep and slept for 5.5 hours.. yay his next feed I had so much breast milk he slept for another 3.5 hours but has been crying all day. Off to the doc to get some stuff to help him.
And Leo is still pooping with almost every feeding. Poor thing has a diaper rash from pooping so much. I've been using destin, but it hasn't seemed to help yet.

I've only got one more week home with the boys then back to work I go. I'm really nervous about leaving them in daycare. Of course the home daycare is vetted through Maryland, but I'm still not one to instantly trust someone with my babies. I hope I eventually can be comfortable leaving them with her, but I know I'm going to be a worried mess every time I leave them for a while.

Nick has been sick this week with a runny nose. I'm hoping the fact that Leo is on breast milk that it will help him from catching it.
Christie - I can't believe you're back to work so soon. That won't be easy :hugs: I cannot imagine going back now... I'm sure Leo's spitting is nothing to worry about. Fia does the same and she still has the occasional gusher too! Some baby's are just happy spitters, as my book calls them! As long as he is gaining weight and is in good form then I'm sure he's fine!

Two - so sorry to hear Jasper is having a rough time. All that crying can't be easy on either of ye. :hugs: I'm glad you got a good break while he slept. Fx'd the dr has something that'll help...
Two worry he's still spitting. Hopefully the doctor will have something.

Christie I can't believe you're going back already. That's only 5 weeks. Is that all your job gives?
Disability approved me for 8 weeks, but I originally told my work I was only going to take 3 weeks because I thought what I would get paid on disability would be a lot less than what I take home salary-wise. When I found out I would be better off staying on disability I told them I was taking another 2 weeks. They made it seem like it was a big deal that I asked for more time, so I'm a bit afraid of asking for the full 8 weeks.
I thought 8 weeks was the norm for a section and to be honest I thought they HAD to give it to you. My job wouldn't let me back before the 8 weeks even if I asked. If you want the time I say take it. You can always check on things to make sure you're not being taken advantage of. I couldn't imagine going back that soon. I would be nervous too. I'm sure I will be still at 3 months, but it makes me feel better knowing he's a little older.

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