Two, wow, that guy was a complete a**!
It did, the first time it happened, I just went to A&E and said 'I'm miscarrying'. I was wrong! Second time I was sceptical but I didn't have my hopes up and once again baby was ok! I had about 5 different bleeds/spotting/light AFs since I found out I got pregnant and baby is just fine! I listened to bubbas crazy heartbeat yesterday! 173bpm
AFM, I fainted today, AGAIN. I'm suffering from severe MS and I've been off work for weeks and will most likely be off until this goes away, which could be when I give birth

I'm hoping it buggers off soon, anyway, because I can't keep anything down my blood pressure drops really low and well, I pass out. It happens at least twice a day. I hurt my knee really badly

I mean it is BLACK, after it finally stopped bleeding

It hurts like hell.
I also tried to find LO's heart beat on doppler and couldn't. I caught it for a sec then he/she had to move! I'm gonna stick to checking it in the morning only when I have a completely empty stomach & full bladder, my other attempts to find it seem to fail